What are the importance of using computers in schools in learning and teaching environment?

Using Digital Resources To Support Teaching and Learning


Teaching and learning are completely different today than they were a decade ago. Technology changes by the minute and it is very important to prepare the students for this ever-changing world. In keeping with this, important investments have been made to improve education and now many schools can gain access to digital resources to support the educational process.

The impact that technology has had on today’s schools has been quite significant and it has completely changed how teachers teach and how students learn.
When teachers introduce technology in the classroom, they are using something that students like, and they are opening the doors to a limitless world of knowledge. With technology, students have access to answers beyond what’s in their textbooks and they can have access to electronic books, digital portfolios, learning guides and real-time feedback on both teacher or student performance.

But why is technology so critical to improving the education process?

Technology Gives Instant Access to Knowledge – Using technology in the classroom gives teachers the chance to provide their students with the guidance to find the right sources and teach them how to assess the quality of the information they find online.

Technology Keeps Students Engaged – Teaching the exact same thing but using a computer or a tablet can encourage a more active participation in the learning process which can be more difficult to achieve through traditional methods. When technology is integrated into lessons, students are found to be more interested in the subjects they are studying. Teachers can also use different apps or trusted online resources to enhance those traditional ways of teaching.

Technology Encourages Individual Learning – Technology personalizes the learning experience and provides greater opportunities for students with varying needs. They can learn at their own speed, go back to lessons and get online instructions to support the learning process.

Technology Improves knowledge Retention – Students who are interested in things they are studying, are more likely to have a better knowledge retention.

Teamwork – Technology can encourage collaboration with students in the same classroom, at the same school or even with other classrooms around the world. One of the best ways to enhance the communication between students in the classroom is with teamwork projects and collaborative learning. Students can ask questions, discuss different topics, and help each other learn in a safe online environment created by teachers.

Technology Makes Learning More Fun – Teachers believe that technology makes learning more interesting and fun because students love laptops and tablets. Challenging or boring subjects can become more interesting with virtual lessons, through a video, or when using a tablet.

Technology Prepares Students for the Future – Technology is everywhere. High-school, college and university. Students have to know how to use the Internet to complete projects and most importantly, into their future jobs, technology skills will be required. So, it is very important to bring this technology in the classroom and also incorporate it into their educational curriculum. Responsible use of technology also starts in the classroom and it will prepare the students to be responsible digital citizens.

There are multiple reasons why teachers should start introducing tech tools into their classrooms. However, many schools, especially in rural areas, do not have the same opportunities. Nowhere is the ‘digital divide’ more evident than in K-12 education, particularly in the emerging countries where infrastructure and onnectivity are still precious resources. Despite the positive trends towards adopting technology in the classroom, the full menu of technology is still not universally available to all students.

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There are many beneficial uses of computer in schools and colleges. At present, Computer and Internet technologies in the modern world have become an integral part of the majority of the lives in the world.

The computer has an important capability to improve and upgrade the education system in various aspects either it is teaching by the teachers and staff or learning it from the student’s side. Uses of computers in the education sector can be a more interesting and effective interaction between the tutor and tutee.

The various uses of the computer are getting valuable and as far as the contribution of computers in the field of education is concerned, today you are reading this information on the Internet through the computer itself, Let’s know the contribution and different uses of computer schools and colleges.

Computer Technology In Education Field

Computers in education Computer technology is profoundly affecting the education sector. The digital computer has made teaching and schooling simpler and much more fascinating than before.

The good news is that almost all people youngsters, children, and even somehow old people have become familiar with computing devices such as smartphones, laptops, desktops, and especially Chromebook laptops. Even if you don’t use a computer yet, you can access it at your educational institutes.

Computer technology in the educational system developed and became almost inclusive. Teachers are progressively incorporating computers into the classroom for the very young. The advantages of using computers in the classroom, even in grade school, are numerous.

Considering the use of computer and Internet technologies in almost all circles of life, it becomes important for every person to have at least basic knowledge of the use of computers. Let’s take a look at the significant uses of computer technology in education.

1. Instant Access to Information

The Internet plays an important role in education. By using computers along with the Internet students are able to have access to a wealth of knowledge instantly on the Internet. Since this is a huge information database that can be used to extract any information on a variety of topics.

The Internet is presently a digital library used to be. It is simpler for both teachers and students to turn on the Internet and simply need to enter a couple of keywords into a search engine is everything necessary to pull up all the information instead of look for information in thick books.

Students can refer to website articles, teaching videos, and blogs for more data on subjects that interest them. Students can use computers to get to online copies of their course textbooks, which include various features like video tutorials and digital notebooks i.e PDFs, DOCs, etc, which are not accessible with traditional course books.

Teachers can also refer to it to research more resources on subjects and syllabuses to be taught. It also helps educators to set tests, projects, homework, and assignments.

