Noncash incentive rewards are most effective as motivators when the award is:

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Maybe it’s accomplishment, or pride or that warm, fuzzy sense of being a part of something special…the goal is to capture that sentiment and make it work for your organization going into the future!

It’s all about people, and our people are ready to make your people motivated, inspired and appreciated. In turn, your company sees the benefits of building engaged partners who care about your success.

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“I have to tell you that Motivation Excellence has been instrumental in helping our company set itself apart from our competitors and draw closer to our customers. We cannot tell you how much your people mean to us. They are there supporting us, looking after us, and making us shine. We appreciate all that you and the MEI team does for us.”

VP of Sales, Building Supplies Distributor

“As if it were possible to exceed the outcome of the past two programs, you did! Not only our customers, but our associates and vendors alike confirmed that hands down, this was the best program yet.”

VP of Marketing, Construction Manufacturer

Intuitively, one might assume that monetary incentives are the most effective reward system. People like money, so monetary rewards should increase effort and maximize productivity. Despite this common assumption, research shows that higher rewards don’t always lead to more effort and employee engagement. Paradoxically, some studies have found the opposite can happen, a phenomenon known as “incentive reversal.”

Today, we will discuss non-cash incentives and why they work so well. We will explain what non-cash incentives are and also share non-monetary rewards examples.

What exactly is incentive reversal?

Although the term may sound distant and complex, the truth is that incentive reversal is a very common experience in a society that loves to use extrinsic, monetary rewards. Many people think that money and cash bonuses will result in increased employee motivation and engagement, but the reality of how these programs affect staff morale can range significantly depending on the context.

Incentive reversal takes place when some team members wait to see how much fellow coworkers increase their effort before trying for the reward themselves. Then, they can put forth minimal effort and still earn the monetary reward. However, the employees who started off with greater effort will recognize that others are shirking their responsibilities and start putting in less effort themselves.

When it comes to employee recognition programs, this is likely to happen due to the emotional nature of appreciation as well as the perception that giving recognition is optional. Companies who use recognition systems that feed into monetary rewards (i.e. gift cards) often see a decrease in use over time. 

Some employees will wait to see how much effort they need to put in to earn the rewards, and then do the minimum to earn them. This discourages the folks who were authentically giving each other recognition from participating in such a program. Companies may then try to lower the amount of effort required to earn the reward in an attempt to incentivize employees to participate, which in turn creates even more incentive reversal. 

What are non-financial incentives for employees?  

Non-cash incentives for employees are incentives that aren’t a part of their payment structure and are not financially based. For example, a bonus of $2,000 is a financial incentive, but a workspace upgrade is a non-financial incentive. Incentives that aren’t tied to pay are surprisingly highly effective and appreciated by employees.

What non-monetary incentives should focus on

So if financial rewards aren’t the answer for boosting employee engagement, then what is? There are two alternate elements to focus on fostering:

  • A sense of appreciation 
  • Connections between people

Feeling appreciated and strong human connections are both strongly linked with happiness according to the world’s longest-running study on human happiness, Harvard’s Grant and Gleuck study. In fact, the current director of the 70+ year study, Dr. Robert Waldinger, asserts in a recent Ted Talk that the only thing that makes us truly happy is stronger, deeper relationships. 

Deeper relationships are forged when we recognize the value we see in others and we feel they recognize our value in return. 

It’s extremely powerful to realize how a lack of human connection (aka loneliness) is highly correlated with negative health outcomes like alcoholism and depression. This is exactly why many of us were encouraged to engage with the student sitting alone at recess. The positive benefits of strong relationships are undeniable at every life stage, including at work.

When employees appreciate one another through an authentic recognition program with no ties to compensation, they will build stronger relationships with coworkers, leading to increased happiness and overall career engagement.

11 Non-Monetary Rewards for Employees

Here are 10 non-monetary reward examples for employees that help encourage good work ethic. 

  1. Dinner with the CEO
  2. Awards banquet
  3. New office or workspace upgrade
  4. Vouchers
  5. Mentorship program
  6. Paid personal/vacation day
  7. Choice of training course
  8. Chance to lead a team for a project
  9. Time for volunteer work
  10. Recognition on social media
  11. Verbal recognition and praise 

These are just some of the possible rewards for employees that aren’t tied to money. 

Non-Cash Rewards in Action

In Dan Ariely’s book Payoff: The Hidden Logic That Shapes Our Motivations, Ariely discusses a variation on the concept of incentive reversal. Specifically, he looked at employees working for an Intel factory in Israel. When one group of employees was promised a cash reward if they reached a certain production goal, they first increased their effort and quickly completed the goal.

Once they were paid, however, their productivity dipped below what it was before the reward was offered. Ariely also looked at a group who was offered a pizza party at the end of the week and another group who simply received compliments. It was only the group who got “Well done!” and other positive texts from their boss who had sustained high performance throughout the week.

In Summary

Feeling appreciated by and connected to coworkers will help employees feel happier, which then positively affects motivation, engagement, and ultimately, output. Of course, companies must also pay their people a fair wage. However, when it comes to accessing the best employees have to offer, financial rewards can make it harder to incentivize emotionally-driven behavior.

A genuine sense of community is created by the social reward of appreciation, not monetary rewards disguised as recognition. This sense of community or company culture explains why some offices are primarily occupied by employees who do just enough to get by while others are filled with enthusiastic, engaged employees ready to put in discretionary effort and innovate.

Preciate is a virtual meeting & events platform that allows your team to build healthier relationships and deeper connections. Preciate’s Social Presence platform promotes authentic connections in exciting, innovative virtual species that accelerates business. If you are interested in learning more about how Preciate can help improve your company culture and motivate your employees, contact us about Social Presence today.

What is non

Non-cash incentives for employees are incentives that aren't a part of their payment structure and are not financially based. For example, a bonus of $2,000 is a financial incentive, but a workspace upgrade is a non-financial incentive.

What are the advantages of using awards as opposed to cash as an incentive?

Increased Motivation and Performance An experiment cited by IRF, found that people who were incentivized with tangible rewards thought of them more frequently than those incentivized with cash, leading to better performance.

Why are incentives better than cash?

Incentive programs can boost staff performance by anywhere from 25 to 44% according to the Incentive Research Foundation, and the experience that an incentive travel reward provides is something that cold, hard cash can't offer.

What are cash incentives?

Cash incentives for employees Cash incentive examples include: Bonuses for meeting sales quotas. Team bonuses for meeting production goals or completing projects on time. Annual bonuses based on the amount of time an employee has been with the company to reward loyalty.


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