What simile best describes how your mind learns and remembers the mind is like a?

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Course Description: Students will improve their reading skills by reading classic literature, including both poetry and novels. Students also will develop in their speaking and vocabulary skills through their reading assignments as well as through the use of online resources.

Reading List (included for free in the online assignments; no need to purchase separately):

Poetry: Dickinson, Keats, Tennyson, Tolstoy, Pushkin, MacDonald, Jennings, Cummings, Teasdale, Blake, Wordsworth, Longfellow, and others

Books: The Spy, James Fenimore Cooper; Penrod and Sam, Tarkington; The Call of the Wild, London; Treasure Island, Stevenson; The Talisman, Sir Walter Scott; The King Will Make a Way, Giles

Lesson 1

Welcome to your first day of school! I wanted to give you one important reminder before you begin. Many of your lessons below have an internet link for you to click on. When you go to the different internet pages for your lessons, please DO NOT click on anything else on that page except what the directions tell you to. DO NOT click on any advertisements or games. DO NOT click on anything that takes you to a different website. Just stay focused on your lesson and then close that window and you should be right back here for the next lesson. Okay?

  1. If you didn’t get here through My EP Assignments, I suggest you go there and create an account. There is an offline version of this course if you are interested in a workbook. Scroll up for the link.
  2. Read “‘Twas the Second Day Before Christmas.” If it helps you, you can listen to Mr. G reading the poem and talking about it.
  3. What is the point of the poem? What does it make you feel about Christmas? (Answers)
  4. How does the poet make his point? How do lines 13 and 14 contribute? (Answers)
  5. What do you think the poet thinks about Christmas? (Answers)
  6. Does the poem have rhyme or rhythm? (Answers)
  7. This is the end of your work for this course for your first day. You are allowed to move at your own pace (this is homeschooling), but it’s intended you complete one lesson a day.

Lesson 2

  1. Read “Hope Is The Thing With Feathers.” You can listen to Mr. G reading the poem and talking about it.
  2. This was written by a very famous American poet. Who is it? (Answers)
  3. What is the poem about and what metaphor/image is used to write about it? (Answers)
  4. What does the last stanza mean? (lines 9-12) (Answers)
  5. Why Poetry?

Lesson 3

    1. Read “Sweet Content” and “A Thanksgiving to God.” You can listen to Mr. G reading the poems and talking about them.
    2. What does content mean in this context? (Answers)
    3. What is “Sweet Content” about? (Answers)
    4. What do you think the poet is saying in lines 9 and 19? (Answers)
    5. “Hey nonny nonny” is a nonsense phrase used in other poetry as well. You can find it in Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing.
    6. What is the second poem about? (Answers)

Lesson 4

  1. Read Psalm 1.
  2. What similes does David use in this poem/song? (Answers) Need a reminder?
  3. What does each simile tell us about the person it’s describing? (Answers)

Lesson 5

  1. Read “Robin Hood, To a Friend“. Do you know who Robin Hood is? Ask a parent if you don’t.
  2. You can listen to Mr. G reading the poem and talking about it.
  3. This poem is written by Keats. He’s a very famous English poet. You can read the short bio at the top of the page once you enter the site.
  4. This poem is written in couplets. What does that mean? What does couple mean? See the resemblance? Look at the poem and try to find couplets.

Lesson 6

  1. Read the poem “The Tiger” by William Blake, a British poet who lived from 1757 to 1827. You can listen to Mr. G reading the poem and talking about it.  By the way, you’ll often see this poem using the older spelling of “Tyger.”
  2. In this poem, the poet is asking the tiger about its amazing characteristics and about Who created the tiger.
  3. What is the rhyme scheme used here? (answer: AABB; in other words, the first two lines of each stanza rhyme with each other, and the second two lines rhyme with each other)
  4. In the first stanza, the word “frame” means make or build, and “symmetry” refers to the tiger’s shape, the characteristics of its body. Why do you think the poet calls it “fearful” ?
  5. Why do you think the poet says the tiger is “burning bright” in the nighttime forest? (answer: maybe because of its bright fur)
  6. What other creature does the poet ask about in the poem? (answer: the lamb)
  7. Why is this an interesting and/or ironic question? (answer: because tigers and lambs are so different from each other, and tigers eat lambs)

Lesson 7

  1. Read the poem “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” by William Wordsworth, a British poet who lived from 1770 to 1850. You can listen to Mr. G reading the poem and talking about it.
  2. What does the poet compare himself to in the first stanza? (answer: a cloud floating along)
  3. Is he using a simile or a metaphor? (answer: a simile)
  4. Why do you think he described himself like that? What are some words he uses that give you a clue about how he was feeling? (answer: the word “wandered” implies aimless, no purpose; the word “lonely” implies he was, well, lonely)
  5. What does he see that changes everything for him? (answer: thousands of golden daffodils dancing in the breeze)
  6. Look at the last stanza. The word “vacant” means feeling empty, and “pensive” means kind of thoughtful and gloomy. What happens sometimes when he’s in a “vacant and pensive mood”? (answer: He remembers the daffodils and he’s filled with pleasure and “dances with the daffodils.”)

Lesson 8

  1. Read the poem “Christmas Bells” by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, an American poet who lived from 1807 to 1882. You can listen to Mr. G reading the poem and talking about it.
  2. There are a few words in here you may not know: belfry (a bell tower in a church), Christendom (the areas or countries where Christianity is the primary religion), and rent (tore).
  3. What is the rhyme pattern? What phrase is repeated in each stanza? (Answer: AABBC; “Of peace on earth, good-will to men!”)
  4. What happens in the 4th stanza to break the “good feeling” of Christmas that we had in the first three stanzas? (Answer: The poet starts talking about war, about cannons drowning out the sound of carols.) Note that “each black, accursed mouth” refers to the black cannons.
  5. What war do you think Longfellow was talking about? What does he conclude at the end of the poem? (Answer: He was talking about the Civil War. He concludes that God sees and knows what’s going on, and He will cause right to win.)

Lesson 9

  1. Read the poem “The Kraken” by Alfred Lord Tennyson, a British poet who lived from 1809 to 1892. You can listen to Mr. G reading it and talking about it.
  2. Kraken was a term used to describe a giant sea monster supposedly as big as a ship. Some hard words: abysmal (extremely deep), grot (short for grotto, a small cave), polypi (a family of marine invertebrates).
  3. What is the Kraken doing now? What will eventually happen to it? (Answer: It’s sleeping; one day when the day of judgment / fire comes upon the world, it will be forced to the surface to die, and everyone will see it plainly.)
  4. There are a number of different ideas about a deeper meaning behind this poem, besides just describing a cool sea monster. Any ideas? What do you think the poet could be trying to say? There are no wrong answers to this question 🙂

Lesson 10

  1. Read Part 1 of the poem “The Wanderer.” This is an Old English poem and is anonymous (we don’t know who wrote it). It probably originated as an oral poem and was written down much later, probably in the 9th or 10th century AD (early Middle Ages). You can listen to Mr. G reading and discussing the poem.
  2. This poem was originally written in Old English (also called Anglo-Saxon), which is so different from Modern English that it looks and sounds like a foreign language. You are reading the poem in a Modern English translation. The translation you’re reading does preserve some important things about the sound of the original poem, though. Read a few lines over again. Does the poem rhyme? (Answer: no).
  3. What do you notice about the sound of the poem? What poetic device is being used? (Answer: Alliteration. The same consonant sounds are repeated several times in each line.) This poetic device was used in the original Old English language instead of rhyming.
  4. The poet is describing a wanderer. He seems to have lost a lot of things which were meaningful to him. What are a few things he’s lost? (Answer: his lord — a feudal lord he owed his allegiance to, his kinsmen, his home). By the way, he seems to describe himself as a thane, which means someone who has been given some land by a ruler in exchange for military service in early medieval England.
  5. The poem twice mentions Wyrd (pronounced like “weird”). This is the Old English idea of fate or destiny, which they believed people have no control over. Actually our modern word “weird” comes from this Old English word.

Lesson 11

  1. Read Part 2 of “The Wanderer.”  You can listen to Mr. G reading and discussing Part 2 of the poem.
  2. What do you think is an important theme in this part of the poem? (Answer: death, and how quickly everything we know passes away)
  3. The poet says “And no man is sage who knows not his share of winter in the world.” Here the word “sage” means wise. He’s talking about how no one is wise who does not realize how temporary everything in the world is, and so live wisely. Look at the lines that follow this. What are some characteristics of a wise man, according to the poet?
  4. The last line of the poem seems to give a clue to the only solution the poet has for all the loss and sadness he has faced, and the temporariness of everything. What do you think it is? (Answer: God)
  5. If you’d like to hear “The Wanderer” recited in the original Old English, you can watch this video.

Lesson 12

  1. Today we’re reading a Russian poem! Poetry is extremely important in Russian culture; even ordinary Russians love poetry and can quote quite a few poems. Alexander Pushkin (1799 – 1837) is considered the greatest Russian poet. He wrote a lot of love poems especially. Although he was part of the Russian nobility (the wealthy and powerful people), his great-grandfather was a captive Ethiopian who became a personal assistant to Peter the Great, emperor of Russia. Pushkin died at the young age of 37 in a pistol duel with a French guy.
  2. Read the poem “Winter Morning” by Alexander Pushkin. You are reading the poem in an English translation, but of course it was originally written in Russian. You can listen to Mr. G reading and talking about the poem.
  3. What is Pushkin describing? (Answer: a winter day in Russia)
  4. What are some words he uses to describe the snow, the woods, the rivulet (a small river), the wood in the oven?
  5. Look at the end of the poem. What is he suggesting to his companion that they do? (Answer: harness the horse to the sleigh and go for a ride through the fields, the woods, to the riverbanks)

Lesson 13

  1. Another Russian poem today! Read the poem “The Wolves” by the famous Russian writer Leo Tolstoy, who lived from 1828 to 1910. Tolstoy is best known as a famous novelist who wrote the massive book War and Peace, but he also wrote poetry. WARNING! This poem mentions violence against wolves, so it might be disturbing for some students. You can listen to Mr. G reading and discussing the poem.
  2. What are some words used in this poem to create an ominous, scary scene? (Possible answers: grey mist, howling, grim, lurking, ghastly, slink, etc.)
  3. What does the author say you should do to take care of this wolf threat?
  4. What do you think is the poet’s attitude towards the wolves? Does he hate them, or fear them, or sympathize with them?

