In which ways is photosynthesis important to life on earth? check all that apply.

Updated September 30, 2021

By Kelby

Reviewed by: Sylvie Tremblay, M.Sc. Molecular Biology and Genetics

​Photosynthesis​ is the conversion of light energy (solar energy) into chemical energy. It is the primary process for life on Earth. With the exception of hydrothermal vent communities found deep on the ocean floor, all living things on the planet rely on photosynthesis to provide their energy. This energy can be consumed directly (think of plants, algae and some bacteria) or indirectly (by consuming organisms which have performed photosynthesis). Whether a lion eats a zebra, fungus grows on rotting wood, or a cat eats a bird that ate a spider that ate a fly, all of the energy originally came from the sun and through photosynthesis.

Humans are reliant on photosynthesis to produce the food that we eat, as a source of energy to create heat, light and electricity and for many of the materials that we make and use in our everyday lives.

How Photosynthesis Works

All living organisms that photosynthesize contain chlorophyll. ​Chlorophyll​ is an enzyme that allows water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2) to be recombined into sugars (C6H12O6) and oxygen (O2). These sugars are then used to fuel cellular processes and allow for the growth and reproduction of an organism.

How Do Plants Affect Humans

The importance of photosynthesis to man cannot be understated. Humans would not exist without photosynthesis and we continue to rely upon it for survival. All civilizations in human history were created using energy sourced from photosynthesis.

When the process of photosynthesis is seriously impeded - either from extensive deforestation, drought or crop disease - this can lead to famine and societal collapse. These issues have been associated with the fall of empires and civilizations, including the Mayans in Central America, the Khmer in Southeast Asia and the Akkadians in the Middle East. The Irish potato famine is another famous example of the societal effects of reduced photosynthetic production.

Food Production

So why is photosynthesis important to life on Earth? Humans are totally reliant on photosynthesis for the production of food, and we depend on photosynthesis to produce almost all the food products we consume. The fruits and vegetables in our diets directly depend on the photosynthesis process for life, and the animals we consume (in the form of meat, eggs, milk, and so on) depend on plants for their survival.

Energy Production

Although their use causes serious environmental issues, modern society would not exist without the extensive utilization of fossil fuels such as petroleum, coal and natural gas. These fuels are comprised of the fossilized remains of plants and bacteria which have accumulated over millions of years. The combustion of these fuels allows humans to access the energy stored during this process and to develop technological advances such as electricity, steam power and the refining of raw materials.

Plants can also be used directly to provide energy in the form of light and heat through the burning of firewood and other materials. This energy has been used throughout human history for cooking, heating and light, and the use of fire for hunting is a key element in the evolutionary history of humans.

Material Production

Photosynthesis is the original source for many of the raw materials and energy used in construction, development and everyday products. Common examples include the timber used in construction, craftmanship and paper-based products. Less obvious are materials such as plastics, which come from refined fossil fuels, and plant-derived products like varnishes, latex and cosmetics.

Additionally, all refined materials, including cement, metals and plastics, require the input of energy. When this energy comes from fossil fuels or biomass, photosynthesis is ultimately responsible for the production of that fuel.

Oxygen Production

The waste product of photosynthesis is oxygen, which all aerobic creatures (including humans) rely on for survival. While tropical forests are viewed as ‘the lungs of the planet,’ the majority of oxygen is produced by blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) in the world’s oceans.

Oxygen did not originally exist in the Earth’s atmosphere, and was at one point actually toxic to life. Over millions of years, cyanobacteria created so much oxygen that the composition of the atmosphere began to change, which then led to the development of complex, multicellular life that could tolerate oxygen within their systems. If photosynthesis were to cease, the atmosphere would lose oxygen and it would become impossible for humans and other life to survive.

Other Benefits of Photosynthesis

Plants and vegetation communities also offer additional services while undertaking photosynthesis that are less obvious to the casual observer. Plants and vegetation use large amounts of water while photosynthesizing, which helps to clean contaminants from the soil and also reduces the incidence of flooding.

Sugars produced during photosynthesis also travel to the roots, where they are then exuded into the soil. These sugars help fuel bacteria and fungi in the soil, which create a diverse soil ecosystem that offers many benefits to soil health.

In what ways is photosynthesis important to life on Earth?

Photosynthesis sustains life on Earth today by releasing oxygen into the atmosphere and providing energy for food chains. The rise of oxygen-producing photosynthesis allowed the evolution of complex life forms like animals and land plants around 2.4 billion years ago.

What are the 3 importance of photosynthesis?

Importance of photosynthesis Photosynthesis convert radiant or solar energy into chemical energy. Productivity of agricultural crops directly depends upon the rate of photosynthesis. It provides oxygen in atmosphere for all living organisms. It maintains the balanced level of oxygen and carbon dioxide ecosystem.

What are the 5 needs of photosynthesis?

There is more to growing than just the basics of sunlight and water. In fact, there are five important factors in determining how well your plants or crops will do: sunlight, carbon dioxide, water, soil organisms, and nutrients.

What are 2 reasons that photosynthesis is important for humans?

Humans depend on photosynthesis to make the food they consume, as a source of energy to produce heat, light, and electricity, on a daily basis. Additionally, autotrophs are producers in almost all food chains, therefore this mechanism is essential for humans as well.


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