____ involves adapting logical thinking to the practical constraints of real-life situations.

Related Questions

  • Q96:

    Is emerging adulthood a universal period of human development? Why or why not?

  • Q97:

    Which of the following demographics has the highest rate of alcohol use? A) late teens who are enrolled in high school B) late teens who are not enrolled in high school C) young adults who are enrolled in college D) young adults who are not enrolled in college

  • Q98:

    Keith is meeting his friends at the lake for a camping trip.He bought a case of beer but only plans to drink half of it on Friday night and the other half on Saturday night.By the end of Friday night,to Keith's surprise he only drank seven beers,all of which occurred after dinner while sitting by the campfire.From this scenario,Keith's drinking behavior is best described as ____. A) binge drinking B) social drinking C) alcoholism D) irresponsible drinking

  • Q99:

    Looking back on the days when you first started driving,what aspects,if any,of a graduated driver licensing program (GDL)would have made you a better/safer driver? Explain.

  • Q100:

    Although emerging adulthood is a very healthy time of life for most,there are certainly a number of factors that can undermine health and safety.Drawing upon research,describe at least one of the risk factors.

  • Q102:

    Peng and Nisbett (1999)proposed that Chinese culture traditionally advocates an approach to knowledge that strives to reconcile contradictions and combine opposing perspectives by seeking a middle ground.What type of thinking is this? A) Pragmatic thought B) dialectical thought C) formal operational thought D) concrete thought

  • Q103:

    According to Piaget,formal operations are fully attained and cognitive maturation is complete by ____. A) at least age 12 B) at least age 20 C) at least age 30 D) at least age 40

  • Q104:

    According to Basseches,what type of thinking develops in emerging adulthood that involves a growing awareness that problems often have no clear solution and two opposing strategies or points of view may each have some merit? A) pragmatic thought B) dialectical thought C) formal operational thought D) concrete thought

  • Q105:

    According to Gisela Labouvie-Vief,adolescents and many young adults are confined to formal operations and do not possess postformal operational thought because they ____. A) are often limited by their egocentrism and concrete-operational thoughts B) often lack the ability to coordinate their sensory modalities with motor skills C) often exaggerate the extent to which logical thinking can be applied to real-life situations D) are often cognitively unaware of how personal fables and an imaginary audience affects egocentric thought

  • Q106:

    When presented with the following story,according to Labouvie-Vief,how would an adolescent who is in formal operations respond? "Jim was a heavy drinker,especially at parties.His wife had warned him that if he came home drunk one more time,she would leave him and take the children.Sometime later he went to an office party and came home drunk.What did his wife do?" A) "She said she would leave if he came home drunk once more; he came home drunk, therefore she will leave." B) "Did he apologize and beg her not to leave? Did she really mean it when she said she would leave him?" C) "Does she have some place to go? Has she considered the possible effects on the children?" D) "Does she really want him to leave? Because if he does, is she really going to start the separation or divorce process? It was most likely just a threat."

What is dialectical thinking quizlet?

Dialectical thinking involves the constant integration of beliefs and experiences with all the contradictions and inconsistencies of daily life. Thesis. A proposition or statement of belief; the first stage of the processor dialectical thinking.

What percentage of Americans move back into their parents home at least once during emerging adulthood quizlet?

40% of emerging adults move back home at least once. Tend to move out again after 1 year.

What is the main reason it takes much longer to complete an undergraduate degree now compared to a few decades ago?

What is the main reason why it takes much longer to complete an undergraduate degree now compared to a few decades ago? Financial concerns require that students also work, which increases the time to complete the degree.


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