Lesson 14

  1. Read the poem “anyone lived in a pretty how town” by an American poet named E.E. Cummings, who lived from 1894 to 1962. You can listen to Mr. G reading and discussing the poem.
  2. You might notice that the title of the poem is not capitalized at all; that’s because Cummings often did not use capitalization or normal punctuation in his poems. You’ll find that this poem does not sound like a “normal” poem. That’s done on purpose!
  3. So, you read it, right? Did you understand what it was about? I’d be surprised if you did. I don’t really know, but after reading it aloud I had the impression it’s talking about life in a little town, how things just go on like they always have, people go through their seasons of life, then die. Maybe it seems kind of pointless to the poet. I’m not sure; I might just be making all that up 🙂 What do you think? Any ideas about what it means? It’s OK if you got some other meaning. That’s the beauty of poetry.
  4. But maybe, if you read it aloud, you could hear how fun the words sound, even if they don’t really make sense when put together like that. Does the poem rhyme? Look at all the stanzas. What’s the rhyme pattern? (Answer: In most of the stanzas, the first two lines rhyme, but the last two don’t. But in a few stanzas in the middle of the poem, nothing rhymes.)

Lesson 15

  1. Read these two short poems by the Scottish writer and minister George MacDonald, who lived from 1824 to 1905. MacDonald often wrote about religious themes, but also was a pioneer of the fantasy genre, and was a big source of inspiration for later famous writers such as C. S. Lewis (The Chronicles of Narnia)  and J.R.R. Tolkien (The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings). You can listen to Mr. G reading and discussing the poems.
  2. In the poem “Blind Bartimeus,” the poet is describing the story of the blind beggar named Bartimeus, which you can read in the Bible in Mark 10:46-52. Be sure to read the story in the Bible if you don’t already know it.
  3. In the first two stanzas, it seems Bartimeus is talking with another blind beggar who is with him. A second beggar is actually mentioned in a slightly different account of the same story in Matthew 20:29-34.
  4. In the second two stanzas, who is talking? (Answer: the poet)
  5. Why does he say he is blind too? (Answer: he feels like he is spiritually blind; he says “Nothing comes through into my mind.”)
  6. What does he do about his blindness? What happens? (Answer: he cries out to Jesus and Jesus helps him “see,” and he follows Jesus)
  7. Read the second poem, “Forgiveness,” again. It’s using a metaphor of a kid doing a math problem on an old-fashioned slate, which is what they used before paper was widely available.
  8. What kind of problem does God give the kid to solve? (Answer: an impossibly difficult one)
  9. What happens when the child comes back to God, with the slate covered with math work, crying that he can’t do it? (Answer: God erases the slate and says “Let’s do the math problem together.”) What do you think the poet is saying about God?

Lesson 16

  1. Read these two poems by George MacDonald, whom we met in the previous lesson. You can listen to Mr. G reading and discussing the poems.
  2. In “Lost and Found,” where are some places the poet mentions he has searched for his friend he has lost?
  3. Did he find his friend? (Answer: yes and no. He didn’t exactly find him, but rather sees and hears signs of his presence, and feels him in his heart) Who do you think this friend might be?
  4. In “Song,” what is the poet talking about? (Answer: singing a cheerful song even in the middle of hard things in life)
  5. Who is the “her” that the poet says we should cheat with melody? (Answer: sorrow) What might it mean to cheat her with melody? (Answer: sing cheerfully so that sorrow, or sad things that happen, can’t really make us sorrowful)

Lesson 17

  1. Read this portion of the famous poem “The Hound of Heaven” by the British poet Francis Thompson, who lived from 1859 to 1907. You will only read the first and last parts of the poem in this lesson; the whole poem is pretty long and a bit hard to read. You can listen to Mr. G reading and discussing the poem.
  2. There are some hard words in the poem. Here are a few that it would help to know from the first section: labyrinthine (resembling a maze), vistaed (wide open, like a view of plains or mountains), precipitated (here means caused to fall down), adown (down), unperturbed (unworried), instancy (insistence).
  3. Who do you think the poet was fleeing from? (Answer: God)
  4. The One chasing the poet says “All things betray thee, who betrayest Me” and “Lo, all things fly thee, for thou fliest Me!” What do you think He’s saying? (Answer: Everything in your life betrays you, or runs away from you, because you’re running away from Me!)
  5. What do you think it means when God says to the poet, “Whom wilt thou find to love ignoble thee, Save Me, save only Me?” Ignoble means dishonorable, low in status or quality. (Answer: You’re so low and dishonorable, no one could really love you except Me.)
  6. Look at the last stanza. What does the poet realize about the gloom that he’s felt surrounding him for a long time? (Answer: it’s actually the shadow of God’s hand outstretched to him, waiting for him to come to God)
  7. The last line of the poem, which is God speaking to the poet, is important but hard to understand because “drave” is an old form of the word drive/drove, meaning to push something along. It means something like “You pushed love away from yourself because you have pushed my love away from you.”

Lesson 18

  1. Read these two short poems by Elizabeth Jennings, a British poet who lived from 1926 to 2001. You can listen to Mr. G reading and discussing the poems.
  2. “The Enemies” reads a bit like a story rather than a poem. Does it rhyme? Can you figure out the rhyme scheme?
  3. “The Enemies” is talking about a mysterious invasion by an unknown group of men. Were they violent? (Answer: no )
  4. How is the town different after they came? (Answer: people are less friendly and more suspicious of each other) Can you think of any situations in your life or in the world today that this reminds you of?
  5. What event is the poem “Friday” referring to? (Answer: the crucifixion of Jesus Christ) From whose perspective are the events described? (Answer: a person who observed the crucifixion)
  6. What do you think this means: “…we learn a new way to lose What we did not know we had Until this bleak and sacrificial day…”? What did they not know they had until that day? (Answer: Jesus, the Son of God, right there in their midst)

Lesson 19

  1. Read these two poems by the American poet Sara Teasdale, who lived from 1884 to 1933. You’ll notice that the two poems have very similar titles. You can listen to Mr. G reading and talking about the poems.
  2. In the first poem, “The Star,” why does the star love the pool so much and give her light to it? (Answer: because the star thought the pool was so deep and wonderful, because it reflected the star’s light) Why did she like the pool better than the ocean? (Answer: The ocean was always moving and never reflected her light, so she assumed it wasn’t as deep as the pool.)
  3. What made the star realize her mistake? (Answer: a pig came and churned up the muddy water) What might the poet be saying here? Or what might be a lesson we can learn?
  4. In the second poem, “Stars,” there are a few hard words: spicy (here mean strong-smelling), topaz (a kind of gem), myriads (more than you can count), aeons (periods of time longer than you can measure), vex (to upset).
  5. How do the stars make her feel?

Lesson 20

  1. Read these two poems by Sara Teasdale, whom we met in the previous lesson. You can listen to Mr. G reading and talking about the poems.
  2. In the poem “Faces,” what is she talking about? (Answer: how she feels when she sees the faces of strangers on the street).  Why does she feel like she’s piercing their disguises? (Answer: she believes she can read their secret sorrow in their faces)
  3. What does she wonder at the end of the poem? (Answer: she wonders whether others can look at her face and read her secrets, her sorrows, as well)
  4. The poem “White Fog” has a few hard words: phlox (a type of flowering plant), amethyst (a purplish stone or color). What are some ways the poet describes the thick fog?
  5. When it seems like there’s no more sky, or ground, or sea, what does the poet feel is the one thing that remains, that could be a comfort? (Answer: herself) Note that Sara Teasdale was not a religious person; I would have said that God was present with me there in the fog. 🙂

Lesson 21

  1. Next we’ll read Penrod and Sam. Today, all you need to do is read the biography of the author, Booth Tarkington. If you completed level 6, then you are familiar with Tarkington and Penrod.
  2. The culture Tarkington was raised in didn’t teach him to treat African Americans as equals. He uses disrespectful language towards them. Unfortunately, that’s part of America’s history.

Lesson 22

  1. Read chapter 1 of Penrod and Sam. (Audio)
  2. Who are the characters?

Lesson 23

  1. Read chapter 2 of Penrod and Sam. (Audio)
  2. What is the setting?

Lesson 24

  1. Read chapter 3 of Penrod and Sam. (Audio – The audio book chapter numbers are “off” for the next 17 lessons, but the passages are correct)
  2. Why was Georgie a boy set apart?

Lesson 25

  1. Read chapter 4 of Penrod and Sam. (Audio)
  2. In this chapter there is a description of an initiation. They tie him up, scare him and “paddle” him. This is called hazing. Hazing is illegal in most states of America. It still happens in various forms. You should never take part in hazing. You shouldn’t do it to others or let anyone do it to you, even if it means you can’t join some group because of it. People have been arrested for taking part. Coaches have been fired for allowing their teams to haze new members. If you hear of anyone planning on hazing someone, you should stop them. Tell them you won’t take part and warn them that you will tell someone in authority if they won’t stop their plans. In this story they describe how it was all just harmless fun, but it wasn’t any fun for Georgie, was it? Why would he want to play with kids who would treat him that way?