2. Research for Homework

Students in schools and colleges can use computers as help for the research part of their homework, assignments, or projects. Since they can get reference materials enriching the content presented in the classroom and encouraging student access to resources.

Today, By just using this device makes it a whole lot easier and quicker to access everything, students can write and research their school works. In just a few clicks, one can communicate with their classmates and teachers online via messaging or email in order to share their research materials and projects.

The virtual library is the site on the Internet where students can access nearly all the information that they require. The greater part of the information you get through these platforms is consistently current. This has made them very helpful and empowered the students to stay ahead constantly.

Examples of virtual libraries:

  • Google books,
  • Scribd,
  • Amazon Kindle,
  • The Internet Archive,
  • Project Gutenberg.

As the Internet has grown, so too has the available research options for real-time news, resources, and current events. Students can explore subjects in minutes as opposed to having students discover and bring current newspapers to class the hours it used to take.

3. Organized Records and Data

Vast or Immense storage capacity is one more great and very useful characteristic of a computer. Both students and teachers utilize computers in order to store all the resources. For students, it will be easy to store their data like assignments, books, presentations, projects, important sheets, test papers, and a lot of educational materials, and so on.

Similarly, teachers can also store and arrange data quickly in the storage devices about the exams, lecture/ address notes, question papers, semester patterns, syllabuses, grades of their students, and other essential documents in schools’ computers.

Even without an Internet connection, a computer helps teachers and staff to quickly save the records about the behaviors, attendance, and participation of the students in spreadsheets or databases and perform calculations and basic data-modeling.

Unlike paper formats, it is very simple to use, edit, and transfer these digital files from one person to another. In this way, teachers can monitor the performances of their students and make timely reports to their parents about their all-around grades from time to time.

4. Computer Literacy Education

Today, being Computer literate is an important requirement either it is business, profession, or in the job market. Therefore, quite possibly the most famous uses of computer in school is their application, and learning how to use and control PC applications and software is an objective of educational computing in itself.

With a world and development that increasingly demands IT skills, students can build their potentials by acquiring computing skills in schools and colleges in order to get better jobs and business opportunities.

For example, many developing countries in the world, have planned aspiring computer programs for students to build computer education and literacy also democratize computer access in order to boost self-learning.

5. Virtual Coaching

The computers were once utilized only up to particular fields such as research centers, offices, and government bodies, and so on. But now it introduced in the common educational fields like schools, tuitions, colleges.

The extensive use of computers in educational institutes has helped many students to pursue education via computers by allowing them to access their virtual education especially those living in a remote part of our planet around the world.

In some counties, students can complete all of their academic requirements online just by using computers and other devices such as handheld gadgets, smartphones, and laptops. The online courses are facilitated by an authorized educator who keeps in touch with students virtually.

Examples of online coursing platforms:

  • Khan Academy,
  • Udemy,
  • Stanford Online,
  • TED-Ed,
  • Code,
  • Coursera.

Online courses incredibly benefit students who can’t actually get to a college and school campus. In every profession. computers have changed the manner that we work. Therefore, it is very normal that the job of computers in education has been given great significance, especially in recent years during the 2020’s pandemic.

6. Flexible Tutoring 

The computer or laptops can be used to serve a number of students by sitting in front of the monitor at a single place instead of roaming different classrooms for every period. This flexibility of the computer helps the teacher to save time by teaching the students in real-time

At the point when students decide to pick specific courses, they need to see real-time resources and updates, and innovation can help them discover them. This way, they can find the correct timings for the course; the assignment outlines and also helps them schedule their studies accordingly.

Examples of computer software and websites for tutoring:

  • Zoom meetings,
  • Moodle,
  • Google Classroom,
  • WizQ,
  • Tutorcruncher,
  • Yocoach.

Also, some educational sites on the Internet are specifically designed for coaching. They provide all that is required for solving problems. They additionally have step-by-step clarifications that make learning more compelling.

E-learning is affordable, whether it’s vocational training to hone your management skills or a college student looking to learn a foreign language.

7. Learning Programs

Today there are many special learning programs, educational software, and websites available that help to merge basic knowledge, contribute to the mental development of the child, expand his perspectives.

Computer-Aided Learning in which teachers can prepare lessons in PowerPoint and teach with the use of a Computer, Speaker, Mic, and Projector. In these environmentally friendly conditions, it will be easy for the student to engage and learn.

In addition, with the assistance of a PC, the teacher himself can make a variety of educational teaching materials for students. For instance, videos using video editing programs, information posters, photoshop lessons for beginners, and, of course, computer presentations – it is generally hard to imagine a modern educator without them.

8. Learning with Entertainment

Children in the modern 21st century start to show interest in computers at an early stage, in fact, they easily master it.

