Open a table, click the view button on the home tab, and the table displays in this view.

Details on Data Relationships


Diagramming a Relationship


In the previous lesson, we saw how to establish a relationship between two tables. We also saw that the fields that relate both tables must be of the same data type. To make it possible to visually perform data entry on a table, we learned to create a lookup field. Indeed, this is based on Microsoft Access' high level of support for visual database development.

In reality, the only important requirement is that the primary key and the foreign key be of the same data type. In most database scenarios and implementation, the primary key and the foreign key should integer based. As discussed in the previous lesson, the relationship is typically managed through the long integer data.

With experience, you do not need to create a lookup field on a table. Besides, since you will usually not let your users use your tables, your primary concern for user interact is to create the combo boxes on forms. To start, you can create the tables and the primary keys as you judge them necessary.

Practical Learning: Creating a Numeric Lookup Field

  1. Start Microsoft Access and create a Blank Database
  2. Set the name of the database as Bethesda Car Rental2 and click Create
  3. On the default table, click Add New field and type Category
  4. Save the table as Categories and switch it to Design View
  5. Complete the table as follows:
    Field Name Data Type Caption Field Size Format
    (Primary Key)
    AutoNumber Category ID  
    Category Text   50  
    Daily Number Double Fixed
    Weekly Number   Double Fixed
    Monthly Number   Double Fixed
    Weekend Number Double Fixed
  6. Save the table and close it
  7. On the Ribbon, click Create and, in the Forms section, click Form Design
  8. Save the form as Rental Rates and change the following characteristics in the Properties window:
    Record Source: Cars
    Caption: Rental Rates
    Default View: Continuous Forms
    Navigation Buttons: No
  9. Design the form as follows (do not try to match the fonts; use whatever font you have on your computer):


  10. Save the form and switch it to Form View
  11. Create the following records:
    Category Daily Weekly Monthly Weekend
    Economy 34.95 28.75 24.95 24.95
    Compact 38.95 32.75 28.95 28.95
    Standard 45.95 39.75 35.95 34.95
    Full Size 50.00 45.00 42.55 38.95
    Mini Van 55.00 50.00 44.95 42.95
    SUV 56.95 52.95 44.95 42.95
    Truck 62.95 52.75 46.95 44.95
    Van 69.95 64.75 52.75 49.95
  12. Close the form
  13. To create a new table, on the Ribbon, click Create and, in the Tables section, click the Table Design
  14. Create the table with the following fields:
    Field Name Data Type Caption Field Size
    (Primary Key)
    AutoNumber Car ID
    TagNumber Text Tag Number 20
    Make Text 50
    Model Text   50
    CarYear Number Year Integer
    CategoryID Number Category Long Integer
    Doors Number   Byte
    Picture OLE Object    
    Condition Text   50
    Available Yes/No    
    Notes Memo    
  15. Click Condition and, in the bottom section of the table, click the Lookup tab. Change the properties as follows:
    Display Control: Combo Box
    Row Source Type: Value List
    Row Source: "Excellent";"Good Shape";"Needs Repair";"Must be Retired"
    Bound Column: 1
    Column Count: 1
    Column Widths: 1"
    List Width: 1"
  16. Save the table as Cars and close the table
  17. Create a new table in Design View as follows:
    Field Name Data Type Caption Field Size
    (Primary Key)
    AutoNumber Employee ID
    EmployeeNumber Text Employee # 20
    FirstName Text First Name 50
    LastName Text Last Name 50
    Title Text   100
    Notes Memo    
  18. Save the table as Employees and close it
  19. Create a form for the Employees table, save it as Employees, and design it as you see fit. Here is an example:
  20. Save the form and create the employees
  21. Close the form
  22. Create a new table in Design View with the following fields:
    Field Name Data Type Caption Field Size
    (Primary Key)
    AutoNumber Cutomer ID  
    DrvLicNumber Text Driver's License # 50
    FullName Text Full Name 100
    Address Text   100
    City Text   50
    State Text   100
    ZIPCode Text ZIP Code 20
    Notes Memo    
  23. Save the table as Customers and close it
  24. Create a form for the Employees table, save it as Employees, and design it as you see fit. Here is an example:
  25. Save the form
  26. Create some customers before closing the form
  27. Create a new table in Design View with the following fields:
    Field Name Data Type Caption Field Size Other Properties
    (Primary Key)
    AutoNumber Rental Order ID  
    EmployeeID Number Processed By Long Integer  
    CustomerID Number Processed For Long Integer  
    CarID Number Car Long Integer  
    CarCondition Text Car Condition 50  
    TankLevel Text Tank Level 50  
    MileageStart Number Mileage Start Integer  
    MileageEnd Number Mileage End Integer  
    TotalMileage Number Total Mileage Integer  
    StartDate Date/Time Start Date    
    EndDate Date/Time End Date    
    TotalDays Number Total Days Integer  
    RateApplied Number Rate Applied Double Format: Fixed
    TaxRate Number Tax Rate Double Format: Percent
    Default Value: 7.50
    OrderStatus Text Order Status 50 Default Value: "Unknown"
    Notes Memo  
  28. Click TankLeveland, in the bottom section of the table, click the Lookup tab. Change the properties as follows:
    Display Control: Combo Box
    Row Source Type: Value List
    Row Source: "Empty";"1/4 Empty";"Half";"3/4 Full";"Full"
    Bound Column: 1
    Column Count: 1
    Column Widths: 1"
    List Width: 1"
  29. Click OrderStatusand, in the bottom section of the table, click the Lookup tab. Change the properties as follows:
    Display Control: Combo Box
    Row Source Type: Value List
    Row Source: "Unknown";"Car On Road";"Order Completed";"Order Reserved"
    Bound Column: 1
    Column Count: 1
    Column Widths: 1"
    List Width: 1"
  30. Save the table as RentalOrders and close it

