Moral reasoning is a factor that influences our capacity to make ethical decisions

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A framework incorporating social information processing and moral development is introduced.

The framework integrates cognitive and affective skills and social neuroscience.

The framework bridges the gap between developmental psychology and social neuroscience.

This framework can guide moral development research in typical and atypical populations.


How moral decision-making occurs, matures over time and relates to behaviour is complex. To develop a full picture of moral decision-making, moral development and moral behaviour it is necessary to understand: (a) how real-time moral decisions are made (including relevant social and contextual factors), (b) what processes are required to develop to enable mature moral decisions, (c) how these processes develop over time, and (d) how moral decisions relate to behaviour. In this paper, psychological and social neuroscience theories of moral decision-making and development are briefly reviewed, as is the development of relevant component processes. Various component processes and factors are seen as required for moral decision-making and development, yet there is no comprehensive framework incorporating these components into one explanation of how real-time moral decisions are made and mature. In this paper, we integrated these components into a new framework based on social information processing (SIP) theory. Situational factors, and how both cognitive and affective processes guide moral decisions was incorporated into the Social Information Processing-Moral Decision-Making (SIP-MDM) framework, drawing upon theories and findings from developmental psychology and social neuroscience. How this framework goes beyond previous SIP models was outlined, followed by a discussion of how it can explain both real-time moral decisions and moral development. We concluded with how the SIP-MDM framework could be used to guide future research and theory development in this area.


Moral decision-making

Moral development

Moral reasoning

Perspective taking

Social information processing



social information processing


Social Information processing-Moral Decision-Making framework


ventromedial prefrontal cortex

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© 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc.

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  • 1 What is the difference between moral decisions and moral reasoning?
  • 2 What does moral reasoning involve?
  • 3 What is moral Judgement in ethics?
  • 4 What is ethical and moral decision-making?
  • 5 What influences our moral values?
  • 6 What do you think are the factors that strongly influence the development of our morals?
  • 7 What is moral Judgement example?
  • 8 What makes moral judgment and decision-making unique?

Description. Starting from a young age, people can make moral decisions about what is right and wrong. Moral reasoning, however, is a part of morality that occurs both within and between individuals.

What does moral reasoning involve?

Moral reasoning applies critical analysis to specific events to determine what is right or wrong, and what people ought to do in a particular situation. Both philosophers and psychologists study moral reasoning.

How does moral development shape a person’s life?

Moral development focuses on the emergence, change, and understanding of morality from infancy through adulthood. Morality develops across a lifetime and is influenced by an individual’s experiences and behavior when faced with moral issues through different periods of physical and cognitive development.

What do you want to know about moral development?

Moral development is the process throught which children develop proper attitudes and behaviors toward other people in society, based on social and cultural norms, rules, and laws.

What is moral Judgement in ethics?

Moral judgment refers to the determination a person makes about an action (or inaction), motive, situation, or person in relation to standards of goodness or rightness.

What is ethical and moral decision-making?

Process. Ethical decision-making refers to the process of evaluating and choosing among alternatives in a manner consistent with ethical principles. In making ethical decisions, it is necessary to perceive and eliminate unethical options and select the best ethical alternative.

What is the role of value Judgement in moral reasoning?

A value judgment is a claim that a particular human action or object has some degree of importance, worth, or desirability. We engage in moral reasoning when we construct or follow arguments that rely on value judgments exclusively, or a mixture or value judgments and descriptive judgments.

What is the meaning of moral Judgement?

Moral judgments refer to judgments that have moral content; they are used to evaluate situations, courses of action, persons, behavior, etc. The basis of moral judgments is a topic of some philosophical dispute. Some hold that moral judgments are based in intuition or feeling, often in connection with the emotions.

What influences our moral values?

Our morality is shaped by multiple factors: what we inherit, where we habitually put our attention, what actions we choose, and the per- ceptual sensitivities and capacities we develop from how we were raised. All these shape our values and character.

What do you think are the factors that strongly influence the development of our morals?

Moral development is strongly influenced by interpersonal factors, such as family, peers, and culture. Intrapersonal factors also impact moral development, such as cognitive changes, emotions, and even neurodevelopment.

What are the ethical principles and values of moral judgments?

There are two types of moral principles: absolute and relative. 1 Moral absolutism is an ethical view that certain actions are intrinsically right or wrong. Moral relativism believes there are no absolute rules to what is right or wrong, and that moral principles can change depending on the situation.

What is the role of value judgement in moral reasoning?

What is moral Judgement example?

For example, a scenario in which a man has sex with a dead chicken and then cooks and eats it provokes negative moral judgments despite no clear harm being caused. Participants, when faced with such an evocative but harmless scenario, couldn’t come up with a rational justification beyond “it’s wrong”.

What makes moral judgment and decision-making unique?

As we mentioned in the introduction, moral flexibility refers to the idea that people are often motivated to do the right thing, but a given moral principle can give rise to very different moral judgment and decisions across contexts.

What is a value Judgement in ethics?

A value judgment is any judgment that can be expressed in the form “X is good, meritorious, worthy, desirable” or “X is bad, without merit, worthless, undesirable.”

Why is moral reasoning an important factor in authentic leadership?

Moral justice reasoning and authentic leadership. In the literature, authentic leaders are described as people that reason and act morally, and thus, inspires the development of an ethical climate and followers moral perspectives (May et al., 2003. Developing the moral component of authentic leadership.

Which of the following is a factor that influences authentic leadership in the theoretical model?

Authentic leadership theory maintains that there are 3 factors that influence the development of an authentic leader: positive psychologic capabilities, moral reasoning, and critical life events (4).

Which perspective of authentic leadership is concerned with a leader's self knowledge and self concept?

Intrapersonal perspective. The intrapersonal perspective of authentic leadership focuses on the person of the leader, and what goes on within the leader including his or her self- knowledge, self-regulation, and self-concept.

Which perspective on authentic leadership suggests that authenticity is something that grows in people over a lifetime and can be triggered by major life events?

The interpersonal perspective shows leadership as this type of process.. reciprocal -- leaders affect followers and followers affect leaders. Something that can be nurtured in a leader rather than a fixed trait; develops in people over a lifetime and can be triggered by major life events.


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