Server certificate does NOT include an ID which matches the server name wildcard

댓글쓰기는 또 처음이네요..

글쓴이: 익명 사용자 / 작성시간: 화, 2014/03/04 - 2:06오후

댓글이 해결했어요.라니. 거참. 어이가 달나라갔나.

제가 리눅스를 하면서 가장 절망스러웠을때가,
문제에 봉착하면 이것저것 해보고 팀장에게 보고 -> 팀장이 해결 -> 팀장이 했던 히스토리 모두 삭제 -> 자, 해결됐다. 통보.
였거든요. 뭘 어떻게 했는지 아무것도 이야기를 안해줘요. 자기 밥줄이라고.

리눅스는 오픈마인드로 개발되었기 때문에 그걸 쓰는 사람들도 모두 오픈마인드일줄 알았죠.
그게 아니라는걸 입사후 깨달았는데, 팀장의 저런 행동때문에 미련없이 퇴사했죠.

저런 사람은 리눅스하지 말아야 한다고 생각해요.

그런 사람이 여전히 있군요.

자기만 알고 남은 배려할줄 모르는 사회가 결국 생활비관 자살이나 삼성같은 괴물을 만들었지 싶네요.

  • 답글


[ssl:warn] [pid 4122] AH01707: ip-xxx-xx-x-x.abcd.compute.internal:443:0 server certificate does NOT include an ID which matches the server name


I can't figure out what generates this warning and how to fix it. Website is running on AWS servers.

Thank you Guys

ssl warnings

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asked Mar 2 at 7:21

Mandy SMandy S

11 silver badge1 bronze badge

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    1 Answer

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    This happen due to server name on certificate does not matches with the server name defined in the webserver configuration. To resolve this you can change the server name to localhost in your webserver configuration.

    ServerName ----> ServerName localhost

    Ref: //

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    answered Mar 2 at 17:32

    Sharique MasoodSharique Masood

    745 bronze badges

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      Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged ssl warnings or ask your own question.

      Okay, I noticed that this post is viewed quite often recently and so it seems that a lot of people are facing the same issue that I did. If so then this might help you.

      I have followed a simple step-by-step tutorial to create a SSL-certification for my webserver. Like so many tutorials out there the outcome of the tutorial I followed was a self-signed certificate using OpenSSL. Yep self-signed, that was the problem. The browser could not trust the server due to it's certificate which is signed by itself. Well I wouldn't do either...

      A certificate has to be signed by an external trustworthy certificate authority (CA). So I stumbled upon Let's Encrypt which does all the work for you and is even easier to set up and the best is: it is absolutely free.


      1) Delete your old ssl cert files which you have created by using OpenSSL

      2) Open backports to get certbot client on Debian. You should know that this will open a hole for unfinished software! Install only the packages when you are aware about what you are doing.

      echo 'deb // jessie-backports main' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/backports.list

      3) Update your linux system

      sudo apt-get update

      4) Install certbot

      sudo apt-get install python-certbot-apache -t jessie-backports

      5) Set up apache ServerName and ServerAlias

      sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf

      6) Edit apache config file

      <VirtualHost *:80> . . . ServerName ServerAlias . . . </VirtualHost>

      7) Check for a correct syntax

      sudo apache2ctl configtest

      8) If the config file looks fine, restart apache server

      sudo systemctl restart apache2

      9) Set up a certificate using certbot and follow the instruction on screen.

      sudo certbot --apache


      All certificates by Let's Encrypt are valid through 3 months. To renew the you can manually run

      sudo certbot renew

      Or automate this service as a cron job

      sudo crontab -e

      and enter the following row to invoke a renewal every Monday at 2:30 am.

      . . . 30 2 * * 1 /usr/bin/certbot renew >> /var/log/le-renew.log

      You can follow a more detailled tutorial here: //

      How do you fix server certificate does not include an ID which matches the server name?

      How to Fix the “Server Certificate Does NOT Include an ID Which Matches the Server Name” Issue (In 3 Steps).
      Step 1: Open the xampp/apache/conf/extra Directory. The first step is to open up the correct Apache directory in a file browser. ... .
      Step 2: Edit the httpd-ssl. conf File. ... .
      Step 3: Restart Apache..

      Does not include an ID which matches the server name?

      This happen due to server name on certificate does not matches with the server name defined in the webserver configuration. To resolve this you can change the server name to localhost in your webserver configuration.

      How do I fix server certificate is not valid?

      How to Fix SSL Certificate Error.
      Diagnose the problem with an online tool..
      Install an intermediate certificate on your web server..
      Generate a new Certificate Signing Request..
      Upgrade to a dedicated IP address..
      Get a wildcard SSL certificate..
      Change all URLS to HTTPS..
      Renew your SSL certificate..

      Does not match server certificate?

      A common name mismatch error occurs when the common name or SAN of your SSL/TLS Certificate does not match the domain or address bar in the browser. This can happen simply by visiting // instead of // if the certificate does not have them both listed in the SAN of the certificate.


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