What questions do you ask to get feedback to see if the computer software met expectations of the customer?

What question do you ask to get feedback to see if the computer software met expectations of the customer?

A. Did they deliver it on time?
B. Did you have installation problems?
C. What new features have you used?
D. How has the software worked for what you were using it for?

D. How has the software worked for what you were using it for?

A new customer comes into your department, but you are helping another customer. You should:

A. Focus all your attention on your current customer
B. Let the new customer wait his turn until you have completed your current sale
C. Acknowledge the new customer's presence with eye contact and/or a brief comment that you'll be right
with him
D. Help the customer who looks like he will spend the most money

C. Acknowledge the new customer's presence with eye contact and/or a brief comment that you'll be right
with him

Which of the following would be the best option when trying to find out what a customer wants to buy?

A. Can I help you?
B. Are you looking for anything special?
C. What color do you prefer in that brand?
D. Is that the brand you want?

C. What color do you prefer in that brand?

A good reason for creating an opening for discussion is to:

A. Break down the customer's sales resistance
B. Get to know what the customer wants
C. Convince the customer how much you know about the product
D. Increase your store's sales revenues

B. Get to know what the customer wants

The best way to talk to a new customer is to:

A. Flatter her—tell her she has taste and looks great
B. Interact as if you are old friends
C. Match what you say and your tone of voice to her personality
D. Convince her that you know what is best for her to buy

C. Match what you say and your tone of voice to her personality

Three ways to create a positive impression of you and the store include: Complimenting the customer's taste; assuring the customer that he is the expert; and:

A. Suggesting that he buy "top of the line" products
B. Stating that the products in your store are far better than those in other stores
C. Indicating that based on your professional product knowledge, you feel his purchases are worthwhile

C. Indicating that based on your professional product knowledge, you feel his purchases are worthwhile

The customer has said "No, thank you" when you offered your help. You should back off for the time being, but remain alert for a sign that you are needed.

A. True
B. False

A. True

If the customer isn't shopping alone, you can include the rest of the party by:

A. Telling any children to behave themselves while their parent makes this important decision
B. Suggesting that the customer might want to make this shopping decision when he is alone and can concentrate
C. Giving other service to those in the party, such as offering a chair or a cup a refreshment
D. Remind the customer of the kids' zone area

C. Giving other service to those in the party, such as offering a chair or a cup a refreshment

A customer has looked at several watches and seems to like one best. She tries it on, sets it to the correct time, and asks if the band can be changed to another style. You show her the options and she likes one in particular. What is best to say to close the sale?

A. Do you want to look at a few more styles?
B. Will that be cash or credit card?
C. Shall I go ahead and replace the band for you or do you want to keep both styles for different looks?
D. We'll be having a sale on watches sometime next month.

C. Shall I go ahead and replace the band for you or do you want to keep both styles for different looks?

Which store offers the best price?
Store 1 Store 2 Store 3
$27 $27 $30
0% 0% 10%
5 year 3 year 4 year

A. Store 1 offers the best price.
B. Store 2 offers the best price.
C. Store 3 offers the best price.
D. They all offer the same exact price.

A. Store 1 offers the best price.

According to market research, what percentage of customers is likely to spend more if the sales associate is helpful?

A. 25%
B. 32%
C. 45%
D. 55%

C. 45%

If a customer walks directly to an item, this may indicate that he:

A. Knows what he wants and would probably appreciate quick, efficient service
B. Just wants to look at the item and has no interest in buying
C. Is in a hurry and doesn't want any attention from you
D. Is looking for the least expensive brand

A. Knows what he wants and would probably appreciate quick, efficient service

Your ultimate goal as a sales associate is to:

A. Meet your quota each month
B. Provide service to as many customers as you can
C. Satisfy the customer
D. Be the top sales associate in your department

C. Satisfy the customer

You can best determine the customer's needs by gathering information through careful observation and by:

A. Deciding the type of products you think the customer should buy
B. Telling the customer everything you know about your products
C. Asking the customer thoughtful questions
D. Studying all literature on the products you sell so you can answer questions.