Lesson 26

  1. Read chapter 5 of Penrod and Sam. (Audio)
  2. Write a one-sentence summary of the chapter.

Lesson 27

  1. Read chapter 6 of Penrod and Sam. (Audio)
  2. Describe the characters to someone.

Lesson 28

  1. Read chapter 7 of Penrod and Sam. (Audio)
  2. Tell someone about the chapter.

Lesson 29

  1. Read chapter 8 of Penrod and Sam. (Audio)
  2. Write a summary of the chapter.

Lesson 30

  1. Read chapter 9 of Penrod and Sam. (Audio)
  2. Find the simile in the first paragraph. Remember that a simile is a comparison of two things using like or as. (Answers)


  1. Here are words from the first page of your chapter today. Google each of them, “define____” and write the word and its definition as it is used in your reading. If there is more than one definition, you don’t have to write them all.
  • broodings
  • sonorous
  • guttural
  • resonant
  • impudent
  • plaintive
  • barbaric

Lesson 31

  1. Read chapter 10 of Penrod and Sam. (Audio)
  2. Describe the character, Gipsy.

Lesson 32

  1. Read chapter 11 of Penrod and Sam. (Audio)
  2. What’s the main setting of the book? What is the setting of this chapter? Remember, the setting is the time and place where the story takes place.

Lesson 33

  1. Read chapter 12 of Penrod and Sam. (Audio)
  2. Tell someone about the chapter.

Lesson 37

  1. Read chapter 16 of Penrod and Sam. (Audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in this chapter.

Lesson 38

  1. Read chapter 17 of Penrod and Sam. (Audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in this chapter.

Lesson 39

  1. Read chapter 18 of Penrod and Sam. (Audio)
  2. Tell someone what happened in this chapter.

Lesson 40

  1. Read chapter 19 of Penrod and Sam. (Audio)
  2. Tell someone about the chapter.

Lesson 41

  1. Read chapter 20 of Penrod and Sam. (Audio)
  2. Tell someone about the chapter.

Lesson 42

  1. Read chapter 21 of Penrod and Sam. (Audio)
  2. Tell someone about the chapter.

Lesson 43

  1. Read chapter 22 of Penrod and Sam. (Audio)
  2. Tell someone about the end of the book.
  3. What did you think about the book?

Lesson 44

  1. Here is a list of words from your reading of Penrod and Sam: mollify, stratagem, dexterity, grievance, truculence, unobtrusively, plaintively, devoid, ferocity, converged, precociously.
  2. Look up their definitions if you need to in order to complete the puzzle below.
  3. Complete this vocabulary crossword puzzle with words from the story.

Lesson 45

  1. What did you think of the book Penrod and Sam?
  2. Write a paragraph or make a video (screencast live, privately on YouTube, or some other method) giving your review of the book. Make sure to give the title, author, a one to two sentence summary, and your views of the positives and negatives of the book. Would you recommend it?

Lesson 46(*) (Note that an asterisk * indicates that there is a worksheet on this lesson)


  1. We’re going to start reading The Call of The Wildby Jack London.
  2. Read about the author.
  3. Read the first part of chapter 1. Here’s the audio for Chapter 1. (Write down the time on the recording when you stop today.)
  4. (*)As you read take notes on the settings, characters and major plot points (things that happen). You can use these Call of the Wild notebooking pages.

Lesson 47*

  1. Finish chapter 1. Start the audio where you left off on Lesson 46.
  2. Take notes on settings, characters and the plot.
  3. *Use this worksheet to track settings and plot. Use crayon or color pencil as a key to mark the plot events on the map. Alternatively, you could write the numbers on the map. The first event/location will be found in tomorrow’s chapter.
  4. Next to each setting and character you have listed, add several descriptions of that place or person.
  5. If you are ever confused, please read the chapter summary and use this list of characters to remind you who is who. If you get lost, stop and get back on track; don’t just keep going.


  1. Do the chapter 1 vocabulary crossword puzzle. Here are the definitions if you need them.

Lesson 48

  1. Read the first part of chapter 2. Audio link. (Write down the time you stop today.)
  2. Read over the vocabulary for chapter 2.   If you come across a word that you don’t know or don’t know how to pronounce, you can type it into  WordSmyth to look it up. (Put the word in the “Word Explorer” search box on the left side of the page.)  Click on the speaker icon to hear the word pronounced.
  3. Add to your plot list as things are mentioned. (Dyea Beach was a gold rush town that is near the modern-day town of Skagway, Alaska.)

Lesson 49 (*)

  1. Read to the end of chapter 2. Audio link. (Start the audio where Lesson 48 left off.)
  2. Take notes on settings, characters and the plot. Don’t just list names and places; write what you know about places, people and events from what the author has shown you. He doesn’t have to directly describe something, like “it is big”; the author can use events and situations to show us what the characters are like. For all of the descriptions you have on your character page, add something about how you know those things about the characters. What else have you learned about the characters and settings? Plot?
  3. Add to your plot list as you go through. Look for place names as you read. They are listed in order on your sheet.

Vocabulary (*)

  1. Do the matching exercise. You can write down your answers and then scroll down to check.

Lesson 50

  1. Read the first part of chapter 3. (Audio link. Write down where today’s reading stops.)
  2. Add to your notes.
  3. Add to your plot list as you go through. Look for place names as you read. They are listed in order on your sheet.

Lesson 51

  1. Finish chapter 3. (Audio link. Start where Lesson 50 stopped.)
  2. Write a summary of the chapter in a paragraph.
  3. Add to your plot list as you go through. Look for place names as you read. They are listed in order on your sheet.

Lesson 52

  1. Read the first part of chapter 4. (Audio link. Write down where today’s reading stops.)
  2. Write a summary of today’s reading in one sentence.
  3. Add to your plot list as you go through. Look for place names as you read. They are listed in order on your sheet.

Lesson 53

  1. Finish reading chapter 4. (Audio link. Start where Lesson 52 stopped.)
  2. Play the game as a quiz.
  3. Add to your plot list as you go through. Look for place names as you read. They are listed in order on your sheet.

Lesson 54

  1. Read the first part of chapter 5. (Audio link. Write down where today’s reading stops.)
  2. Add to your plot list as you go through. Look for place names as you read. They are listed in order on your sheet.


  1. Read through the word list for chapter 5.  If you come across a word that you don’t know or don’t know how to pronounce, you can type it into  WordSmyth to look it up. (Put the word in the “Word Explorer” search box on the left side of the page.)  Click on the speaker icon to hear the word pronounced.

Lesson 55

  1. Read the next part of chapter 5. (Audio link. Start where you left off on Lesson 54. Write down where today’s reading stops.)
  2. Add to your plot list as you go through. Look for place names as you read. They are listed in order on your sheet. Look up Five Fingers and Rink Rapids Yukon River and label them with the matching events.


  1. Read through the chapter 5 definitions.

Lesson 56

  1. Finish reading chapter 5. (Audio link. Start where you left off on Lesson 55. Write down where today’s reading stops.)
  2. Write a summary of the chapter.
  3. Add to your plot list as you go through. Look for place names as you read. They are listed in order on your sheet. White River may be something to fill in today.


  1. Complete the crossword puzzle.

Lesson 57

  1. Read the first part of chapter 6. (Audio link. Start where you left off on Lesson 56. Write down where today’s reading stops.)
  2. Add to your plot list as you go through. Look for place names as you read. They are listed in order on your sheet. Look for Forty-Mile Creek and write the corresponding event.


  1. Read through the words and definitions for chapters 6 and 7.

Lesson 58 (*)

  1. Finish reading chapter 6. (Audio link. Start where you left off on Lesson 57.)
  2. Write a summary of chapter 6.
  3. Add to your map as places are mentioned.

Vocabulary (*)

  1. Complete the matching exercise. Write down your answers and then scroll down to check.

Lesson 59

  1. Read the first part of chapter 7. (Audio link. Write down where today’s reading stops.)
  2. Add to your plot list as you go through. Look for place names as you read. They are listed in order on your sheet.

Lesson 60

  1. Read the second part of chapter 7. (Audio link. Start where you left off on Lesson 59. Write down where today’s reading stops.)
  2. Play a game and answer questions on chapter 6.
  3. Add to your plot list as you go through. Look for place names as you read. They are listed in order on your sheet.

Lesson 61

  1. Finish reading chapter 7. (Audio link. Start where you left off on Lesson 60.)
  2. Play a game and answer questions about chapter 7.
  3. Add to your plot list as you go through. Look for place names as you read. They are listed in order on your sheet.

Lesson 64

  1. Choose an article to read from the list of headlines down the page.

Lesson 65

  1. Choose an article to read from the list of headlines down the page.

Lesson 66

  1. You are going to start reading The Spy by James Fenimore Cooper. This book was ground-breaking. It was the first of its kind. It was ground-breaking for a novel to be written about America. It hadn’t existed for long when the novel was written in 1821. It’s considered also the first American war novel and the first spy novel. It’s a piece of American history, and it’s about American history. This is someone who not only lived at the same time as but was friends with such famous names from history as Sir Walter Scott and the Marquis de Lafayette.
  2. Here is the audio version if you want it.
  3. The setting of the novel is the American Revolution. Here is a summary article on the Revolution.
  4. Today, read the introduction. (Audio)
  5. What type of war does he call the Revolution? Why? (Answers)

Lesson 67*

  1. Here is a list of unusual words to help you understand. Refer to this list of words and characters as you read. Make sure you get off to a good beginning in understanding the book. This is a tougher book than what you have been reading.
    • tenements – homes
    • politic – wise, prudent
    • carriage – how he carried himself, his manner
    • evince – show, exhibit
    • Madeira – a kind of wine
    • freebooters – pirates or soldiers who fight unauthorized wars against foreign countries
    • Continentals – American troops
  2. Here’s a list of characters to help you get started.
    • Mr. Wharton – owner of the house
    • Mr. Harper – the name of the mysterious traveler
    • Sara – the older sister of the house; Frances – the younger sister
    • Miss Jeanette Peyton – the sisters’ aunt
    • Henry – Mr Wharton’s son, who arrives in disguise
    • Caesar – the black servant
  3. *As you come across characters, write them down on the British or American side to help you keep everyone straight. You can also write a note about who they are, as I have done above. You can use this sheet to help you (The Spy characters).
  4. Read chapter 1. (Audio)
  5. In what state does the story take place? Did you read the footnotes, the small print at the bottom of the pages? These notes were written by the author, so don’t skip them. (Answers)
  6. Who is George III, mentioned in this chapter? (Answers)
  7. If you need help in understanding the book, you could read these chapter summaries before you read each chapter to help you focus on what’s happening. The chapter numbers are marked before their paragraph.


