What conditions enabled the cultural renaissance to emerge in the wake of the Black Death quizlet?

What conditions enabled the cultural Renaissance to emerge in the wake of the Black Death?

An end to the century-long war between France and England, decreased trade with Asia, and steady birthrates
A decreased emphasis on agricultural commerce, the consolidation of smaller city-states into larger territories, and religious toleration
A dry climate, the Middle Eastern slave trade, and a decreased reliance on other cultures for scientific knowledge
An improved climate, a higher standard of living for the surviving populations, and rising birthrates

What crop enabled the expansion of the Hopewell people an advanced Native American culture that developed around the Mississippi and Ohio river system?

The Mississippi Valley The spread of maize to the Mississippi River Valley around A.D. 1000 led to the development of a large-scale northern Native American culture. The older Adena and Hopewell cultures had already introduced moundbuilding and distinctive pottery styles to the region.

Why did the diet of the first North Americans change about 10000 years ago quizlet?

Why did the diet of the first North Americans change about 10,000 years ago? The animals they hunted in Asia did not follow them to North America, so they needed to find new sources of food. North Americans adopted agricultural systems, allowing them to replace meat with vegetables as the main foods in their diet.

Where was Beringia the land bridge that enabled the settlement of the Americas between 16000 and 14000 BCE?

The settlement of the Americas began when Paleolithic hunter-gatherers entered North America from the North Asian Mammoth steppe via the Beringia land bridge, which had formed between northeastern Siberia and western Alaska due to the lowering of sea level during the Last Glacial Maximum (26,000 to 19,000 years ago).

How did the Aztecs Mayans and Incas commercial practices influence the development of their transportation systems?

How did the Aztecs', Maya's, and Incas' commercial practices influence the development of their transportation systems? Because they carried out most of their commerce overland or along rivers and coastlines, they did not need to build large boats.


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