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What are the 5 special journals?

Examples of special journals are the cash receipts journal, cash disbursements journal, payroll journal, purchases journal, and sales journal.

What are the 4 special journals in accounting?

Special journals are designed as a simple way to record the most frequently occurring transactions. There are four types of Special Journals that are frequently used by merchandising businesses: Sales journals, Cash receipts journals, Purchases journals, and Cash payments journals.

What type of transaction is recorded in the sales journal quizlet?

What type of transaction is recorded in the sales journal? Sales of merchandise on credit.

When transactions are entered in the journal What is the proper order for recording the transaction?

When transactions are entered in a general journal, the asset accounts are listed first, followed by the liability and owner's equity. When a transaction is entered in a general journal, the first account title is indented about half an inch from the left margin of the description column.


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