What is the major task to be accomplished in the body transcendence versus body preoccupation stage


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development is the field of study that examines patterns of growth,change, and stability in behavior that occur throughout the entire lifespan. Lifespan
In its study of growth, change, and stability, lifespan development takes scientific approach
what is the term that refers to the changes in people's sense of justice and of what is right and wrong and in their behavior related to moral issues? moral development
According to develop mentalists what lies at the heart of moral behavior? empathy
what is the term for aggression motivated by the desire to obtain a concrete goal? instrumental aggression
in the playground Amanda calls Jancy names, won't include her in the games of hopscotch, and makes fun of her. example of relational aggression
which of the following stages follows childhood? adolescence
The vast majority of lifespan development focuses on human development
The vast majority of lifespan development focuses on preschool age
When 4-year-old Anna uses Legos to build a playhouse, or puts a puzzle together, this kind of play is an example of constructive play
What is the term for action in which children simply watch others at play, but do not actually participate themselves? onlooker
How many hours of sleep do older adolescents require for optimal functioning? 9 hours per night; they need to go to bed later and to sleep later in the morning
According to James Marcia, the status of adolescents who prematurely commit to an identity without adequately exploring alternatives is called identity foreclosure.
Egocentrism leads to distortion in thinking: the notion that one's experiences are unique, and this may lead the adolescent to develop personal fable.
Adolescents who engage in risk taking behaviors such as not using condoms when engaging in sexual activity and driving recklessly when drunk are exhibiting Illusion of invulnerability
According to psychologist John Holland's research, the greater the correspondence between career choices and _____________ the happier people will be in their choice. personality traits
The evaluation of a role or person by other relevant members of a group or society is called status.
The motivation that causes people to work for their own enjoyment, not for the rewards work may bring is called intrinsic motivation.
What type of motivation drives people to obtain tangible rewards such as money and prestige? extrinsic motivation
When women (and minorities too) hit an invisible barrier within an organization that, because of discrimination, prevents individuals from being promoted beyond a certain level, this is called glass ceiling.
Which if the following is not a factor in keeping older women from marrying or re-marrying? less social stigma toward the lesbian lifestyle
Tony has been in a nursing home for one year. He has become apathetic, indifferent, and does not care about himself. What term describes Tony? institutional ism
What type of facility provides extensive care? skilled nursing
Amad does not need continued care. However, he does receive care during the day in the form of meals and medications. What type of facility does Amad attend? adult day care
Frederick is living in a specialized living environment where all residents are of retirement age and in need of some level of care. Frederick is in a(n) continuing care community.
Which of the following can assist in conflict resolution when elderly people live with their children? establishing ground rules regarding roles
Thinking about "old age" and associating it with nursing homes is a stereotype
The process by which people concentrate on selected skill areas to compensate for losses in other areas is called selective optimization with compensation.
Which of the following is not an essential factor that determines happiness in late adulthood? maintaining a relationship with a long-time committed partner
The theory suggesting that people need to maintain their desired level of involvement in society in order to maximize their sense of well being and self-esteem is called continuity theory
The theory suggesting that successful aging occurs when people maintain the interests, activities, and social interactions with which they were involved during middle age is called activity theory
Which of the following theories focuses on a gradual withdrawal from the world on physical, social, and psychological levels? disengagement theory
Accumulating knowledge, experience, and contemplation is referred to as wisdom
Last year, Greta's knee injury caused her to drop out of her bowling league, but at 90 years old she still enjoys life and is involved in many activities. Greta is successful at which of Peck's developmental stages? body transcendence versus body preoccupation
In Peck's body transcendence versus body preoccupation stage, what may ultimately be affected in the developmental process? personality
What is the major task to be accomplished in the body transcendence versus body preoccupation stage? learning to cope with and move beyond physical changes
Macdonald is in his mid 60s. He is reflecting on his life and is experiencing a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. Erikson refers to this as integrity.
The ego-integrity-versus-despair stage of psychosocial development is characterized by a process of looking back over one's life, evaluating it, and coming to terms with it
Which of the following theorists examined personality in the ego-integrity-versus-despair stage of psychosocial development? Erik Erikson
According to Paul Costa and Robert McCrae, the "big five" personality traits appear stable across adulthood
All of the following "Big Five" major clusters of personality traits/characteristics decline somewhat from early adulthood through middle adulthood except agreeableness
Which of the following of the "Big Five" major clusters of personality traits/characteristics pertains to the degree to which a person is organized and responsible? conscientiousness
