The ability to contact an official either in person or by phone is called Quizlet

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Terms in this set (71)

The right to bear arms was established by the ________ Amendment.

a. First
b. Second
c. Fourth
d. Fifth


A mass alliance of like-minded groups and individuals seeking broad changes in the direction of government policies is called a(n)

a. political demonstration.
b. political movement.
c. whistle-blower.
d. umbrella alliance.


Loose alliances of interest groups are called

a. whistle-blowers.
b. issue networks.
c. umbrella alliances.
d. loose connections.


Which interest group depends on government spending and lobby policy makers?

a. Road construction companies
b. Social work advocates
c. Arts and entertainment
d. Advocates for less government spending


Which of the following statements about the population of Texas is incorrect?

a. Texas has a highly dispersed age demographic.
b. Texas is becoming more tolerant of the gay and lesbian population.
c. Texas attracts people from various religious backgrounds.
d. Texas has both a large poor and upper-income population.


Direct contact between an interest group representative and an officer of government is an example of

a. lobbying.
b. pressure groups.
c. electioneering.
d. advocacy.


Which of the following statements about the lobbying activities of special interest groups is incorrect?

a. They lobby only members of the state senate.
b. They petition members of the executive branch.
c. They bring lawsuits to the courts.
d. They rally the public for support.


Which of the following statements about interest groups is incorrect?

a. Interest groups are considered political parties that nominate candidates for office.
b. Interest groups seek to influence the outputs of government.
c. Interest groups are not part of the government but seek to influence the government.
d. Interest groups must work with political parties to achieve their goals.


Which of the following is not a positive aspect of interest groups?

a. Increased political representation
b. Education of their members
c. Narrow interests
d. Shared information and data


Which of the following is employed to express the values of interest groups?

a. Pressure groups
b. Lobbyists
c. Executive appointees
d. Legislative assistants


Business and agriculture interest groups are interested in all of the following except

a. encouraging government regulations.
b. securing benefits called subsidies.
c. keeping their taxes low.
d. receiving government contracts to increase profits.


"Iron Triangles" are composed of which of the following?

a. Legislative committee members, high-ranking bureaucrats, and representatives of special interests
b. The governor, legislators, and representatives of special interests
c. The governor, academics, and representatives of special interests
d. None of the above is true.


An organization created by interest groups to promote common goals is identified as what type of organization?

a. Shield
b. Umbrella
c. Life boat
d. Floater


Research shows that the main element that determines the political power of a group is

a. how long the group has been established.
b. how much public officials need the group.
c. how large the membership.
d. where the group's headquarters is located.


Governor Perry executive order to vaccinate pre-teen girls with the HPV vaccine was considered an example of a

a. cooperative effort with the legislature.
b. cooperative link with the bureaucracy.
c. conflict of interest.
d. response to public demand.


Late train contributions are

a. campaign funds given only to independent candidates.
b. campaign funds given to PACs.
c. campaign funds given by railroad interests.
d. campaign funds given to the winning legislative candidate.


The ability to contact an official either in person or by phone is called

a. access.
b. contribution.
c. lobbying.
d. political influence.


Which of the following concerning campaign contributions for state house and senate candidates is correct?

a. Total contributions for senate races were greater than the total for house races.
b. Total contributions for senate races were less than the total for house races.
c. Total contributions for senate and house races were about the same.
d. More money was raised in Texas for these races than any other state.


Education and local government groups lobby for all of the following except

a. increasing salaries and benefits for their public employees.
b. supporting their governments.
c. encouraging unfunded state mandates.
d. obtaining more local control or less state control over their affairs.


Labor unions seek legislation for all of the following except

a. making it easier to organize.
b. enforcing workplace safety packages.
c. supporting the "right to work laws."
d. obtaining generous workers' compensation.


Governor Rick Perry hired lobbyist, __________, to protect the interest of the Texas Department of Transportation.

a. Robert Black
b. Robert Banes
c. Paul Burkes
d. David Dewhurst


What type of interest group seeks the betterment of society as a whole or the reform of the political, social, or economic system in ways that do not directly affect their member's pocketbooks?

a. Mixed-interest groups
b. Noneconomic interest groups
c. Economic interest groups
d. Advocacy groups


Which of the following is a way interest groups can be classified?

a. Economic
b. Noneconomic
c. Mixed interest
d. All of the above are true.


