What is the first action the nurse should consider when conducting a cultural assessment?


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The nurse correctly differentiates race from ethnicity by noting that race is based on which characteristics? Biological
When talking with a client, the nurse notes that the client keeps backing up. What would be the most appropriate response? Ask the client about personal space preferences.
A nurse is admitting a client to the unit. Which cultural question is most appropriate? "What are your dietary needs and preferences?"
Which examples are considered acceptable cultural norms in health care? Select all that apply. Defining diabetes mellitus as a metabolic disorder characterized by elevated blood sugar Encouraging adult women to conduct self-breast exams once a month Documenting pain with every client assessment Following a specific regimen for cardiac rehab
A client believes that the illness is caused by an imbalance of yin and yang. The nurse states, “You can call it whatever you believe, but you have a metabolic disorder.” What is this nurse demonstrating? Cultural blindness
A nurse is conducting a cultural assessment of a client. Which person would the nurse identify as the expert? Client
A preconceived and untested belief about an individual or group of individuals is: Stereotyping
The client insists that the nurse bring warm blankets because they will help the client to recover more quickly. The nurse recognizes that the client’s request is an example of: cultural ritual.
Which behaviors demonstrated by the client would the nurse consider reflections of the client’s pride in ethnicity? Select all that apply. Requesting native cuisine Listening to folk music and dance Asking to wear unique clothing
The nurse is caring for a client who is postoperative 24 hours from an appendectomy. The client is hesitant to get out of bed. How should the nurse respond? “Can you describe what you are feeling when you try to move?”
A Catholic priest baptizes a stillborn baby of a Catholic family. What type of practice is this considered? A ritual
When a home-bound client expresses the client's past-oriented ancestral heritage and family rituals, the nurse recognizes that the client is expressing: ethnic identity.
A client is seeking care at the local clinic. The nurse is completing a cultural assessment. Which scenario would demonstrate cultural assimilation? The client's child learned the dominant lanuguage as a second language.
Which scenario is an example of cultural competence in nursing? Attending a conference for cultural diversity
The client's weight is decreasing each day, and the nutritional intake is declining. Which nutritional assessment question is most appropriate? "What type of food do you eat at home?"
A nurse is reading a journal article about culturally competent nursing care. The article begins discussing culture and its unique characteristics. Which characteristics would the nurse expect to be identified? Culture is ever-changing. Culture makes sense to its members. Culture is shared through communication.
Which nursing actions are appropriate when collecting a health history for a client whose primary language differs from the dominant language? Select all that apply. Use the facility telephonic interpreting system. Have a bilingual nurse assist with the health history. Request assistance from a certified interpreter.
The clinic nurse is obtaining demographic data from a client. The client states, "Why do you need to know what my ethnicity is?" How should the nurse respond? "Collecting this information allows us to develop a personalized plan of care to meet your needs."
The nurse enters the room and observes a shaman performing a healing ritual for the client. What action would be the most appropriate by the nurse? Leave the room and return when the shaman is finished.
The emergency department nurse is caring for a client injured in a motor vehicle collision. The client recently immigrated to the country. The nurse should implement interventions aimed at addressing which issue? Culture shock
A nurse is researching information about the different cultures of the population served by the facility. Which aspects of culture would be important for the nurse to keep in mind when learning about them? Language is a means for communicating culture. Culture facilitates self-worth and self-esteem.
client has a ruptured ovarian cyst. The client has expressed that it is very important that the spouse be present to receive all medical information. Using the concepts of culturally competent care, which is the best response? Document the client's request in the nursing care plan.
A nurse is working with a culturally diverse group of clients. The nurse understands that cultural norms: require an individualized approach by the nurse.
When describing the concept of ethnicity, which statement would be most appropriate to use? Ethnicity allows people to define themselves and others to define them.
The nurse admits a client to the critical care unit to rule out a myocardial infarction. The client has several family members in the waiting room. Which nursing action is most appropriate? Assess the client's beliefs about family support during hospitalization.
A nurse is demonstrating ethnocentrism. Which statement would reflect this concept? "My Russian heritage is superior to all others."
The nurse is reviewing the health history of a Native American/First Nations client. Which statement made by the client would require immediate follow-up by the nurse? “I drink alcohol occasionally, but all my family members do.”
The nurse is collecting the health history of a client and notes the client is apprehensive in answering questions. The client states, “My spiritual healer will be here soon.” What is the best response by the nurse? “We can wait until your spiritual healer arrives and work together to answer these questions.”
The nurse just attended a seminar on cultural diversity. Which statement by the nurse would require further education? “Ethnicity and race are the same thing and are affected by cultural practice.”
The nurse is teaching a black client about common health conditions. Which statement by the client most directly addresses a health problem with an increased incidence in this population group? “It is important to monitor my blood pressure.”
In addressing health promotion for a client who is a member of another culture, the nurse should be guided by which principle? The client may have a very different understanding of health promotion.
A nurse is providing care for clients of different cultures in a blended community clinic. Which characteristics of culture should the nurse consider when planning culturally competent care? Select all that apply. Culture guides behavior into acceptable ways for people in a specific group. Culture influences the way people of a group view themselves. There are differences both within cultures and among cultures. Subcultures exist within most cultures.