C. Asking the customer thoughtful questions

To keep the lines of communication open, the best questions to ask:

A. Are direct and to the point
B. Are ones that can be quickly answered with a "yes" or a "no"
C. Begin with who, what, where, when, how, or why
D. Are ones that are able to direct the customer to a decision
E. Are structured to save the customer's time

C. Begin with who, what, where, when, how, or why

Which of the following are examples of open-ended questions?

A. Can I help you?
B. What features are important to you?
C. Do you like blue or brown?
D. Is this all for you today?

B. What features are important to you?

When fitting the products to the customer, you should:

A. Correct her if she tells you the wrong size
B. Ask questions that will help her define the right fit
C. Select the approximate size you believe that she is.
D. Wait till the customer picks out the right size.

B. Ask questions that will help her define the right fit

Which of the following phrases might be appropriate when discussing clothing size with your customer?

A. You look to be about a size XX.
B. Have you worn this brand before? What size was most comfortable for you?
C. How big are you?
D. You wear a bigger size on the bottom than on the top.

B. Have you worn this brand before? What size was most comfortable for you?

How would you handle a situation where a customer wants a brand that you don't carry?

A. Convince him that your brands are better
B. Get permission from him to show the items you do have that meet his needs
C. Tell him that he won't find anything better than what you have
D. Smile and listen politely, but don't tell him you don't have his brand; show him your items anyway
E. Tell him you don't carry that brand then excuse yourself to serve someone else

B. Get permission from him to show the items you do have that meet his needs

If your store does not offer the particular product of service the customer is looking for, your first option should always be to:

A. Convince the customer he doesn't need it anyway
B. Suggest alternatives that your store does carry
C. Immediately refer him to a competitor
D. Inform him of the drawbacks of the product he is seeking

B. Suggest alternatives that your store does carry

Which of the following scenarios shows the proper use of a business card? The Salesperson says,

A. I'm glad I was able to help you find what you needed today. Here are a few of my cards—be sure to tell your friends and family about me.
B. We don't have business cards here, but if you'll give me yours I will call you whenever something interesting comes in.
C. If you change your mind and do want some help, here's my card. Just tell the other salespeople that I am already helping you.
D. I've enjoyed helping you with your gift selection. Here's my business card in case I can be of further assistance. Feel free to call me directly if you have any questions or special requests.

D. I've enjoyed helping you with your gift selection. Here's my business card in case I can be of further assistance. Feel free to call me directly if you have any questions or special requests.

Which of the following are acceptable ways to ask a customer's permission to provide alternatives?

A. We don't carry that specific brand, but may I suggest ...
B. Is that the only brand you were interested in?
C. Is there anything else you were looking for?
D. We don't recommend that item. May I show you a better product?
E. All of the above

A. We don't carry that specific brand, but may I suggest

Referring a customer to a competitor will likely result in:

A. The customer seeking you out for future needs
B. The customer never returning to your store
C. A lost sales opportunity for you
D. None of the above

A. The customer seeking you out for future needs

Creating customer loyalty is rewarding for:

A. The store
B. The sales associate
C. The customer
D. All of the above

D. All of the above

It is appropriate to call the competition to make sure they carry the item the customer is looking for.

A. True
B. False

A. True

A computer store has a sign posted on the door that says, "No food or drink to be brought into the store." A sales associated is ringing up a customer and see that another customer has a small child who is eating an ice cream cone. The child is standing in front of your newest laptops. Which of these should be the sales associate's best response?

A. Finish ringing up the first customer, then politely explain to the second customer that he cannot be served until the ice cream is out of the store.
B. Excuse yourself from the first customer briefly and let the second customer know that he will have to pay for anything this child might damage.
C. Call security or the store manager to deal with the situation, but warn the customer and give him some time to leave before they arrive.
D. Briefly interrupt the first customer's transaction, ask the second customer kindly to dispose of the ice cream.

