What CR angulation should be used for an AP axial projection of the L5 S1 joint space on a male patient?

23. Which of the following statements is not true about the lateral L5-S1 projection?

a. If the waist is not supported, the CR must be angled 5-8 degrees caudad.

b. A lead mat should be placed on the tabletop behind the patient, and there should be close collimation to improve image quality.

c. A 14 x 17-inch (35- x 43-cm) IR should be used.

d. The CR is centered 1.5 inches (3-4 cm) inferior to the iliac crest and 2 inches (5 cm) posterior to the ASIS.

Where is the CR Center for an AP axial projection of the sacrum?

The CR is centered 1.5 inches inferior to the iliac crest and 2 inches posterior to the ASIS.

What type of central ray angulation should be utilized for the lateral L5

If the waist is not supported, the CR must be angled 5-8 degrees caudad. 28. What CR angulation should be used for an AP axial projection of the L5-S1 joint space on a male patient?

What Cr angle should be used for a lateral sacrum coccyx projection quizlet?

45°. Which of the following should be done to reduce scatter radiation from reaching the image receptor for the lateral lumbar, sacrum, and coccyx projections? a.

Where is the CR directed for an AP lumbosacral spine?

For an AP projection of the lumbar spine, the patient is supine on the table, with their hips and knees flexed to eliminate the normal physiologic lumbar lordosis. The CR is directed vertically to the center of the abdomen at the level of the iliac crests.


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