  1. unerring notice
  2. Harper asks Miss Frances if she longs ardently for peace
  3. Write the words and their definitions.

Lesson 68

  1. Unusual vocabulary:
    • eclat – ostentatious display or dazzling effect
    • ambuscade – ambush
  2. Read chapter 2. (Audio) Don’t forget to get out your character sheet. Keep adding to it. Also, remember that you could read the summary of the chapter first to help you follow the plot (link on Lesson 67).
  3. Where did Mr. Wharton’s loyalties lie, with the British or the “rebels”? (Answers)
  4. What was “the Locusts” ? (Answers)
  5. Who do Sarah and Frances favor, the British or the Americans? (Answers)


  1. He listened to his eloquence
  2. Write eloquence and its definition.

Lesson 69

  1. Read chapter 3. (Audio) Every lesson you should keep your character sheet next to you and add to it as characters are introduced. (Remember that the chapter summaries are available.)
  2. Who is Harvey Birch? (Answers)
  3. What are some terms Harvey Birch or the author use for African-Americans? Are these terms appropriate to use in America today? (Answers)


  1. Sarah spoke contemptuously
  2. the petulance of an indulged servant
  3. capricious humor
  4. Write the words and their definitions.

Lesson 70

  1. Unusual vocabulary:
    • Scud – low wind-driven clouds, mist, or rain
    • rig’lars – British soldiers
  2. Read chapter 4. (Audio)
  3. How did Harper shock the family? (Answers)


  1. How awfully sublime!
  2. he seemed to be soliloquizing as he said
  3. portentous warning
  4. Write the words and their definitions.

Lesson 71

  1. Unusual vocabulary:
    • dragoon = mounted infantryman
    • horse – used to mean a group of soldiers on horseback
  2. Read chapter 5. (Audio)
  3. What was the American soldiers’ attitude towards the peddler, Harvey Birch? Who were they assuming he worked for? (Answers)
  4. Write a summary of the chapter.


  1. Complete this crossword puzzle.

Lesson 72

  1. Unusual vocabulary:
    • vidette – a mounted sentinel
  2. Read chapter 6. (Audio)
  3. What is the relationship of Frances to Major Dunwoodie? (Answers)

Lesson 73

  1. Read chapter 7. (Audio)
  2. Strange vocab:
    • yager: short barreled rifle or one belonging to the infantry group that used such rifles
    • foot – a group of foot soldiers (as opposed to “horse”)
  3. How did Captain Wharton escape his captors? When and how was he recaptured? (Answers)

Lesson 74

  1. Read chapter 8. (Audio)
  2. Who was Captain Singleton? How was he like a rival for Frances? (Answers)

Lesson 75

  1. Read chapter 9. (Audio)
  2. Strange vocabulary:
    • subaltern — a person who is like a servant or subordinate
    • grimalkin – an old or evil-looking female
    • catmauger – in spite of
    • crupper – a leather strap under a horse’s tail to keep the saddle from slipping forward
    • dromedary – a domesticated camel used as a beast of burden in the Middle East
  3. How and why did Captain Lawton’s attitude towards Harvey Birch suddenly change after their encounter? (Answers)

Lesson 76

  1. Read chapter 10. (Audio)
  2. Strange vocabulary:
    • rase – to erase
  3. Who were the Skinners and why did they show up at Harvey Birch’s house? (Answers)

Lesson 77

  1. Read chapter 11. (Audio)
  2. Strange vocabulary:
    • basilisk – type of lizard
  3. How does Dr. Sitgreaves feel about Harvey Birch? Why? (Answers)

Lesson 78

  1. Read chapter 12. (Audio)
  2. Strange vocabulary:
    • lazaretto — a hospital for those with contagious diseases
  3. As the Wharton’s residence is transformed into a sort of hospital, who are the main characters staying there and what is their condition? (Answers)

Lesson 79

  1. Read chapter 13. (Audio)
  2. Strange vocabulary:
    • punctilio — a fine point, detail; the strict observation of the formalities of conduct
  3. What happened at the Whartons’ feast to encourage the ladies and Mr. Wharton and his son to leave the doctor, Lawton, and Col. Wellsmere alone? What happened next? How was the relationship between the doctor and Lawton by the end of the evening? (Answers)

Lesson 81

  1. Read chapter 15. (Audio)
  2. Strange vocabulary:
    • tete-a-tete — It is French. It is pronounced tet-ah-tet and means “head to head.” It is a meeting or conversation between two people.
  3. What disturbing discovery did Frances make when she observed Isabella in the next room? (Answers)


  1. p. 200…the spinster obtained what was necessary through industry and prudence
  2. p. 200…the purchaser was tired of the conveyance, while looking through the deed
  3. p. 201…couldn’t tolerate the idea of being defrauded
  4. Write the words and their definitions.

Lesson 82

  1. Read Chapter 16. (Audio)
  2. Strange vocabulary:
    • sutler — someone who follows the army to sell to the soldiers
  3. What might have been on the paper Harvey Birch initially offered to Dunwoodie and then abruptly swallowed? Why might Harvey have thought it would purchase life for him, but then decided he would let whatever secret was written there die with him? What do you think?


  1. p. 216…ostentatiously placed on high
  2. Write the word and its definition.

Lesson 83

  1. Read Chapter 17. (Audio)
  2. Do you agree with the views on the afterlife expressed by the Sergeant guarding Birch? Why or why not?


  1. p.233…relinquishing a small bottle
  2. p.234…reprobate villain
  3. Write the words and their definitions.

Lesson 84

  1. Read Chapter 18. (Audio)
  2. Why do you think Capt. Lawton paid the Skinners for delivering Birch to him, and then had them whipped?

Lesson 85

  1. Read Chapter 19. (Audio)
  2. Do you have any guess who the mysterious “him” referred to by Birch might be?
  3. Why does Frances reject Major Dunwoodie? Does she ever explain to him her reasons? (Answers)

Lesson 86

  1. Read Chapter 20. (Audio)
  2. What was the situation that Lawton and the surgeon stumbled upon when they returned to Mr. Wharton’s home? (Answers)
  3. How did Lawton react to it? What about the surgeon? (Answers)

Lesson 87

  1. Read Chapter 21. (Audio)
  2. Why was Caesar sent to Captain Hollister? Who appeared while he was there? What did Hollister think about Birch now? (Answers)

Lesson 88

  1. Read Chapter 22. (Audio)
  2. Summarize the main events of this chapter. (Answers)


  1. p. 295 the wind wafted
  2. p. 297 she was impelled to the undertaking
  3. p. 301 destitute of fear and reflection
  4. Write the words and their definitions.

Lesson 89

  1. Read Chapter 23. (Audio)
  2. Where did the survivors of the attack and fire go? (Answers)
  3. What tragedy met them there? (Answers)

Lesson 90


  1. Read Chapter 24. (Audio)
  2. What was the confession that Isabella made to Frances as she was dying? How did Frances receive this? (Answers)

Lesson 91

  1. Read Chapter 25. (Audio)
  2. As Frances talked with Katy on the way up the mountain, what did she learn about Birch’s former housekeeper’s opinion about where his loyalties lay? (Answers)


  1. Play this vocabulary crossword puzzle for The Spy chapters 15-22.

Lesson 93

  1. Read Chapter 27. (Audio)
  2. Recount briefly the emotional ups and downs experienced by the family in this chapter as they waited to see what Capt. Wharton’s fate would be. (Answers)

Lesson 94

  1. Read Chapter 28. (Audio)
  2. In the midst of the escape attempt, Birch again mentions a mysterious person whom he has promised that he would save Capt. Wharton. Recall he mentioned this same person previously, but when questioned about who it is, says “No one.” Any guesses as to who this may be?

Lesson 95

  1. Read Chapter 29. (Audio)
  2. Imagine how Capt. Wharton felt as he saw the gallows. What might your feelings have been had you been in the same situation?

Lesson 97

  1. Read Chapter 31. (Audio)
  2. What are two reasons why Frances agreed to marry Dunwoodie so quickly, right on the spot? (Answers)

Lesson 98

  1. Read Chapter 32. (Audio-stop at 22:56) (The end of the chapter was omitted from the reading.)
  2. What became of Captain Wharton? (Answers)

Lesson 99

  1. Read Chapter 33. (Audio)
  2. How did the fact that Major Dunwoodie was wounded turn out for his and Frances’ good? (Answers)

Lesson 100

  1. Read Chapter 34. (Audio)
  2. What is revealed in this chapter about Birch’s loyalties and whom he has been serving? (Answers)
  3. How would you feel about serving a cause you believed in, but getting no recognition for it or even being maligned by the very ones who are serving the same cause and should be on your side?

Lesson 102

  1. Read a biography of the new author you will be reading, Robert Louis Stevenson. The book is Treasure Island. (That’s the link for download.)
  2. Who did he write the book for and when?

Lesson 103

  1. Read the first two chapters of Treasure Island. audio
  2. Write a description of the characters, setting and plot you’ve encountered so far.


  1. Start an illustrated dictionary. You’ll write the word and a definition and draw a picture.
  2. Buccaneer is your first word.

Lesson 104

  1. Read chapters three and four of Treasure Island. audio
  2. Write a summary of the chapter on the black spot. How is the plot advanced?


  1. Add a spy-glass. The words don’t have to be in alphabetical order. But if you are doing it on the computer, then they should be in alphabetical order.

