A violation of the profession’s ethical standards most likely occurred when a cpa in public practice

A. Issues an unqualified opinion on a client's finâncial statements when fees for the prior year audit have not been paid in full.

B. Serves as an honorary member of the board of directors of a charitable organization for which he or she also audits the entity's financial statements.

C. Arranges with a financial institution to collect notes issued by a client in payment of fees due.

D. Compiles the financial statements of a client that employs the CPA's spouse as a bookkeeper.

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inia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Donec aliquet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictu


, ultrices ac magna. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vi

  • School Dalton State College
  • Course Title ACCT 3400
  • Type

    Test Prep

  • Pages 12
  • Ratings 100% (4) 4 out of 4 people found this document helpful

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A violation of the profession’s ethical standards most likely occurred when a CPA in publicpracticea.Expressed an unmodified opinion on the Year 2 financial statements when fees for theYear 1 audit were unpaid.b.Performed corporate finance consulting for an attest client.c.Joined an accounting firm made up of three non-CPA practitioners.d.Has a sister participating in the audit engagement who is a production manager for theclient.

According to the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct, in which of the following circumstancesmay a CPA serve on a company’s board of directors?

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98.33%MCQuiz IId.The CPA does not audit the company and has no other business connection with thecompany.Under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, exactly how many consecutive years may an auditpartner lead an audit for an issuer?

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According to the PCAOB, an accounting firm’s independence is least likely to be impaired if thefirm

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The PCAOBa.Cannot impose monetary penalties.b.May issue injunctions.c.Has a lesser investigatory scope with respect to accountants than the SEC.d.May seek removal of a person from a registered firm.

The Confidential Client Information Rule is violated when a member in public practice

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A violation of the profession’s ethical standards would most likely have occurred when a CPA inpublic practice

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Financial audit, Certified Public Accountant

Which of the following acts by a CPA who is not in public practice is most likely to be a violation of the ethical standards of the profession?

Which of the following acts by a CPA who is not in public practice is most likely to be a violation of the ethical standards of the profession? Using the CPA designation without disclosing employment status in connection with financial statements issued for external use by the CPA's employer.

Which of the following fee arrangements is in violation of the aicpa code of professional conduct?

Which of the following fee arrangements for an audit would constitute a violation of the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct? A fixed fee. A fee that is based on the number of hours spent on the engagement.

Under which of the following circumstances would the independence of a CPA?

Under which of the following circumstances would the independence of a CPA be considered impaired if the CPA, who also is an attorney, serves as auditor and provides legal services to the same client? When the CPA, as legal agent, consummates a business acquisition for the client.

When accountants face an ethical dilemma the first step in resolving the dilemma is to?

Identify the alternatives available to the person who must resolve the dilemma. Students should list the alternatives available to the auditor or accountant. 5.


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