D. Briefly interrupt the first customer's transaction, ask the second customer kindly to dispose of the ice cream.

Two of the basics needed to ensure that a customer has a pleasant experience when he comes to your store are:

A. An enjoyable atmosphere and super service
B. Free coffee and doughnuts and a clean restroom
C. Sales associates who look snazzy and take turns helping customers
D. Good inventory and easy checkout

A. An enjoyable atmosphere and super service

Small kindnesses to your customers may include:

A. Letting the customer make a local call to verify appropriateness or preference
B. Consolidating many small packages into one large shopping bag
C. Bringing merchandise to an older or disabled customer while he sits down
D. Telling a customer about a lounge where she may tend to her baby's needs
E. All of the above

E. All of the above

To assist your customers in a personal way, you should become familiar with:

A. Their relatives, special friends, and loved ones
B. Entertainment centers and movie theaters in the district
C. Resources in and near your store
D. Dining and day care near the store

C. Resources in and near your store

Your Personnel Policy states (1) All Employees can use their 20% discount cards for purchases, (2) Discount cards are non-transferable, (3) Employees are not allowed to ring up their own purchases, (4) Employees must pay for food purchases before consuming them, and (5) Under no circumstances should employees leave the store with goods that have not been paid for. With that in mind, a cashier at Walbound decides to buy a soda to drink during her break. According to the Personnel Policy, how should the cashier pay for the soda?

A. Use another employee's discount card to buy the soda
B. Ring up the soda herself before the break begins.
C. Pay for the soda after the break is over
D. Ask someone else to ring up the soda as soon as the break begins

D. Ask someone else to ring up the soda as soon as the break begins

In preparing a resource list for your customers, you should consider including:

A. Local companies that have complementary services to the products you sell
B. Phone numbers that customers have requested in the past, such as a taxi service
C. Information about companies you recommend, such as repair shops
D. All of the above

D. All of the above

When customers request any of the service "extras" your store offers:

A. Tell them they'll have to contact Customer Service for further information
B. Make a note in your client record system so you can provide more personalized service when those customers return in the future
C. Tell them they'll have to wait until you finish with the other customers in your area before you can give them that amount of time
D. Tell them that you will call someone else to take care of them since you are busy.

B. Make a note in your client record system so you can provide more personalized service when those customers return in the future

When working with customers with disabilities be sure to take your time, be patient, and:

A. Speak loudly, using a lot of hand gestures
B. Let the customer help you understand his needs
C. When you can, make decisions for the customer
D. Offer to push them around the department so they can pick out things

B. Let the customer help you understand his needs

Warranties provide repair and/or maintenance for a specific time for a car, home, or major appliance and is included in the price of the product (usually provided by the manufacturer). What is the purpose of this warranty?

A. A promise to stand behind the product.
B. To show it isn't the best quality so you need a warranty
C. A promise to replace the product no matter what happens.
D. To prove you will not need a warranty.

A. A promise to stand behind the product.

You should allow customers with disabilities to express their own needs and limits; your job is to accommodate those needs and make shopping a positive experience.

A. True
B. False

A. True

A customer says, "I think I may be making a mistake here. I do like these pans but they're a gift for my friend, and she doesn't cook as much as I do. What would be your best response to a customer who is still undecided about making the purchase?

A. Your friend could always return them. If you're unsure about the pans, maybe I could help you find something more appropriate. What are her hobbies?
B. She'll probably want to do more cooking when she sees these pans!
C. I think it's nice to give something you like. If she doesn't like them, she can exchange them.
D. I'm sure she'll like them just like you do.

A. Your friend could always return them. If you're unsure about the pans, maybe I could help you find something more appropriate. What are her hobbies?

You should go out of your way to make customers with disabilities feel like they don't have to do anything.

A. True
B. False

B. False

Requiring all salespeople to greet customers immediately upon entering the store is an example of what type of policy?

A. Selling Process
B. Pricing Strategy
C. Return Policy
D. Deliver Policy

A. Selling Process

To speed up the customer service process, you should interact more with the accompanying able-bodied person than with the shopper with disabilities.

A. True
B. False

B. False

The sales tax rate (state and local) is 9.5%. What would the total be including sales taxes for an item with a price tag of $9.78?

A. $10.71
B. $ .93
C. $10.70
D. $9.86

A. $10.71

When providing service to customers with disabilities, you usually should not provide physical assistance unless it has been requested.

