What is the process of using the positive electrode to force acidic solution to penetrate in to the skin without breaking the skin?


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Form of energy that produces light, heat, magnetic and chemical changes Electricity
Electricity travels in a circuit, when you switch on the appliance, the circuit is Complete
The flow of electricity along a conductor Electric current
Material that allows electricity to flow through it easily Conductor
The technical term for any electrically powered appliances Load
A material that does not allow the flow of electric current Insulator
Unit of electrical strength Amp
Unit of electric pressure Volt
Unit of electric resistance Ohm
Measure of electrical energy being used Watt
The application of electrical currents during a treatment to the skin Electrotherapy
Flow of electricity along a conductor is called Electric current or modality
Constant current in which electrons move at an even rate and flow in only one direction Direct current or DC
Rapid oscillating cycle that alternates back and forth, allowing electrons to flow first in one direction and then the other Alternating current or AC
Rapid oscillating cycle that alternates back and forth, allowing electrons to flow first in one direction and then the other-the number of times this cycling occurs per second is called what Frequency
Special instrument used to transform DC to AC Converter
Special instrument used to transform AC to DC Rectifier
Indicates the number of cycles per second that a generator alternates current Hertz rating
Materials that transport electricity easily are called Conductors
Silver, copper, aluminum, other metals, carbon, and water Examples of conductors
Conductors are safely contained in what Insulators
Examples of insulators Silk, dry air, plastic, rubber, wood, glass, brick, cloth, certain liquids
What stores electrochemical energy and converts it to electrical energy when a piece of equipment, or load, is connected and turned on Battery
Machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy Generator
Generators operate according to the principle of Electromagnetic induction, discovered by Michael Faraday in 1831
Watts times Amps equals Volts
Unit of strength Amp
Unit of Pressure Volt
Unit of resistance Ohm
Measure of electricity used Watt
The number of electrons flowing through a particular line indicates Amp rating
The power that skin care equipment puts out is measured in Milliamperes (1/1000th of an amp)
What measures the amount of pressure exerted on electrons as they are being forced or pushed by the source Volt or voltage * AC generators force or push 110 or 220 volts in a circuit
The resistance to the motion of the electrons through a conductor is called an Ohm rating
1,000 watts equals one Kilowatt *rate energy used is measured in Kilowatt hours
The rating that means an appliance has been certified to operate safely under the conditions specified in the instructions UL or Underwriter’s Laboratory
For electricity to power any electric appliance, there needs to be a Closed path or circuit
When an appliance is turned off the circuit is what? broken or called an open circuit
Device that indicated th amount of current flowing through the equipment and regulates the amount with a dial or knob Rheostat
When more current flows though the electrical line that it is designed to carry is called an Overload
Occurs any time a conductor comes in contact with a wire carrying current to a load Short Circuit
When electricity passes through a small part of the body, and can cause burns and muscle contractions Local Shock
When electricity passes through the nervous system General Shock or Electrocution
Facial Treatments that require the use of electricity Electrotherapy
The flow of electricity along a conductor, which is equal to the ratio of voltage to resistance Electrical Current or Modality
4 Main types of currents used in Electrotherapy treatments Galvanic, High Frequency (also called Tesla), Faradic and Sinusoidal
Only constant direct current (DC) of low voltage and high amperage that produces and electro chemical effect Galvanic Current
Galvanic Current used to force water-solvable skin care products into the skin Ionization
Electrochemical effect that are produced during treatments using Galvanic current occur when Current passes through particular acid (positively charged) or alkaline (negatively charged) solutions and/or by passing current through body tissues and fluids
Special appliance used to convert the alternating current from the outlet to direct current for Galvanic Current Rectifier
The process of forcing water-based solution in to the skin by applying Galvanic Current to the solution is known as Phoresis is *In the past, phoresis was commonly known as a method of skin bleaching
2 types of Phoresis Anaphoresis and cataphoresis
Allows an alkaline solution to enter the skin when assisted by Galvanic Current and the negative pole of an electrode Anaphoresis
Type of phoresis often used in desincrustation Anaphoresis
Treatment in which blockages in the skin, such as clogged pores or blackheads, are broken down; also known as deep pore cleansing. Water-soluble solutions used are alkaline and have a negative charge. Desincrustation
