What does your textbook advise regarding the ethical use of emotional appeals in a persuasive speech?

COM 101 final

Which of the following does your textbook recommend as a way to deal with stage fright?
a. Acquire speaking experience.
b. Turn negative thoughts into positive ones.
c. Don't expect perfection.
d. all of these

Which of the following does your textbook recommend as a way to deal with nervousness in your speeches?
Tell your audience how nervous you are.
Avoid making eye contact with the audience.
Focus on achieving perfection in your speech.
Visualize yourself gi

Visualize yourself giving a successful speech

Audience adaptation is an important factor in which of the following steps of the speechmaking process?
formulating a specific purpose
writing an introduction and conclusion
choosing visual aids
all of these
formulating a specific purpose and writing an i

Because speechmaking is a form of power, we must always be sure to speak

Which of the following is presented in your textbook as a guideline for ethical speechmaking?
Be fully prepared for each speech.
Explain your credibility in the introduction.
Present your main points in nontechnical language.
Use visual aids to clarify st

Be fully prepared for each speech

Language helps to shape our sense of reality by
causing events
giving meaning to events
communicating events
mirroring events
reflecting events

Which of the following does your textbook mention as an advantage of using visual aids in a public speech?
using visual aids enhances the clarity of the speaker's message
using visual aids reduces the need for eye contact with the audience
using visual ai

using visual aids enhances the clarity o the speaker's message
using visual aids can help combat the speaker's stage fright

Which of the following is included among the four major causes of poor listening discussed in your textbook?
trying to remember everything the speaker says
jumping to conclusions about the speaker's ideas
taking written notes while the speech is in progre

jumping to conclusions about the speaker's ideas

Regardless of whether your aim is to encourage passive agreement or immediate action, you must deal with three basic issues whenever you discuss a question of policy.
They are
cause, effect, and practicality
evidence, practicality, and reasoning
need, act

need, plan, and practicality

Devon is president of the International Student Organization. He is listening to the Dean of Students present her plan for a new multicultural center so he can decide whether or not to support the plan. According to your textbook, Devon is engaged in ____

Which of the following is an instance of informative speaking?
a business manager reporting on next year's budget
an after-dinner speaker entertaining the audience with humorous stories
a pastor urging parishioners to give to a building fund
all of these

a business manager reporting on next year's budget and a pastor urging parishioners to give to a building fund

As a public speaker, you face ethical issues when
selecting the topic for your speech
researching your speech
organizing your speech
all of these
selecting the topic for your speech and researching your speech

To inform my audience about the steps in creating a rooftop garden" is an example of a specific purpose statement for an informative speech about a(n)

According to your textbook, the two most important factors affecting the credibility of a persuasive speaker are
competence and character
prestige and charisma
character and reputation
popularity and intelligence
charisma and competence

Which of the following does your textbook recommend for developing your first classroom speech?
Be creative in structuring the speech.
Use colorful, descriptive language.
Describe an exciting experience.
all of these
Use colorful, descriptive language and

According to your textbook, Raul should include which of the following in his preparation outline?
the central idea
a bibliography
all of these
the central idea and a bibliography

Amalia needs to find information from scholarly journals for her persuasive speech on prescription drug shortages. The best resource for her would be a(n)
yearbook, such as Facts on File or World Almanac
academic database, such as JSTOR or Academic OneFil

academic database such as JSTOR or Academic OneFile

As explained in your textbook, the three main parts of a speech are called the
opening, the center, and the end
introduction, the body, and the conclusion
attention-getter, the main section, and the ending
preview, the main points, and the close

introduction, the body, and the conclusion

Which of the following is recommended by your textbook as a way to improve your listening?
Try to remember everything the speaker says.
Pay close attention to feedback from other listeners.
Concentrate solely on the speaker's gestures and eye contact.

Suspend judgment until you hear all the speaker has to say.

Advocating a position is most appropriate when the general purpose of your speech is to

A(n) __________ is a summary of a magazine or research article, written by someone other than the original author.

