In the blood and 0.9% NaCl solution what happened to the cells since there seems to be no change

Answer Sheet for Practice Question

1.    Put the following numbers into scientific notation:
        23.56 (2.356 X 101)
        4,634 (4.634 X 103)
        0.000235 (2.35 X 10-4)
        1, 012, 456 (1.012456 X 106)
        0.0000002 (2 X 10-7)

2.    40 cc = 0.04 liters
        5 inches = 12.5 cm
        3.63mm = 3630 um
3.    Put these measurements in correct order, from shortest to longest:
        3 cm - 3     2 inches -    2 nm - 1         56 angstroms - 2

4.    Of the following solutions, which would you give intravenously to a dehydrated patient?
         100 % water         0.5 - 0.9% NaCl         10 % dextrose

    0.5 - 0.9% NaCl - an isotonic solution won�t damage blood cells or tissues, and a slightly
    hypotonic solution will drive water into tissues, which is where you want it to go in a
    dehydrated patient

5.    What is the total magnification of a microscope using a 45X objective (ocular
        magnification = 10X)? 450X
6.    How many grams of NaCl do you need to make:
        500 mls of 0.9 % NaCl solution?
            (0.9 g/100 mls) X 500 mls = 4.5 g
        250 mls of 300 mosm NaCl solution? (MW NaCl = 58.44 g)
            (58.44 g/ 1 M x 1L) x 0.15 M x 0.25 L = 2.19 g
        500 mls of 250 mM NaCl solution?
            (58.44 g/ 1 M x 1 L) x 0.25 M x 0.5 L = 7.3 g

7.    How many grams of KCl do you need to make:
         1.5 liters of 150 mosm KCl? (MW KCl = 74.55 g)
            (74.55 g/ 1 M x 1 L) x 0.75 M x 1.5 L = 83.87 g

8.    How many grams of dextrose do you need to make 22 mls of 15 % dextrose solution?
        (15 g/ 100 mls) x 22 mls = 3.3 g

9.    What is the osmolarity of body fluids? This value of osmolarity is roughly equivalent to
        what % concentration of NaCl? 290-300 mosm; 0.9% NaCl
10.    Use the table below to answer the following questions: Weight of Bag                 time 0                 15 min                 30 min                 45 min
bag 1         23 g                     21.9 g                 21 g                     20.8 g
bag 2         19 g                     19.5 g                 19.3 g                 19.2 g
bag 3         20 g                     17 g                     16.8 g                 16.6 g

    A.    Is bag 1 hypotonic, isotonic or hypertonic to the fluid in the beaker?

    B.    Why does the rate of weight gain/loss decrease as the experiment progresses?
            Process of osmosis is reaching equilibrium
    C.    Which bag is isotonic to the fluid in the beaker? Bag 2

 11.    If you put 10% NaCl solution on red blood cells, what happens to the cells? Why?
        They shrink - cells are hypotonic to the 10% NaCl solution, so water moves from the
        cells into the solution

12.    Which of the following bones are part of the axial skeleton, and which are part of the
        appendicular skeleton?
    Hyoid-Ax     rib-Ax     sacrum-Ax     ischium-App     mandible-Ax     tibia-App

13.    What bone or bones make up the following structures:
        bony part of nose: nasal, ethmoid, vomer, maxilla

        wall of the orbits: lacrimal, ethmoid, sphenoid, maxilla, frontal, zygomatic, palatine

        temples: temporal, parietal, sphenoid, frontal

        cheek bones: zygomatic, temporal

        jaw: mandible only

        forehead: frontal

14.     Fill in the following table:
Cranial Nerves(see h/o for more details)
Number         Name         Function         Foramen                 How to Assess Function
                                        (S,M, B)
1                 olfactory         S                     cribiform plate                     smell
2                 optic               S                     optic foramen                     visual tests
3                 oculomotor     M                     superior orbital                 pupils, eyelids, most eye
                                                                  fissure                             movements
4                 trochlear         M                     superior orbital                 lateral eye movement
5                 trigeminal         B                   superior orbital                 mastication; touch to nose,
                                                                fissure; foramen               mouth, eyes, around eyes
                                                                rotundum and ovale
6                 abducens         M                 superior orbital fissure         lateral eye movement
7                 facial                 B                 internal acoustic meatus     taste; facial
                                                                stylomastoid foramen         expression
8                 auditory             S                 internal acoustic meatus    hearing, balance
9             glossopharyngeal B                 jugular foramen                 swallowing, phonation
                                                                                                            taste, touch in pharynx
10             vagus                  B                 jugular foramen                 swallowing, phonation
                                                                                                        sensation, motor to viscera
11         spinal accessory     M                 jugular foramen                 shoulder muscles
12         hypoglossal             M                 hypoglossal canal             tongue movements