The Relationships Diagram

Tables and fields relationships can be created and managed in a special window called the Relationships window. To display it:

  • If no table is currently opened, on the Ribbon, you can click Database Tools. In the Show/Hide section, click the Relationships button
  • If a table is currently displaying, on the Ribbon, you can click the Datasheet tab and, in the Relationships section, click the Relationships button

After clicking one of those:

  • If no relationship exists among the tables in the current database, the Show Table dialog box would come up, asking you to select the tables whose relationship(s) you want to create. To add a table, select it, click Add and click Close
  • If at least one relationship has been created between two tables, the Relationships window would come up and display that relationship or the already existing relationships

When you are working on the relationships of your tables, a window with a tab labeled Relationships displays in Microsoft Access. Also, the Ribbon is equipped with a tab labeled design and that includes two sections:

The Design tab of the Ribbon provides various tools to assist you with creating and managing the relationships. For example, if the Show Table dialog box has been closed and if you want to show it:

  • You can click the Show Table button on the Ribbon
  • You can right-click the body of the Relationships window and click Show Table...

You can create a relationship only between two tables that are present on the Relationships window. This means that even if a table is part of your database and you want to link it to another table (of your database), if the table has not been added to the Relationships window, you cannot create or manage its relationship to another table. Of course, there are other ways you can create relationships without using the Relationships window but the Relationships window gives you detailed means of creating and managing relationships.

To establish a relationship that does not yet exist between two tables, you can drag the primary key from the parent table to the foreign key of the desired table. If you drag and drop accurately, the relationship would be acknowledged and you can just click Create to make it formal. If you dropped the primary key on the wrong field, you would have time to select the appropriate fields in the Edit Relationship dialog box.

After working with the Relationships window, you can close it by clicking its Close button

. You would be asked to save it in order to keep the relationship(s) created.

Practical Learning: Establishing Tables Relationships

  1. The Bethesda Car Renatal3 database should still be opened.
    On the Ribbon, click Database Tools
  2. In the Show/Hide section, click the Relationships button
    . The Show Table property sheet comes up:


  3. Click Categories once and click the Add button
  4. Double-click Cars
  5. On the Show Table dialog box, click the Close button
  6. To add another table as if we forgot it, right-click an empty area in the Relationships window and click Show Table�
  7. In the Show Table dialog box, click Customers
  8. Press and hold Shit
  9. Click RentalOrders and release Shift
  10. Click Add and click Close
  11. Drag the CategoryID field from the Categories table and drop it on top of the CategoryID field in the Cars table:


      The Edit Relationship dialog box would come up


  12. Now you have a line relating these two tables.
    Drag any field from the Cars table and drop it on top of any field in the RentalOrders table if you missed the target


