Taking notes during the interview helps reduce the occurrence of all of the following errors EXCEPT

Chapter 7

Employee selection

Multiple choice questions

1. In their selection processes, employers are giving increasing emphasis to:

a. computer-based skills.

*b. behavioural and attitudinal characteristics.

c. assessment centres.

d. unstructured interviews.

General Feedback:

Page 252. Learning Objective 1. Factual. Many organisations are focussing on job applicants'

cultural fit and thus on attitudes and behaviours in their selection decisions believing that job

skills are more trainable.

2. Selection criteria should:

a. include all the performance indicators identified in recruitment.

b. correspond closely to how a job is performed now and in the future.

*c. be consistent with the organisation's strategic direction and culture.

d. reflect the standard of applicants from which a choice is to be made.

General Feedback:

Page 252. Learning Objective 1. Factual. An organisation's success depends on it having the right

people in the right place at the right time. The strategic business objectives and culture should

determine the people selected.

3. Which of the following is not one of the major research findings about interviewing?

a. Interviewees who play hard to get are rated more highly.

b. Unfavourable information outweighs favourable information.

c. Interviewers' post-interview ratings are highly related to their pre-interview impressions.

*d. Interviewers are less likely to change their initial opinion of the applicant from positive to

negative than from negative to positive.

General Feedback:

Page 267. Learning Objective 5. Factual. Research has shown that interviewers are more likely

to change their initial opinion from positive to negative.

What are the most common mistakes made by interviewers?

The 10 Most Common Mistakes Interviewers Make.
Lack of preparation. Some hiring managers prefer a more “spontaneous” method of interviewing. ... .
Getting really nervous. ... .
Acting too nonchalant. ... .
Being overzealous. ... .
Intimidating candidates. ... .
Lying. ... .
Allowing bias. ... .
Being over-friendly..

What are the mistakes that an applicant makes during the interview process?

Top 5 job interview mistakes.
Being unprepared..
Dressing inappropriately..
Talking too much or not enough..
Criticising previous employers or colleagues..
Failing to ask questions..

What types of errors can undermine the effectiveness of interviews?

Here is the ultimate list of interview mistakes to avoid:.
Failing to prepare. Approach a job interview the way you would a test. ... .
Failing to research your interviewer. ... .
Wearing the wrong outfit. ... .
Not being punctual. ... .
Using your cellphone. ... .
Asking questions with obvious answers. ... .
Badmouthing past employers. ... .
Getting too personal..

How do you reduce bias during an interview?

How to remove unconscious bias from your hiring process.
Remove gendered wording. ... .
Introduce blind skills challenges. ... .
Make data-driven decisions. ... .
Advertise roles through new channels. ... .
Make your interview process structured. ... .
Have an interview panel. ... .
Curbing unconscious bias..


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