A(n) __________ is an individual who benefits from the work of an interest group, but who does not participate in the collective actions that made the benefits possible.

a. co-unionist
b. free rider
c. adventurer
d. profiteer


Noneconomic interest groups benefit from _______because it translates into greater political clout in the Texas's legislature.

a. political savvy
b. free riderships
c. large membership
d. political efficacy


Which of the following concerning campaign contributions is incorrect?

a. A candidate for state representative may well spend over $200,000 to win.
b. Most campaign contributions for the state legislature and statewide offices come from small donors.
c. Large donors contribute in order to gain access.
d. Large donors represent banks, insurance companies, and other major business in Texas.


When a special interest is seeking a change in policy that affects the balance of power in the political, social, or economic system, there will be

a. much greater participation and conflict.
b. less participation and conflict.
c. much greater participation and less conflict.
d. much less participation and greater conflict.


Which is the public's watchdog institution?

a. The bureaucracy
b. Pressure groups
c. The media
d. The legislature


The media is a _________ link between the people and the government.

a. non-neutral
b. totally pro-government
c. totally pro-public
d. neutral


Texas law states that ex-legislators

a. cannot become lobbyists.
b. cannot become lobbyists for two years after leaving office.
c. cannot be lobbyists for groups that they had power over when they were serving as legislators.
d. can become lobbyists with no restrictions.


Why is it that the current system of a part-time legislature is unlikely to change?

a. Current legislators have been successful under the current system.
b. The public is unlikely to support change.
c. Lobbyists prefer the current system.
d. All of the above are true.


The history of one-partyism in the state created all of the following except

a. less incentive for average Texans to participate in political affairs.
b. an incentive for average Texans to participate in elections.
c. a history of elitist rule.
d. strong special interests.


Which is a reason why individuals are not motivated to participate in noneconomic interest groups?

a. Passion
b. Selective incentive
c. Social pressure
d. Economic well being for all


Interest groups pursuing social equality and economic goals are classified as what type of group?

a. Non-economic groups
b. Liberal groups
c. Mixed or hybrid organizations
d. Conservative groups


Which of the following is not classified as a mixed interest group?

a. Public interest
b. Education
c. Environment and recreation
d. Race and gender


People join interest groups

a. to receive the monthly or quarterly magazine or newsletter.
b. to be a member of a network of like-minded people.
c. in order to protect their economic, recreational, social, or political interests.
d. All of the above are true.


___________ is the promotion of a particular public policy position.

a. Lobbying
b. Advocacy
c. Hiring
d. Interest group


Which of the following is not classified as a non-economic interest group?

a. Patriotic
b. Recreation
c. Public interest
d. Religious


The primary goal of interest groups is to

a. influence all branches of government at all levels.
b. mobilize citizens.
c. testify before legislative committees.
d. inform and education public officials.


Why is it difficult for any one special interest group to dominate Texas state politics?

a. There is a wide diversity of interests.
b. Demographics are always shifting.
c. We elect too many individuals to too many offices.
d. We have too many elections.


Studies regarding the power of interest groups consistently show that

a. where political parties are weak, interest groups are also weak.
b. where political parties are weak, interest groups are strong.
c. where political parties are strong, interest groups are also strong.
d. All of the above are true.


Which characteristic of the structure of government in Texas makes it difficult for one interest to dominate the whole government?

a. Separation of powers
b. Checks and balances
c. Appointed officials with fixed terms
d. All of the above are true.


Which industry groups in Texas had the largest number and maximum value of contracts signed with lobbyists?

a. Insurance
b. Real estate
c. Energy/natural resources
d. Computers and electronics


The members of the Texas legislature must be provided with a list of registered lobbyists and their clients by

a. January 1 of each legislative session.
b. February 1 of each legislative session.
c. March 1 of each legislative session.
d. July 1 of each legislative session.


Which state agency has the responsibility to establish standards of conduct for lobbyists?

a. Texas Public Policy Commission
b. Sunset Advisory Commission
c. Texas Audit Commission
d. Texas Ethics Commission


According to state law, which of the following statements about lobbying is incorrect?

a. Not all lobbyists are required by state law to register and report their activities.
b. Lobbyists not paid wages or reimbursed for their expenses are not required to register with the state.
c. Individuals and organizations that spend more than a specified amount of money attempting to shape public decisions are required to register.
d. All lobbyists must file financial reports with the Secretary of State.


According to state law, when registering, lobbyists are required to reveal to the state

a. for whom the person lobbies.
b. Information about their clients and employers.
c. the policy areas of concern.
d. All of the above are true.


All of the following are exempt from lobbyists' reports except

a. compensation received to prepare for lobbying.
b. office expenses.
c. costs above expenditure threshold of $500 per year.
d. costs associated with events to which all members of the legislature are invited.


When interest groups employ lobbying officeholders to file suits in court, get their advocates appointed to state boards, testify before legislative committees, these are examples of

a. direct means of influencing government.
b. indirect means of influencing government.
c. mixed interest means of influencing government.
d. influencing government.


