Cs0111 c# type already defines a member called with the same parameter types


We have a WPF application which targets .NET Framework version from 2.0 to 4.6. We have used different App and Mainwindow files for .NET Framework version 2.0v-3.5v (App.xaml, MainWindow.xaml) and 4.0-4,6v (App1.xaml, MainWindow1.xaml). Now, we are providing .NET Core support using App1.xaml, MainWindow1.xaml files. While compiling, .NET Core WPF project showing compilation issue but, .NET Framework WPF project compiles properly.

Actual Behavior

The following compilation issue shown in .NET Core WPF project.

error CS0111: Type 'App' already defines a member called 'InitializeComponent' with the same parameter types.

Expected Behavior

.NET Core WPF project should compile and run properly as like .NET Framework WPF project.

Basic Information

  • .NET Core Version: 3.0
  • Windows version: Windows 10
  • Does the bug reproduce also in WPF for .NET Framework 4.8?: No

Reproduction Link
The following sample have two project files.

  1. .NETFramework.csproj - Run properly
  2. .NETCore.csproj - Compilation issue


error CS0111: Type Program already defines a member called Main with the same parameter types c#

Questions : error CS0111: Type Program already defines a member called Main with the same parameter types c#

2022-08-01T19:03:30+00:00 2022-08-01T19:03:30+00:00


enter image description here when i run me anycodings_c# code this eroor show up error CS0111: Type anycodings_c# 'Program' already defines a member called anycodings_c# 'Main' with the same parameter types

Total Answers 1


Answers 1 : of error CS0111: Type Program already defines a member called Main with the same parameter types c#

The error is for tempCodeRunnerFile.cs. anycodings_visual-studio-code It must have Main. Program.cs already anycodings_visual-studio-code does. And they both seem to be in same anycodings_visual-studio-code project. It would make sense. I get anycodings_visual-studio-code error even in VS 2019 if two files have anycodings_visual-studio-code Main() in the same project.

Based on update by OP Please remove One anycodings_visual-studio-code of the Main or include only one file in anycodings_visual-studio-code csproj.


2022-08-01T19:03:30+00:00 2022-08-01T19:03:30+00:00Answer Link


enter image description here when i run me code this eroor show up error CS0111: Type 'Program' already defines a member called 'Main' with the same parameter types

asked Jul 3, 2021 at 9:24


The error is for tempCodeRunnerFile.cs. It must have Main. Program.cs already does. And they both seem to be in same project. It would make sense. I get error even in VS 2019 if two files have Main() in the same project.

Based on update by OP Please remove One of the Main or include only one file in csproj.

answered Jul 3, 2021 at 10:59


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C# Compiler Error

Type ‘class’ already defines a member called ‘member’ with the same parameter types

Reason for the Error

You will receive this error when you declare more than one method/function with the same name and parameter types.

For example, the below code snippet demonstrates the C# compiler error CS0111.

public class DeveloperPublish { void Function1() { } void Function1() { } public static void Main() { } }

Error CS0111 Type ‘DeveloperPublish’ already defines a member called ‘Function1’ with the same parameter types ConsoleApp1 C:\Users\Senthil\source\repos\ConsoleApp1\ConsoleApp1\Program.cs 4 Active

C# Error CS0111 – Type ‘class’ already defines a member called ‘member’ with the same parameter types


To fix the above error, rename the function or apply the concept of function overloading.


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