What media technique is used to promote the general perception of a product or service rather than promoting its functional attributes?

1. What media technique is used to promote the general perception of a product or service, rather than promoting its functional attributes? User-generated content. Issue advertisements. Public service announcements. Image advertisements. The industries most prone to corporate crisis include the fast food industry and auto-makers. a. true b. false It is recommended that businesses use
1. What media technique is used to promote the general perception of a product or service, rather than promoting its functional attributes? User-generated content. Issue advertisements. Public service announcements. Image advertisements. The industries most prone to corporate crisis include the fast food industry and auto-makers. a. true b. false It is recommended that businesses use the same tactics to communicate with all stakeholders. a. true b. false The public relations function is a boundary-spanning role that primarily involves the flow of information to and from the organization. a. true b. false Which of these channels represents a traditional media outlet? Blogs. Cell phones. Television. Podcasts.

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Which of these channels represents a traditional media outlet quizlet?

Which of these channels represents a traditional media outlet? Television.

Which statement about corporate reputation is most accurate?

The corporate reputation is accurately described by which statement(s)? All of these are correct: Refers to desirable qualities, Refers to undesirable qualities, Relies on the perceptions of past actions, results, and future prospects.

Which of the following is the best description of public relations?

Which of the following best describes public relations? A strategic communication process that builds relationships between organizations and their publics.

Which of the following is required of top management for long term public relations success?

Which of the following is required of top management for long-term public relations success? As a management function, public relations involves responsibility and responsiveness in policy and information to the best interests of the organization and its publics.


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