  13. Once again, the Edit Relationship dialog box comes up.
    On the dialog box, under the left Table/Query, click the field that is selected to display its combo box. In that left combo box, select CarID and press Tab
  14. Under Related Table/Query, click the field that is selected and click the arrow of its combo box and select CarID


  15. Click Create
  16. In the same way, drag EmployeeID from the Employees table and drop it on EmployeeID in the RentalOrders table
  17. Click Create
  18. Drag CustomerID from the Customers table and drop it on CustomerID in the RentalOrders table
  19. Click Create


  20. On the Relationships section if the Ribbon, click the Close button
  21. When asked whether you want to save, click Yes


A sub-datasheet is a means of displaying the dependent records of a parent record on a datasheet. Obviously to make this possible, each record on a table must be configured to have child records. In other words, there must be a table containing a foreign key so that the child table can be, or has been, connected to the current table. For example, imagine that, in a hotel application, various customers have previously rented some rooms and sometimes you want to see the records related to a particular room.

Once a relationship has been established between records, when you open the parent table in Datasheet View, each record would appear with a + button to its left:

This means that Microsoft Access is configured to recognize relationships and apply them to show the sub-datasheet.

By its definition, a sub-datasheet allows you to view the related records by clicking the + button. This would expand that record and display its related records. You can expand just one record by clicking its + button or a few records but clicking the + buttons of the desired records. Here is an example:

You can also expand all records. To do this, open the table in Datasheet View. In the Records section of the Home tab of the Ribbon, click More -> Subdatasheet -> Expand All.

When a record is expanded, it displays a - button to its left. After viewing a record, to collapse it back, you can click its - button. You can do the same for any other record. You can also collapse all records. To do this, open the table in Datasheet View. In the Records section of the Home tab of the Ribbon, click More -> Subdatasheet -> Collapse All.

Practical Learning: Introducing Subdatasheets

  1. Start a new Blank Database
  2. Set the name of the database to Video Collection3 and click Create
  3. Close the default table without saving it
  4. To create a new table, on the Ribbon, click Create and, in the Tables section, click the Table Design
  5. Set the name of the first field to ActorID and set its Data Type to AutoNumber
  6. While the field is still selected, in the Tools section of the Ribbon, click the Primary Key button
  7. Set its Caption to Actor ID
  8. In the upper section of the table, under ActorID, set the name of the second field to Actor with the Data Type as Text
  9. Set the last field as Notes with a Memo as Data Type


  10. To switch the table to the other view, on the Ribbon, click the View button
  11. When you are asked whether you want to save the table, click Yes
  12. Type Actors and press Enter.
  13. Press Enter and enter the following names of actors:
    Actor ID Actor
    1 Eddie Murphy
    2 Tom Cruise
    3 Ving Rhames
    4 Mel Gibson
    5 Charlie Sheen
    6 Jaime Pressly
    7 Sheryl Lee Ralph
    8 Daryl Hannah
    9 Joe Don Baker
    10 Victoria Rowell
    11 Grant Shaud
    12 Kevin McCarthy
    13 Charles S. Dutton
    14 Mia Kirshner
    15 Lane Smith
    16 Randy Quaid
    17 Philip Seymour Hoffman
    18 Delroy Lindo
    19 Rene Russo
    20 Gary Sinise
    21 Matthew Broderick
    22 Jean Reno
    23 Michael Douglas
  14. Close the table
  15. Create a new table in Design View with the following fields:
    Field Name Data Type Description
    (Primary Key)
    AutoNumber Automatic number
    Director Text Name of a director such as "Mark Lynn" or directors as a group of such as "The Hughes Brothers"
    Notes Memo Observations about the director or group of directors
  16. Save the table as Directors and switch to Datasheet View
  17. Enter some directors as follows:
    DirectorID Director
    1 Roland Emmerich
    2 Renny Harlin
    3 Tony Scott
    4 Ron Howard
    5 Sanjay Leela Bhansali
    6 Eddie Murphy
    7 J. J. Abrams
    8 Jonathan Lynn
    9 Mel Gibson
    10 Steven Spielberg
    11 Joel Gallen
    12 Oliver Stone
  18. Create a new table in Design View with the following fields:
    Field Name Data Type Caption
    (Primary Key)
    AutoNumber Category ID
    Category Text Category
    Notes Memo  
  19. Save the table as Categories and switch it to Datasheet View
  20. Enter a few categories on the table:
    Category ID Category
    Fitness � Aerobic
    Comedy � General
      Comedy - Parody
    Comedy � Police
    Comedy � Politic
    Comedy � War
    Drama � General
    Drama � Police
    Drama � Politic
    Drama � War
    Sci-Fi � General
    Sci-Fi � Comedy
    Sci-Fi � Police
    Sci-Fi � Politic
    Sci-Fi � War
  21. Close the table