Which of the following of the "Big Five" major clusters of personality traits/characteristics pertains to the degree to which a person is easygoing and helpful? agreeableness
Which of the following of the "Big Five" major clusters of personality traits/characteristics pertains to the degree to which a person demonstrates curiosity and interest in new experiences? openness
Which of the following of the "Big Five" major clusters of personality traits/characteristics pertains to the degree to which a person is outgoing or shy? extraversion
Which of the following of the "Big Five" major clusters of personality traits/characteristics pertains to the degree to which a person is moody, anxious, and self-critical? neurotic ism
According to Levinson, people around the age of 40-45 move into a period/time of questioning called ________ and focus on the finite nature of life where they begin to question everyday fundamental assumptions. midlife transition
In stark contrast to the majority of immigrants in the beginning of the 20th century, the majority of recent immigrants are not Caucasian
When a situation occurs where a highly trained professional experiences dissatisfaction, disillusionment, frustration, and weariness from his/her job, this is called burnout
The theory that abuse and neglect of children leads them to be predisposed to abusiveness as adults is called cycle of violence hypothesis
Couples in their middle age who must fulfill the needs of both their children and their aging parents are called sandwich generation
When young adults return after leaving home for some period to live in the homes of their middle-aged parents, this is called boomerang children
All of the following may be contributing factors to why a higher percentage of second marriages end in divorce except the empty nest syndrome
Which two developmental psychologists believed that a person's personality is quite stable and continuous throughout one's lifetime? Costa and McCrae
According to Levinson, the period of assessment that middle age people 40-45 go through may lead to a stage of uncertainty and indecision brought about by the realization that life is finite called midlife crisis
Erik Erikson suggested that middle adulthood encompasses a period he characterized as ________________ where a person is, or is not, making a contribution to family and community. generativity-versus-stagnation stage
What approach to personality development is based on fairly universal stages tied to a sequence of age-related crises? normative-crises models
The process by which people concentrate on particular skill areas to compensate for losses in other areas is called selective optimization
At what age level do most people become aware of the changes in their bodies regarding the aging process? middle adulthood
Occupations that are associated with relationships are called communal
The median age of first time marriage in the U.S. is now _____ for men, and _____ for women. 27; 25
For the past three decades, there has been a significant decline in the number of couples getting married
Which of the following reflects a secure attachment style? someone who finds it easy to get close to others and is comfortable depending on them
In Jamar's culture, the tendency to marry someone who is similar in age, race, education, and religion is referred to as which of the following? homogamy
According to Robert Sternberg, empty love develops when only _________ is present. decision/commitment
According to Robert Sternberg, when two people have a "fling" or short-term relationship based only on sexual attraction, this is called infatuated love
According to psychologist Robert Sternberg, the three components of love include all of the following except companionate love where strong affection is apparent with people whose lives are deeply involved.
The component of love that comprises the motivational drives relating to sex, physical closeness, and romance is called passion component
The component of love that encompasses feelings of closeness, affection, and connectedness is called intimacy component
According to psychologists Elaine Hatfield and Ellen Berschied, the theory that individuals experience romantic love when two events occur together: intense physiological arousal and situational cues suggesting that the arousal is due to love is called labeling theory for passionate love
What term below applies to a state of powerful absorption in someone? companionate love
The theory that relationships proceed in a fixed order of three stages: stimulus, value, and role is called stimulus-value-role (SVR) theory
development involves the ways that growth and change in intellectual capabilities influence a person's behavior Cognitive
___ development involves the ways that the enduring characteristics that differentiate one person from another change over the life span Personality
development involves the way in which individuals' interactions with others and their social relationships grow, change, and remain stable over the course of life. Social
Lifespan developmentalists typically look at which of the following areas? a particular age range
In Western culture, what age is considered young adulthood? 20
A group of people who are born around the same time in the same place is called a cohort
Biological and environmental influences that are similar for individuals in a particular age group, regardless of where they are raised, are called ___age graded___ influences. age-graded
Biological and environmental factors that are associated with a certain historical event, such as the bombing of Pearl Harbor, can be considered history-graded influences
When social and cultural factors affect an individual at a particular time and include variables as ethnicity, social class, and subcultural membership, this is called sociocultural-graded influences
In ___________, development is ________, with achievements at one level building on those of previous levels. continuous change; gradual
In ____________ development, each stage is discontinuous change; distinct
