If product demand is relatively elastic and the price is decreased, total revenue will

Price inelasticity is very beneficial for businesses and is important in understanding how they should formulate their pricing strategy. Price inelasticity offers firms greater flexibility with prices as the change in demand remains essentially the same whether prices increase or decrease. If the price goes up or down, you can expect consumers’ buying habits to stay mostly unchanged.

How Price Inelasticity Affects Demand

For price inelastic goods or services, the change in the amount demanded is minimal with respect to the change in price.

This can affect demand and total revenue for a business in two ways.

Less Overall Revenue

If the price for an inelastic good is lowered, the demand for that good does not increase, resulting in less overall revenue due to the lower price and no change in demand. This would indicate that the firm should not reduce the price of its goods as there is no beneficial outcome in doing so.

More Overall Revenue

On the other hand, if the price for an inelastic good is increased and the demand does not change, the total revenue increases due to the higher price and static quantity demanded. However, price increases typically do lead to a small decrease in quantity demanded.

This means that firms that deal in inelastic goods or services can increase prices, selling a little less but making higher revenues. Therefore, businesses that deal in goods that are price inelastic are better equipped for profit maximization and are better protected against economic downturns.

Price inelasticity shows that customers—and by extension, demand—are more tolerant to price changes. Therefore, firms that deal in inelastic goods or services can transfer the extra cost of production to their customers without adversely affecting the demand. As a result, price inelasticity offers better flexibility at setting up or establishing pricing strategies.

When Does Price Inelasticity Typically Happen?

The main factors that determine demand are price, price of substitutes, income, taste, and expectations of future price changes. Other minor factors do come into play, such as brand loyalty.

Price inelasticity usually occurs with products that have fewer close substitutes, which means fewer options for customers. Such goods tend to be necessities that people can't do without and therefore their needs stay the same. Examples of inelastic goods include basic food, gasoline, important medicine, such as insulin, and habitual goods, such as tobacco products.

To enhance pricing flexibility and profit maximization, firms can strive to create or deal in more customized or distinctive goods or services where there are few close substitutes as sophisticated brands possess greater inelasticity. Though luxury items are typically price-elastic, many companies that sell distinct luxury goods that are unique might experience some inelasticity.

An example would be Apple's iPhone. Slight increases in the price would not adversely affect the demand for the phone. On the other hand, firms that deal in more ordinary products typically need to reduce prices and sell at competitive rates to gain an edge over competing brands.

What Is Price Elasticity of Demand?

Price elasticity of demand is a measurement of the change in the consumption of a product in relation to a change in its price. Expressed mathematically, it is:

Price Elasticity of Demand = Percentage Change in Quantity Demanded ÷ Percentage Change in Price

Economists use price elasticity to understand how supply and demand for a product change when its price changes. Like demand, supply also has an elasticity, known as price elasticity of supply. Price elasticity of supply refers to the relationship between change in supply and change in price. It’s calculated by dividing the percentage change in quantity supplied by the percentage change in price. Together, the two elasticities combine to determine what goods are produced at what prices.

Key Takeaways

  • Price elasticity of demand is a measurement of the change in consumption of a product in relation to a change in its price.
  • A good is perfectly elastic if the price elasticity is infinite (if demand changes substantially even with minimal price change).
  • If price elasticity is greater than 1, the good is elastic; if less than 1, it is inelastic.
  • If a good’s price elasticity is 0 (no amount of price change produces a change in demand), it is perfectly inelastic.
  • If price elasticity is exactly 1 (price change leads to an equal percentage change in demand), it is known as unitary elasticity.
  • The availability of a substitute for a product affects its elasticity. If there are no good substitutes and the product is necessary, demand won’t change when the price goes up, making it inelastic.

What Is Elasticity?

Understanding Price Elasticity of Demand

Economists have found that the prices of some goods are very inelastic. That is, a reduction in price does not increase demand much, and an increase in price does not hurt demand, either. For example, gasoline has little price elasticity of demand. Drivers will continue to buy as much as they have to, as will airlines, the trucking industry, and nearly every other buyer.

Other goods are much more elastic, so price changes for these goods cause substantial changes in their demand or their supply.

Not surprisingly, this concept is of great interest to marketing professionals. It could even be said that their purpose is to create inelastic demand for the products that they market. They achieve that by identifying a meaningful difference in their products from any others that are available.

If the quantity demanded of a product changes greatly in response to changes in its price, it is elastic. That is, the demand point for the product is stretched far from its prior point. If the quantity purchased shows a small change after a change in its price, it is inelastic. The quantity didn’t stretch much from its prior point. 