Creating a Sub-Datasheet

As we have seen so far, to have a relationship between two tables, you must create a primary key in one table and the corresponding foreign key in another table. You can then establish a relationship between both tables in the Relationships window. As stated already, Microsoft Access can take it upon itself to show the related records. You do not have to establish a relation first in order to take advantage of the sub-datasheet effect. If you have created two tables, one with a primary key and another with a foreign key, you can create the sub-datasheet yourself.

To create a non-existing datasheet, open the table with the primary key in Datasheet View. In the Records section of the Home tab of the Ribbon, click More, position the mouse on Subdatasheet, and click Subdatasheet... This would open the Insert Subdatasheet dialog box. In the list of tables (or queries), you must click the table (or query) that has the foreign key that relates to the primary key of the current table. The names of the primary key and the foreign key would appear in the combo boxes. Once you click OK, Microsoft Access would take care of configuring the subdatasheet.

If a relationship has been established and a subdatasheet exists in a table but you do not want the subdatasheet to show anymore, you can remove it. To delete a subdatasheet, open the table with the primary key in Datasheet View. In the Records section of the Home tab of the Ribbon, click More -> Subdatasheet, and click Remove.

Practical Learning: Creating a Sub-Datasheet

  1. Create a new table in Design View with the following fields:
    Field Name Data Type Caption Field Size
    (Primary Key)
    AutoNumber Video ID
    Title Text 120
    DirectorID Number Director Long Integer
    CopyrightYear Number � Year Integer
    Length Number Integer
    CategoryID Number Category Long Integer
    Rating Text 20
    Notes Memo

    (To get the � character, you can open Microsoft Word, type (c) then select and copy it. Then paste it in the Caption property of the table field)

  2. Save the table as Videos and switch it to Datasheet View
  3. Enter a few videos:
    Video ID Title Director � Year Length Category Rating
    1 Distinguished Gentleman (The) 8   112 8 R
    2 Wall Street 12 1987 126 10 R
    3 Ransom 4   121 11 R
    4 Not Another Teen Movie 11 2005 100 6 Unrated
    5 Harlem Nights 6 1989 116 10 R
    6 M:i:III 7 2006 125 19 PG-13
    7 Devdas 5   175 20 Unrated
    8 Passion of the Christ (The) 9 2004   21 R
    9 Platoon 12 1986 120 13 R
    10 Day After Tomorrow (The) 1 2004 123   PG-13
    11 Beautiful Mind (A) 4 2001 135   PG-13
    12 Godzilla 1 1998 139   PG-13
  4. Save the table and close it
  5. From the Navigation Pane, double-click Directors: Table to open it
  6. On the Ribbon, click Home. In the Records section, click More -> Subdatasheet -> Subdatasheet...
  7. In the Insert Subdatasheet dialog box, make sure the Tables tab is selected. In the list box, click Videos and notice that DirectorID has been selected in the combo boxes:


  8. Click OK


  9. A message box information informs you and asks whether you want to create a relationship between both tables. Read it and click Yes
  10. Click a + button and notice the related records. Close the Directors table


  11. When asked whether you want to save, click Yes


At this time, we know that there is useful functionality to creating relations between tables as they allow the user to select existing information instead of typing it. This flow of information brings up issues about what happens if data that exists in a parent table gets deleted while such information has been made available to another table.

When manipulating data that is in a relationship, it is very important to make sure that data keeps its accuracy from one table or source to the other. To accomplish that goal, some rules must be established to �watch� or monitor the flow of information between two tables. Data or referential integrity is used to check that two tables are related through one (sometimes more than one) field on each table used as the primary key and the foreign key, data entered in the foreign key of a child table must exist in the parent table, otherwise it would be rejected. Only two fields of the same data type are used to establish a relationship between two tables, the tables involved in the relationship belong to the same database.

