In cultures with high gender egalitarianism, professional jobs and leadership roles are available

First, differences in national cultures are typically far greater than those of gender within societies.

Second, women tend to be more relationship-oriented in individualist and collectivist societies.

Third, there is significant overlap between men and women within societies.

This suggests women and men may have general tendencies, but you can easily find many exceptions on an individual level.

What is characteristic of egalitarian cultures?

Egalitarianism is a trend of thought in political philosophy. An egalitarian favors equality of some sort: People should get the same, or be treated the same, or be treated as equals, in some respect.

What is a characteristic of high cultural intelligence quizlet?

Cultural intelligence (CI) is a measure of your ability to work with and adapt to members of other cultures. The ability to approach cross-cultural work relationships with a learner mind-set is a characteristic of high cultural intelligence.

What is a characteristic of high cultural intelligence?

People with high cultural intelligence are attuned to the values, beliefs and styles of communication of people from different cultures. They use this knowledge to help them relate to others with empathy and understanding. Unlike IQ, cultural intelligence is not something that can be quantified by a score.

Which situation is most likely to occur in egalitarian culture?

Which is most likely to happen in an egalitarian culture? The company will award stock to employees so they can share in the ownership. Which of the following is a feature of hierarchical cultures? Leaders expect employees to comply with their decisions because of their authority.


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