An example of quid pro quo would be using a product and giving concise feedback.

Have you seen “The Minority Report”? There is a scene when Tom Cruise comes into a clothes store. A virtual assistant scans his eye and greets him like a friend:

“Hello, Mr. Yakamoto. Welcome back to the Gap.
How did those assorted tank tops work out for you?”

The customer engagement scene from “The Minority Report” movie.
Image source

Back in 2002, that scene looked futuristic.

In 2022?

It’s the reality (luckily, except for eye scanning.) 

Knowing it or not, Spielberg gave us a vivid example of customer engagement. Following the director, we’ll share 10 of the best strategies to grow your website conversion via enhanced customer communication. 

To save you time, we also prepared a customer engagement strategy template to facilitate your choice of tools and tactics. Grab it here 👇

Plan customer engagement strategy that meets your company goals with Dashly free tempate

Thank you! We’ve sent a template to your inbox

Okay, I think we’re ready. Hold tight, the trip will be fast and intense. Tom Cruise style!

Find out your customer’s journey 

Luckily for all of us, eye scanning is a thing of the distant dystopian future (we’ll try to stay away from conspiracy.) But it doesn’t mean you can’t get data on website visitor activity. In fact, you should get it. 

To build a successful customer engagement strategy, you need to explore the customer’s journey on your website. Visitors behavior tracking will help you understand who you are talking to, what they need, and offer the best solution.

Monitor users:

  • Page visits, exit intents, button clicks, and any field-filling events.
  • Collect all the data in one lead card.
  • Enrich it with data from your CRM and other services.

With this data, you can create personalized automated workflows for your engagement strategy at different stages of the customer journey. 

Dashly lead card with all data about visitors’ behavior on your website. Sign up to collect data about your users.

Greet and assist potential customers 

Start engagement with a warm welcome in a live chat. Segment the audience and set up different triggered messages. 

A reserved “How can we help? We’re here for you 😊” might be enough for newcomers. This way, users will know where to go in case they face a problem. 

For the returned ones like Mr. Yakamoto, it can be more informal and friend-like. Referring to a customer’s previous experience is also a great engagement strategy. It helps pick up the conversation right where you stopped last time.

Segment the audience and send proactive messages at different customer journey stages. It’s one of the best customer engagement strategies! Our customer OpenCRM did it and increased the number of overall conversations by 400%. 

Pro tip: you can also follow the example of the Gap from “The Minority Report” and set up a virtual assistant. In our reality, a chatbot comes in handy for this task. 

Capture leads with a special offer

Make relationships between you and your audience mutually beneficial. It’s the key element of a successful customer engagement strategy. 

Quid pro quo. 

The easiest way to do it is to launch pop-ups on your website. Create a triggered message and offer a helpful guide, product demo, or a 7-day free trial in exchange for the visitor’s email. used this strategy to increase customer engagement on their website. On Black Friday, they offered a 50% discount in exchange for the user’s email.

Thus, they not only increased their lead base but reached out to a bigger number of people.

This pop-up resulted in 2x higher conversion into purchase compared to the same period a year before. 

Customer engagement chatbot example.

Dashly customer KVR, a mobile software developer, chose another strategy. The company launched a chatbot to grab visitors’ emails.

This customer engagement strategy was based on a chatbot. First, it asked visitors qualification questions. At the end of the conversation, it offered visitors to download a relevant PDF. 

All the collected info about leads went to sales agents’ CRM automatically.

Try which strategy works better for your customers. 

Download 13 chatbot campaigns to engage customers
on your website

Thanks! Now check your inbox

Automate user onboarding

If you have a SaaS product, and it’s rather complicated, onboarding is essential for customer engagement. Show users how your service works and help them set it up. There are two main strategies for it.


The first strategy is more interactive and works right on your website. Tell about your company and main features in a couple of short messages via a chatbot. Give some instructions, if necessary.

One of our customers is a CPA network whose work might be quite tricky to figure out without help. So the company chose this strategy and set up an onboarding chatbot that:

  • gives primary information about the company;
  • qualifies users with questions about their experience;
  • tells them about the major advantages of the product.