Today there are many educational games, software, and programs available that have been developed for interactive lessons and tutorials where primary students can playfully learn, counting, geometric shapes, online learning games, and much more in an engaging manner through the use of computers in schools.

Instead of stopping, the guardians and educators should encourage them to use the computer for cognitive and educational purposes. This way helps them to naturally fit at least basic essential computer skills.

A lot of us believe in a bogus thing that video games are made only for pleasure and enjoyment. There are a lot more educational computer games which can, for instance, help your student with spelling, it helps them become better at calculations or even learn more about the environment in general.

9. Interactive Tools

The educational tools can be used to increase the productivity of the students. Using interactive educational tools makes learning the lessons more interesting, easy to understand, and in a more creative way.

For example, you can use additional videos and infographic images to explain new chapters and topics. These will improve essay writings, presentations of projects, and assignments. In addition, they can access applications that can help them schedule their personal reading time and keep track of assignments.

Examples of interactive tools for learning:

  • Classdojo,
  • Storybird,
  • Kahoot,
  • Edmodo.

The use of computers has proven itself well in every field, from the herbal center to virtual designing. The tools like plagiarism checkers also help the teachers to check either the homework of the student is copied or not.

Image search technology is another unique tool used for finding the images if you cannot understand the image or simply find out the information of that particular thing in the image.

10. Increased Performance

As you see above-given points through the uses of computer for both school and college students can enhance their learning and perform their tasks with ease with the availability of the advantages and features of the computer

With the integration of the computer with the Internet in the education sector, the whole institute improves themself by saving them time and increasing the working speed along with the growth of the entire society.

Aside from the internet benefits, these gadgets have other helpful software such as spreadsheets, word processors, and presentation software that have added productivity.

These tools have incredibly helped in limiting the time that was spent on conventional presentations and writing. You can also use them in creating forms, charts, and tables very fast.

An education institute can use any kind of LAN and MAN networks like Wi-Fi on the campus in order to connect the entire institute togetherly.

Contribution of Computer to Administration of Educational Institutes

  • Maintaining records of students, teachers, and other working staff of the institution.
  • To analyze the reports, stats, and records of colleges and schools.
  • To deal with the Institute’s accounts.
  • To send various important notices to teachers and staff either on the website or via email.
  • Computers are also used to make prospectus, syllabus, and paper pattern preparation.
  • To make news and magazine.

Why Computer Is Important In Education Sector

The research work shows that the uses of computer in schools are fundamental for present-day conditions as a means of supporting and putting together the educational process in independent and extracurricular activities, just as a significant component of the socialization of a person.

In recent years, the computer has turned from a massive device, understandable only to a narrow circle of specialists, into an indispensable assistant for every individual. With the approach of the first personal computers at the end of the 20th century, and afterward the Internet, ordinary people gained access to a large amount of information.

All this makes PC schooling an absolute necessity for students nowadays.

Capabilities of information and Communication Technologies in education allow:

  • to carry out a rational organization of intellectual activity;
  • to raise the degree of the way toward procuring information, making it as powerful as conceivable by including a wide range of children’s sensory perception;
  • get and consolidate professional skills;
  • to increase the student’s motivation to gain knowledge and the level of his self-training;
  • guarantee the obtaining of more knowledge;
  • develop creative and scholarly abilities;
  • educate to work with different sources of information;
  • implement cutting-edge trends in education;
  • to gain access to a single world information space.

How Can an Education Institute Establish a Computer System

Not all schools still have computers, and not all schools use all their capabilities or use them quite effectively. Teachers and students don’t have a smart thought of ​​how to include them in school life.

Therefore, the reason for this point is to study the directions for using a computer in school as an amazing asset for supporting the educational cycle and coordinating the school information space.

In this regard, the following tasks are set:

  • to summarize the experience of using a computer at school;
  • describe the potential capabilities of school computers (propose different alternatives for their use);
  • to analyze the opinions of students and teachers about the use of computer technology;
  • to explain the importance of the computer and uses of its major parts like CPU, Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse, PC Cabinet,
  • show the achieved results.

Due to computers and the Internet, today children can get schooling from home. Due to the expansion in computer internet technology, currently, computers are easily available in schools and colleges and because of these smart classes are additionally organized.

By using computers for the beneficiary of schools and colleges at the same time there are some disadvantages of computers has along with the advantages of computers.

Thus, above are the significant uses of computer with their importance in various aspects of the education field.

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Why are computers so important in school?

Using Computers in Schools On a more sophisticated level, they can simulate real-world experiences. They can also be productivity tools, enabling students to gather and learn from information more efficiently. So far, the computer revolution has borne most fruit in the classroom as a glorified workbook.

What is the importance of technology for teaching and learning?

Technology provides students with access to countless online resources, encouraging them to carry out research and therefore become more independent. It also simplifies learning by making concepts more digestible, for example through an instructional video.

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