Lesson 105

  1. Read chapters five and six of Treasure Island. audio
  2. The sea-chest is an object that the author chose to include in the novel. Write the answer to the following questions. Why did the author include it? How does it help the story? What part does it play?


  1. Add a sea-chest.
  2. Add a word from the list on this page.
  3. Add a character from the book.

Lesson 106

  1. Read chapters 7 and 8. Audio A “Black Dog” is counterfeit money.
  2. Add Long John Silver to your pictionary.


  1. Read aloud the letter from chapter 7 in front of an audience.

Lesson 109

  1. Read chapters 13 and 14.  audio chapter 13 and chapter 14 (Note: If you don’t want to read about the murder, you can skip the last paragraph, when Tom is killed. There will be a battle later in the book, though, where several are killed.)
  2. What is Jim’s problem? (Answers)

Lesson 110

  1. Read chapters 15 and 16. audio chapter 15 and chapter 16
  2. Who narrates chapter 16? (Answers)
  3. A new narrator means a new perspective, a new point of view. He sees things Jim couldn’t have seen.

Lesson 111

  1. Read chapters 17 and 18. audio chapter 17 and chapter 18
  2. Did you find the change in narrators confusing or interesting? Why?


  1. Analogies are word comparisons. Here is an analogy: a sock is to a foot as a glove is to a hand — sock and glove correspond and foot and hand correspond. Can you see that? Another way to write an analogy is like this — sock:foot :: glove:hand .
  2. The link in number 1 has multiple choice answers to get you going more easily.

Lesson 112

  1. Read chapters 19 and 20. audio chapter 19 and chapter 20
  2. Who is narrating chapter 19? (Answers)
  3. Are there good guys and bad guys in this book? (Answers)
  4. Write a summary of chapter 20.
  5. Try this exercise on making inferences while reading. You can just do the first part.

Lesson 114

  1. Read chapters 23 and 24. audio
  2. “I was just thinking how busy the drink and the devil were at that very moment in the cabin…” What does it mean that drink and the devil were busy? (Answers)
  3. Try these reading exercises to see what advertisements are really up to. Make sure you click on “Next Activity.”
  4. Here’s another; analyze the ads. Make sure you click on “Next Activity.”

Lesson 116

  1. Read chapters 27 and 28. audio chapter 27 and chapter 28
  2. The chapter is called, “Pieces of Eight.” Where does that come into the chapter? Do we know what it means? (Answers)
  3. “Pieces of Eight” is a bit of foreshadowing. It’s throwing us a clue about something that is to come, in order to make us interested.
  4. Before, Stevenson changed narrators to give us another point of view. When Silver tells a story about meeting with the doctor, we hear the story from his perspective, from his point of view.
  5. Tell someone what is happening the book.


  1. Find the analogy. Finger:Hand :: Toe:Foot  reads “Finger is to hand as toe is to foot.”
  2. Write in the analogy. (Copy the screen, “prt scr,” and add it to your portfolio.)

Lesson 117

  1. Read chapters 29 and 30. audio chapter 29 and chapter 30
  2. What complaints do the pirates have? (Answers)
  3. Tell someone what is happening the book.

Lesson 118

  1. Read chapters 31 and 32. audio chapter 31 and chapter 32
  2. Silver has at times acted like a caring father toward Jim, but when it comes to the treasure, he changes. How does he act toward Jim in this chapter when the treasure (money) is at stake? What does that say about where his heart is? (Answers)
  3. Tell someone what is happening in the book.

Lesson 119

  1. Read chapters 33 and 34. audio chapter 33 and chapter 34
  2. Like many action stories, just when you think all hope is lost, someone comes to the rescue. Who comes and saves Silver and Jim? (Answers)
  3. Tell someone about how the book ends.
  4. While the story is mostly from Jim Hawkin’s point of view, what perspective is Jim telling it from? (answer: In the first and last chapter it is shown to be told in retrospective. It’s all over and done, and he’s remembering it. There is no current peril in the situation, just the memory of it. )

Lesson 120

  1. Take the quiz.

Lesson 121

  1. Look up some information on Sir Walter Scott.
    • Write down when he was born, when he died, and in what country.
    • What does it mean that he is called “Sir” Walter Scott?
    • Here are a few things I discovered. Walter Scott first wrote poetry and later prose. He used to write very early in the morning because he was a busy man. He was a sheriff and a landowner. Later in his life, some of his business partners were in a great deal of debt, but Walter Scott refused to go into bankruptcy, but rather worked to pay off all the debt himself. Add at least two more interesting facts about Sir Walter Scott.
  2. Think about the title. What is a “talisman?” (answer: a kind of good luck charm ) What do you imagine a story called The Talisman might be about?
  3. The setting of the story is the Third Crusade. When was that? Where was that? What was that?
  4. What is chivalry?
  5. These will help you understand the setting and characters.
  6. The Talisman (I picked this version because it has pictures 🙂 ) Here also is the audio version to be used if you like.
  7. This book is historical fiction. The story is made up. It’s not true, but there are real-life characters and real-life events in this made-up story. Sound like another book you just read?


  1. Vocabulary review game

Lesson 122**

  1. *Print out this sheet to write down the characters as they are introduced. There is a war going on, again, and you can keep track of the different sides. (The English and The Saracens)
  2. In the first chapter we meet a lone knight, a Crusader, and he meets a Saracen, an enemy, whom he first fights and then makes peace with.
  3. Unusual vocabulary:
    • Gauntlet – a long metal glove covering the wrist
    • Plated shoes – shoes covered with metal plates for protection
    • Falchion – a broad, short sword
    • Panoply – a protective covering
    • Hauberk – a long vest of mail, extending to the knees
    • Infidel – an unbeliever; to the Muslims, Christians were infidels; to the Christians, Muslims were infidels
  4. Today read chapter 1. Remember that there is an audio version. (Audio)
  5. The rider seems to be thinking that the land where he is riding is proof of the story that the Bible tells about Sodom. What was the punishment of Sodom? (Answers)
  6. Slowly, the author reveals details about the identity of this rider. Who is he? (Answers)
  7. Whom does he meet in the desert? What is the result of their meeting? (Answers)
  8. *Draw a character sketch of the knight. (character sketch)
  9. If you have a question, something you are confused about, go back and try to find the answer. Don’t start out confused. Every day, make sure you know who’s who and what they are doing. Don’t read just to finish. Read to understand.


  1. Vocabulary review game

Lesson 123*

  1. Stop and think. What has just happened? What do you think is going to happen next?
  2. Read chapter 2. (Audio) In this chapter, the Crusader knight and the Saracen discuss many things about their beliefs and customs as they ride.
  3. The knight tells the Saracen that his horse could walk across water and not get wet. He swears that he speaks the truth. How could that happen? (It’s a riddle.) (Answers)
  4. *Draw a character sketch of the Saracen. (character sketch)
  5. This beautiful resting place in the middle of the desert is called an oasis. You can use the link (click on the speaker) to make sure that you know how to pronounce this word.
  6. These men are of different religions, Christian and Moslem (nowadays we spell this “Muslim,” a follower of the religion of Islam). How does each feel about drinking alcohol? Being married to one wife? (Answers)
  7. Do you think that these two men like each other? Why or why not? (Answers)
  8. This sentence gives a glimpse into the two religions. “Both were courteous; but the courtesy of the Christian seemed to flow rather from a good-humored sense of what was due to others; that of the Moslem, from a high feeling of what was to be expected from himself” (p. 36). Christianity is others focused; Islam is self-focused. At times they may look the same, like both give to the poor, but the Christian does it out of love for God and other people and the Muslim out of love of self, in order to earn righteous “points” to help him balance out the sins he’s committed, so that he can go to heaven.


  1. Vocabulary review game from level 6

Lesson 124

  1. Unusual vocabulary:
    • casque — his type of helmet
  1. Make sure you are pronouncing chasm correctly.
  2. Make sure you know where Syria is.
  3. Make sure you know who the Prophet is.
  4. Read the first half of chapter 3. (Audio) In this chapter, the Saracen is leading the knight to find a hermit, who finds them first and attacks the Saracen but doesn’t do much harm.
  5. Now we know the names and countries of the knight and the Saracen. Look at these two links and make sure you know where each is. The knight is Kenneth of the Crouching Leopard, and he is from Scotland. The Saracen is Sheerkohf, the Lion of the Mountains, and he is from Kurdistan.
  6. Learn about character development. Just read the top of the page. Stop at Characterization in Drama.

Lesson 125

  1. Unusual vocabulary:
    • “hirsute” means “hairy”
  1. Finish reading chapter 3. (Audio)
  2. A new character enters the story. Add him to your character list and include a description of who he is.
  3. Why does the new character attack the Saracen? (Answers)
  4. What’s one Bible verse which tells what’s wrong with his attacking the Saracen? (answer) Who is the real enemy of the cross?
  5. I feel that the author’s tone in telling this story so far is a little humorous. Would you agree or disagree? Why? (Answers–my opinion)

Lesson 126*

  1. Unusual Vocabulary:
    • votaresses — women who are zealous worshipers
  2. Read chapter 4. (Audio) In this chapter, the hermit secretly takes the knight to some places of worship in his cave monastery, where the knight sees his lady love.
  3. Where does the hermit take the knight first? Second? (Answers)
  4. What does the knight see? (Answers)
  5. How is the knight feeling? Why? (Answers)
  6. Who is Edith? (Answers)
  7. *How does Sir Walter Scott reveal his characters? Fill this out character development sheet the best you can. You can add things as you continue to read. Don’t forget to add to your character sheet too as you read each day.

Lesson 127

  1. Read chapter 5. (Audio) In this chapter, still in the upper level of the rustic monastery, the knight encounters two strange dwarfs and puzzles over why the hermit seems to feel so guilty.
  2. Who are Nectabanus and Guenevra? (Answers)
  3. How does the knight meet them? (Answers)
  4. The knight wonders what the hermit could have done to make him feel so guilty. Do you have any ideas?
  5. The knight associates the dwarfs with gnomes and thinks of them as supernatural. Of course we know that dwarfs are just people. Personally, our family keeps away from all kinds of “gnomey” things, though, because they ARE associated with the supernatural.