According to your textbook, a(n) __________ is an imaginary story that makes a general point.
simulated example
hypothetical example

According to your textbook, when evaluating statistics you should ask whether they
are from a reliable source
use statistical measures correctly
are representative of what they claim to measure
all of these
use statistical measures correctly and are repre

Which of the following does your textbook recommend as a way to deal with nervousness in your speeches?
Concentrate on thinking about your stage fright.
Work especially hard on your conclusion.
Avoid making eye contact with your audience.
Try to generate

Think of your speech as an act of communication

To persuade my audience to give blood regularly and to become an organ donor" is a poorly phrased specific purpose statement for a classroom speech because it
is not relevant to this audience
contains more than one distinct idea
is written as a statement

contains more than one distinct idea

If you were giving a speech to a general audience on the topic of Elvis Presley, the most important demographic factor to consider in analyzing your audience would probably be its
sexual orientation

Which of the following is recommended in your textbook as a way to reinforce the central idea in a speech conclusion?
Speed up your rate of delivery.
Refer back to the introduction.
Ask for questions from the audience.
all of these
Refer back to the intro

refer back to the introduction

In her speech introduction, Kailyn asked, "Have you ever looked through old family photo albums and laughed at what people were wearing? Like many of you, I've noticed the changes in fashion and feared that my effort to look stylish today may eventually b

Examples are especially helpful as supporting materials because they
personalize your ideas
are not overly technical
quantify a speaker's ideas
are harder to manipulate than statistics or testimony
enhance the speaker's credibility

List the four methods of delivery discussed in your textbook.

1. Impromptu
2. Extemporaneous
3. Manuscript
4. Memorized

A speech that is fully prepared in advance but delivered from a brief set of notes or a speaking outline is called a(n) __________ speech.

If you quoted Charles McCreery, director of the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center, on the new systems in place for early detection of tsunamis, you would be using __________ testimony.

If you quoted your brother who plays football in high school about steroid use among high school athletes, you would be using __________ testimony.

What does it mean to say that people are egocentric? What implications does the egocentrism of audiences have for you as a speaker?

they do not take into consideration other people's beliefs, values, or well-being. they might not give the response expected because they have prejudgments and do not consider what the speaker is trying to convey

Explain the major advantages of using visual aids in a speech.

People find a speaker's message more interesting, grasp it more easily, and retain it longer. It can enhance every aspect of a speech. A speaker will come across as being well prepared, more credible, and more professional. it can help a speaker combat st

Why is determining the specific purpose such a vital step in the process of preparing a speech?

Indicates precisely what your speech seeks to achieve.

Explain two reasons why it is important from an ethical standpoint for a public speaker to be fully prepared for each speech.

Maintain credibility
To present a fair and accurate argument of your thesis.
To provide honest facts with integrity and without deception or distortion.

________ are especially valuable for showing an audience statistical trends and patterns.
a. models
b. diagrams
c. transparencies
d. blueprints
e. graphs

Visual aids are most effective when they are
a. integrated with the rest of the speech
b. explained clearly
c. passed among the audience
d. all of the above
e. a and b only

At the start of her informative speech, Neva placed a drawing of the major regions of Egypt on an easel to the left of the lectern so it would be easy for her classmates to see throughout the speech. Did Neva follow the guidelines for visual aids presente

No. Visual aids should be displayed only while they are being discussed

Which of the following would probably be the best kind of visual aid to demonstrate the five major areas of spending in the federal budget?
a pie graph
a diagram
a line graph
a chart
a photograph

What does your textbook say you should do when presenting visual aids in a speech?
pass visual aids through the audience
include visual aids only in informative speeches
darken the room when presenting overhead transparencies
avoid using the chalkboard to

avoid using the chalkboard to present visual aids

Communication based on a speaker's body and voice, rather than on the use of words, is called ________ communication.
a. implicit
b. nonverbal
c. unintentional
d. instinctive
e. physical

Which of the following does your textbook mention as an advantage of extemporaneous delivery?
a. It requires only a minimal amount of gesturing by the speaker.
b. It reduces the likelihood of a speaker making vocalized pauses.
c. It improves a speaker's a

it allows greater spontaneity than does speaking from a manuscript

Good speech delivery:
a. is accompanied by frequent gestures
requires that the speaker have a strong voice
b. sounds conversational even though it has been rehearsed
c. draws the attention of the audience away from the message
d. is best achieved by readi

sounds conversational even though it has been rehearsed

Malcolm said "um" or "uh" every time he got to a new PowerPoint slide in his informative speech. His instructor told Malcolm to reduce the number of _________ in his next speech.
a. fillers
b. vocal inflection
c. intonations
d. vocalized pauses
e. inflect

What does your textbook advise regarding the use of gestures in a speech?
a. Gestures should be suited to the audience and occasion.
b. Speakers should have a vast number of graceful gestures
c. Gestures should appear natural and spontaneous.
d. all of th

