How do you cite education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world?

Nelson Mandela has rightly said that 'Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.' Yes, education is the key to eliminate all problems. If you want to grow and be sucessful then you need to be educated!

Education is an essential need!

Education provides you the tools to improve the quality of life in modern society both economically and sociologically. Education is power and no one can ever deny this fact. Education has the power to change your entire life. Starting from promoting gender equality to reducing poverty, it is one gesture in which you receive information and give systematic instructions in return.

So in order to be successful, you need education.

How does education change you?

Learning is a never-ending process, every human being keeps on learning till the end of life. Learning modifies your thinking capabilities and conception. Thus, your ideas keep changing due to it. You break the pre-conceived barriers with changing mindsets. This change helps you to interact with others. You feel free to express your ideas and this is how education changes you.

How does education change society?

Society is made of up different kinds of people and the mindset of each of them differs a lot. An educated one can guide to the right path in a better manner, he/she can come up with a variety of ideas which may be related to political participation, social equality or environmental sustainability. So it is pretty much clear that the power of knowledge can help you walk in the right path, take the right decision and can help you in bringing the change that you always wanted.

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Education helps you solve problems

Every problem comes with a solution but sometimes problem-solving can be difficult and tedious. An educated person will always try to find the answer to the questions 'what?', 'why?' and 'how?'. This very attitude will help him/her solve problems.

Education helps you fight poverty

Poverty and education are very much related to each other because people living in poverty may stop going to school so they can work, which leaves them without literacy and numeracy skills, which anyhow effects their careers. Hence, education increases individual earnings and put an end to your lifelong sufferings.

Education gives you courage to speak against injustice

The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any said Alice Walker.

Educated people know what is right and what is wrong. So if something is going wrong anywhere, then an educated person has the courage to raise voice against the injustice. Truly educated people will not refuse to stand up against injustice.

Even Union HRD Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal 'Nishank' in the 57th convocation of IIT said that education is a 'weapon' which can transform the lives of students, their families and society.

Hence it is rightly said that education can change people, communities, entire nations, and even the future of humanity.

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“Education is the foundation upon which we build our future.” ― Christine Gregoire

Education is a way by which children learn to make a difference between good and bad things. You would understand everything by observing at the beginning and its development.

The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. That is why it is said that education is the most powerful weapon which can change the way one think and understand.

“Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.”
― Martin Luther King, Jr.

Lead Life with Education as it’s the Key to Get Success in Future

Education gives us knowledge of the world around us. You can change the world into something better. It helps to build opinions and make a different point of view on things in life.

Having a good education is essential to one’s success in life. Without good education, you will find it hard to achieve success in life. It makes you able to think for yourself and for others.

Let’s Build Up Your Future

Learning is the product of the activity of learner. Proper education will develop your inner qualities. Sometimes, the roots of education become bitter, but the fruit is always sweet.

The aim of education is knowledge, not facts but of values.

“Education is the best friend. An educated person is respected everywhere. Education beats the beauty and the youth.”
― Chanakya

If you are educated, it makes easy for you to achieve your goals. It is true that an educated person gets respect everywhere. A good education can sharpen the mind of a person.

For a child, it might be difficult to go to school at first. He does not know the importance of education in his life. But in his growing age, with little understanding, he will be able to see the difference in him.

How Education Prove to be a Powerful Weapon that can Change The World

Education is the most powerful weapon in the world which can change everything. Education is not only about past or present, but it is also the key to the future.

With mere knowledge on anything, you cannot go ahead and change the world. You must have knowledge and understanding of the scenario, then only you can work on it.

“Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom.”
― George Washington Carver

An uneducated person is like an animal that can see everything, but cannot do anything for a change. You might face difficulties in life without proper knowledge. Knowledge can be acquired with a better education.

Are You Ready To Step Ahead to Bring a Change in the World?

Do you want to bring change to the world? Education is the most powerful weapon that you can use to make the right changes in the world. It is the key to get success in the future with proper knowledge and guidance.

“The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows.”
― Sydney J. Harris

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Hetal Kabra

Staying positive is what makes you feel good. When such positiveness can be enthralled via Writings, you can inspire many people. I believe in spreading happiness and positivity and this is why through this platform I am able to share my thoughts and views to the readers.


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Who said that education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world?

As Nelson Mandela says, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

How do you reference Nelson Mandela quotes?

Citation Data.
MLA. Mandela, Nelson, 1918-2013. Nelson Mandela : the Struggle Is My Life : His Speeches and Writings Brought Together with Historical Documents and Accounts of Mandela in Prison by Fellow-Prisoners. ... .
APA. Mandela, Nelson, 1918-2013. ( 1990). ... .
Chicago. Mandela, Nelson, 1918-2013..

Who said the only weapon capable of transforming the world is Education?

Education is one of the most powerful weapons -- it can change people, communities, entire nations and the future of humanity. Nelson Mandela has rightly said that 'Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

Why do you think Education is a powerful tool which you can use to change the world?

Education provides you the tools to improve the quality of life in modern society both economically and sociologically. Education is power and no one can ever deny this fact. It enables us to make the right choices in life and to perform our duties properly. It ennobles our mind and refines our sensibility.


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