Allows an acidic solution to enter the skin when assisted by Galvanic Current and the positive pole of an electrode Cataphoresis
This type of phoresis Often used in iontophoresis-a treatment in which the deeper layers of the epidermis are built up or nourished Cataphoresis
Treatment in which the deeper layers of the epidermis are built up or nourished. Water-soluble solutions used are acidic and have a positive charge; most often performed following extraction and prior to massage Iontophoresis
Benefits of Desincrustation using Anaphoresis Softens tissue Expands Pores Increases blood flow and sensitivity
Benefits of Iontophoresis using Cataphoresis Penetrates a specific product into the skin Tightens and firms the tissue Contracts follicle walls Constricts blood vessels/decreases blood flow Soothes nerve endings & deceases sensitivity Creates antibacterial effect on the skin Relieves irritation
Having the opposite poles in an electric current Polarity
What method of current is the ONLY way to alter the pH of the skin’s acid mantle to force nutrients deep into the epidermis Galvanic Current
The only direct current method Galvanic Current
3 types of alternating currents, which mean electrons move in a reverse pattern at a high frequency rate High Frequency, Faradic, Sinusoidal
Polarity only happens with which current Galvanic Current
Negatively charged electrode Cathode
Positively charged electrode Anode
Machine that switches the current from negative to positive or positive to negative Polarity changer
When the electrode held by the esthetician is in the positive mode, the reaction on the skin will be Acidic
When the electrode is switched to a negative polarity, the reaction on the skin will be Alkaline
An alkaline (negatively charged) solution is applied to the skin is called Disincrustation
An acidic (positively charged) solution is applied to the skin and the electrode of the Galvanic machine, held by the esthetician, will also be positively charged is called Iontophoresis
Also finish with the positive polarity, pulling away from the skin using negative polarity can leave the skin too alkaline, fostering an environment for bacteria to grow is when what concerning polarities are used Both Polarities
Alternating (or oscillating) current that can be adjusted to different voltages to produce heat High Frequency Current (or Tesla Current)
The process of forcing a water based solution into the skin by applying current to the solution Phoresis
Type of phoresis in which a negative electrode with a negatively charged alkaline solution is used to perform desincrustation Anaphoresis
Type of phoresis in which a positive electrode with a positively charged acidic solution is used to perform iontophoresis Cataphoresis
Treatment in which sebum is broken down or blackheads are liquefied, as in deep-pore cleansing Desincrustation
Treatment in which deep layers of the epidermis are built up or nourished Iontophoresis
Term given to the electrode held by the skin care specialist during a treatment Active electrode
Term used to describe the electrode held by the client Inactive electrode
Positive end of an electrode Anode
Negative end of an electrode Cathode
Sometimes known as the Violet-ray effect High Frequency Current
More oxygen allowed into the area therefore more ozone produced during high frequency is known as Sparking
Means the skin care specialist holds the electrode and applies it directly to the client’s face. Direct High Frequency
Used to treat oily skin with overall congestion Direct High Frequency
Means that the esthetician doesn’t not apply the current to the surface of the skin, instead the client hold the indirect electrode and the esthetician gently massages the clients skin while electrical current passes through eh esthetician’s hands Indirect high frequency
Known as a Viennese Massage, utilizes electrical current to relax the client Indirect High Frequency
Benefits: Stimulates surface tissue, creates heat on the surface of the skin, increases circulation and blood flow, drives the surface of the skin and excess sebum within the pores, heals existing papules and pustules, delivers a germicidal effect Direct High Frequency
Benefits: warms tissues, stimulates sebum production and secretion, induces relaxation Indirect High Frequency
Used to treat oily skin and results in a germicidal effect, skin care specialist uses an electrode in direct contact with the client’s skin Direct High Frequency
Used to relax the client, aid in the penetration of product and assist in massage for mature skin. Client holds electrode skin care specialists hands are in direct contact with the clients skin. Current turned off before the client returns the electrode Indirect High Frequency
Narrow space between the electrode and skin used to provide germicidal, healing and drying effect during either direct or indirect High frequency treatments Sparking or Spark Gap
Alternating current (AC) that is interrupted to produce a mechanical, non-chemical reaction Faradic Current
Passive form of exercise because it stimulates the muscle with the aid of a machine and current. Stimulation to the motor point of the muscle can accuse a muscle contraction that can actually be seen Faradic Current