As a result, user activation sped up by 2.5 times! 


Triggered email campaigns are another great tool for strategic customer engagement. They’re suitable for onboarding in particular. We in Dashly use them all the time. Here’s an example 👇

Tell customers about your product, its functions, and value. Share some useful materials. Don’t forget to give a link back to your website!

Give a hand on the trickiest pages

Nowadays, 88% of customers expect a company to have a self-service. So it has to be in your engagement strategy. Always leave visitors an opportunity to look for answers themselves.

The best strategy for it is to launch an FAQ chatbot. LeadGen App, a company for lead generation, set up a virtual assistant on the “HelpCenter” page to increase engagement and offload support agents. Here’s what it looks like:

FAQ chatbot strategy with the aim to improve LeadGen App customer engagement.

The chatbot quickly resolves simple queries and shares tutorials and videos.

Pro tip: integrate your chatbot with a knowledge base to share articles in a chat widget.

In a month, 41% of users interacted with a chatbot, which is almost twice bigger as the number of people who contacted a human agent in a live chat. This strategy worked even better than LeadGen expected. 

Retain those visitors who intend to leave

Don’t miss a single opportunity to engage customers. Even when they want to leave your website. 

For example, before users leave, remind them about a free trial period to test your product without risk for their money. Another great strategy is to offer them a free demo. Nobody will present your product better than your sales reps. 

You can catch leaving users with pop-ups. Triggered messages can become a very effective tool for your engagement strategy.

Here’s an example of an exit-intent pop-up for your engagement strategy.
By the way, we do offer a free website assessment.

The best strategy here is to remind people of your product’s value and advantages over competitors. What makes you stand out among the others?

Re-engage inactive subscribers

An inactive lead doesn’t mean the game’s over. 

Shoot them a friendly follow-up email with the hottest offer you have. This strategy also works for those who enjoyed your service on a free trial but then quit. Or customers that don’t visit your store for a long time. 

It’s the case of one of our customers, an online platform for Instagram growth. They offered their inactive subscribers a free account audit via email. These re-engaging emails brought them +$1.5k of revenue. 

Reaching out to users via email is one of the most effective customer engagement strategies.

Pro tip: don’t overload users with messages. If they really intend to buy, one or two emails will be enough.

Stay on the radar with push notifications

They’re short. They’re concise. They keep website visitors and app users updated.

An example of app push notifications. Image source
Sign up to launch push notifications for your app.

It’s one more useful piece of your customer engagement strategy. If a website visitor allows sending push notifications, they’ve already made the first step. Now it’s up to you. 

Special offers, sales, important product updates — there are plenty of occasions to remind of yourself and lure customers back to your website. 

Besides, push notifications are available both on desktop and mobile. So make your customer strategy work both at home and on the go. 

Set up omnichannel engagement on socials and messengers

Don’t limit yourself to website engagement. 

Spark interactions in Instagram/Facebook DMs or offer assistance via WhatsApp. All messages will be collected in a single inbox. It allows you to set up seamless omnichannel customer engagement. 

How do such integrations work? Let’s consider the Dashly example:

  1. A user DMs you on Instagram, mentions your account in their story, or reacts to yours. 
  2. This interaction is sent to your inbox as a message.
  3. You reply to it in the same inbox widget.
  4. The user gets your reply in their DM on Instagram.
All messages in one inbox for increased customer engagement across all platforms.

There’s a second strategy: offer a few channels of communication yourself. 

When a person lands on the Dashly website, we engage them with a triggered message in a live chat. After that, they have four options: use the website widget or move to Facebook, Instagram, or WhatsApp. 

Here’s what it looks like 👇

Sign up to Dashly to set up omnichannel customer engagement for your business.

The main point of this strategy is to show customers their comfort and convenience are your top priority. 

Pro tip: if you want to enhance engagement with help of customer engagement platforms, choose one that allows integrations with socials and messengers. This will give you access to a wider audience.