A. True
B. False

A. True

Communication is important! When providing service to a person who is hearing impaired, you should:

A. Ask the customer how he would like to communicate
B. Speak as loudly as you can, speak clearly, and stand very close to his ear while you talk
C. Call over to your sales associates and tell them you have a disabled person to work with, would they please take care of the other customers
D. Call the person in another department who knows some sign language to come help you

A. Ask the customer how he would like to communicate

When giving service to a person with developmental disabilities, it may be helpful to explain complex tasks one step at a time.

A. True
B. False

A. True

When balancing service between phone customers and those you may already be helping in the store, you should:

A. Tell your in-store customer that you need to get the phone and she should look around for awhile
B. Move your in-store customer over to by the phone and help both customers at the same time
C. Excuse yourself courteously from your in-store customer saying that you'll be right back and answer the
D. Since your customer is in the store, wait on the customer and ignore the phone until you have time

C. Excuse yourself courteously from your in-store customer saying that you'll be right back and answer the

If you are shipping an item, it may be appropriate to enclose a "Thank you note" with your business card attached.

A. True
B. False

A. True

Turn your phone interaction into a loyal customer by:

A. Letting the customer know about sales events
B. Mentioning services he may not be aware of
C. Offering to ship items directly to the customer
D. All of the above

D. All of the above

Which of the following steps will help you keep commitments to customers?

A. Promising customers you will find the items they request
B. Calling customers back only when you can find the requested item or information
C. Immediately stopping whatever you're doing to take care of phone customer requests
D. Calling customers back in a timely manner

D. Calling customers back in a timely manner

To help build customer loyalty, you should:

A. Say what you'll do and be very clear on what you are promising; make notes so you will remember
B. Not risk disappointing a customer by telling him when you cannot make an exception
C. Make exceptions, but be sure to let the customer know that you are making an exception and that your
actions do not reflect standard practices
D. A and

A. Say what you'll do and be very clear on what you are promising; make notes so you will remember

You should make sure that, in your absence, other sales associates do not have access to information about your special orders.

A. True
B. False

A. True

By becoming an expert at special orders, you may benefit by:

A. Learning more about the products you sell
B. Learning more about customer needs and interests
C. Getting to know people in other departments
D. All of the above

D. All of the above

When something goes wrong or a product does not perform as expected, provide the customer with a quick resolution and:

A. A cup of coffee
B. Service with a smile
C. An excuse for the product's failure
D. Give them a new one of the same product

B. Service with a smile

A customer approaches the service desk with a toy doll. She says that she bought the doll for her niece's birthday a month ago and that the doll no longer speaks. Which of these should the associate say FIRST?

A. Are you sure that you bought this doll at this store? Do you have your receipt?
B. We've had a lot of complaints about this doll. You might want to contact the manufacturer.
C. We've never had any complaints about this doll before. What do you think your niece did to it?
D. With this kind of toy, it's always best to check the batteries first. Let me check them for you.

D. With this kind of toy, it's always best to check the batteries first. Let me check them for you.

The warranty is an excellent tool for you to use to:

A. Prove that your company has the best price
B. Explain your company's return policy
C. Reassure the customer about a product's quality
D. All of the above

C. Reassure the customer about a product's quality

If your company does not have a manual that describes all the major product warranties, you should:

A. Avoid talking about warranties with your customers
B. Create your own by making copies of the various product warranties and related information
C. Decide on a general, neutral comment you can make if customers ask you about a warranty
D. Open up the package and read the warranty to them

B. Create your own by making copies of the various product warranties and related information

If you don't have a warranty manual available or are unsure about a warranty answer, a resource to consider is co-workers or your supervisor.

A. True
B. False

A. True

An irate caller reaches you and starts berating your company's service on a particular product that has been controversial. You should:

A. Completely avoid talking about the specific product and change the topic.
B. Listen carefully to the caller, take their number, and promise to get the appropriate person to call back to
resolve any issues.
C. Take the offensive when a caller brings up the controversial subject and try to convince the caller that they are mistaken.
D. Tell the caller that the company is aware of the problem and is taking steps to fix it.
E. Just listen - you can't please everyone.