Lesson 128

  1. Unusual vocabulary:
    • halberd — weapon with an ax-like head
  2. Read chapter 6. (Audio)
  3. We meet Richard the Lionheart, King of England. Write three words to describe his character/personality.
  4. Why is Richard so frustrated? (Answers)
  5. Why do you think Thomas de Vaux is able to take care of the King when everyone else is afraid to do that job? (Answers)
  6. Walter Scott is a very fine storyteller. He takes his time to introduce his characters gradually and shows them in actions that reveal their character. Good writers always say, “showing is better than telling.” Is there anything else you can add to your character development sheet?

Lesson 129

  1. Unusual vocabulary:
    • equerries — officer/noble in charge of the stables (where the horses are kept). (“Equestrian” comes from the same root, right?)
  2. Read chapter 7. (Audio) Sir Kenneth has arrived in camp with a Muslim physician who says he can cure King Richard, but de Vaux is skeptical. The army of the Crusaders seems to be very disunified, with lots of jealousies and suspicions of one another.
  3. How does de Vaux feel about Scotsmen? (Answers)
  4. Why does Sir Kenneth want to see King Richard? (Answers)
  5. If you were de Vaux, would you allow a Muslim physician to give medicine to the King of England? Why or why not? (Answers)
  6. Do you have any characters to add to your character list?

Lesson 130

  1. Unusual vocabulary:
    • prelate — high ranking member of the clergy
  2. Read chapter 8. (Audio) De Vaux goes to see how the physician’s cure has worked on Sir Kenneth’s servant before he allows the physician to visit the King, and a bishop of the church decides to accompany him.
  3. Who has sent this Muslim physician to bring a cure to King Richard? (Answers)
  4. What does King Richard say he plans to do after he is well? (Answers)
  5. What does de Vaux do to try to judge whether or not this physician’s cure will work? (Answers)
  6. Who accompanies him? What is your impression of this churchman? Why? (Answers)

Lesson 131

  1. Stop and think. What has just happened in the book? What do you think is going to happen next?
  2. Read chapter 9. (Audio) As King Richard waits for the physician, he hears some disturbing news about his allies from Sir Kenneth.
  3. While King Richard waits for the physician to come, he sends for Sir Kenneth. He discovers that Sir Kenneth had been sent on an errand. Who sent him? What was the errand? How does King Richard react to this news? (Answers)
  4. Who visits King Richard next? What is their purpose? Do you trust them? Why or why not? (Answers)
  5. Finally, the King meets the physician and takes the medicine. Do you think it will work? Why? (Answers)


  1. Make sure that you know that an “infidel” is someone who doesn’t adhere to your religion. Someone who is an infidel to a Christian is a believer in another religion, and vice versa.
  2. Play this vocabulary game with words from The Talisman. I haven’t had you look them up. Have you figured them out as you read them? Did you look them up? It will tell you how many you have right. Figure out which definition goes with which word. Go until you have them all correct.

Lesson 132

  1. Stop and think. What has just happened in the book? What do you think is going to happen next?
  2. Read chapter 10. (Audio) The author reveals that the Marquis and the Grand Master have good plans for themselves and very bad plans for King Richard.
  3. We learn more about the Marquis of Montserrat and the Grand Master of the Knights Templar. How do they really feel about King Richard? (Answers)
  4. What are their ambitions? How do they plan to achieve them? (Answers)
  5. Are you concerned for King Richard’s welfare? (Answers)
  6. Add to your character sheet.

Lesson 133

  1. Read chapter 11. (Audio) (This is a long chapter. Sorry. Get a drink. Get comfy.) The Marquis is successful in stirring up trouble between King Richard and the Archduke of Austria, which King Philip of France manages to stop before it gets out of hand.
  2. Compare the Archduke of Austria with King Richard of England. (Answers)
  3. What mischief does the Marquis get started? (Answers)
  4. What does King Richard do when he learns what is happening? (Answers)
  5. How does King Philip of France calm the situation? (Answers)
  6. The author says, “The present seemed one of those occasions in which prudence and calmness might reasonably expect to triumph over obstinacy and impetuous violence.” Who is prudent and calm? Who is impetuous and violent? (Answers)
  7. It is also interesting to learn about the importance of the jester and the wise man in the Austrian court.

Lesson 134

  1. Stop and think. What has just happened in the book? What do you think is going to happen next? (You’re not supposed to know what happens next. You’re just supposed to think!)
  2. Read chapter 12. (Audio) Sir Kenneth is tempted to leave his post guarding the banner of England through the night when he receives what seems to be an invitation from the love of his dreams, Edith, delivered by that strange dwarf.
  3. What is Sir Kenneth thinking about as he stands guard over the English banner? (Answers)
  4. Who appears in the darkness and why has he come? (Answers)
  5. Sir Kenneth has a tough choice – stay at his post or go to see his lady, whom he has probably never even spoken to before. What do you think he should do? (Answers)

Lesson 135

  1. Stop and think. What has just happened in the book? What do you think is going to happen next?
  2. Read chapter 13. (Audio) Sir Kenneth discovers that he has been tricked into thinking that Edith had summoned him, and by the time he returns to his post, the banner of England has been stolen and his beloved dog mortally wounded.
  3. Where is Sir Kenneth when he hears the Queen and her maidens laughing at him? (Answers)
  4. What trick had the Queen and her maidens and the dwarf played on the knight? Why? (Answers)
  5. Why does it take Sir Kenneth so long to return to his post? (Answers)

Lesson 136

  1. Stop and think. What has just happened in the book? What do you think is going to happen next?
  2. Read chapter 14. (Audio) The mysterious Muslim physician, Hakim, offers healing for Sir Kenneth’s dog and some advice to Sir Kenneth, “Get out of here and go to the Saracens to save your life,” as well as revealing some secret plans for a marriage between Saladin and Edith.
  3. As Sir Kenneth weeps for his wounded dog, who appears out of the darkness? What does that person offer to do? (Answers)
  4. What advice does he give Sir Kenneth? (Answers)
  5. What else does Sir Kenneth learn from Hakim? (Answers)
  6. What do you think Sir Kenneth is going to do? (Answers)


  1. Play this vocabulary game with words from The Talisman. The game will tell you how many you have right. Figure out which definition goes with which word. Keep going until you have them all correct.

Lesson 137

  1. Read chapter 15. (Audio) King Richard sentences Sir Kenneth to death for deserting his post, and de Vaux discovers that he has some sympathy for the knight even though he is a Scot.
  2. Why is King Richard so angry with his Scottish knight? (Answers)
  3. Why do you think Sir Kenneth did not tell de Vaux the truth about why he left his post? (Answers)
  4. Do you think Sir Kenneth will be executed? If you say no, how do you think he might escape? (Answers)

Lesson 138

  1. Read chapter 16. (Audio) The Queen and her ladies learn of the terrible consequences of their little trick on Sir Kenneth, and the Queen is urged by her attendants to go to King Richard and plead for him to pardon the knight.
  2. Draw a picture of Queen Berengaria. How old is she? (Answers)
  3. What color would you not wear if you were going to try to please King Richard? (Answers)
  4. Why is the Queen a little jealous of Lady Edith? (Answers)
  5. Do you think that the Queen will be successful? (Answers)


  1. Play this vocabulary game with words from The Talisman. Can you get them all right the first time?

Lesson 139

  1. Read chapter 17. (Audio) The Queen, Lady Edith and the hermit of Engaddi try to persuade Richard to pardon Sir Kenneth, but nothing works.
  2. Look back at your list of character traits for King Richard. (Chapter 6) Would you add any or subtract any based on how you have seen him behave over the last few chapters? (Answers)
  3. The hermit tells King Richard that he has learned a secret from Sir Kenneth in the confessional that would persuade the King to spare his life. What is a confessional? What is the responsibility of a priest as a confessor? (Answers)
  4. Why are the other ladies waiting on the Queen surprised by Lady Edith’s demeanor? (Answers)
  5. Draw a picture of the executioner. The author says he is “misanthropic.” What does that mean? Is that a good trait for an executioner to have? (Answers)

Lesson 140

  1. Read chapter 18. (Audio) (The hermit was once a rich and powerful knight who fell in love with a person of low station, but he caused her great harm and he has felt guilty ever since.) In this chapter, King Richard is finally persuaded to spare the life of the Scottish knight by the arguments of his Muslim physician, Hakim, but he banishes Sir Kenneth from his sight forever.
  2. What do we learn about the talisman in this chapter? (Answers)
  3. How does Hakim use the story of the talisman to persuade King Richard to spare the life of Sir Kenneth? (Answers)
  4. King Richard is sure that the Archduke of Austria stole his banner and he starts to send de Vaux to accuse him. Who prevents de Vaux from leaving the King’s tent? What message does he deliver? (Answers)

Lesson 141

  1. Read chapter 19. (Audio) Richard is urged by the Archbishop of Tyre, who also informs him of the possible marriage of the Soldan to his cousin Edith, to attend a meeting of the council of the Crusaders where he makes amends with most of the other leaders and somehow persuades them to give the Crusade one more chance.
  2. Unusual vocabulary:
    • Paynim – a pagan, a non-Christian
    • Paternoster – our Father, the Lord’s prayer
  3. Who comes to visit King Richard? What is his errand? (Answers)
  4. What does the Master of the Templars accuse Richard of? (Answers)
  5. How does King Richard respond? (Answers)
  6. How does King Richard hold onto his temper? (Answers)
  7. What are the plans of the Marquis and the Templar for King Richard? (Answers)
  8. “Yet and but,” said the Templar, “are words for fools; wise men neither hesitate nor retract – they resolve and they execute.” What does this mean? What do wise men do and not do? (Answers)

