Examples of preparing customers for service encounters include all of the following EXCEPT

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    Restaurants are often quite theatrical in their use of physical evidence such as furnishing, décor, uniforms, lighting, and table settings).

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    What three questions does Mary Jo Bitner suggest managers should put their firms' SSTs to the test with?

  • Q24:

    IBM employs the term ____________ to describe the deconstruction or unbundling) of a company's activities and subsequent reconstruction into ____________ as opposed to a value chain) in which value is created by businesses and their suppliers, buyers, and partners by combining and enhancing the component services collectively provided by participants. A)conglomerating; value portfolios B)componentization; value nets C)delimiting; servicescapes D)delimiting; service portfolios E)conglomerating; service portfolios

  • Q25:

    Discuss the potential company benefits, potential customer benefits, and challenges and limitations of the bundled service approach to managing the service delivery process.

  • Q27:

    Which of the following is NOT one of the six steps that can help smooth the path of customer change? A)Develop customer trust. B)Understand customers' habits and expectations C)Teach customers to use innovations while limiting trial. D)Pretest new procedures and equipment. E)Publicize the benefits.

  • Q28:

    What are the acts that "restaurant drama" can be divided into?

  • Q29:

    Banks ensure eye contact by requiring tellers to record ____________ on a checklist at the start of a transaction. A)the customer's eye color B)the customer's bank account number C)the customer's shirt size D)the customer's account type E)the customer's nationality

  • Q30:

    List the nine components of a service blueprint.

  • Q31:

    A good example of a service poka-yoke is a surgeon whose surgical instrument trays have indentations for each instrument.


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Services Marketing test #2 Brenton

