How do you fix make is not recognized as an internal or external command operable program or batch file?

This is an old question, but none of the anycodings_windows answers here provide enough context for anycodings_windows a beginner to choose which one to pick.

What is make?

make is a traditional Unix utility which anycodings_windows reads a Makefile to decide what programs anycodings_windows to run to reach a particular goal. anycodings_windows Typically, that goal is to build a piece anycodings_windows of software from a set of source files anycodings_windows and libraries; but make is general anycodings_windows enough to be used for various other anycodings_windows tasks, too, like assembling a PDF from a anycodings_windows collection of TeX source files, or anycodings_windows retrieving the newest versions of each anycodings_windows of a list of web pages.

Besides encapsulating the steps to reach anycodings_windows an individual target, make reduces anycodings_windows processing time by avoiding to anycodings_windows re-execute steps which are already anycodings_windows complete. It does this by comparing time anycodings_windows stamps between dependencies; if A anycodings_windows depends on B but A already exists and is anycodings_windows newer than B, there is no need to make anycodings_windows A. Of course, in order for this to work anycodings_windows properly, the Makefile needs to document anycodings_windows all such dependencies.

A: B commands to produce A from B

Notice that the indentation needs to anycodings_windows consist of a literal tab character. This anycodings_windows is a common beginner mistake.

Common Versions of make

The original make was rather pedestrian. anycodings_windows Its lineage continues to this day into anycodings_windows BSD make, from which nmake is derived. anycodings_windows Roughly speaking, this version provides anycodings_windows the make functionality defined by POSIX, anycodings_windows with a few minor enhancements and anycodings_windows variations.

GNU make, by contrast, significantly anycodings_windows extends the formalism, to the point anycodings_windows where a GNU Makefile is unlikely to work anycodings_windows with other versions (or occasionally anycodings_windows even older versions of GNU make). There anycodings_windows is a convention to call such files anycodings_windows GNUmakefile instead of Makefile, but anycodings_windows this convention is widely ignored, anycodings_windows especially on platforms like Linux where anycodings_windows GNU make is the de facto standard make.

Telltale signs that a Makefile uses GNU anycodings_windows make conventions are the use of := anycodings_windows instead of = for variable assignments anycodings_windows (though this is not exclusively a GNU anycodings_windows feature) and a plethora of functions anycodings_windows like $(shell ...), $(foreach ...), anycodings_windows $(patsubst ...) etc.

So Which Do I Need?

Well, it really depends on what you are anycodings_windows hoping to accomplish.

If the software you are hoping to build anycodings_windows has a vcproj file or similar, you anycodings_windows probably want to use that instead, and anycodings_windows not try to use make at all.

In the general case, MinGW make is a anycodings_windows Windows port of GNU make for Windows, It anycodings_windows should generally cope with any Makefile anycodings_windows you throw at it.

If you know the software was written to anycodings_windows use nmake and you already have it anycodings_windows installed, or it is easy for you to anycodings_windows obtain, maybe go with that.

You should understand that if the anycodings_windows software was not written for, or anycodings_windows explicitly ported to, Windows, it is anycodings_windows unlikely to compile without significant anycodings_windows modifications. In this scenario, getting anycodings_windows make to run is the least of your anycodings_windows problems, and you will need a good anycodings_windows understanding of the differences between anycodings_windows the original platform and Windows to anycodings_windows have a chance of pulling it off anycodings_windows yourself.

In some more detail, if the Makefile anycodings_windows contains Unix commands like grep or curl anycodings_windows or yacc then your system needs to have anycodings_windows those commands installed, too. But quite anycodings_windows apart from that, C or C++ (or more anycodings_windows generally, source code in any language) anycodings_windows which was written for a different anycodings_windows platform might simply not work - at all, anycodings_windows or as expected (which is often worse) - anycodings_windows on Windows.

How do you fix next is not recognized as an internal or external command?

About the Unrecognized Command npm run dev > dev > next dev 'next' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. Good news, the solution is actually just to install the Next. js npm package.

How do I run a Makefile in Windows?

First step: download mingw32-make.exe from mingw installer, or please check mingw/bin folder first whether mingw32-make.exe exists or not, else than install it, rename it to make.exe . After renaming it to make.exe , just go and run this command in the directory where makefile is located.

Why is not recognized as an internal or external command?

The “not recognized as internal command” error usually occurs because the computer cannot find the executable file it is trying to start. However, you can provide the full path to your executable and then it should run without any problem. Launch a Command Prompt window on your PC.

Is not recognized as an internal or external command operable program or batch file node?

Two of the main reasons due to which you can encounter the above-mentioned error are: Node. js is not installed on your system. Environment variables are incorrectly set.


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