Lesson 142

  1. Read chapter 20. (Audio) After King Richard has visited the Queen and her ladies, he returns to his tent to find that the Soldan has sent him a Nubian slave, who appears to be mute, to attend him; meanwhile, King Richard’s guards are being entertained by a marabout, who dances and does many foolish things.
  2. Unusual Vocabulary:
    • Soldan – We generally use the word Sultan, the leader of the Muslims; at this time his name was Saladin.
    • Marabout – a Muslim hermit or holy man
    • Nubian – a black-skinned African
  3. Why does Queen Beregania say she is angry with the King? (Answers)
  4. Why does the Soldan say that he has sent Richard this slave? (Answers)
  5. Richard’s guards persuade the marabout to drink alcohol. Why is this disrespectful? What does the marabout do? (Answers)
  6. How are you feeling about this marabout? (Answers)

Lesson 143

  1. Read chapter 21. (Audio) The marabout tries to assassinate King Richard, but the Nubian saves his life and later informs King Richard in writing that he can help him identify the person who had taken the English banner.
  2. Unusual Vocabulary:
    • Carrion — dead body
    • Chattel – a slave
    • Changier/poniard – a small, slender dagger
  3. How is the Nubian able to see the marabout’s evil intentions? (Answers)
  4. Why did Richard’s guards disobey his orders to suck the poison from the Nubian’s wound? (Answers)
  5. What message does the Nubian bring from the Sultan? (Answers)
  6. What is mysterious about the Nubian? (Answers)

Lesson 144

  1. Read chapter 22. (Audio) This chapter is a “flashback;” it discusses something that happened in an earlier time than the recent action. Sir Kenneth leaves the camp of the Crusaders under his new “master,” Hakim the physician, learns the value of the Arabian horses, and later receives some medicine from Hakim to help him sleep.
  2. How does the author show that Sir Kenneth was paying more attention to his own thoughts and feelings than he was to the details of his journey? (Answers)
  3. How do the Muslims pass the time on their long journey? (Answers)
  4. What disturbs their pleasant ride? How does Hakim feel about the interruption? (Answers)
  5. How does Hakim solve this problem? (Answers)
  6. Where do they end their journey? (Answers)

Lesson 145

  1. Read chapter 23. (Audio) Sir Kenneth awakens and unexpectedly meets an old friend, Ilderim, and they nearly have a fight over what Sir Kenneth thinks is disrespect to King Richard’s wife and her attendants.
  2. What surprise awaits Sir Kenneth when he wakes up? (Answers)
  3. What reason does Ilderim give for having sneaked into the Crusaders’ camp? How does Sir Kenneth react? (Answers)
  4. Ilderim has some plans for Sir Kenneth. What are they? (Answers)

Lesson 146

  1. Read chapter 24. (Audio) When during a procession of all the Crusaders, the Nubian’s dog attacks Conrade, the Marquis de Montserrat, revealing him to be the one who stole the King’s banner. King Richard challenges him to combat to determine the truth of this accusation, but others persuade Richard to send a substitute to battle in his name.
  2. Unusual Vocabulary:
    • Morion – an open helmet
    • Sagacity – wisdom
  3. When you read, “the reader can now have little doubt who the Ethiopian slave really was . . . ,” what did you think? (Answers)
  4. Who is the Nubian? When did you figure that out? (Answers)
  5. Why won’t the other Crusaders accept King Richard’s willingness to defend his own honor in Conrade’s challenge? (Answers)
  6. Where will the challenge be carried out? (Answers)

Lesson 147

  1. Read chapter 25. (Audio) The Nubian/Ethiopian/Sir Kenneth meets briefly with King Richard and then takes his message from Saladin to Edith; although she recognizes him, he refuses to break out of his character and speak to her, frustrating her. A minstrel is a medieval traveling entertainer.
  2. Sir Kenneth, the Nubian, aka the Ethiopian, says in his thoughts that Richard is “liberal, generous, and truly noble.” Did you have any of those words in your character trait list for Richard? Do you agree with Sir Kenneth? Why or why not? If you do agree, add these character traits to your list. (Answers)
  3. Sir Kenneth carries two messages. What are they? (Answers)
  4. What happens when the Nubian meets Edith? (Answers)
  5. Why does she become angry with him? (Answers)

Lesson 148

  1. Read chapter 26. (Audio) King Richard’s favorite minstrel, Blondel, arrives with Richard’s friend de Vaux, and sings a tale for the King and Queen and their attendants, including Edith, whom Richard later privately asks about her willingness to marry Saladin.
  2. What is the song that Blondel sings? What is it about? (Answers)
  3. Why is the song significant? (Answers)
  4. What does Edith say when King Richard asks her about Saladin’s proposal? (Answers)
  5. What is the prophecy about the proposed marriage of Edith and Saladin made by the hermit of Engeddi? (Answers)

Lesson 149

  1. Read chapter 27. (Audio) (This chapter and the last are long ones.) After a day’s journey across the desert, King Richard and his entourage are welcomed rather wildly by Saladin’s troops and then by Saladin himself, who reveals that he is also Hakim the physician, who brought the cure to King Richard when he was ill.
  2. Unusual Vocabulary:
    • Foibles – a minor weakness of character
    • Scimitar – a curved, single-edged sword of the Orient
  3. Where is the battle for honor between the two Crusader champions going to be fought? (Answers)
  4. How is it possible that Saladin and King Richard, sworn enemies in the battle for Jerusalem, can “embrace one another as brothers and equals?” (Answers)
  5. Saladin compares weapons with King Richard. How are they different? (Answers)
  6. What does it mean when de Vaux says, “there are so many surprises and changes in this land, that my poor brain turns”? (Answers)
  7. What does Edith say when King Richard challenges her about what she will do if Sir Kenneth wins the battle and regains his honor? (Answers)
  8. What has happened to the rest of the Crusaders’ army? (Answers)

Lesson 150

  1. Finish the book! (Audio) Sir Kenneth wins the battle and marries his love, Edith Plantagenet, when it is revealed that he is actually the Prince of Scotland; the villainous Grand Master is punished; and King Richard reluctantly concedes Jerusalem to Saladin and his people.
  2. Why would the champions who are going to battle each other need to see a confessor?
  3. Why does the Grand Master of the Templars interrupt Conrade’s confession to the hermit of Engeddi? What does the Grand Master do later in the chapter? Then what happens to the Grand Master?
  4. Who wins the battle? What is the new surprise revealed about the champion? How is this possible?
  5. What was the mix-up about the conversion prophecy of the hermit? How does the hermit feel about his mistake?
  6. Why does Richard envy Sir Kenneth? What does he want to do?
  7. What wedding present does Saladin give Edith and Kenneth/David, Prince of Scotland?
  8. Sir Walter Scott was a Christian man, but I don’t feel that he told this story in terms of good guys (Crusaders) and bad guys (Saracens). Do you agree or disagree? What do you think he wants us to feel about the Saracens? The Crusaders?

Lesson 151

  1. Write a paragraph about one of the following themes in the book. (Yes, this is your reading assignment.) Make sure you start with a thesis statement that says specifically what you will be talking about. In the body of your paragraph use at least three specific examples from the book. It would be excellent if you could use a quote from the book. Your body should have at least six sentences. Finish with a conclusion sentence.
  • Men are not always what they seem
  • Friendship
  • Honor
  • Faith/religion
  • The Crusaders and the Saracens (weapons, faith, military uniforms, ideas about women, chivalry and the law of hospitality)

Lesson 152

  1. Read chapter 1 of the The King Will Make a Way.  (I wrote this book. It has been professionally edited, so I trust it to use as an example. The students are going to be writing their own novels, so I chose this to show them that it can be done! Plus, I’m intimately acquainted with all of the work that went into writing it!) (audio)
  2. Why does Gabe call himself “croakless?” (Answers)
  3. Why do you think Gabe compares himself to a toad? Why not a lion without a roar? (Answers)
  4. What’s Phineas’ relationship to Vulpine? (Answers)
  5. Author’s note: I used a motif of golden vs. wooden in the book to represent the things of God and the things of this world.

Lesson 153

  1. Read chapter 2 of the The King Will Make a Way.   audio
  2. What does Gabe’s father find? (Answers) What do you think it represents?
  3. Why is Gabe so bothered? (Answers)
  4. What is Vulpine’s ultimate goal? (Answers)
  5. Author’s Note: Remember the motif of golden vs. wooden? Who has golden hair? Who has brown hair?
  6. Make a list of all of the characters so far. What do you know about them? You will see Gabe, our main character, grow and mature and change throughout the novel. Some things about a character will never change, but every character, and person, is always growing and changing and learning. Don’t forget to have your characters learn something along the way.
  7. What do the character names tell us about them? How do they fit their names? Any guesses on who they represent in the metaphor?
    • Gabriel means man of God.
    • Angela means angelic (in the book it says she has an angelic name).
    • Vulpine literally means cunning or crafty. (I picked this name by looking up crafty in the thesaurus. It just sounded villainous.)
    • Phineas Tract: Phineas means oracle. Tract is short for tractable, meaning easily managed or controlled.
  8. I used ancestry.com to check to see if these last names existed. I did A LOT of research throughout the writing of the book, even though it is fiction. At one point I was looking up melting points because there is a fire, and I was trying to figure out if some thing would survive the fire. You have Google. Use it!

Lesson 154

  1. Read chapter 3 of the The King Will Make a Way.  audio
  2. Why does Gabe fall when he’s climbing the mountain? (hint: It’s not because he tripped.) (answer: “a haughty look comes before the fall”)
  3. What is Gabe’s invitation to visit the King? (Answers)
  4. Author’s note: The toad Gabe catches escapes “without a sound.” He’s a croakless toad, just like Gabe. But, this toad saved the day and helped Gabe get to the King, and it was also obeying the King’s orders in doing so. Similarity to Gabe?

