It can be helpful to perform a(n) ____________ exam on an infant so that he feels less threatened.

Which choice includes the components of a complete pediatric history?
a. Statistical information, client profile, health history, family history, review of systems, lifestyle and life patterns
b. Vital signs, chief complaint, and list of previous problems
c. Chief complaint, including body location, quality, quantity, timeframe, and alleviating and aggravating factors
d. Pertinent developmental and family information


A Listening is an essential component of the communication process. By practicing active listening skills, nurses can be effective listeners. Listening is a component of verbal communication.
B Individuals have different comfort zones for physical distance. The nurse should be aware of these differences and move cautiously when meeting new children and families.
C It is important to create a supportive and friendly environment for children including the use of child-sized furniture, posters, developmentally appropriate toys, and art displayed at a child's eye level.
D Touch can convey warmth, comfort, reassurance, security, caring, and support. In infancy, messages of security and comfort are conveyed when they are being held. Toddlers and preschoolers find it soothing and comforting to be held and rocked. School-aged children and adolescents appreciate receiving a hug or pat on the back (with permission).


A Erik Erikson viewed development as a series of conflicts affected by social and cultural factors. Each conflict must be resolved for the child to progress emotionally, with unsuccessful resolution leaving the child emotionally disabled.
B Sigmund Freud proposed a psychosexual theory of development. He proposed that certain parts of the body assume psychological significance as foci of sexual energy. The foci shift as the individual moves through the different stages (oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital) of development.
C Lawrence Kohlberg described moral development as having three levels (preconventional, conventional, and postconventional). His theory closely parallels Piaget's.
D Jean Piaget's cognitive theory interprets how children learn and think and how this thinking progresses and differs from adult thinking. Stages of his theory include sensorimotor, preoperations, concrete operations, and formal operations.

A 2-month-old child has not received any immunizations. Which immunizations should the nurse give?
a. DTaP, Hib, HepB, MCV, varicella
b. DTaP, Hib, HepB, HPV, IPV, Rota
c. DTaP, Hib, HepB, PCV, Rota
d. DTaP, Hib, HepB, PCV, HepA

ANS: A, B, D, E

Correct Temper tantrums are a common response to anger and frustration in toddlers. They occur more often when toddlers are tired, hungry, bored, or excessively stimulated. A nap before fatigue or a snack if mealtime is delayed will be helpful in alleviating the times when tantrums are most likely to occur. Tantrums may include screaming, kicking, throwing things, biting themselves, or banging their head. Effective management of tantrums includes safely isolating and ignoring the child.
Incorrect The child should learn that nothing is gained by having a temper tantrum. Giving in to the child's demands only increases the behavior.


A The usual sequence of secondary sexual characteristic development in girls is breast changes, rapid increase in height and weight, growth of pubic hair, appearance of axillary hair, menstruation, and abrupt deceleration of linear growth.
B The usual sequence of secondary sexual characteristic development in girls is breast changes, rapid increase in height and weight, growth of pubic hair, appearance of axillary hair, menstruation, and abrupt deceleration of linear growth.
C The usual sequence of secondary sexual characteristic development in girls is breast changes, rapid increase in height and weight, growth of pubic hair, appearance of axillary hair, menstruation, and abrupt deceleration of linear growth.
D In most girls, the initial indication of puberty is the appearance of breast buds, an event known as thelarche.

What technique is used when performing an physical exam on a child?

When performing the physical assessment, the nurse uses the four basic techniques of inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation, generally in that order. During the abdominal examination, the sequence is altered; inspection is performed first, and then auscultation, percussion, and palpation.

Which of the following is the best method for performing a physical examination on a toddler?

When examining a toddler or any small child, the best way to perform the exam is from least to most intrusive. Starting at the head or abdomen is intrusive and should be avoided.

Which cranial nerve is assessed when the child is asked to imitate the examiner's wrinkled frown wrinkled forehead smile and raised eyebrow?

Which cranial nerve is assessed when the child is asked to imitate the examiners wrinkled frown, wrinkled forehead, smile, and raised eyebrow? Rationale: The facial nerve is assessed as described in the question.

At what age would you think of performing a child's physical exam when they are in their parent's lap?

At 4 or 5 years old, a child usually feels comfortable on the examination table. Older infants and young children aged 6 months to 2 or 3 years should be positioned in the parents lap.


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