Which of the following would be classified under generality in intangibility? An Airline Seat
Service environments, also called _______ relate to the style and apperance of the physical surroundings and other experiential elements encountered by customers at service delivery sites. Servicescapes
The _____ complex a(n) _____ process becomes, the more powerful is its potential impact on _____. more; cognitive; affect
Market analysis addresses all of the following factors EXCEPT _____. Government regulations
Which of the following is NOT one of the dimensions of the service environment? Location
Which of the following is NOT one of the four steps in managing customers as partial employees? Maintain a list of prospective customer "resumes"
Examples of preparing customers for service encounters include: Sending reminders of dental appointments, billing customers for services rendered, printing dress code requests on invitations, and printing guidelines on customer cards.
Which of the following is NOT one of the four basic focus strategies? Competitor focused
If a service environment is inherently _____, one should avoid increasing _____ levels, as this would move customers into the "distressed" region of Russell's model. Unpleasant; arousal
_____ and _____ represent important ways to add value to a product. Information; consultation
The line of _____ divides front-stage activities from backstage activities. Visibility
Franchisors usually seek to exercise control over all aspects of the service performance through tightly defined _____. Service standards, scripts, physical presentations, and procedures.
Service blueprints _____, and how these are supported by backstage activities and systems. Clarify the interactions between customers and employees.
What three interrelates elements does distribution embrace in a typical sales cycle? Information and promotion flow, negotiation flow, and product flow.
Which of the following is NOT one of the four problems for marketers seeking to promote a service's benefits? distribution
Which of the following is NOT a key component of a service blueprint? Line of transference
In environmental psychology the typical outcome variable is ______ or _____ of an environment. approach; avoidance
An example of a core service, whose physical distribution is severely restricted is _____. Club Med
Which of the following is the best example of a determinant characteristic for airline travel? ???
Which of the following is one of the five categories of "flow" that the Internet facilitates? Negotiation
In _____ services, where much of the firm's expertise is hidden, firms may need to illustrate equipment, procedures, and employee activities that are taking place _____. low-contact; front-stage
The 2 dimensions of Russell's model of affect are _____ and _____. Pleasure; arousal
The first step in developing a service blueprint is _____. To identify all key activities involved in creating and delivering the service.
_____, refers to an explicit form of positioning strategy that is based upon offering several price-based classes of service concept, each based on packaging a distince level of service performance across many attributes. Service Tiering
_____ outside peak demand periods poses a serious problem for service industries with _____, like hotels. Low demand; high fixed costs
Service process redesign efforts typically focus on achieving all EXCEPT which of the following? Increased profitability
The same individuals may set different priorities for attributes according to all EXCEPT which of the following? The cost of service
Which of the following in NOT listed as a factor in favoring adoption of transnational strategies? Language drivers
Which of the following is NOT a communication task for which marketers use the Internet? Reducing service demand through electronic tracking
Which of the following is NOT a common educational and promotional objective in service settings? Encourage trial of competiting products
Which of the following is an ambient condition? music
Sum anticipated annual values (future profits) Suitably discounted each year into the future Net Present Value
Projected Annual Revenues (annual fee + sales + service fees + value of referrals)
Projected Annual Costs (account management + cost of sales + write-offs)
Acquisition Revenues (application fee + initial purchase)
Acquisition Costs (marketing + credit check + account set up)
% of Customers Influenced by other Customers Value of referrals
Form of marketing developed from direct response marketing campaigns conducted in the 1970s and 1980s which emphasizes customer retention and satisfaction, rather than a dominant focus on point-of-sale transactions. Relationship Marketing
provides support to "front office" business processes, e.g. to sales, marketing and service staff. Interactions with customers are generally stored in customers' contact histories, and staff can retrieve customer information as necessary. Operational CRM
makes heavy use of data mining and other techniques to produce useful results for decision-making. Analytical CRM
is similar to Analytical CRM, but is intended as a more direct sales tool. Sales Intelligence CRM
combines elements of Operational and Analytical CRM Campaign Management
ultimate goal is to use information collected by all departments to improve the quality of services provided by the company Collaborative CRM
Bucket Theory of Marketing Argument for Constant Customer Relationship Development
“Right customers” are not always Highest Spenders
Levels of Customers Platinum Gold Iron Lead
Action for Lead Customer Measure size and share-of-wallet If share-of-wallet is low, specific up and cross-selling If size of wallet is small, strict cost control
Action for Gold Customer Aim to achieve transactional satisfaction, not attitudinal loyalty Milk the accounts as long as they are active Key challenge: cease investment once inflection point is reached
Action for Platinum Customer Consistent intermittently spaced communication Achieve attitudinal and behavioral loyalty Invest to nurture/defend/retain
High CLV, Low Relationship Commitment Gold Customer
Low Satisfaction, Low Retention Terrorist
Apostle High Satisfaction, High Retention