B. Listen carefully to the caller, take their number, and promise to get the appropriate person to call back to
resolve any issues.

When your customer asks you to make an exception to the company policy regarding warranties, you should probably:

A. Check with your immediate supervisor or manager
B. Make the exception, but only if the customer promises to make additional purchases
C. Tell him you do not make exceptions
D. Tell them to buy the product again and return the broken one in the new box

A. Check with your immediate supervisor or manager

When customers return merchandise, you should:

A. Make sure they have a good reason for doing so
B. Treat them with the same respect you would if they were making a purchase
C. Not worry about how you treat them, because you don't want them to come back again
D. Send them to the service counter to wait for a customer service rep

B. Treat them with the same respect you would if they were making a purchase

The company's return policy should always be clearly displayed in writing.

A. True
B. False

A. True

If the return policy is clearly displayed, it is not necessary to mention it to the customer at the time of the sale.

A. True
B. False

B. False

Even if your company's return policy restricts what you can do for the customer, you should:

A. Consider alternatives, such as offering a discount coupon or a free sample
B. Agree with him that the product is defective & should be replaced, but tell him that the store won't let you
do anything about it
C. Do what the customer asks; management will have to support your decision
D. Apologize for your store's policy

A. Consider alternatives, such as offering a discount coupon or a free sample

Which of the following might be acceptable techniques for directing a customer to the Customer Service department?

A. "Customer service is on the third floor; take the elevator and turn right when you get off. I'd go with you,
but I can't leave this area unattended at the moment."
B. "You'll have to take this to Customer Service; I can't help you here."
C. "Someone in Customer Service can help you with that; I'll show you the way."
D. A and C

D. A and C

Customer complaints should be welcomed because they provide an opportunity to:

A. Do something different for a change
B. Get customers back to the store so they'll buy more
C. Learn about problems so improvements can be made
D. Learn who the potential "problem customers" are

C. Learn about problems so improvements can be made

A customer calls and has some technical questions about a product with which you are not completely familiar. You should:

A. Transfer his call to someone who is knowledgeable in that area.
B. Pretend that you know what you're talking about and give your own answers.
C. Tell him to call back another time.
D. Ask him why he is being so inquisitive.

A. transfer his call to someone who is knowledgeable in that area.

You overhear your boss giving a client the name of a person to contact for some information. You know this person is no longer the one to reach for this information. The client is still in the office. What, if anything, should you do?

A. Do not get involved in the situation.
B. Quickly take your boss aside and provide the correct name.
C. Wait until the client leaves, and then provide your boss with the correct name.
D. Give the individual the correct name, and explain that your boss was not aware of a different person being
responsible to provide the information.

D. Give the individual the correct name, and explain that your boss was not aware of a different person being
responsible to provide the information.

When using the T.H.A.N.K.S. method, "K" stands for:

A. "Know when to give in to the customer's demands"
B. "Keep the customer from asking for a refund"
C. "Know a solution if the customer does not suggest one"
D. "Keep asking what the customer wants, even when the solution is obvious to you"

C. "Know a solution if the customer does not suggest one"

As an administrative assistant, you have been training Mrs. W., who is not directly under your supervision. She has not appeared to be particularly competent during the month she has been in her position. You are explaining application procedures to a client when Mrs. W. interrupts to ask you a question. You tell her you are busy with a client and will come to her office when you are through. In a low voice, she begins to call you names and say bad things about the department. There are several clients in the office in addition to the one you are working with. The supervisor doesn't appear to be around. What should you do?

A. Ignore her and continue to assist the client.
B. Get on the phone and request assistance from a department administrator.
C. Say, "Now Mrs. W., I said I'd be with you as soon as I could. Now please let me finish."
D. Ask another employee to help the client while you escort Mrs. W. to a room away from the public area.

D. Ask another employee to help the client while you escort Mrs. W. to a room away from the public area.

If a customer becomes abusive, you should probably:

A. Refund his money immediately
B. Contact your manager
C. Tell him he is being abusive
D. Call security

B. Contact your manager

When the customer presents you with a problem, you should ask her:

A. How she would like the situation solved
B. Who is at fault in the situation
C. If she shops at your store on a regular basis
D. Use your own judgment to solve it.