a woman comes down with a case of rubella (German measles) in the eleventh week of pregnancy, as opposed to the thirtieth week of pregnancy. The difference in the way rubella would affect the unborn child at these two times is an example of critical period
In a ______ _____, organisms are particularly susceptible to certain kinds of stimuli in their environments, but the absence of those stimuli does not always produce irreversible consequences. sensitive period
What issue has dominated much work in lifespan development? How much of people's behavior is due to their genetically determined nature and how much is due to nurture?
Nature" refers to traits, abilities, and capacities inherited from parents
Environmental influences that shape behavior are referred to as nurture
Explanations and predictions concerning phenomena of interest, providing a framework for understanding the relationships among an organized set of facts or principles, are called theories
Freud believed that the _________ contains infantile wishes, desires, demands, and needs that are hidden from conscious awareness because they are disturbing. unconscious
According to Freud, which part of everyone's personality operates according to the "pleasure principle"? id
Freud believed that the goal of the pleasure principle was to maximize satisfaction and reduce tension
Freud suggested that in children pleasure shifts from the mouth to the anus, and eventually to the genitals, and these are known as the ________, _______, and _______ stages. oral, anal, phallic
Freud believed that if children are unable to gratify themselves in a particular stage of development, or if they are over-gratified in a particular stage of development, ______ may occur. fixation
Psychoanalyst ________ provided an alternative psychodynamic view in his theory of psychosocial development. Erikson
Erikson proposed a ____________ theory, which emphasized that society and culture influences and shapes us. psychosocial
Erikson argued that each of his 8 stages presents a(n) ________ that the individual must resolve. crisis
Thom is an adolescent who has an awareness of uniqueness of self and knowledge of role to be followed. He can be said to have passed through Erikson's ________ stage of psychosocial development. identity vs role diffusion
Kimberly is a young woman who has a fear of relationships with others. She can be said to have had a negative outcome in Erikson's ________ stage of psychosocial development. intimacy vs isolation
As Warren looks back over his long life, he feels a sense of unity in his life's accomplishments. He can be said to be in Erikson's ________ stage of psychosocial development. ego-integrity vs. despair
A type of learning in which an organism responds in a particular way to a neutral stimulus that normally does not bring about that type of response is called classical conditioning
A form of learning in which a voluntary response is strengthened or weakened by its association with positive or negative consequences is called ope-rant conditioning
Operant conditioning was formulated and championed by Skinner
Susan learned at a young age that developing good study habits, such as doing her homework, brought about good grades, and made her want to work harder in school. This type of behavior is called reinforcement
The introduction of an unpleasant or painful stimulus, or the removal of a desirable stimulus that decreases the probability that a preceding behavior will occur in the future is considered ________ learning. punishment
Behavior that receives no reinforcement or is punished is likely to be extinguished
What is the learning approach that emphasizes learning by observing the behavior of another person, called modeling? social cognitive learning
Ralph watches the other kindergarten students receive stickers and other rewards from the teacher for sitting at their desks and completing their work. Soon, Ralph begins to behave like the other kindergarten students. This is what type of learning? modeling
Which form of the behavioral perspective learning styles have come to a predominant position in recent decades? social learning theory
Who is considered the predominant theorist in cognitive development? Piaget
is(are) Piaget's theory of how human thinking is organized into mental patterns that represent behaviors and actions. Schemes
Piaget's two basic principles of growth in children's understanding of the world are assimilation and accommodation
What did Piaget call the process in which people understand an experience in terms of their current stage of cognitive development and way of thinking? assimilation
What did Piaget call the process in which changes in the existing way a child thinks in response to encounters with new stimuli or events? accommodation
What aspect(s) of development are not adequately addressed by the information-processing approach?

What is body transcendence?

body transcendence: emphasizing the compensating rewards of cognitive/emotional/social adaptive skills to surmount physical limitations. 3. ego transcendence: facing the reality of death constructively through efforts to make life more secure, meaningful, and rewarding for younger generations.

What we call the ego integrity versus despair stage of psychosocial development is characterized by which process?

The ego integrity vs. despair stage of psychosocial development is characterized by a process off. looking back to one's life, and coming to terms with it, evaluating it.

What is Peck's tasks of ego integrity?

Robert Peck's tasks of ego integrity (1968) include ego differentiation, body transcendence, and ego transcendence. Ego differentiation may be seen as primarily subjective self-assessment.

Which theorist examined personality in the ego integrity versus despair stage?

Ego integrity versus despair is the eighth and final stage of Erik Erikson's stage theory of psychosocial development. This stage begins at approximately age 65 and ends at death. It is during this time that we contemplate our accomplishments and can develop integrity if we see ourselves as leading a successful life.


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