Organizations that help other organizations sell their goods or services to customers are called

50._____ are organizations that help other organizations sell their goods or servicesdirectly to customers.A.ProducersB.SuppliersC.DistributorsD.ManufacturersE.ProcessorsAnswer: CFeedback: Distributors are organizations that help other organizations sell their goodsor services to customers. The decisions managers make about how to distributeproducts to customers can have important effects on organizational performance.AACSB: AnalyticBlooms: RememberDifficulty: 1 EasyAuthor: Did you want both Learning Objectives?Learning Objective: 06-03Learning Objective: 06-02Topic: External environment Understand Globalization and How to Succeed in a Global Environment

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51.Amethyst, an Italian house of high fashion, designs and creates luxury items likejewelry and hair accessories. It sells its merchandise only through Fiesta, amultinational retail store. Fiesta acts as Amethyst's _____.A.producerB.supplierC.distributorD.manufacturerE.processorAnswer: CFeedback: Distributors are organizations that help other organizations sell their goodsor services to customers. The decisions managers make about how to distributeproducts to customers can have important effects on organizational performance.AACSB: AnalyticBlooms: UnderstandDifficulty: 2 MediumAuthor: Did you want both Learning Objectives?Learning Objective: 06-03Learning Objective: 06-02Topic: External environment Understand Globalization and How to Succeed in a Global Environment

52.Individuals and groups that buy the goods and services an organization produces arecalled _____.A.customersB.suppliersC.distributorsD.competitorsE.processorsAnswer: AFeedback: Individuals and groups that buy the goods and services an organizationproduces are called customers. An organization’s success depends on itsresponsiveness to customers—whether it can satisfy their needs.AACSB: AnalyticBlooms: RememberDifficulty: 1 EasyAuthor: Did you want both Learning Objectives?Learning Objective: 06-03Learning Objective: 06-02Topic: External environment Understand Globalization and How to Succeed in a Global Environment

53.Jeremy has a personal library with over 5,000 novels of various genres, most of thembought from Benison's Bookhouse. He is an example of a Benison Bookhouse's _____.A.customerB.supplierC.distributorD.competitorE.processorAnswer: AFeedback: Individuals and groups that buy the goods and services an organizationproduces are called customers.AACSB: AnalyticBlooms: RememberDifficulty: 1 EasyAuthor: Did you want both Learning Objectives?Learning Objective: 06-03Learning Objective: 06-02Topic: External environment Understand Globalization and How to Succeed in a Global Environment

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Who provides organizations with the input resources it needs to produce goods and services multiple choice question?

1. Suppliers are individuals and organizations that provide an organization with the input resources it needs to produce goods and services.

When an organization's customers put pressure on the organization to reduce prices on its goods this is an example of the organization's?

Term A supplier's bargaining position is especially strong when:
Definition A supplier's bargaining position is especially strong when:
Term An organization's customers put pressure on the organization to reduce prices on its goods. This is an example of the organization's:
Definition task environment.
Management Exam 1 Flashcards - Flashcard › management-exam-11null

Which of the following is part of an organization's general environment quizlet?

The general environment consists of the economy and the technological, socio-cultural, and political/legal trends that indirectly affect all organizations.

When a potential competitor is considering entering the task environment How does it impact existing organizations?

When there is more than one organization producing comparable products for the same customer base, these organizations are ______. When a potential competitor is considering entering the task environment, how does it impact existing organizations? It becomes a potential rival and threat to profitability.


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