Which branch of government is responsible for the implementation of public policy?

a. Executive branch or administration
b. Legislative branch or administration
c. Judicial branch only
d. Bureaucracy only


The power to make decisions on the basis of personal judgment rather than specific legal requirements defines

a. implementation.
b. discretion.
c. delegation.
d. co-optation.


_______ is to legally transfer authority from one official or institution to another.

a. Implementation
b. Discretion
c. Delegate
d. Co-optation


Special interest groups use the court system because of all of the following except

a. the court system can give a more favorable interpretation of the law than that given by the enforcing agency.
b. lawsuits are less expensive than trying to influence the legislature.
c. the court system serves as a way to delay application of costly rules.
d. the court system is a way to political capital for supporters.


The blurring of lines between the state and a special interest group is called

a. a structured conspiracy.
b. co-optation.
c. negative cooperation.
d. symmetry.


Which of the following has occurred when a public official makes a decision that might result in a personal economic advantage?

a. Co-optation
b. Conflict of interest
c. Public interest
d. Advocacy


_______ is the good of the whole society, without bias for or against any particular segment of the society.

a. Co-optation
b. Public interest
c. Conflict of interest
d. Public good


The right of the public in the United States to petition their government is found in which constitutional Amendment?

a. First Amendment
c. Fourth Amendment
b. Second Amendment
d. Fifth Amendment


In the case of Caperton v. A.T. Massey the U.S. Supreme Court

a. placed greater restrictions on campaign contributions in judicial races.
b. banned contributions in judicial races.
c. began to set parameters for the most egregious examples of conflicts of interest.
d. removed all restrictions on contributions in judicial races.


Twice in the past 15 years, CBS has run programs about __________ on 60 Minutes alleging that the Texas Supreme Court identifies with specific interests?

a. "courtroom contributions"
b. "the future of Texas"
c. "crony capitalism"
d. "justice for sale"


For generations, __________ has (have) characterized the relationship between major industries in Texas and the state's political leadership.

a. mixed or hybrid organizations
b. crony capitalism
c. lobbyists
d. the revolving door


Which of the following are least likely to subscribe to the Texas Register?

a. Corporations
b. Labor unions
c. Ordinary citizens
d. Interest groups


The Texas Register is used by a state agency to provide

a. notice of intent to make a rule.
b. guidelines issued by agencies to govern the actions of their employees.
c. All executive agreements.
d. a list of all state lobbyists.


Who hired HillCo to block the "sanctuary cities" bill in the legislature because they viewed it as a threat to their business interest?

a. Neal Jones and Bill Miller
b. Bob Perry and Charles Butt
c. Tom Craddick and Bill Miller
d. Neal Jones and Gib Lewis


A successful lobbyist will attempt all of the following except

a. establish rapport with all members of the legislature.
b. try to gain support or at least neutrality from legislative leaders on one's group's proposals.
c. secure endorsement of the chair of each committee through which one's legislation must pass.
d. secure the positive endorsement of community representatives for legislation sought by local governments.


Before a legislative session begins, a lobbyist must have successfully completed all of the following except

a. memorizing the faces of the members, their non-legislative occupation, and the counties they represent.
b. establishing rapport through contact with the members of the legislature.
c. getting to know the family members of legislators because through them the member can be influenced.
d. knowing the legislative issues, including the arguments of opponents.


A lobbyist inviting a public official to lunch or a party to establish a positive relationship is an example of

a. electioneering.
b. socializing.
c. a private demonstration.
d. bribery.


When an organization decides to endorse and recommend that its members vote for the candidate more disposed to support their values, this is an example of

a. electioneering.
b. astroturf lobbying.
c. concrete lobbying.
d. collective lobbying.


__________ is the fabrication of public support for issues supported by industry and special interest groups, but which give the impression of widespread public support.

a. Electioneering
b. Concrete lobbying
c. Astroturf lobbying
d. Collective lobbying


Interest groups will seek to build a positive public image by which of the following means?

a. Hiring public relations firms
b. Demonstrating good citizenship
c. Print and broadcast advertisements
d. All of the above are true.


Which is not an interest group activity?

a. Creating a political action committee (PAC)
b. Endorsing candidates
c. Recommending that its members vote for a particular candidate
d. Nominating candidates for office


A successful lobbyist will attempt all of the following except

a. establish rapport with all members of the legislature.
b. try to gain support or at least neutrality from legislative leaders on one's group's proposals.
c. secure endorsement of the chair of each committee through which one's legislation must pass.
d. secure the positive endorsement of community representatives for legislation sought by local governments.


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