A. How she would like the situation solved

If you find yourself having to resolve a very difficult issue, you may want to:

A. Ask the customer to come back another time
B. Tell the customer that his is being unreasonable
C. Get help from a more senior employee
D. Get creative and just solve the problem

C. Get help from a more senior employee

Keeping records of customer complaints and the methods used to resolve them will help you resolve similar situations in the future.

A. True
B. False

A. True

As a sales associate, your goal is to:

A. Keep the returns to a minimum
B. Keep the customer coming back
C. Decide who's right or wrong
D. Increase sales for your store

B. Keep the customer coming back

Once you have sent the product out for repair or ordered a replacement, your work is finished.

A. True
B. False

B. False

Showing the customer that you and your store stand behind the products and services you sell:

A. Limits the profit on some items
B. Shows a professionalism that builds customer loyalty
C. Encourages customers to return items more frequently
D. Shows the customer that you are a talented sales associate

B. Shows a professionalism that builds customer loyalty

When customers come to you with complaints, you need to:

A. Listen carefully
B. Be patient
C. Get information
D. All of the above

D. All of the above

A person approaches you and tells you of many complaints he has about your department. You should first:

A. Assume that his is just blowing off steam and ignore his complaints.
B. Check into the legitimacy of the complaints.
C. Ask for advice from your supervisor on the best way to handle the person.
D. Regard the complaints as accurate and take immediate steps to correct them.

B. Check into the legitimacy of the complaints.

If an appliance or computer is being shipped, you might call the customer to be certain it was delivered on time and in good condition and:

A. That the delivery people were courteous and careful
B. If the customer really liked the deal you gave him
C. If the customer has any friends that might like the item
D. If they need to buy any additional products.

A. That the delivery people were courteous and careful

If you are making a follow-up call, it's a good idea to call during the dinner hour to make sure you contact the customer on the first try.

A. True
B. False

B. False

When leaving phone messages for customers, you should let them know if it is important for them to call you back.

A. True
B. False

A. True

Which of the following items would NOT be an appropriate finishing touch to your service?

A. Call the customer to make sure he is satisfied with his purchase
B. Send a handwritten note thanking the customer for his business
C. Send a postcard thanking a customer for letting you help him select a gift for his wife
D. Give the customer your business card & encourage him to return to the store
E. Remember the customer's name and use it when he comes in again

C. Send a postcard thanking a customer for letting you help him select a gift for his wife

Which of the following are appropriate reasons for following up with a customer?

A. You are curious whether a gift your customer purchased was well received
B. You want to know why a customer did not make it in for a special sale
C. You finally located an item the customer asked for a while back
D. You haven't seen the customer in a long time and are wondering if she is shopping somewhere else now

C. You finally located an item the customer asked for a while back

You should keep your client records up-to-date and notify customers of merchandise you know is of interest to them.

A. True
B. False

A. True

Keeping records about customer preferences:

A. Will make customers suspicious of your ability to remember details
B. Requires an expensive computer system
C. Can help you provide more personalized service to returning customers
D. Will help you target market to them

C. Can help you provide more personalized service to returning customers

In your client record system, you should record:

A. Customer purchases
B. Customer interests
C. Follow-up activities
D. All of the above

D. All of the above

Which of the following statements best describes why a client record system is called a "living" record?

A. It should be accessible to anyone who wants to read it
B. You should constantly refer to it and update it with new information
C. You will spend more time maintaining your records than you do actually serving customers
D. You keep it as long as the customer remains a customer of the store

B. You should constantly refer to it and update it with new information

You should record basic information that allows you to stay in touch with customers and specific information that reminds you of their purchases and preferences.

A. True
B. False

A. True

Any personal information a customer gives you becomes public knowledge and you may share it with other sales associates.