Current that is soothing and relaxing and is believed to help preserve muscle tone Faradic Current
Esthetician places both electrodes in the clients skin, being certain that the electrodes never touch. Current is turned on slowly and increased. Currents treacle between 2 electrodes causing muscle stimulation. Direct Faradic Current
Esthetician wears a wristband with moistened electrode. Second electrode is wrapped in moist cotton and either held by client or placed beneath clients lower neck between shoulder.Facial massage with particular focus on motor points Indirect Faradic Current
Benefits: Stimulates muscles, improves blood circulation, improves muscle tone, increases glandular activity Direct Faradic Current
Benefits: Preserves muscle tone, improves circulation and provides relaxation Indirect Faradic Current
Alternating current (AC) that produces a mechanical effect, similar to the way Faradic Current produces muscle contractions. Penetrates more deeply and can provide greater stimulation to the treated area. Sinusoidal Current
Preferred treatment for middle aged and older clients, generally last no longer than 20 mintues Sinusoidal Current
Benefits: Deeper penetration, Greater stimulation to treated areas, Less irritation Sinusoidal
Max time for Galvanic Current 6 minutes
Max time for Direct High Frequency 5 minutes
Max time for Indirecte High Frequency 7 minutes
Max time for Sinusoidal Current 30 minutes
Produces beneficial effects on the body through the use of light rays or waves Light Therapy
Combination of radiation and heat energy creates Light waves
Transfer of heat energy through empty air space Radiation
Movement of electrons Heat Energy
When heat energy is transferred by radiation, these electrons move in wave-like patterns. These waves of electrons are called Electromagnetic radiation
The light that humans see Visible light
Light that cannot be seen Invisible light
Invisible light, either infrared or ultraviolet is used in Light therapy treatments
Combination of light White light
2 types of white light Fluorescent and incandescent
Economical and long-lasting light source Fluorescent Light
Light provided by ordinary light bulb producing red or warm tones Incandescent light
Closest substitute for natural sunlight Incandescent light
Invisible rays slightly longer than the wavelengths that produce the visible light rays seen as the color red Infrared Rays *Can penetrate all layers of skin and affect muscle, bone, nerves and joints
Invisible rays slightly shorter than wavelengths that produce the visible light rays seen as the color violet. Ultraviolet Rays
Light that produces heat Infrared Light or IR
Benefits: INcreases circulation Increases skin gland secretions Relaxes muscles Stimulates cell and tissue activity Infrared light or IR
Used by dermatologists on individuals with severe acne due to the light’s antibacterial effects UV Light Treatments
Actinic or cold rays, produce positive or negative effects on the skin depending on the exposure time. Produces Vitamin d which promotes healing. Germicidal and can kill bacteria Ultraviolet light or UV light
Ultraviolet rays that are beyond the ozone and have little effect on the exposure that the skin receives. UVC rays
Ultraviolet rays that we are exposed to most frequently from the sun. Penetrate the lower layers of the epidermis and stimulates the melanin production. Burn Rays UVB rays
Most frequently used in tanning booths. Penetrate beyond the epidermis to the dermis and destroy valuable protein substances, collagen and elastin fibers. Necessary for the synthesis of Vit. D UVA rays
Transfer of heat via direct contact Conduction
Transfer of heat via liquid or gas Convection
Transfer of heat through a vacuum Radiation
Mild heat relaxes the muscles and increased blood circulation. Intense heat destroys cells and tissues-thermal breakdown of the skin (called pyrolysis)is evident when a blister forms on burned skin Thermal effects
Push Repulsion
Pull Attraction
Created when electric current travels through a water-based solution (a liquid conductor) and onto the body. Electrochemical effect
The only current capable of productions electrochemical effects either relaxing or stimulation Galvanic Current
Conductor used to bring current from an appliance to the client’s skin Electrode
Metal rollers, the shape of tiny rolling pins. Rolled across face and neck with Galvanic Current Allows for product penetration over the entire face Metal or Ionto Rollers
Small metal ball used to reach certain smaller facial areas Rolled into small areas around nose, mouth and near eyes using Galvanic Current Increases product penetration into small, delicate areas of the face Metal Ball
Approximately 4” metal prongs the width of pinky finger Stroked across lines and crevices using Galvanic Current Promotes product penetration in delicate lines and crevices of the face Metal Single-Prong Or Metal Double-Prong
Small, thin metal electrode about the size of tweezer Stroked across smaller areas during Desincrustation using Galvanic Current Increases product penetration in small, clogged areas Dissolves sebum Tweezer or Flat Head
A soft, sponge-type mask that cover the entire face except eyes, nose and mouth Placed over entire face using Galvanic Current Promotes even product penetration over the entire face Galvanic or Ionto Mask