Cascades on Related Records

After creating a legitimate relationship between two tables, you must make sure that when data changes in the parent table, this change is reflected in the child table. For example, if a bank customer changes her last name after getting married or after a divorce, you should be able to change her name in one object (table) and the related objects, such as the one used to process her transactions would receive the changes without your having to make the change on each object (table). In the same way, when data is deleted, the objects that are related to it must also have that data deleted.

To enforce the rules of data integrity, Microsoft Access provides three check boxes in the Edit Relationship dialog box. First, if you want Microsoft Access to monitor data flow, you can click the Enforce Referential Integrity check box. This would make available two check boxes.

The Direction of a Relationship


The One-To-Many Relationship

As mentioned already, a relationship between two tables allows one table, the parent, to make its information available to another table (the child). Because in this case the user is asked to select information, it is likely that the same record on a parent table can be tied to various records in the child table. For example, one customer at a bank can deposit an amount of money today. The same customer can make another deposit tomorrow and even another deposit next month. In such a case, the relationship between the tables would show various entries of the same customer�s account number in the object (table) used to deposit money but with different transactions. This type of relationship is known as one-to-many because one entry in the parent table can result in many entries in the child table.

To create a one-to-many relationship, check all three referential integrity check boxes and click Create. The parent table would have a 1 sign on its side of the joining line. The child table would have the infinity symbol on its side of the joining line.

Practical Learning: Managing Referential Integrity

  1. Re-open the Bethesda Car Rental2 database that you had created earlier
  2. On the Ribbon, click Database Tools and, in the Show/Hide section, click Relationships
  3. Right-click the line between Categories and Cars. Click Edit Relationship...


  4. In the Edit Relationship dialog box, click the Enforce Referential Integrity check box
  5. Click the two check boxes under it


  6. Click OK.
    Notice the 1 and the ∞ symbol
  7. Double-click the line between Cars and Rental Orders
  8. In the Edit Relationship dialog box, click the Enforce Referential Integrity check box and click the two check boxes under it
  9. Click OK
  10. Do the same for the other two remaining lines


  11. Save and close the Relationships window

The Many-to-Many Relationship

Although one-to-many is the most common type of relationship applied to records of a table, in some databases, you may need to create a relationship in which many records from one table A can have many related records in another table B and vice versa. This type of relationship is known as many-to-many. For example, in our Video Collection database:

  • It is possible to have one video that has many actors. In this case, if we had created a field to receive actors in the Videos table, we would enter many names of actors in that one field but this type of database would not be professional
  • At the same time, one actor can have participated in many videos. In this case, if we had created a field to enter the titles of videos in the Actors table, the field would have too many entries, making it unprofessional

To implement this type of relationship, you can create what is called a junction table. A junction table is a table whose main purpose is to bring together fields from other tables, creating a type of cross relationship for the necessary fields:

A junction table contains at least three fields. The first field, almost less engaged, is used as the primary key, the same type of field almost every table has. The other fields hold data that would originate from other tables.

You can create a junction table either in Datasheet View or in Design View:

  • To create a junction table in Datasheet View, you use the Lookup Column menu that would call the Lookup Wizard. From the Lookup Wizard, select the table that holds the desired field, then select the field itself, and click Finish. After adding the first column, repeat the same steps for each needed field
  • To create a junction table in Design View, set the field's data type to Lookup Wizard and proceed the same way you would for the Lookup Column

You can also switch to either view to create a junction table. In other words, you can create one field in one view and create the other field in the other view.

Practical Learning: Creating Junction Tables

  1. Open the Video Collection3 database you started earlier
  2. To create a new table, on the ribbon, click Create and, in the Table section, click Table Design
  3. Type VideoActorID as the name of the first field
  4. Set its Data Type to AutoNumber
  5. Right-click the VideoActorID name and click Primary Key
  6. Complete the table with the following two fields:
    Field Name Data Type Caption Field Size
    (Primary Key)
    AutoNumber Video Actor ID
    VideoID Number Video Long Integer
    ActorID Number Actor Long Integer
  7. Save the table as VideosAndActors
  8. Switch it to Datasheet View
  9. Enter the records as follows:
    VideoActorID VideoID ActorID
    1 1 1
    2 3 4
    3 2 23
    4 4 6
    5 1 7
    6 9 5
    7 6 2
    8 4 14
    9 1 9
    10 2 8
    11 3 19
    12 1 10
    13 6 17
    14 3 20
    15 1 11
    16 4 16
    17 3 18
    18 1 15
    19 12 21
    20 6 3
    21 2 5
    22 1 13
    23 5 1
    24 12 22
    25 1 12
  10. Close the table

The One-to-One Relationship

A one-to-one relationship is the type of junction between two tables A and B so that one record in table A can have only one corresponding entry in table B and vice versa. Because this is similar to one table of records, this type of relationship is hardly used since you can as well simply create one table.