Regular communication is the key

Taking the first step in communication is crucial. But keeping in touch is even more important. Luckily, there’s a wide range of strategies to keep your engagement consistent. Pick the one you like more, or combine them (we opt for the second option.)

Remind of yourself with weekly newsletters

If your product gets regular updates, share them via email campaigns. If you have a blog, here’s another great reason to jump into user’s inbox — share your digest of new materials. 

Dashly subscribers get a fresh email every Thursday morning (or Wednesday evening, depends on your side of the globe).

Emails should be an integral part of your customer engagement strategy. Set it up with Dashly, start with 7 days of free trial.

Offer users to beta test new features or leave feedback

If you have a new, important feature coming, invite users to test it. Being the first one to try something is exciting, isn’t it?

Whether you prepare a big release or not. Nobody knows better what your business is good and bad at as your customers. To automate this process, set up a chatbot.

  1. Launch a new feature (you can also announce it with a chatbot).
  2. Collect the feedback. You can do it with pre-defined answers or opened ones. 
  3. Analyze customer responses to find growth points.

Voila! You got your food for thought, and customers got engaged in the development of their favorite product. 

Sign up to complement your customer engagement strategy with a chatbot.

Pro tip: the website’s not the only place you could find valuable feedback. Check out the comments section on social media. If you develop a SaaS product, be active on services like Capterra and G2. Just don’t take comments too personally ❤️

Recommend relevant goods

While you should work on extending your leads base, never forget about returned customers. According to research, they spend 67% more than new visitors. 

Why not show them such a pop-up?

Here’s a cross-promo pop-up as a part of a user engagement strategy.
Try to build it in Dashly visual builder for free.

When a customer completed their first purchase, encourage them to come back again. So, for example, if a girl purchases hills in an online store, she can find inspiration for her next purchase.  

Finish line

The race is over! Ten strategies and just five instruments to enhance your customer engagement. I think we made Mr. Cruise proud.

Wrapping up, these are major tools that will help you build strong connections with your customers:

  • chatbot;
  • live chat;
  • pop-ups;
  • emails campaigns;
  • push notifications. 

Putting all of them into practice simultaneously might be overwhelming. So start smoothly. Experiment, check which customer engagement ideas work best for your business, and keep improving your strategy. 

And if our race is over, yours is only beginning 😉

FAQ on customer engagement strategies

What is a customer engagement strategy?

We can define customer engagement strategy as growing people’s loyalty to your brand via regular interactions throughout the entire customer journey. 
There are platforms like Dashly that help businesses enhance their engagement strategy and improve customer communication. 

How to increase customer engagement on the website?

There are different strategies for it. You can set up tools like a chatbot or live chat to proactively engage customers in a conversation on the website. Triggered messages like pop-ups and emails can work out too. 
You can also go beyond your website and set up omnichannel customer engagement on your social media and messengers.

Is there some customer engagement plan?

There’s no universal strategy for customer engagement. Your choice of tools and tactics will depend on your customer journey. 
But Dashly experts can help you with making this decision. They’ll analyze your website communication and find growth points. Based on this analysis, you’ll be able to start planning your customer engagement strategy. 
Book expert’s assessment for free. 

What are the simple questions to ask as part of the strategy for generating revenue?

What are the simple questions to ask as part of the strategy for generating revenue? how much revenue can be generated through sales? how much are customers willing to pay? & how many customers does the business need?

What did the Babson College students learn from the flag experiment in class?

What did the Babson College students learn from the flag experiment in class? The flags deterred students from being unproductive and made them engage more in class. A good experiment is a well-planned experiment.

What is the stage in the customer journey where the need is identified?

1) The Awareness Stage The first stage of the customer journey is awareness. In this stage, customers have a problem or a need and are looking for answers. They are just becoming aware of the existence of your company and its products or services.

What important fact did the founders of Blue River Technology find out during the feasibility study?

During the feasibility study, Blue River Technology founders determined their original target market—golf courses—did not think the solution was viable. What problem was the Tea-In-One product able to solve? Using lots of graphs, charts, and images helps the plan to flow better.


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