Lesson 155

  1. Read chapter 4 of the The King Will Make a Way.  audio
  2. What is Gabe learning from the King? (Answers)
  3. Why doesn’t the King go down to the village? (Answers)
  4. What has Gabe gained from the King? (Answers)
  5. Think about it: How does knowing Jesus (the King) mean sacrifice, privilege and responsibility?

Lesson 156

  1. Read chapter 5 of the The King Will Make a Way.  audio
  2. How does the King help Gabe warn his family about the storm? (Answers)
  3. What is the “rampaging drunk”? (Answers)
  4. Father realizes Vulpine wants to be king. Knowing the King represents Jesus, who does Vulpine represent? (Answers)

Lesson 157

  1. Read chapter 6 of the The King Will Make a Way.  audio
  2. What happened when Gabe tried to tell Mrs. Bollix about the King? (Answers)
  3. What does this sentence mean? “By seeding comments here and there, he found others similarly disaffected.” (Answers) (hint: disaffected)
  4. Why do you think Vulpine picked up the King’s law book right away? (Answers)

Lesson 158

  1. Read chapter 7 of the The King Will Make a Way.   audio
  2. How did the virus get started? I did research on this. This was a way biological warfare has actually been carried out in history. (Answers)
  3. What does Gabe notice about Angela’s change in demeanor? (Answers)
  4. What is one way Gabe is realizing the responsibility of knowing the King? (Answers)

Lesson 159

  1. Read chapter 8 of the The King Will Make a Way.  audio
  2. Who was really behind the virus? (Answers)
  3. What law did he remind Gabe of? (Answers)
  4. How did the King use the plague to help Angela? (Answers)
  5. What do you think the doctor was feeling when Gabe found him? Do you really think he was just tired?
  6. If you struggle with the concept of the King being behind the plague, wait and see the King’s love at work through the plague. Also, consider the numerous Old Testament examples of God directly killing someone; Korah, for example, in Numbers 16. Also look at Revelation 16 and how the seven plagues come from God. Read Deuteronomy 32 for an example of God promising to send all sorts of disaster and terror on the Israelites.

Lesson 160

  1. Read chapter 9 of the The King Will Make a Way.  audio
  2. How did the King use the virus for the good of the village? (Answers)
  3. Who finds out that people are talking about the King being alive? (Answers)
  4. What are some of the responsibilities that Gabe has faced because he knows the King? (Answers)

Lesson 161

  1. Read chapter 10 of the The King Will Make a Way.  audio
  2. Why did Vulpine send troops up King’s Hill? (Answers)
  3. How did Vulpine become king? (Answers)
  4. What is brewing among some of those at the meetings at the inn? (Answers)

Lesson 162

  1. Read chapter 11 of the The King Will Make a Way.  audio
  2. What does the King’s law say about vengeance and justice? (Answers)
  3. Why is Assemblyman Stone upset with Vulpine? (Answers)

Lesson 163

  1. Read chapter 12 of the The King Will Make a Way.  audio
  2. Who is part of the rebellion against Vulpine? (Answers)
  3. What is their plan? (Answers)

Lesson 164

  1. Read chapter 13 of the The King Will Make a Way.  audio
  2. Gabe says he serves the King. He says he doesn’t serve whom and what? (Answers)
  3. When it says that the guards are standing by lanterns that had been lit by order of Vulpine, what does that tell us or suggest? (Answers)

Lesson 165

  1. Read chapter 14 of the The King Will Make a Way.  audio
  2. What was Vulpine’s plan? (Answers)
  3. What happened to the rebels? (Answers)

Lesson 166

  1. Read chapter 15 of the The King Will Make a Way.  audio
  2. Who taunts Gabe to give up? (Answers)
  3. How does the King make a way for Father to get home? (Answers)
  4. Phineas is whistling a happy tune. What do you think that means? Does ending the chapter that way make you curious as to what will happen next and make you want to read more?

Lesson 167

  1. Read chapter 16 of the The King Will Make a Way.  audio
  2. What does Gabe say is their goal? (Answers)
  3. What concept is so hard for one woman at the meeting to accept? (Answers)
  4. Author’s Note: Gabe has another dream. His last one came true and this one will as well.

Lesson 168

  1. Read chapter 17 of the The King Will Make a Way.  audio
  2. Who had a “miraculous reappearance”? How is he still alive? (Answers)
  3. What does Gabe realize when Caleb asks how he can start reading the King’s law? (Answers)
  4. What did those at the meetings start calling themselves? (Answers)
  5. The chapter ends with Vulpine pulling on his “iron glove.” He had told the villagers he would rule with an “iron fist” over those who were working against the peace and unity of the village. What do you think might happen next?

Lesson 169

  1. Read chapter 18 of the The King Will Make a Way.  audio
  2. How did Gabe escape arrest? (Answers)
  3. What is the prison like? (Answers)
  4. What metaphor is used to describe the pillory stocks scene? (Answers)
  5. The villagers beat the servants to death in this chapter. Why do you think they did it? When answering, consider that no one had beaten them up the day before.
  6. Throughout history, populations have been guilty of many awful crimes against targeted minorities. From reading different historical accounts, I’ve come to the conclusion that they did those things because they were given permission to. If society says it’s okay–condones or even encourages it, then people will do it. The lynching of African Americans in America’s South continued because no one stopped it. They even had picnics to watch them. Would people still do it today if the same permissive atmosphere existed?

Lesson 170

  1. Read chapter 19 of the The King Will Make a Way.  audio
  2. Who has newly joined the meetings at the inn and has started helping Gabe? (Answers)
  3. How did the King make a way for the people in jail? (Answers)
  4. Who is asked to leave the meetings? Why? (Answers)
  5. What do you think would give the prisoners joy? (Answers)

Lesson 171

  1. Read chapter 20 of the The King Will Make a Way.  audio
  2. What does Vulpine want everyone to do? (Answers)
  3. Who refuses to give people the tattoo? (Answers)

Lesson 172

  1. Read chapter 21 of the The King Will Make a Way.  audio
  2. What does the good doctor tell Phineas? (Answers)
  3. The doctor tells Gabe his name. What is it? (Answers)

Lesson 173

  1. Read chapter 22 of the The King Will Make a Way.  audio
  2. What proved to Robert that everything Gabe had told him was true? (Answers)
  3. Why were they able to forgive Robert? (Answers)

Lesson 174

  1. Read chapter 23 of the The King Will Make a Way.  audio
  2. What does Robert find so funny? (Answers)
  3. Why could Robert say he was free when he was held bound by a guard? (Answers)

Lesson 175

  1. Read chapter 24 of the The King Will Make a Way.  audio
  2. What was Father’s conviction and how was it tested? (Answers)
  3. What is Father’s current fate? (Answers)
  4. What is Angela pondering? (Answers)

Lesson 176

  1. Read chapter 25 of the The King Will Make a Way.  audio
  2. Who returned to the meetings? (Answers)
  3. What did Angela help John realize? (Answers)
  4. When I was writing this story, I knew all along that I wouldn’t have them marry. I purposely wanted to do the opposite of a famous book on the end times. There was a series called Left Behind, which I thought had some unbiblical ideas in it. One of the things that happens is that these two people marry and have a kid, in the middle of the tribulation! In the New Testament we read that those who are married should act as if they are not married because we are in the last days. That was 2000 years ago. How much more is it true in the last, last days! Paul also says that it is better to be single because we can focus on serving the Lord.

Lesson 177

  1. Read chapter 26 of the The King Will Make a Way.  audio
  2. What happened to Father? (Answers)
  3. What does Phineas request of the villagers? (Answers)
  4. What was set up in the Square? (Answers)

Lesson 178

  1. Read chapter 27 of the The King Will Make a Way.  audio
  2. What did Vulpine do to try and stop the “bishops?” (Answers)
  3. What was one woman’s reaction to the bonfire? (Answers)
  4. Author’s Note: Each time I mention this woman, I mention her holding onto her son to help the reader know who she is.

Lesson 179

  1. Read chapter 28 and 29 of the The King Will Make a Way.  audio for 28  audio for 29
  2. Why is Vulpine excited that Gabe is the leader of the servants of the King? (Answers)
  3. What does the marked woman who now believes in the King do? (Answers)
  4. This was something else I wanted to put in the book. In that same book series I mentioned before, there was a man who receives the mark being forced into it by his parents. Instead of turning himself in, he is encouraged to keep the mark and use it to his (their) advantage. I think that is a seriously dangerous example. The Bible says that those who take the mark will go to hell. Well, it says, “…the smoke of their torment rises for ever and ever.” The Bible also says that if your right hand causes you to sin, you should cut it off. I’m NOT encouraging anyone to maim themselves, I just wanted to provide a more biblical response to the situation. And, I didn’t have her cut it off. She just turned herself in.
  5. The climactic scene has been set. What’s going to happen to Gabe? Is Vulpine finally going to be rid of his enemies and rule without disturbance? Will the King come back?

Lesson 180

  1. Finish the The King Will Make a Way.  audio
  2. Why is Vulpine wrong to equate schooling with wisdom? (Answers)
  3. How does Gabe prove he has seen the King? (Answers)
  4. Who is walking down the road by the inn? (Answers)
  5. Author’s Note: When I wrote about the plate with Gabe’s name on it in the beginning, I had no idea that it would be so important later on. That was just a gift the Lord gave me.

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What type of psychologists believe that happiness is a by product of a pleasant engaged and meaningful life experience?

Positive psychology is the scientific study of human strengths and virtues.” According to Martin Seligman—who is seen as the founding father of positive psychology—the positive psychology movement can be described as: “The study of what constitutes the pleasant life, the engaged life, and the meaningful life.”

What is a main concern about psychology as a discipline quizlet?

What is a main concern about psychology as a discipline? It is a pseudoscience. It will treat humans inhumanely during research.

What can be used to suggest hypotheses for further study?

Case studies can suggest hypotheses for further study. They also can show us what may happen.

What is the study of how much our genes and our environment influence our individual differences?

Psychology 101.

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