Consumer innovators are generally characterized by which of the following personality traits?

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What are the four general characteristics that influence consumer?

In general, there are four factors that influence consumer behaviour. These factors impact whether or not your target customer buys your product. They are cultural, social, personal and psychological.

What is personality in consumer behavior?

In consumer studies, personality is defined as consistent responses to environmental stimuli or we can also say patterns of behaviour that are consistent and enduring. An individual's personality helps marketers to describe consumer segments as it provides for orderly and coherently related experiences and behaviour.

Which is most likely a psychographic characteristic of a consumer?

The most popular psychographics are personality traits, lifecycle stage, interests, attitudes or beliefs, and activities. Marketers could also differentiate between groups of consumers based on their buying priorities, social class, and more.

What is social character in consumer behavior?

14. SOCIAL CHARACTER Inner –directed • Consumers who tend to rely on their on their own inner values. More likely to be innovators • Tend to prefer ads that stress product features and benefits Other-directed • Consumers who tend to look to others for direction.


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