How is an operating system that runs on computers provided by a variety of manufacturers classified?

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Terms in this set (90)

You have just written a new app to intercept documents from the operating system that are to be printed and place them in the queue. What is this app called?

print spooler

What can you use if the computer cannot start from its boot disk?

recovery media

NUIs are implemented in a variety of ways: touch screens, gesture recognition, speech recognition, and virtual reality.


Which of the following terms refer to an operation that the processor manages, one example of which is sending data to the printer as shown in the accompanying figure?


With which of the following do users interact with menus and visual images such as icons, buttons, and other objects to issue commands?

graphical user interface (GUI)

As you interact with a program, part of it may be in physical RAM, while the rest of the program is on the hard disk as virtual memory.


How is an operating system that runs on computers provided by a variety of manufacturers classified?


When connected to a network, an operating system on the network may assume some of the operating system functions on the client computer or mobile devices.


Which of the following is a multitasking operating system developed in the early 1970s by scientists at Bell Laboratories?


Microsoft has continually updated its Windows operating system, incorporating new features and functions with each subsequent version.


In the Mac OS GUI, the status bar contains icons used to run applications, display minimized windows, and access documents.


As illustrated in the accompanying figure, which of the following processes sends documents to a buffer instead of sending them immediately to the printer?


What happens when the computer is thrashing?

The operating system spends too much of its time paging, instead of executing application software.

A device-dependent program runs on computers provided by a variety of manufacturers


What is the core of an operating system that manages memory and devices, maintains the internal clock, starts programs, and assigns the computer's resources?

the kernel

You are using a Linux-based operating system designed by Google to work primarily with web apps. What is it called?

Chrome OS

Where may an operating system reside in a mobile device?


The latest version of the Macintosh operating system is a multitasking operating system available only for computers manufactured by Apple. What is the name for this version?

Mac OS X

Linux is a kind of software whose code is provided for use, modification, and redistribution. What kind of software is this?

open source

What is an error in a program called?


Command-line interfaces like the one in the accompanying figure give a user less control to manage detailed settings.


What browser is included with Windows?

Internet Explorer

Operating systems rarely provide a means to establish Internet connections.


With which of the following are users who shut down their computer or mobile device regularly least likely to be concerned?

natural user interfacing

Apple's Macintosh operating system has earned a reputation for ease of use and has been the model for most of the new GUIs developed for non-Macintosh systems.


Which of the following is NOT a desktop operating system?

google android

What does the hibernate mode option do?

saves any open documents and programs to a hard drive before removing power from the computer or device

In an interface like the one shown in the accompanying figure, a user types commands or presses special keys on the keyboard (such as function keys or key combinations) to enter data and instructions. What is the term for this kind of interface?

command line interface

With virtual memory, which is illustrated in the accompanying figure, when an operating system spends much of its time paging, instead of executing application software, it is said to be thrashing.


you are looking for a product developed by Microsoft to enable your organization to manage applications and websites either onsite or on the cloud. Which product will you use?

windows server

Some operating-system connections to the Internet are configured automatically as soon as you connect to the Internet.


Embedded computers and some mobile devices often use which of the following kinds of operating system?

single user/single tasking

Networks, servers, mainframes, and supercomputers allow hundreds to thousands of users to connect at the same time, and thus their operating systems are referred to as which of the following?


Which of the following kinds of operating systems allow only one user to run one program or app at a time?

single user/single tasking

When you run an app in Windows, it appears in an on-screen work area app. What is this called?


Which of the following is a private combination of characters associated with a user name that allows access to certain computer resources?


You have been developing an embedded operating system for a new product at your company, but a colleague of yours has been referring to it by another name. What is that name?


You are running the latest version of Windows but you require an app that runs only in a previous version of Windows. Which of the following can you use to solve this problem?

virtual machine

Which of the following is a vendor of antivirus software?


What term is sometimes used to describe a computer that runs a Windows operating system?


Which of the following is unlikely to be tested during the startup process?

application files

You have a hardware problem and want to detect and check connected hardware devices. Which of the following are you most likely recommended to use?

cold boot

Which of the following are shortcuts to an app or other content in Windows?


Which of the following kinds of software consists of the programs that control or maintain the operations of a computer and its devices?


what is the first step in the startup process of a computer?

The power supply or battery sends an electrical current to circuitry in the computer or mobile device.