Glass electrode with a stem and comb shaped end Stroked in a back and forth movement on scalp during Direct High Frequency treatment Stimulates Scalp Comb
Glass electrode with a stem and rake-like shape at one end Stroked in a back and forth movement on scalp using Direct High Frequency Current Stimulates Scalp Rake
Metal electrode placed around client’s wrist Clamped around client’s wrist as inactive electrode during Galvanic Current Treatments An inactive electrode. Completes the flow of current in iontophoresis and Desincrustation Wrist
Glass electrode with a long steam and mushroom-like shape at the opposite end Used in circular, gliding motions across the entire face during Direct High Frequency Treatment Creates a germicidal effect on the skin Mushroom
Glass electrode shaped like a horseshoe Used in upward strokes on neck during Direct High Frequency treatment Produces heat and creates a germicidal effect on the skin of the neck Horseshoe
Glass electrode with spiral metal filament visible in the center approx 5” long and the width of a thumb Placed firmly in hand and held by client during Indirect High Frequency treatment Enhances product penetration and relaxation during massage Indirect or Spiral
Provides light and magnification Magnifying lamp or loupe
A measurement of the degree of magnification Diopter
Uses light an magnification to assist in thoroughly analyzing skin and highlighting various facial skin conditions. Uses UV or Black light to to colorize different areas of the skin to indicate different conditions Wood’s Lamp
Woods Lamp:Blue-white Normal, healthy skin
Woods Lamp: Bright Fluorescent Hydrated skin
Woods Lamp: Light violet Dehydrated skin
Woods Lamp: Purple Fluorescent Thin skin without enough moisture (dehydrated)
Woods Lamp: White Spots Horny layer of the skin and dead cells
Woods Lamp: WHite Fluorescent Thick Corneum layer
Woods Lamp: Yellow, Pink, Orange Oily areas of the face and clogged pores
Woods Lamp: Brown Pigmentation, dark spots and sun damage
Elaborate magnifying mirror/light that incorporates a black light Skin Scope (dreamscape or skin scanner)
THe most important piece of equipment in the facial treatment room. Device sprays lukewarm, diffused vapor mist onto the surface of the skin Facial steamer or facial vaporizer
Placement of the facial steamer 16” from clients face and aimed at the chin for even distribution on the face for 3-5 minutes
Acts like a miniature vacuum cleaner to aid in deep pore cleansing by drawing out dirt, impurities and sebum Suction machine
Automated spraying device Spray machine
Unique atomizer that allows for the application of various herbs, extracts or astringents to be applied to the skin in a very fine mist. Electric Pulverizer Spray or Lucas Spray
Features a handheld attachment with a small round burst suitable for the face and body; used to slough off dead skin cells Allows for superficial exfoliation and a more thorough cleansing of the skin Rotating Brush Machine
Used to achieve a light resurfacing of the epidermis; consists of a generator, 2 glass containers, plastic tubing and a hand piece Increases circulation; stimulates nerve endings; smooths lines & wrinkles, reduced hyperpigmentation & superficial scarring Microdermabrasion Machine
Features a combination of difference electrical units combined into one piece of equipment. Space saving and efficient Multifunction Machine
Applied over the face on top of a pre-cut terry cloth; produces warm, moist heat at a comfortable the pasture Softens skin; deepens product penetration; liquifies grease deposits; moisturizes dry skin Electric Mask
Hands/feet are slipped into heated mittens or boots with disposable plastic liners. Allows deeper penetration of products Treatments mittens and booties
Electric containers that melt blocks of paraffin wax used in face, hand, foot, body treatments Increases the rate of penetration of products; warms the skin Paraffin heating unit
Specially designed heating containers that melt wax for hair removal purposes Available in a variety of sizes; controllable tempature Wax heating unit
Heated cabinet with controllable temperature Keeps a supply of warm, moist towels ready to remove products from the skin Hot Towel Cabinet

What is the thermal breakdown of the skin caused by intense heat called?

What is the chemical breakdown of the skin caused by intense heat called? Pyrolysis.

What is another name for microcurrent?

mi·cro·cur·rent. An electrotherapeutic modality that uses low levels of electrical current (less than 1 mAmp) to facilitate circulation and cellular healing or to reduce pain or edema. Synonym(s): low-intensity stimulator, microcurrent electrical neuromuscular stimulator, microcurrent electrical stimulator.

What is the direct current used in electrotherapy treatments?

What is it? Galvanic, or direct current, is a form of electrotherapy treatment. The electrical current, rectified to a safe, low-voltage level is applied to the body via electrodes placed on the skin. Galvanic current is usually applied by a qualified professional, via a machine in their clinic.

Which type of light can be broken into its individual wavelengths by a prism?



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