Factors That Affect Price Elasticity of Demand

Availability of Substitutes

The more easily a shopper can substitute one product for another, the more the price will fall. For example, in a world in which people like coffee and tea equally, if the price of coffee goes up, people will have no problem switching to tea, and the demand for coffee will fall. This is because coffee and tea are considered good substitutes for each other.


The more discretionary a purchase is, the more its quantity of demand will fall in response to price increases. That is, the product demand has greater elasticity.

Say you are considering buying a new washing machine, but the current one still works; it’s just old and outdated. If the price of a new washing machine goes up, you’re likely to forgo that immediate purchase and wait until prices go down or the current machine breaks down.

The less discretionary a product is, the less its quantity demanded will fall. Inelastic examples include luxury items that people buy for their brand names. Addictive products are quite inelastic, as are required add-on products, such as inkjet printer cartridges.

One thing all these products have in common is that they lack good substitutes. If you really want an Apple iPad, then a Kindle Fire won’t do. Addicts are not dissuaded by higher prices, and only HP ink will work in HP printers (unless you disable HP cartridge protection).

Duration of Price Change

The length of time that the price change lasts also matters. Demand response to price fluctuations is different for a one-day sale than for a price change that lasts for a season or a year.

Clarity of time sensitivity is vital to understanding the price elasticity of demand and for comparing it with different products. Consumers may accept a seasonal price fluctuation rather than change their habits.

Types of Price Elasticity of Demand

Price elasticity of demand can be categorized according to the number calculated by dividing the percentage change in quantity demanded by the percentage change in price. These categories include the following:

Types of Price Elasticity of Demand
If the percentage change in quantity demanded divided by the percentage change in price equals: It is known as: Which means:
Infinity Perfectly elastic Changes in price result in demand declining to zero
Greater than 1 Elastic Changes in price yield a significant change in demand
1 Unitary Changes in price yield equivalent (percentage) changes in demand
Less than 1 Inelastic Changes in price yield an insignificant change in demand
0 Perfectly inelastic Changes in price yield no change in demand

Data: Khan Academy

Example of Price Elasticity of Demand

As a rule of thumb, if the quantity of a product demanded or purchased changes more than the price changes, then the product is considered to be elastic (for example, the price goes up by 5%, but the demand falls by 10%).

If the change in quantity purchased is the same as the price change (say, 10% ÷ 10% = 1), then the product is said to have unit (or unitary) price elasticity.

Finally, if the quantity purchased changes less than the price (say, -5% demanded for a +10% change in price), then the product is deemed inelastic.

To calculate the elasticity of demand, consider this example: Suppose that the price of apples falls by 6% from $1.99 a bushel to $1.87 a bushel. In response, grocery shoppers increase their apple purchases by 20%. The elasticity of apples is thus: 0.20 ÷ 0.06 = 3.33. The demand for apples is quite elastic.

What is price elasticity of demand?

Price elasticity of demand is the ratio of the percentage change in quantity demanded of a product to the percentage change in price. Economists employ it to understand how supply and demand change when a product’s price changes.

What makes a product elastic?

If a price change for a product causes a substantial change in either its supply or its demand, it is considered elastic. Generally, it means that there are acceptable substitutes for the product. Examples would be cookies, luxury automobiles, and coffee.

What makes a product inelastic?

If a price change for a product doesn’t lead to much, if any, change in its supply or demand, it is considered inelastic. Generally, it means that the product is considered to be a necessity or a luxury item for addictive constituents. Examples would be gasoline, milk, and iPhones.

What is the importance of price elasticity of demand?

Knowing the price elasticity of demand of a good allows someone selling that good to make informed decisions about pricing strategies. This metric provides sellers with information about consumer pricing sensitivity. It is also key for makers of goods to determine manufacturing plans, as well as for governments to assess how to impose taxes on goods.

What will happen to total revenue if price decreases?

A price increase will therefore increase total revenue while a price decrease will decrease total revenue. Finally, when the percentage change in quantity demanded is equal to the percentage change in price, demand is said to be unit elastic. In this case, a price increase or decrease does not change total revenue.

When the demand for a product is relatively price elastic and price is total revenue will?

An increase in price when a product is relatively price elastic will not result in an increase in total revenue. It will result in a decrease in total revenue because the percentage change in quantity demanded will exceed the percentage change in price due to consumer sensitivity to higher prices.

What happens to total revenue when price decreases and demand is inelastic?

If the price for an inelastic good is lowered, the demand for that good does not increase, resulting in less overall revenue due to the lower price and no change in demand. This would indicate that the firm should not reduce the price of its goods as there is no beneficial outcome in doing so.

What is price elasticity If decrease in price results in a decline in total revenue?

If an increase in price causes a decrease in total revenue, then demand can be said to be elastic, since the increase in price has a large impact on quantity demanded. Different commodities may have different elasticities depending on whether people need them (necessities) or want them (accessories).


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