A. True
B. False

B. False

Your business card or the sales receipt is a good place to make notes for a customer regarding:

A. Your work schedule so the customer can contact you in the future
B. The date a special order is due
C. An upcoming sale
D. All of the above

D. All of the above

If you do not have business cards, you can help the customer remember you by:

A. Asking the customer for something on which to write your name and number
B. Writing "thank you" on the sales receipt and signing your name
C. Telling the customer how many sales awards you have won
D. Using your own name often in the conversation

B. Writing "thank you" on the sales receipt and signing your name

If your company does not supply business cards, you should:

A. Tell customers that they can find the store number in the phone directory
B. Check to make sure creating your own will not violate company policy
C. Tell the customer that the company is too cheap to give you business cards
D. Tell customers your name and phone number and offer them a pen to write it down

B. Check to make sure creating your own will not violate company policy

A customer walks into the office and asks for the deadline to file a permit application. You do not know the answer. It would be best for you to do which of the following?

A. Tell the person what you think the answer might be.
B. Refer the person to your supervisor.
C. Say that you are not allowed to give out that information to the public.
D. Inform the person that you don't know but will find out.

D. Inform the person that you don't know but will find out

Which of the following are good reasons to ask customers for their business cards?

A. So you can claim these customers as your own and keep co-workers from making sales to them
B. When customers show interest in an upcoming event and you offer to remind them
C. So you can build up your client records with names of potential customers
D. To learn more about them so you can suggest items that you think they can afford

B. When customers show interest in an upcoming event and you offer to remind them

Showing respect for a customer's business card means you should:

A. Never write on it
B. Put it in your purse or wallet for safe keeping
C. Make some comment to indicate you have read it
D. Ask them if you can put it in the bowl used for drawing prizes

C. Make some comment to indicate you have read it

If a customer's business card includes a pager, e-mail address, or fax number, ask him how he would prefer to be contacted.

A. True
B. False

A. True

Acting as a personal shopper:

A. Should be avoided since it takes you away from other customers
B. Can add interest and challenge to your job
C. Does not require any special skills or talents
D. Can lead to a big tip

B. Can add interest and challenge to your job

When customers enlist you as their personal shopper, they probably should expect:

A. Special discounts
B. To save time and effort looking for items themselves
C. You to be available at all times
D. To see the best items in the store

B. To save time and effort looking for items themselves

When acting as a personal shopper, you should:

A. Choose a wide selection of items from which the customer can choose
B. Ignore the customer's bad taste and choose the items that you think she should wear
C. Select only items that fit her interests
D. Show them only the best products in the store

C. Select only items that fit her interests

One of the most important skills in being a personal shopper is to:

A. Always guess correctly at what the customer wants
B. Listen carefully for clues about the customer's preferences
C. Convince customers to follow your advice
D. Pick the best quality items to show

B. Listen carefully for clues about the customer's preferences

A customer walks into the office and asks for the deadline to file a permit application. You do not know the answer. It would be best for you to do which of the following?

A. Tell the person what you think the answer might be.
B. Refer the person to your supervisor.
C. Say that you are not allowed to give out that information to the public.
D. Inform the person that you don't know but will find out.

D. Inform the person that you don't know but will find out.

Personal shopping services may be appropriate for which of the following customers?

A. A shopper who says she just wants to browse
B. A shopper who asks you to help select gift items for the holidays
C. A customer who is in a hurry and does not have time to look for specific items
D. B and C

D. B and C

Which of the following are ways companies gather customer feedback?

Which of the following are ways companies gather customer feedback? Surveys, social media, and customer complaints.

What should you do if a customer asks you to perform a price check and you discover he or she picked up an item similar to a sale item?

Apologize and offer a substitute comparable item at the same price.

What is the first step a sales associate should take if the store does not offer the product a customer wants?

If your store does not offer the particular product of service the customer is looking for, your first option should always be to: Suggest alternatives that your store does carry. Which of the following scenarios shows the proper use of a business card? The salesperson says......

How do you approach a customer who needs help?

Be Eager to Help but Not Aggressive.
Addressing the Problem. When a customer is inquiring you about a problem, listen carefully to what is said. ... .
Show Knowledge of the Products or Services. Be sure that you and your staff know your products and services inside out. ... .
Know About Related Products..


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