What developmental milestone does the nurse expect to see in a 4-year-old child


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ages and speaking words Children ages 4 to 5 years use sentences of four or five words. An 18-month-old child has a vocabulary of approximately 10 words. A 24-month-old child uses two- or three-word phrases. A 3-year-old child uses sentences of three or four complete words.
Which should the nurse expect for a toddler’s language development at age 18 months? increasing level of comprehension
The nurse should teach parents that which age is safe to give infants whole milk instead of commercial infant formula?</ 12 months
Which technique is best for dealing with the negativism of the toddler? offer child choices
Which describes the cognitive abilities of school-age children? Are able to classify, to group and sort, and to hold a concept in their minds while making decisions based on that concept
In terms of language and cognitive development, a 4-year-old child would be expected to have which traits? tell exagerated stories / follow directional commands
Which figure depicts an expected developmental milestone for a 7-month-old infant? able to bear own weight / stand holding on to furnature at 9 months/ deliberate steps at 10 months
A school nurse is teaching dental health practices to a group of sixth-grade children. How often should the nurse recommend the children brush their teeth? after meal snacks and bedtime / and when you chew
Which information should the nurse give a mother regarding the introduction of solid foods during infancy? foods should be given one at a time in intervals of 4 to 7 days inbetween
A 9-year-old girl often comes to the school nurse complaining of stomach pains. Her teacher says she is completing her school work satisfactorily but lately has been somewhat aggressive and stubborn in the classroom. signs of stress
The recommendation for calcium for children 1 to 3 years of age is _____ milligrams. (Record your answer in a whole number.) 500
Which describes moral development in younger school-age children? know the rules and behavior but do not understand the reason behind them
Preschoolers’ fears can best be dealt with by which intervention? Actively involving them in finding practical methods to deal with the frightening experience
Which is an appropriate recommendation for preventing tooth decay in young children? substitute non sugar gum for regular gum
The nurse is teaching parents about appropriate pacifier selection. Which characteristics should the pacifier have? one peice construction/ easily grasped handle / sturdy flexible material
Which characteristic best describes the gross motor skills of a 24-month-old child? walks up and down stairs with run with wide stance
Which snack should the nurse recommend parents offer to their slightly overweight preschool child? low fat chocolate milk
The parents of a 3-month-old infant report that their infant sleeps supine (face up) but is often prone (face down) while awake. The nurse’s response should be based on knowledge that this is: acceptable to encourage head control and turning over
The parents of a 4-month-old infant tell the nurse that they are getting a microwave oven and will be able to heat the baby’s formula faster. What should the nurse recommend? never with microwave
A parent of an 18-month-old boy tells the nurse that he says “no” to everything and has rapid mood swings. If he is scolded, he shows anger and then immediately wants to be held. what does nurse say normal behavior
In terms of fine motor development, which should the 3-year-old child be expected to do? draw a circle and name what has been drawn
A nurse is assessing a 6-month-old infant. The nurse recognizes the posterior fontanel usually closes at which age? 6 to 8 weeks
Which information could be given to the parents of a 12-month-old child regarding appropriate play activities? Give large push-pull toys for kinetic stimulation.
A 4-year-old child is hospitalized with a serious bacterial infection. The child tells the nurse that he is sick because he was “bad.” Which is the nurse’s best interpretation of this comment? Common at this age
The school nurse has been asked to begin teaching sex education in the fifth grade. The nurse should recognize that: sex can be presented as a normal part of growth and development.
Parents tell the nurse that their toddler daughter eats little at mealtime, only sits at the table with the family briefly, and wants snacks “all the time.” Which intervention should the nurse recommend? give nutritous snacks
An 8-year-old girl tells the nurse that she has cancer because God is punishing her for “being bad.” She shares her concern that if she dies, she will go to hell. The nurse should interpret this as: belief common at this age
A nurse is teaching parents of kindergarten children general guidelines to assist their children in school. Which statement by the parents indicates they understand the teaching? “We will plan a trip to the library as often as possible.”
The nurse is doing a routine assessment on a 14-month-old infant and notes that the anterior fontanel is closed. The nurse should interpret this as a(n): normal
Which play item should the nurse bring from the playroom to a hospitalized toddler in isolation? set of large plastic building blocks
Which is characteristic of dishonest behavior in children ages 8 to 10 years? They may lie to meet expectations set by others that they have been unable to attain.
At what age should the nurse expect an infant to begin smiling in response to pleasurable stimuli? 2 months
In girls, the initial indication of puberty is: breast development / height weight/ pubic hair/ arm pit / decline in linear growth
A school nurse is teaching a group of preadolescent boys about puberty. By which age should concerns about pubertal delay be considered? 13 1/2 to 14 years
A toddler’s parent asks the nurse for suggestions on dealing with temper tantrums. Which is the most appropriate recommendation? Remain close by the child but without eye contact.
Which toys should a nurse provide to promote imaginative play for a 3-year-old hospitalized child? (Select all that apply.) hand puppets/ plastic telephone/ farm animals and equipment
The nurse should teach the adolescent that the long-term effects of tanning can cause which conditions? (Select all that apply.) phototoxic reactions/ premature aging/ incrased risk of skin cancer
Generally, the earliest age at which puberty begins is _____ years in girls, _____ in boys. 10-12
Developmentally, most children at age 12 months: eat the same food as the rest of the family
Which play is most typical of the preschool period? associative
The parents of a newborn say that their toddler “hates the baby; he suggested that we put him in the trash can so the trash truck could take him away.” Which is the nurse’s best reply? “That is a normal response to the birth of a sibling. Let’s look at ways to deal with this.”
A child has an evulsed (knocked-out) tooth. Which medium should the nurse instruct the parents to place the tooth in for transport to the dentist? cold milk
A 14-year-old adolescent never had chickenpox as a child. Which should the nurse recommend? Two doses of the varicella vaccination 4 weeks apart
Which accurately describes the speech of the preschool child? Dysfluency in speech patterns is normal.
Which is a useful skill that the nurse should expect a 5-year-old child to be able to master? tie shoelaces
Teasing can be common during the school-age years. The nurse should recognize that which applies to teasing? Can have a lasting effect on children
The parents of a 9-month-old infant tell the nurse that they have noticed foods such as peas and corn are not completely digested and can be seen in their infant’s stools. The nurse’s explanation of this is based on which statement? immaturity of digestive tract
What is the best age for solid food to be introduced into the infant’s diet? 4 to 6 months

Created by: 428

Which developmental milestone would the nurse expect a typically developing 4

Gross motor behaviors the nurse would expect for a 4-year-old client include skipping, catching a ball, and hopping on one foot. Skating and jumping rope are expected for a 5-, not 4-year-old client.

What is developmentally appropriate for a 4

At this age, expect many emotional expressions, new friendships, make-believe play, an interest in numbers, tall stories, a lot of physical activity, and more. Activities that are good for development include reading, creative play, inside and outside play, turn-taking games and cooking.

What developmental milestone does the nurse expect to see in a 4 month old baby?

At 4-months-old, your baby is starting to show more of their personality! They are able to recognize familiar faces, respond to affection, smile, and might even laugh. They are able to sit up with support and push up onto their elbows or hands during tummy time.

Which psychosocial developmental skill would the nurse anticipate in a 4

Which psychosocial developmental skill is the nurse likely to notice in the child? The nurse will notice that the 4-year-old child is curious about his or her surroundings and wants to make new friends. School-aged children begin to define their self-concept and develop self-esteem, an overall self-evaluation.


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