Of the topic sentences below, which one would be most appropriate for writing an opinion?

We have tried to familiarize you with structure of English sentences. However, being able to write correct sentences does not necessarily mean being able to write a correct paragraph. To write at a paragraph level, you need to be able to write a coherent and unified series of sentences that can convey a single idea. Brainstorming activities: Try to answer the following questions before we are going to deal with each of them. a. What is a paragraph? b. How many sentences can a paragraph have? c. How many topics should a paragraph talk about? d. What is a topic sentence? e. Where do you usually find a topic sentence of a paragraph? g. What are supporting details? Now, check your ideas with the description of a good paragraph given below. A paragraph is a group of related sentences that present and develop one main idea. A paragraph can stand alone, or it can be part of a longer piece of writing. Just as words are the building blocks of sentence, sentences are the building blocks of longer forms of writing. Thus, a paragraph is a unit of writing beyond a sentence level containing one main idea or topic and sentences that develop the main idea. It is termed as unified because it has one central idea and all the sentences in the paragraph should only talk about this central idea. A good paragraph is well organized, is fully developed, has properly linked points and contains sentences developing one idea. In a paragraph, every word, every point and every sentence has a useful role to play in fulfilling the purpose of the paragraph. The sentences in a paragraph should follow each other. It is not a paragraph if every sentence begins on a new line. The length of a paragraph varies according to the complexity of the main idea or theme to be developed. However, a well-supported paragraph has about five to ten sentences or about 100 to 150 words. 2.2. Structure of a Paragraph Structure of a paragraph refers to the components of a paragraph. A paragraph contains three major parts: a topic sentence (introduction), supporting sentences (body) and a concluding sentence. • Topic sentence: a sentence which expresses the main idea of a paragraph that tells the readers what the paragraph is about. The topic sentence usually begins the paragraph. It can also appear in the middle or at the end of a paragraph. • Supporting sentences: are a group of sentences which develop/ expand the topic sentence (general idea) with specific information. They can be developed by: • Explaining or restating ideas • Providing facts /evidences • Giving specific examples and /or illustrations • Adding specific details, etc. • Concluding sentence: the sentence that ends a paragraph by summarizing the main points or restating the crucial point, or by giving a final thought or comment on the issue under consideration. Activity: Examine the following paragraphs and answer the questions that follow.

The "topic sentence" is the sentence in which the main idea of the paragraph is stated. It is unquestionably the most important sentence in the paragraph. The topic sentence generally is composed of two parts: (a) the topic itself and (b) the controlling idea.

The Topic

The topic is the subject of the paragraph. It is what the paragraph is all about. The following are topics suitable for a paragraph:

The SLR camera
A wedding cake

Writing effective topic sentences, however, involves more than merely stating the subject of the paragraph. A good topic sentence is specific and well focused, guiding the entire paragraph. A good topic sentence:

Has new information. It is not a fact that everyone already knows to be true (for example, A dictionary has meanings for words.).

Is specific. If the topic is too general (for example, I like camping.), the reader will not know what to expect in the paragraph.

Is general enough to invite exploration of the topic. If the topic sentence is too specific (for example, Webster's New World Dictionary has more than 40,000 words.), there will be nothing else to say on the subject.

Is strong. Starting a topic sentence with there is/are (as in There are several ways to cook rice.) is a weak opener.

Is stated in positive language. Negative language (for example, You might hate to do it, but you should keep your room clean.) should not be part of the topic sentence.

Is not an announcement. A topic sentence should draw the reader into the paragraph. Announcements (like This paragraph will discuss how to build a bird house.) hold little attraction for readers.

The Controlling Idea

Even if all of the above conditions for a topic sentence are met, an effective topic sentence needs one additional element, the "controlling idea." The controlling idea is the point of the paragraph. It guides the ideas that provide support for the paragraph and limits the scope of the paragraph. Here is an example of a topic sentence with a controlling idea that guides the support for the paragraph:

Running provides many healthful benefits.

The topic of this topic sentence is running. The controlling idea is healthful benefits. That is, the reader knows from this sentence that the paragraph is generally about running. And the reader also knows that the point of the paragraph will be to enumerate the healthful benefits of running. Limiting the scope of the paragraph through the controlling idea may happen in one of two ways.

1. The controlling idea may reveal the writer's opinion, point of view, or attitude toward the subject of the paragraph, which automatically will set parameters for discussion of the topic. OR…

2. The controlling idea itself may provide specific limitation. In either case, this limited scope, then, serves to unify the paragraph, since any discussion must be within the parameters of the controlling idea.

Here is an example of a topic sentence with a controlling idea that states the writer's opinion-the first way to limit the scope of the paragraph:

The basics of using an SLR camera can be mastered with considerable practice.

The topic of this sentence is an SLR camera. The controlling idea is mastered with considerable practice. From this single sentence the reader knows that the topic of the paragraph is the SLR camera and that the paragraph will discuss mastering the basics of using this camera. Additionally, the reader knows that such mastery comes with practice, the writer's opinion or perspective.

Here is an example of a topic sentence with a controlling idea that specifically sets limitations for the scope of the paragraph.

When writing a laboratory report, you must complete four sections.

The topic of this sentence is a laboratory report. In this sentence, the controlling idea specifically states the limitation-four sections. Thus, the reader can predict that the writer will list and describe the four sections in order.


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