Is the active process of selecting organizing and interpreting people objects Events situations and activities?

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What is Communication? processess by which meaning is exhanged between individuals through a system of symbols, signs, or behavior
Transactional Model look at notes
Interpersonal Need Theory why we get into, stay in, and get out of relationships. inclution, control and affection
What is interpersonal communication? a selective, systemic, ongoing process in which unique individuals interact to reflect and build personal knowledge and to create meanings
I-it communication impersonal communication in which people are treated as objects or as instrumental to our purposes
I-you communication communication midway between impersonal and interpersonal communication, in which the other is acknowledged as a human being but not fully engaged as a unique individual
I-thou communication fully interpersonal communication in which people acknowledge and deal with each other as unique individuals who meet fully in dialogue
3 principles of interpersonal needs our tendency to create and sustain relationships depends on how well they meet these three basic needs: affection-the desire to give and recieve love and liking, inclusion-the desire to be social and to be included in groups, and control-the desire to influence the people and events in our lives
self-fufilling phrophecy acting in a way that embiodies our internalization of others' expectation or judegment about us
identity script a guide to action based on rules for living and identity. initally communicated in families, scripts define our roles, how we are to play them, and basic elements in the plots of our lives
attachement styles patterns of caregiving that teach s who we and others are and how to approach relationships
secure attachment style the most positive. it developes when the caregiver responds in a consistently attentive and loving way to the child, so the child develps a postive sence of self worth
what is perception? the active process of selecting, organizing, and interpreting people, objects, events, situations, and activities
what are the three processes that perception consists of? explain them selecting, organizing, and interpreting. they are continuous and interactive
four types of organization prototypes, personal constructs, sterotypes, scripts
what influences perception the process which is selection, organization, and interpretation, so protoypes, sterotypes, personal constructs,
language is... ambiguous, arbitrary, and abstract
principles of verbal and nonverbal communication-similarites and differences similar: its symoblic, its rule guided, it may be intentional or nonintentional, and it reflects culture. differences: one makes sounds the is everything but sounds
language defines meanin in our lives, expression to identites, relationships, and activites. it is power and can change personal, interpersonal, professional, social, and political spheres of life
what is nonvverbal communication? all aspects of communication other than words themselves. inflection, pauses, tone, volume, accent
types of nonverbal communication kinesics, haptics, physical appearance, artifacts, proxemics, chronemics, paralanguage, silence
kinesics body position and body motions, including those of the face
haptics the sense of touch and what it means. nonverbal communication
physical apperance huge influence in western culture, we always notice how others look, looks can give an upper hand if they are good
artifacts a personal object we use to announce our identity and personalize our enviornment
proxemics an aspect of nonverbal communication that includes space and our uses of it
chronemics the aspect of nonverbal communication that involves our perceptions and use of time to define identites and interaction
paralanguage vocal communication that does not use words
silence can illustrate contentment, awkwardness, respect and thoughtfulness, anger, healing to babies,
difference between hearing and listening the physisioloical result of sound waves hitting our eardrums. unlike lisenin, hearing is a passive process. VS a complex preocess that consists of being mindful, hearing, selecting, and organizing information, interpreting communication, responding and remembering
obstacles to effecitve listening internal: proccupation, prejudement, lack of effort, reacting to emotionally loaded language, failure to adapt listening styles, external: noise, message overload, message complexity
forms of listening non-listening: pseudolistening, monopolizing, selective listening, defensive listening, ambushing, literal listening. listening: for pleasure, for information, to support others,
emotional intellegence the ability to recognize which feelings are appropriate in which situations and the skill to communicate those fellings effectively
what is emotions our experience and interpretation of internal sensations as they are shaped by physiology, perceptions, language, and social experiences
influences on emotions physiological, perceptual, social,
guidelines for communication emotions effectively identify your emotions, choose how to express emotions, own your feelings, monitor your self-talk, adopt a rational-emotive approach to feelings, respond sensitively when others communicate emotions
Johari's window developed in 1969 by joseph luft and harry ingham, a model of the different sorts of knowledge that affect self-development
social exchange theory cost/benefit: the theory that people apply economic principles to evaluate thier relationships in term s of costs and benefits and that people are satisfied only in relaionships in which benefits outweigh costs
social penetration theory onion-shreck-layers
7 basic rules of communication pg 108
arbitrary random or not constrained by necessity. symbols are arbitrary becuase there is no nessary reason for a particular symbol to stand for a particular referent
abstract removed from concrete reality. symbols are abstract becuase they are inferences and generalizations abstracted from a total reality
ambiguous subject to multiple meanings. symbols are ambiguous becuase their meanings vary from person to person, context to context and so forth
content vs relational meaning the content of, or denotative information in, communication. content-level meanings are literal V.S. ?
self-disclosure the act of revealing personal information about ourselves that others are unlikely to discover in other ways. ex: teachers brother is autistic and his siblings. i wouldnt know that upon seeing her
uncertainty reduction seek information to reduce uncertainty
look at handout for chap 2 and 3 done
emotions-shaped by a
listening-obsticles external: message overload, message complexity, noise, Internal obsticles: preoccupation, prejudement, lack of effort, failure to adapt listening styles, reacting to emotionally loaded language
downer a person who communicates negatively about us and reflects a negative appraisal of our self-worth
communication rules (from group presentation) aa
Maslow's Hierarchy of needs pyramid from top to bottom: self actualization, diverse society, self-esteem, belonging, safty/protection, physical
upper a person who communicates positively about us and reflects a positive appraisal of our self-worth
look at group power points done
look at handouts done
look at group questions done
fearful attachment style is cultivated when the caregiver in the first bond communicates in negative, rejecting, or even abusive ways to the child. so the child thinks it is unworthy of love
dismissive attachment style also promoted by caregivers who are disinterested in, rejecting of, or abusive toward children. yet people who develop this style do not accept the caregivers view of them as unlovavle. they typically dismisss others as unworthy, so children develp a positive view of themselfves and a low regard for others
anxious/ambivalent attachment style most complex, is fostered by inconsistent treatment from caregiver, sometimes the person who cares for a chiold is loving and attentive and other times is indifferent and rejecting. behavior is unpredictable. gives child anxiety and come to beleive the caregiver is always right
identity construction also includes... race, sexual orientation, gender, socioeconomic class, social comparison, ego boundaraies, uppers and downers, along w/ the attachmetn styles and others


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Is a three phase process of selecting organizing and interpreting information?

Perception is the process of selecting, organizing, and interpreting information from our senses.

What is a way of organizing and interpreting the world?

Perception is the process of organizing and interpreting this information, enabling recognition of meaningful events. Sensation and perception are actually parts of one continuous process.

How you interpret a situation or the meaning you assign to a situation?

We assign meaning by interpreting what we have noticed and organized. Interpretation is the subjective process of explaining our perceptions in ways that make sense to us. To interpret the meaning of another's actions, we construct explanations, or attributions for them.

What is prototype in interpersonal communication?

Prototypes. -Prototypes: A "model" of something, a best example. We classify people by the category we think best represents them. (Ex: Romantic relationship-> Caring, trust, honesty, respect; OR general: Teachers, Parents, Coworkers)


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