Is the process of selecting, organizing, storing, and retrieving information about the environment

  • School Florida International University
  • Course Title MAN 4151
  • Type

    Test Prep

  • Pages 37
  • Ratings 100% (10) 10 out of 10 people found this document helpful

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95.(p. 272)Bounded rationality says we are likely to do all of these except:A.pick the alternative that maximizes value.B.evaluate each alternative as soon as we think of it.C.use distorted and inaccurate information during the evaluation process.D.satisfice.E.boil the problem down to something that is easily understood.Bounded rationality says we are likely to evaluate each alternative as soon as we think of it,use distorted and inaccurate information during the evaluation process, satisfice, and, boil theproblem down to something that is easily understood. To be a rational decision maker weshould pick the alternative that maximizes value.8-21

Chapter 08 - Learning and Decision Making96.(p. 273)_____ can be very useful because they help us to make sense of the environmentaround us, but they can often become distorted versions of reality.

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97.(p. 273)The tendency for people to see their environment only as it affects them and as it isconsistent with their expectations is called:

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98.(p. 273)The belief that others think, feel, and act the same way as you do refers to:

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Chapter 08 - Learning and Decision Making99.(p. 273)All the following statements about projection bias are true holds that people identify themselves by the groups to which they belong and perceiveand judge others by their group memberships.B.people project their own thoughts, attitudes, and motives onto other causes problems in decision making because it limits our ability to develop appropriatecriteria for a decision and evaluate decisions causes people to assume that everyone's criteria will be just like theirs and that everyonewill react to the decision just as they is the belief that others think, feel, and act the same way they do.All the following statements about projection bias are true. People project their own thoughts,attitudes, and motives onto other people. It causes problems in decision making because itlimits our ability to develop appropriate criteria for a decision and evaluate decisions

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  • School York University
  • Course Title ORGS 1000
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  • Pages 6

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Chapter 8: Learning and Decision MakingLearningreflects relatively permanent change in an employee’s knowledge or skill (andbehaviour)Decision makingrefers to the process of generating and choosing from a set of alternatives tosolve a problem.The more knowledge and skills employees possess, the more likely they are to makeaccurate and sound decisions.What is Expertise?

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Two Types of KnowledgeExplicit knowledgeis the kind of information you are likely to think about when you picturesomeone sitting down at a desk to learn.Relatively easily communicatedWe acquire this in university classesTacit knowledgeis what employees can typically learn only through experience.Up to90%of the knowledge contained in organizations occurs in tacit formMethods of LearningExplicit and tacit learning are important to both employees and the organizationHow do employees learn these types of knowledge?Reinforcement (rewards and punishments)ObservationGoal Orientation (predispositions)ReinforcementBasic idea here is that we have a tendency to repeat behaviours that result in consequences welike….and not exhibit behaviours that results in consequences we don’t like.Operant ConditioningOperant conditioningsays that we learn by observing the link between our voluntary behaviourand the consequences that follow it.Four Contingencies of ReinforcementTwo contingencies used toincreasedesired behaviours:Positive reinforcementoccurs when a wanted outcome follows a behaviour.Most common type of reinforcementIncreased pay, promotionNegative reinforcementoccurs when an unwanted outcome is removed or avoidedfollowing a behaviourPerform a task to avoid getting yelled outTwo contingencies used todecreaseundesired behaviours:Punishmentoccurs when an unwanted outcome follows a behaviour.Suspension; firing; disciplined in front of coworkers

Extinctionoccurs when there is the removal of a wanted outcome following a behaviour.Stop laughing at off-color jokesGood performance that used to receive verbal praise, is now ignored (or noresponse) by supervisorsReinforcement SchedulesIn addition to the four reinforcement contingencies, the timing of reinforcement has been found tobe quite important.Continuous reinforcementis the simplest schedule of reinforcement and happens when aspecific consequence follows each and every occurrence of a certain behaviour. Forpractical reasons, this type of schedule is impractical in work settings.

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90, FAE, 1 273, 55 8 billion

Is the process of selecting organizing storing and retrieving information?

Perception: process of selecting, organizing, storing, and retrieving information about the environment.

Which of the following is a characteristic of tacit knowledge?

Tacit knowledge can be described as experiences, ideas, and skills that an individual has but cannot be expressed. It is intuitive and hence very difficult to articulate in a tangible form. Sometimes people know certain things, but they are not aware of it.

Which of the following is the first step in the behavior modeling process?

Attention is the first step involved in the modeling of behavior. Before a behavior can be replicated, one must pay attention to the behavior. Retention is the next step that ensues in the process of learning behavior.

Which of these occurs when an unwanted outcome follows an unwanted behavior?

The answer is "C", punishment occurs when an unwanted outcome follows an unwanted behavior.


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