What intelligence tends to increase with age whereas what intelligence decreases with age?


  1.  ________ believed in a general intelligence factor.
    a. Sternberg
    b. Spearman
    c. Gardner
    d. Thurstone
  2. In terms of intelligence:
    a. identical twins are more similar to one another than are fraternal twins
    b. fraternal twins are more similar to one another than are non-twin siblings
    c. adopted children are more similar to their biological parents than their
    adoptive parents
    d. all of the above statements are true
  3. Fluid intelligence tends to ________ with age while crystallized intelligence tends to ________ with age.
    a. increase, decrease
    b. increase, stay the same
    c. decrease, increase
    d. decrease, stay the same
  4. According to the text, a typical university student has a vocabulary of:
    a. approximately 500 words
    b. approximately 5000 words
    c. approximately 50,000 words
    d. more than 100,000 words
  5. Chomsky argued that:
    a. all languages share a fundamental universal grammar
    b. brains contain a language acquisition device
    c. children are born with a knowledge of general rules of syntax
    d. all of the above
  6. Down syndrome is caused by:
    a. a brain injury during birth
    b. a chromosomal disorder
    c. poor education
    d. a viral infection during childhood
  7. On average, women typically outperform men on tests of:
    a. spelling
    b. mental rotation
    c. both a and b
    d. neither a nor b
  8. Which of the following is NOT one of Sternberg’s triarchic intelligences?
    a. creative intelligence
    b. practical intelligence
    c. fluid intelligence
    d. analytical intelligence
  9. Research shows that people are more likely to be successful at learning a second
    language if:
    a. they start learning it as adults
    b. they start learning it as children
    c. they choose Vietnamese
    d. they stop using their first language completely
  10.  ________ area is to language comprehension as ________ area is to language
    a. Wernicke’s, Broca’s
    b. Broca’s, Wernicke’s
    c. Chomsky’s, Skinner’s
    d. Skinner’s, Chomsky’s
  11. Three-year old Bonita calls every dog she encounters Rover (the name of her family’s pet dog). This is an example of:
    a. over-emphasis
    b. overextension
    c. over-stimulation
    d. babbling
  12. Sternberg’s practical intelligence is pretty much the same as:
    a. vocabulary
    b. memory
    c. mechanical ability
    d. common sense
  13. The Flynn effect refers to the observation that:
    a. scores on intelligence tests have been increasing worldwide for decades
    b. identical twins are more similar intellectually than fraternal twins
    c. learning a second language seems to increase cognitive abilities
    d. language and its structures limit human thought
  14. Eight-month old Juan lies in his cot and babbles. Which of the following is his most likely utterance?
    a. “mummy, mummy, mummy”
    b. “Juan wants bottle”
    c. “la la ba oo”
    d. “Mary had a little lamb”
  15. A man may do poorly on a spelling test not because he lacks spelling ability but because he knows that men are not expected to do well on spelling tests. This is an example of:
    a. test bias
    b. gender neutrality
    c. stereotype threat
    d. the Flynn effect
  16. Compared with monolinguals, people who are bilingual usually have:
    a. more cognitive flexibility
    b. superior cognitive functioning
    c. better analytical skills
    d. all of the above
  17. If a proposed intelligence test turned out to really be a test of patience rather than intelligence, it would be criticized for having:
    a. low reliability
    b. low construct validity
    c. low consistency
    d. low consistent validity
  18. The smallest unit of sound that makes a meaningful difference in language is called a:
    a. sound
    b. unit
    c. phoneme
    d. syntactic phrase
  19. People who believe in eugenics would be most likely to support:
    a. programs that encourage university graduates to start a family
    b. free contraception for people with a degree
    c. free childcare for people who perform poorly on intelligence tests
    d. extended maternity leave for women who have been shown to have a low IQ
  20. In the area of intelligence, WAIS stands for:
    a. Wernicke Aphasic Intelligence Scale
    b. Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
    c. Wechsler Aptitude and Intelligence Scale
    d. Wernicke Approximate Intelligence Scale
  21. Which of the following is NOT supported by research data?
    a. brain size is positively correlated with intelligence
    b. the number of neurons in a brain is positively correlated with intelligence
    c. thickness of the cortex is positively correlated with intelligence
    d. having a bigger brain makes people smarter
  22. Interpersonal intelligence includes the ability to understand:
    a. one’s own emotions
    b. how context affects performance on vocabulary tests
    c. other people’s emotions
    d. the role of schooling in conversational ability
  23. If an intelligence test is reliable, you would expect people to:
    a. be able to cheat on the test
    b. get a better score each time they write the test
    c. get a similar score each time they write the test
    d. take longer to write the test if they take it again
  24. Divergent thinking is to ________ ________ as convergent thinking is to ________ ________.
    a. one solution, many solutions
    b. many solutions, one solution
    c. mathematical ability, verbal ability
    d. extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation
  25. In order to direct other bees to the location of food sources, honey bees:
    a. hum
    b. buzz
    c. squirt honey
    d. dance
  26. The term “linguistic relativity” refers to the idea that:
    a. some languages are better than others
    b. language influences how people think
    c. it is easier to talk to family members than friends
    d. there are different language families around the world
  27. On average men do better than women on tests requiring:
    a. spatial ability
    b. spelling
    c. emotional intelligence
    d. pronouncing words
  28. Intelligence is normally distributed in the population, this means that:
    a. most people have extremely low intelligence
    b. most people have extremely high intelligence
    c. most people are average in terms of intelligence
    d. everyone in the population has approximately the same level of intelligence
  29. Which animals have been shown to use language in the same way as people?
    a. bonobos
    b. chimpanzees
    c. vervet monkeys
    d. none of the above
  30. Misty Coleman is an outstanding ballerina. Which of Gardner’s multiple intelligences is she most clearly demonstrating when she dances?
    a. naturalistic
    b. linguistic
    c. logico-mathematic
    d. kinesthetic


  1. b
  2. d
  3. c
  4. d
  5. d
  6. b
  7. a
  8. c
  9. b
  10. a
  11. b
  12. d
  13. a
  14. c
  15. c
  16. d
  17. b
  18. c
  19. a
  20. b
  21. d
  22. c
  23. c
  24. b
  25. d
  26. b
  27. a
  28. c
  29. d
  30. d

What intelligence tends to increase with age?

Crystallized intelligence is based upon facts and rooted in experiences. As we age and accumulate new knowledge and understanding, crystallized intelligence becomes stronger. As you might expect, this type of intelligence tends to increase with age.

What intelligence decreases with age?

Background: Fluid intelligence declines with advancing age, starting in early adulthood. Within-subject declines in fluid intelligence are highly correlated with contemporaneous declines in the ability to live and function independently.

Does our intelligence increase decrease or stay the same as we age?

Crystallized intelligence "averages 98 at ages 20–24, rises to 101 by ages 35–44, before declining to 100 (ages 45–54), then 98 (55–64), then 96 (65–69), then 93 (70–74), and 88 (75+)," says Kaufman. Fluid intelligence drops much more quickly.

Does intelligence decrease as we age?

In addition to slowing down physically, most people lose points on intelligence tests as they enter their golden years. Now, new research suggests the loss of certain types of cognitive skills with age may stem from problems with basic sensory tasks, such as making quick judgments based on visual information.


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