In the Mac OS GUI, the status bar contains icons used to run applications, display minimized windows, and access documents


Because virtual memory is faster than RAM, users may notice the computer speeding up while it uses virtual memory.


You are using a technology to enable two devices to share contacts when they touch. What is the name for this technology?


What is the term for using a set of conditions to measure the performance of hardware in your network?


What can you use to identify a problem with resources so that you can try to resolve any problems?

a performance monitor

To set up a virtual machine, you need software that can set up a virtual machine, as well as installation media for the operating system you wish to install in the virtual machine.


Some parts of the operating system are resident; that is, these instructions remain on the hard disk until they are needed.


An application you own will run on a new version of your operating system. What is the term for this kind of application?

upward compatible

You want to remove a program from your computer. What do you use?


Which of the following is NOT a name of an Android release?


A cold boot is generally faster than a warm boot.


The nexus is the core of an operating system that manages memory and devices.


What does the booting process do?

starts or restarts the computer

If you are using an Apple computer you may encounter instances in which you need to run apps in the Windows operating system.


In Windows, the status bar consists of tabs, groups, and commands that provide access to tasks.


if a computer is running extremely slowly, the performance monitor may determine that the computer's memory is being used to its maximum.


Regardless of the size of the computer, most operating systems provide similar functions.


Client operating systems can operate with or without a network.


Where do multiple documents line up in a printer?


As you interact with a program, part of it may be in physical RAM, while the rest of the program is on the hard disk as virtual memory.


Which of the following means the operating system automatically configures new devices as users install them?

plug and play

The start-up process is very different for large and small computers.


Users are always aware when their computer or mobile device is corrupted.


You want to purchase a server operating system for your small business. Which of the following is NOT an example of an operating system you can purchase?

apple iOS

The kernel remains in memory while the computer is running. In this way, the kernel is said to be which of the following?

memory resident

What is virtual memory?

a portion of the hard disk designated to function as additional RAM

Which of the following do software makers provide to users who have registered and/or activated their software?

service pack

Which of the following is the process of starting or restarting a computer or mobile device?


Which of the following is NOT a wireless Internet connection?


Which of the following statements is not true about device drivers?

Devices on a computer can share drivers

Users are always aware when their computer or mobile device is corrupted


In the Mac OS GUI, you can drag scrollers to display more window content.


Like other operating systems, Linux is proprietary software.


What is the purpose of memory management?

to optimize the use of RAM

Which of the following statements is not true about user interfaces?

Most computers today use a command-line interface.

Which of the following includes and profits from installing trial versions of antivirus software on their computers?


In addition to being a desktop operating system, UNIX also is a server operating system


When you purchase a computer, it may include recovery media in the form of a CD.


Quickly pressing the power button on a laptop may place the computer in sleep mode.


If a new device, such as a printer or scanner, is attached to a computer, its driver must be installed before the device can be used.


You want to clear the memory on your mobile device. Which of the following is sufficient?

warm boot

What is the definition of nonresident in terms of parts of the operating system?

instructions that remain on a storage medium until they are needed

Which of the following statements is not true about operating systems designed to work with a server on a network?

Client computers cannot function unless they are connected to the network because they cannot access an operating system.

An operating system cannot run from an external drive.


What is the core of an operating system that manages memory and devices, maintains the internal clock, starts programs, and assigns the computer's resources?

the kernel

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Consider a program in which data on clients is to be stored in sorted order. The common operations are addition and deletion of clients as well as printing the list of clients from front to back. Which is the most appropriate data structure for storing the client data? (A) An array, (B) A singly linked linked list, (C) A doubly linked linked list, (D) A stack, (E) A queue.

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What is the most common classification of operating system?

The three most common operating systems for personal computers are Microsoft Windows, macOS, and Linux.

What are the classifications of the operating system?

Types of operating systems.
Batch operating systems. The batch operating system does not have a direct link with the computer. ... .
Time-sharing or multitasking operating systems. ... .
Distributed operating systems. ... .
Network operating systems. ... .
Real-time operating systems. ... .
Mobile operating systems. ... .
Microsoft Windows. ... .
Apple iOS..

What is operating system explain its classification and services?

An Operating System manages the communication between user and device drivers. I/O operation means read or write operation with any file or any specific I/O device. Operating system provides the access to the required I/O device when required.

What are the 3 categories of operating systems?

In this unit, we will focus on the following three types of operating systems namely, stand-alone, network and embedded operating systems.


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