Data Joins


When creating relationships among tables, we were selecting the primary key of one table and the foreign key of a dependent table to join them. Once such a relationship is created, you can create a query that combines both tables to create a set of records, also called a record set, that would include either all records or isolate only the records that have entries. For example, imagine you have created a Persons table as follows where the Gender of a record is selected from a lookup field:

Suppose you want to create a query that includes the persons of this table and their genders. A question that comes is mind is: Do you want to create a list of only people who can be recognized by their gender, or do you want the list to include everybody? This concept leads to what are referred to as joins of queries. There are two ways you can get such queries: you can prepare the relationship between two tables to be aware of this type of relationship or you can directly create it when designing a query.

Inner Joins

When building a query, you select fields and ask Microsoft Access to isolate them as being part of the query. Most of the time, you will want only fields that include a type of validation of your choice (a criterion). An inner join is the kind of query that presents only fields that have matching entries on both tables of a relationship. For example, from the above table, if you want to create a query that includes only persons whose records contain the gender:

You would create it as an inner join. To specify that a relationship is inner join, after creating the relationship, while in the Relationships, you can display its Edit Relationship dialog box and click Join Type� The Join Properties dialog box presents three options that allow you to define the direction of the relationship between the tables.

To specify an inner join in a SQL statement, you include INNER JOIN in the statement.

Practical Learning: Creating Inner Join Relationships

  1. The Video Collection database should still be opened.
    On the Ribbon, click Database Tools. In Show/Hide section, click the Relationships button
  2. If either of the Videos or the Directors table is not displaying, right-click an area in the Relationships window and click Show Tables...
    In the list of tables, double-click the missing table(s) (Directors and/or Videos) and click Close.
    Click the joining line between the Directors and Videos
  3. In the Tools section of the Ribbon, click Edit Relationships
  4. After making sure that DirectorID is selected in each combo box, click the Enforce Referential Integrity button and click the two check boxes under it
  5. Click the Join Type button.
    In the Join Properties dialog box, click the first radio button (it should be selected already)
  6. Click OK twice

Outer Joins

The queries we have used so far and that were based on related tables allowed us to get only the fields that had entries based on the established relationships. Fields that did not follow the rules were excluded. Instead of excluding fields, the SQL allows you to create a query that includes all fields, not just those that follow rules, as long as the records are part of either table. Such a query is referred to as outer join. To manage the result of this type of query, the SQL considers the direction of a relationship.

When creating relationships, we learned to drag a primary key from one table, the parent, to a dependent table, the child. In this type of relationship, the table (or query) that holds the origin of the relationship is referred to as the Left table. The other table is referred to as the right table. Based on this, there are two types of outer joins: the left join represented in SQL as LEFT JOIN and the right join represented by RIGHT JOIN.

As done with the inner join relationship, the left and right joins can be prepared in the Relationships window on tables. If the query has already been created and you want to change its direction, you can change it in the Design View of the query.

Practical Learning: Creating Outer Join Relationships

  1. The Video Collection3 database should still be opened with the Relationships window displaying.
    In the Relationships button, double-click the joining line between Directors and Videos
  2. In the Edit Relationship dialog box, click Join Type
  3. In the Join Properties dialog box, read all options then click the second radio button

  4. Click OK and OK
  5. In the same way, complete the relationships of the Video Collection database (when the relationship does not exist, you must create it)


  6. Save and close the Relationships window
  7. Open the Bethesda Car Rental2 database
  8. Open the Relationships window and configure all relationships as follows:


  9. Save and close the Relationships window
  10. On the Ribbon, click Create and, in the Forms section, click Form Design
  11. Save the form as Cars and change the following characteristics in the Properties window:
    Record Source: Cars
    Caption: Bethesda Car Rental - Cars
  12. Design the form as you see fit. Here is an example (no need to match the fonts; use whatever font you have on your computer):


  13. Save the form and switch it to Form View
  14. Create the cars records and make sure you add the pictures from the resources of these lessons
  15. Close the form

A Relationship Report

After creating a relationship or while working on relationships, you can create a visual report of the result and be able to print it when necessary. To create the report, in the Tools section of the Ribbon, click the Relationship Report button

. This action would automatically generate a report with the relationships designed on it. To keep the report, you should save it and give it a name. You can then print it as you would print any other report.