15. Fill in the table below:
Sensory Systems
Sense Receptor         Cranial nerve/spinal cord                     Cortical area/lobe

vision                             rods/cones optic nerve                             occipital
hearing                         hair cells vestibulocochlear nerve             temporal
balance                         hair cells vestibulocochlear nerve             temporal
smell                             neurons olfactory nerve                             olfactory bulbs
taste                             chemoreceptors VI, IX, X                             end of postcentral
touch                             Meissners dorsal columns                     postcentral
pressure                     Pacinian spinothalamic                         postcentral gyrus
temperature               Ruffini, Krause spinothalamic                 postcentral gyrus
pain                            free nerve endings spinothalamic         postcentral gyrus

16.    Name one synergist and one antagonist muscle for each of the following:
                                Synergist                         Antagonist

Biceps brachii            brachialis                    Triceps brachii
Vastus lateralis       rectus femoris                 hamstrings
                                 Vastus medialis
                                and intermedius
Temporalis             masseter                          digastric, mylohyoid
external intercostal diaphragm                         internal intercostal
gastrocnemius        soleus                              tibialis anterior
biceps femoris         other muscles of             quadriceps group

 17.    Identify the cranial nerve(s) that might be damaged give the following

        A.    Weakness of shoulder muscles on right side right spinal accessory
        B.    Drooping of eyelid on left side; patient is unable to move left eye
                upward left oculomotor

        C.    Lack of sensation around lower jaw on right side, and lack of facial
                expression on right side right trigeminal and facial

18. Name a function (or something that is associated with) the following structures:

A.    Corpora quadrigemina visual and auditory reflexes; mesencephalon
B.    pineal gland circadian rhythms; diencephalon

C.    dorsal root ganglion contains cell bodies of sensory neurons in spinal

D.    cranial nerve VIII vestibulocochlear nerve - hearing and balance

E.    cochlea organ in inner ear, lined with hair cells, distinguishes sound
        frequencies (hearing)

F.    semicircular canals in 3 dimensions, senses movement of head/body
        in the 3 directions - dynamic equilibrium

G.    corpus callosum white fiber tract connecting the 2 cerebral

H.    pons large fiber tract in mesencephalon, contains ascending and
        descending pathways
I.    cerebellum metencephalon; controls balance, posture, precision of

J.    Broca�s area (also, where is it?) left frontal lobe - speech

K.    Wernicke�s area (also, where is it?) left temporal lobe - speech
L.    cornea clear extension of sclera that covers, protects front of eyeball
M.    iris pigmented muscle tissue, expands, contracts depending on light
N.    pyramids myelencephalon - fiber tracts (descending corticospinal
O.    arachnoid granulations CSF goes from ventricles into venous
        circulation through the arachnoid granulations
P.     subarachnoid space under arachnoid mater; where blood vessels are
        located, where CSF circulates

Q.     cranial nerve X vagus - sensory and motor to thoracic and abdominal
        viscera; swallowing and talking; sensation behind ear

What happens when blood cells are placed in 0.9% NaCl solution?

NaCl is isotonic to the red blood cell at a concentration of 154 mM. This corresponds with NaCl 0.9%. The red blood cell has its normal volume in isotonic NaCl. Erythrocytes remain intact in NaCl 0.9%, resulting in an opaque suspension.

What is the effect of 0.9 saline on the cells?

The impact of 0.9% NaCl on mesothelial cells is manifested in destabilized tissue regeneration, which supposedly initiates adhesion formation.

What is happening to a cell if there seems to be no change?

What is happening to the cell since there seems to be no change? since the solution is isotonic there is no net movement of water.

What effect does NaCl have on red blood cells?

The effects of hypertonic NaCl. The red blood cells, therefore, lose their normal biconcave shape and shrink or crenate.


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