Nurses are responsible for delivering culturally competent care for all clients. Culturally competent care does not account for: client's height.
The nurse is caring for a terminally ill client who immigrated from Mexico. Which nursing intervention regarding spiritual care is appropriate? Ask the client if a spiritual leader is desired.
In addition to understanding the culture of the client, what other actions are required to provide culturally competent nursing care? Select all that apply. Recognizing one's own culture and biases Recognizing the culture of the healthcare system
A nurse convinces a client who is a Jehovah's Witness that receiving blood products is more important than the legalistic components of religion. What client reaction may be expected following this mandated change? The client states, "I feel like I abandoned my religion."
The nurse responds to the special dietary needs by stating, "You are now living here, and you should try to start eating those foods common to our diet." This inappropriate response is an example of: cultural imposition.
A nurse is conducting an ethnographic interview with a client. Which step would the nurse do first? Ask an open-ended, general question
Which nursing intervention reflects practice according to Madeline Leininger’s transcultural nursing theory? Incorporating the client’s request for complementary treatment therapy
While assessing an older adult client's upper back, the nurse notes round, raised red spots along the client’s back. The client’s daughter says, “Oh, that is just cupping.” What action should the nurse take? Ask about the practice of cupping.
A nurse is providing care to a client and has enlisted the help of a trained interpreter to assist in communicating with the client. Which action would the nurse do first? Meet with the interpreter alone before a combined meeting with the client.
The nurse is caring for a client who is postoperative 3 days from coronary artery bypass graft. The client has a prescription to ambulate. What is the best action by the nurse? Discuss with the client the need for assistance during ambulation.
When reviewing the chart of an older adult client, the nurse notes that the client identifies as Asian. The nurse realizes the client is referring to which ancestral and cultural factor? Ethnicity
The nurse has just attended a seminar on concepts of cultural diversity. Which statement made by the nurse would require further education? “Culture cannot be influenced, and you are born with your culture.”
Which examples are considered acceptable cultural norms in health care? Defining diabetes mellitus as a metabolic disorder characterized by elevated blood sugar Encouraging adult women to conduct self-breast exams once a month Documenting pain with every client assessment Following a specific regimen for cardiac rehab
A client has recently immigrated and is exhibiting symptoms of culture shock. The client reports feeling unaccepted in the new culture. The client states, "I can't do anything right here." What is the priority nursing diagnosis? Situational low self-esteem related to culture shock and feelings of fear and incompetence
While caring for a client from a culture different from the nurse's, the nurse inadvertently offends the client. What is the best action by the nurse? Learn from the mistake and do not repeat it.
Which teaching statement best exemplifies cultural competence in relation to time for the American culture? It is important to be on time for your health care appointment.
The community health nurse is developing a workshop for a group of Native American/First Nation clients. Which topic should the nurse teach? Alcohol use disorder
When completing a transcultural assessment of communication, which assessment by the nurse is most appropriate? Assessment of eye contact, personal space, and social taboos
The nurse is told that the client did not ask for pain medication because “Asian people can handle pain.” The nurse receiving report understands that this an example of what? Stereotyping
The nurse caring for this family recognizes that which family member will likely require the greatest amount of time to learn the dominant language? The 45-year-old mother in the family who does not work outside the home
Which statement by the nurse is a culturally appropriate reaction to a client's perception of pain? "If a client needs to yell in pain, that is his or her right."
79 yr old client. The child is no longer able to care for the client. The client appears disoriented and reports being bothered by the “bright lights and constant activity.” The nurse appropriately documents what condition in the chart? Culture shock
The nurse is caring for a client who practices Catholicism and was newly diagnosed with cancer. The client states, “God is punishing me for my past sins.” How should the nurse respond? “You sound upset. Would like you to talk about it?”
A nurse notices that one client makes eye contact with the staff, while another client from a different ethnic background does not make eye contact when speaking to the staff. What cultural concept explains this difference? Cultural relativity

What is the first action a nurse should consider when conducting a cultural assessment with a member of a race or ethnicity that is unfamiliar?

The first step in cultural assessment is to learn about the meaning of the illness of the patient in terms of the patient's unique culture. Table 15 shows questions to ask during a cultural assessment.

Which action will the nurse perform first to be considered culturally competent?

Ask about the nurses personal beliefs about family support during hospitalization. The first step in providing culturally competent care is to understand ones own beliefs and values related to health and health care. Asking the nurse about personal beliefs will help achieve this step.

How do you conduct a cultural assessment in nursing?

In a brief cultural assessment, you should ask about ethnic background, religious preference, family patterns, food preferences, eating patterns, and health practices. Before the assessment, know the key topics to address and know how to address them without offending the patient and family.

Which actions will the nurse take when doing a cultural assessment quizlet?

Determine the patient's health beliefs and values..
Obtain information about the patient's health care practices..
Avoid asking any questions about religion or spiritual beliefs..
Assume that common cultural characteristics pertain to the individual patient's culture..


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