Practical Learning: Creating a Relationship Report

  1. The Bethesda Car Rental2 database should still be opened.
    On the Ribbon, click Database Tools
  2. In the Show/Hide section, click the Relationships button
  3. In the Tools section of the Ribbon, click the Relationship Report button
  4. When the report has been created, close it
  5. When asked whether you want to save, click Yes
  6. Type Bethesda Car Rental Relationships as the name of the report and click OK
  7. In the Navigation Pane, right-click the Bethesda Car Rental Relationships report and click Print...
  8. Close the database

Lesson Summary

MCAS: Using Microsoft Office Access 2007 Topics

S2 Define and print table relationships


Watts A loan

  1. Open the Watts A Loan database.
    Open the CustomersTransactions form in Design View. Add a Text Box below the subform. Set its Name to txtTotalPayments then set its Format to Currency with 2 Decimal Places. Make it get its value from the txtTransactions text box of the sbfAccountTransactions form
    Add another Text Box below the subform and change its properties as follows:
    Name: txtCurrentBalance
    Control Source: =DLookUp("LoanAmount", "LoanProcessing", "CustomerID = " & CustomerID) - Nz(txtTotalPayments)
    Format: Currency
    Decimal Places: 2

    Save and close the form
  2. Create a new table in Design View with the following fields:
    Field Name Data Type Additional Information
    LoanEvaluationID AutoNumber Primary Key
    Caption: Loan Evaluation ID
    LoanAmount Currency Caption: Loan Amount
    Default Value: 0
    InterestRate Number Field Size: Double
    Format: Percent
    Caption: Interest Rate
    Default Value: 0.0875
    NumberOfPeriods Number Field Size: Integer
    Caption: NumberOfPeriods
    Default Value: 12

    Save the table as LoanEvaluation and close it

  3. Create a new form based on the LoanEvaluation table
    Save the form as LoanEvaluation
    Add a Text Box in its Detail section and set its properties as follows:
    Name: txtPeriodicPayment
    Control Source:

    Format: Currency
    Decimal Places: 2

    Use the Command Button Wizard to add a button that can be used to close the form
    Design the form as follows:

      Disable the Maximize button and make the form Pop Up. Don't make it automatically center itself. Before saving the form, position it slightly to the middle-right side of the screen so Microsoft Access would remember that position
    Save and close the form

  4. Open the LoanProcessing form in Design View. Using the Command Button Wizard to add a button that, when clicked, would open the LoanEvaluation form (remember that there is no relationship between both forms; therefore, you will Open The Form And Show All The Records). Set the button's Text to Loan Evaluation and its Name to cmdLoanEval.
    Save and close the form
  5. Open the LoanProcessing form and use its Loan Evaluation button to open the LoanEvaluation form. In the Loan Evaluation form, evaluate a $1500.00 amount of at 12.50% paid in 28 months. After evaluating it, manually create a new personal loan in the Loan Processing form for the amount of $1500 at 12.50% for 28 payments. The loan is processed by the owner, for the 83-457-8 account on April 10th, 2002. Make the 1st payment due on May 20th of the same year and put a reminder that the payments are due every 22th of the month
    Evaluate other amounts and create loans for the other customers.
    Close both forms
  6. Open the CustomersTransactions form to see the results

What happens when you click the help button in the upper right corner of the backstage area?

Click the Help button in the upper right corner of a dialog box and this displays. Press this function key to display the Help task pane. This feature provides information and guidance on how to complete a function.

When two tables are joined in an Access query the default join type is _____?

An inner join is a join in which records from two tables are combined in a query's results only if values in the joined fields meet a specified condition. In a query, the default join is an inner join that selects records only if values in the joined fields match.

What happens to your Datasheet When you click the Totals button in the Records group on the Home tab?

What happens to your datasheet when you click the Totals button in the Records group on the Home tab? A total row is added to the bottom of the datasheet, where you can choose to apply a function (sum, average, count, etc.).

Which field is always on the one side of a one to many relationship between two table?

In a one-to-many relationship, the table on the one side of the relationship is the primary table and the table on the many side is the related table.


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