The files that provide helpful information to an e-mail investigation are log files and ____ files.

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For computer investigators, tracking intranet e-mail is relatively easy because the accounts use standard names established by the network or e-mail administrator.


You can always rely on the return path in an e-mail header to show the source account of an e-mail message.


E-mail programs either save e-mail messages on the client computer or leave them on the server.


All e-mail servers are databases that store multiple users' e-mails.


Like UNIX e-mail servers, Exchange maintains logs to track e-mail communication.

Client/Server Architechture

E-mail messages are distributed from one central server to many connected client computers, a configuration called _______.


In an e-mail address, everything after the __ symbol represents the domain name.


With many ____ e-mail programs, you can copy an e-mail message by dragging the message to a storage medium, such as a folder or disk.


When working on a Windows environment you can press ____ to copy the selected text to the clipboard.


To retrieve e-mail headers in Microsoft Outlook, right-click the e-mail message, and then click _____ to open the Message Options dialog box. The Internet headers text box at the bottom of the dialog box contains the message header.


For older UNIX applications, such as mail or mailx, you can print the e-mail headers by using the ____ command.


In Microsoft Outlook, you can save sent, drafted, deleted, and received e-mails in a file with a file extension of _______.

Circular Logging

______ allocates space for a log file on the server, and then starts overwriting from the beginning when logging reaches the end of the time frame or the specified log size.


The files that provide helpful information to an e-mail investigation are log files and ______ files.


Typically, UNIX installations are set to store logs such as maillog in the ______ directory.


Exchange logs information about changes to its data in a(n) ____ log.


In Exchange, to prevent loss of data from the last backup, a ____ file or marker is inserted in the transaction log to mark the last point at which the database was written to disk.


Some e-mail systems store messages in flat plaintext files, known as a(n) _____ format.

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What kind of information is normally included in e

The logs created contain information on each email (e.g. date/time email sent, sender, recipient, etc). The Email Logs can be helpful if you are trying to check if emails have been sent, and if sent to particular email address.

In which log does Exchange log information about changes to its data?

In Microsoft Exchange, a transaction log is a file that contains a record of the changes that were made to an Exchange database.

Is it true or false that tracking intranet email for digital investigations is more difficult because accounts use standard names the administrator establishes?

For computer investigators, tracking intranet e-mail is relatively easy because the accounts use standard names established by the network or e-mail administrator. You can always rely on the return path in an e-mail header to show the source account of an e-mail message.

Which of the following configuration file's ____ contain S configuration information for Sendmail helping the investigator to determine where the log files reside?

Chapter 6-13 multiple choice.


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