In the Zone of Indifference but High Retention Near Apostle
Social Bonds Based on personal relationships between providers and customers
Customized service for loyal customers Customized Bonds
Structural Bonds Stimulate loyalty through structural relationships between provider and customer Joint investments in projects and sharing of information, processes and equipment
Airlines—SMS check-in, SMS e-mail alerts for flight arrival and departure times Structural Bonds
Each usage involves payment to service supplier by an essentially "anonymous" consumer Discrete Transaction
Monitor activity in individual customer accounts to predict impending customer switching Proactive detention efforts—send voucher, customer service representative calls customer Churn Alert System
Sales leads, cross-sell, and up-sell opportunities can be effectively identified and processed Entire sales cycle from lead generation to close of sales and after- sales service can be tracked and facilitated through CRM system Sales Force Automation
Customers need to participate in CRM to reap value from firm’s CRM initiatives Dual Creation of Value
Customer data such as contact details, demographics, purchasing history, service preferences, and the like Data Collection
Data captured is analyzed and categorized – Used to tier customer base and tailor service delivery accordingly. Data Analysis
Mining of customer data enables the firm to target its market – Goal to achieve one-to-one marketing and cost savings, often in the context of loyalty and retention programs – Results in increasing the ROI on its marketing expenditure Marketing Automation
Call center staff have customer information at their fingertips & can improve their service levels to all customers Caller ID and account numbers allow call centers to id the customer tier the caller belongs to, and to tailor the service accordingly Call Center Automation
Provider Gap 2 Service Design and Standards Gap
A technique for simultaneously depicting the service process, points of customer contact, and evidence of service from the customer's point of view Service Blueprinting
Service Blueprint can be used by HR Management, Operations Management, System Technology
Service Standards should be designed around Customer Expectations
% of Customers Satisfied is a ______ ______ SOFT MEASURE
Hard Standards and Measures Things that can be counted, timed, or observed through audits (time, numbers of events)
Opinion-based measures that cannot be observed and must be collected by talking to customers (perceptions, beliefs) Soft Standards and Measures
Specific Concrete Requirements are _______ & _______ Reinforcible and Measurable
Includes EVERYTHING in the Service Environment Servicescape
Symbolic cues to communicate the distinctive nature and quality of the service experience Message-Creating Medium
Make servicescape stand out from competition and attract customers from target segments Attention-Creating Medium
Use colors, textures, sounds, scents and spatial design to enhance desired service experience Affect-Creating Medium
Servicescapes form a core part of the ______ ______ Value Proposition
Direct, subjective, depending on how much individual likes or dislikes environment Pleasure
How stimulated individual feels, depends largely on information rate or load of an environment Arousal
________ amplifies the basic effect of pleasure AROUSAL
Play a vital role in maintaining and nurturing a corporate culture Help ensure service delivery, working relationships, employee trust, respect, and loyalty Internal Marketing
_______ are the Service! Employees
Interactive Marketing= The ACTUAL Service Encounter
External Marketing= ACTUAL Marketing Efforts
Domino's: 30 minutes or its free! is an example of: Traditional Marketing Communication
Service Encounter Reliability, responsiveness, empathy, assurance, tangibles, recovery, flexibility
Employee Satisfaction in the Service Profit Chain is EXTERNAL
Service Value in the Service Profit Chain produces CUSTOMER SATISFACTION
Organizations must instill “________________” in front line staff Professionalism
Dilemma whether to follow company rules or to satisfy customer demands Organization v. Client
Organization v. Client is Especially Prominent in Firms that are not _________ _________ Customer Oriented
simulate emotions they don’t actually feel Surface Acting
psych themselves into experiencing desired emotion, perhaps by imagining how customer is feeling Deep Acting
Employee Satisfaction= Customer Satisfaction
Paying Min. Wage can Result in added cost due to (2) Loss of Expertise & Constant Expense of Hiring & Training new workers
Cycle of Mediocrity MOVIE EXAMPLE Office Space
In the Cycle of Mediocrity, Job responsibilities _________ and unimaginatively defined NARROWLY
Cycle of Mediocrity: Successful performance measured by absence of ____________ MISTAKES
Worst Type of Employee High Motivation, Low Ability
Highest Form of Employee Involvement Profit Sharing/Stock Options

What is an example of service encounter?

What are service encounters? Service encounters are transactional interactions in which one person (e.g., a vendor, office clerk, travel agent) provides a service or good (e.g., a product, an appointment, airline tickets) to another person.

What are the three 3 key players involved in a service encounter that shape the outcome of any encounter?

Within perceived service quality there are three dimensions: (1) outcome quality, (2) interaction quality, and (3) environmental quality. Each of the components need to be perceived as reliable, responsive, and empathetic.

What are the elements of service encounters?

A service encounter involves not only the customer and service employees, but also other customers, the service delivery system and physical evidence. service employee, is given forms to fill out, or is in contact with the service provider during the service performance.

Which of the following is a type of service encounters?

There are three general types of service encounters – remote encounters, phone encounters, and face-to-face encounters. A customer may experience any of these types of service encounters, or a combination of all three in his/her relations with a service firm.


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