In the context of a union representation election, which of the following statements is true?

    a.The larger the number of employees in a bargaining unit, the higher the likelihood that the union will win.

    b.Supervisors cannot be included in bargaining units for unionization purposes, except in industries covered by the Railway Labor Act.

    c.The Railway Labor Act places certain restrictions on the activities of the unions and management before an election.

    d.A union should gain at least 70 percent of the votes to be named as the representative of all the employees in an organization.

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    What is a representation election union?

    The purpose of a representation election is to allow employees to determine via secret ballot which employee organization, if any, shall be certified to represent them in their employment relations with the employer.

    What role does the NLRB play in a representation election quizlet?

    Once a representation election is scheduled, an NLRB rule requires employers to give the union a list of names, addresses, and available personal email addresses, phone numbers of the employees eligible to vote in the election.

    What happens after a union is voted in?

    After a union is certified, it usually requests that representatives from the union and the employer meet in order to negotiate a contract covering wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment.

    How do you find the union representation?

    A union can collect enough authorization cards from you and your coworkers. It will need to collect cards from over 50% of the designated group of employees (called a bargaining unit) to automatically become your collective bargaining representative. It can also happen by a vote.


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