Appeals to audience emotions such as fear, compassion, guilt, or pride are the kinds of appeals that Aristotle referred to as

According to your textbook, the two most important factors affecting the credibility of a persuasive speaker are
competence and character
prestige and charisma
character and reputation
popularity and intelligence
charisma and competence

What error in reasoning is exemplified by the following statement?
Both of my roommates drink at least three cans of soda every day and neither of them is overweight, so all those studies that link soda consumption to obesity must be wrong.
circular reaso

Studies have found that public speakers will usually be more persuasive when they
use evidence that is already familiar to the audience
present evidence in specific rather than general terms
state evidence without drawing explicit conclusions from it

present evidence in specific rather than general terms

Which of the following is recommended in your textbook as a way to enhance your credibility in a persuasive speech?
Explain your expertise on the speech topic.
Deliver your speeches fluently and expressively.
Establish common ground with your audience.

As your textbook explains, whenever you give a persuasive speech on a question of value, you need to
concentrate on convincing listeners who already share your view
organize the speech according to Monroe's motivated sequence
conclude your speech by urgin

justify your value judgment against a set of standards or criteria

According to your textbook, you should think of your persuasive speech as
essentially the same as a commemorative speech
a kind of mental dialogue with the audience
less challenging than speaking to inform
all of the above
b and c only

a kind of mental dialogue with the audience

A persuasive speech exploring the truth or falsity of an assertion is known as a speech on a question of

Emily wanted to convince the technology department at her company to adopt a new database system. Some staff members supported the change, a few were opposed, and most were undecided. Emily realized that the undecided group was her ______________ audience

Which of the following is an instance of persuasive speaking?
a president of a company presenting an award to an outstanding employee
a marketing manager explaining a new product to the company's sales force
a personnel manager defining employee benefits

a union representative urging management to avoid a strike by raising wages

To paraphrase is to:
create a new way of describing an event
violate ethical standards of public speaking
use someone else's words so you don't have to credit them
give the gist of someone's statement in your own words
use testimony for persuasive speeche

give the gist of someone's statement in your own words

How does the following excerpt from a classroom speech violate the guidelines for the use of statistics presented in your textbook?
I discovered on the Internet that, each year for every 100,000 students living in college dormitories, there are four cases

It doesn't cite a qualified source for the statistics.

According to your textbook, a good way to clarify statistical trends is to
increase your speaking rate when giving statistics
consult the Guinness Book of World Records
use exact numbers rather than rounding off
use visual aids when presenting statistics

use visual aids when presenting statistics

Examples are especially helpful as supporting materials, because they
personalize your ideas
are not overly technical
quantify a speaker's ideas
are harder to manipulate than statistics or testimony
enhance the speaker's credibility

The more _________ your examples, the greater impact they are likely to have.

If you can't identify the author of a document on the Internet, your textbook recommends that you
look up the year the document was published
bookmark the document and return to it later
try to determine the sponsoring organization for the document

try to determine the sponsoring organization for the document

As part of the research for his informative speech, Malik needs brief life and career facts about United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. The best kind of library reference source for him to consult would be a(n)
a. periodical index
b. special dicti

According to your textbook, when is it appropriate to cite an abstract of a magazine or journal article in your speech rather than locating and reading the full article?
a. never
b. when the article is more than five years old
c. when the article is not a

The search engine that makes it easy to find high-quality web resources by combining Internet technology with traditional library methods of cataloguing and assessing data is known as a(n)
a. abstract index
b. virtual library
c. periodical database
d. dig

According to your textbook, the three criteria for judging the reliability of research documents located on the Internet are authorship, sponsorship, and
a. interest
b. formality
c. interactivity
d. recency
e. graphics

One main purpose of a speech of introduction is to
a. create a welcoming climate for the main speaker
b. explain why the person being introduced is receiving her or his award
c. inspire the audience with a sense of the significance of the occasion
d. expl

create a welcoming climate for the main speaker

When giving a speech of presentation, you should usually
a. tell why the recipient is receiving her or his award
b. present the main speaker briefly and accurately
c. avoid mentioning the losers of the award competition
d. adapt your presentation to the m

tell why the recipient is receiving her or his reward

According to your textbook, when giving a speech of introduction you should
a. build enthusiasm for the main speaker
b. provide a biography of the main speaker
c.state your personal view on the main speaker's topic
d. all of the above

build enthusiasm for the main speaker

What does it mean to say that a speech of introduction should be "adapted to the main speaker"?
a. The speech should preview what the main speaker's points will be.
b. The speech should be given in the same style as the person being introduced.
c. The spe

The speech should avoid creating discomfort for the main speaker.

If you attended the Academy Awards and heard the following speeches, which one would be an example of a commemorative speech?
a. a speech accepting the best actor award
b. a speech explaining the history of the Oscar statue
c. a speech honoring Jack Nicho

a speech honoring Jack Nicholson for his lifetime achievements

As director of the local Center for the Arts, Irving is introducing the guest speaker at the center's annual fund-raising banquet. According to your textbook, the best way for Irving to create a sense of anticipation and drama in his speech of introductio

save the name of the guest speaker for last

Which of the following is an example of a speech for a special occasion?
a. a presentation on marketing strategy at a sales meeting
b. a talk to new college students about how to register for classes
c. a campaign speech by a candidate for the U.S. Senate

a speech presenting an award to a retiring newspaper editor

A speaker introducing the president of a university to an audience of prospective students and their families will best accomplish this goal by
a. praising the president as the finest public speaker on campus
b. presenting a detailed biography of the pres

summarizing the president's major accomplishments at the university

According to your textbook, a commemorative speech
a. uses visual aids to create persuasive images
b. pays tribute to a person, a group, an institution, or an idea
c. is essentially the same as an informative speech
d. all of the above
e. b and c only

pays tribute to a person, a group, an institution, or an idea

All of the following are presented in your textbook as guidelines for a speech of introduction except
a. Be brief.
b. Adapt your remarks to the occasion.
c. Bring the speech to life by using a hypothetical example.
d. Try to create a sense of anticipation

Bring the speech to life by using a hypothetical example.

Language helps to shape our sense of reality by __________ events.
a. causing
b. giving meaning to
c. communicating
d. mirroring
e. reflecting

The denotative meaning of a word is
a. what the word suggests or implies
b. based on the audience's sense of appropriateness
c. usually more abstract than its connotative meaning
d. often too technical to be used in a speech
e. its literal or dictionary m

its literal or dictionary meaning

As your textbook explains, __________ meaning gives words their emotional power.
a. logical
b. definitional
c. connotative
d. denotative
e. ethical

Jerome wants his audience to appreciate the harsh reality of life for migrant workers in the United States. In addition to using strong supporting materials, he decides to use words with connotative meanings because he knows they will help him
a. have str

arouse an emotional response

To use language vividly, your textbook recommends that speakers employ
a. metaphor and rhyme
b. imagery and rhythm
c. concrete words and quotations
d. testimony and examples
e. antithesis and parallelism

Phrases such as "dry as a bone," "clear as a bell," "dark as night," and "smart as a whip" should be avoided in speeches because they are
a. abstract
b. clich�s
c. similes
d. connotative
e. figurative

My grandmother is the glue that holds our family together" is an example of
a. metaphor
b. antithesis
c. abstraction
d. repetition
e. simile

According to your textbook, the following statement is an example of __________.
"The greeting card industry began by creating a line for every occasion; to keep growing, it had to create an occasion for every line."
a. antithesis
b. connotation
c. person

The flickering light of the fire revealed the fearful faces of the campers" is an example of
a. metaphor
b. alliteration
c. antithesis
d. repetition
e. simile

When used effectively, repetition in a speech
a. unifies a sequence of ideas
b. helps to build a strong cadence
c. reinforces an idea
d. all of the above
e. b and c only

Which of the following is recommended in your textbook as method for generating emotional appeal in a persuasive speech?

Which of the following does your textbook recommend as a way to generate emotional appeal in a persuasive speech? Use more denotative language to create an emotional response.

What does it mean to use emotional appeals ethically?

What does it mean to use emotional appeals ethically? To use them only when it is appropriate for your topic. To use them in conjunction with building a case on reason.

Why do speakers appeal to emotions when giving a persuasive speech?

Why do speakers appeal to emotions when giving a persuasive speech? Which of the following are true statements about emotional appeals? They may evoke emotions such as fear, compassion, or anger. They are intended to evoke certain emotions in order to persuade listeners.

When giving a persuasive speech to an audience that opposes your point of view is especially important what do you use to answer their objections to your views?

86. When giving a persuasive speech to an audience that opposes your point of view, it is especially important that you use to answer their objections to your views. a. reinforce your competence on the topic.


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