What type of social mobility is movement up or down in the class system from one generation to the next quizlet?

1. Capitalists- business owners who employ many workers.

2. Petty bourgeoisie- small business owners

3. Managers-who sell their own labor but also exercise authority over other employees

4. Workers-who simply sell their labor to others.

1. Capitalists: worth more than the entire bottom 90% of the country. They shape the nation's consciousness as they own major media outlets. Can be divided into "new" and "old" money. New money can become old money if they attend top universities AND marry old money.Education-prestigious university.Occupation- investors and heirs, a few top executives.Income- $1,000,000+% population- 1%

2. Upper-Middle:the one most shaped by education.Education-college or university often with postgraduate study
Occupation- professionals and upper managers.Income- $125,000+% population- 15%

3. Lower-Middle: follow orders given by members of the upper-middle class.mainstream lifestyle. Feelings of insecurities are common, they try to move up the ladder. With the threat of inflation, recession, and job insecurity bringing a nagging sense.that they might fall down the class ladder.Education-High school or college
Occupation-semiprofessionals and lower managers, craftspeople, foremen
Income- about $60,000% population- 34%

4. Working: unskilled blue-collar and white-collar workers.Their jobs are also less secure,more routine, and more closely supervised. One of their greatest fears is that of being laid off during a recession. Have little hope of climbing up the social ladder.(aim for seniority at their jobs). consider themselves to hold real jobs with more experience than those in suits.Education-high school
Occupation-factory workers, clerical workers, low-paid retail sales, and craftspeople
Income- about $36,000% population- 30%

5. Working poor: work at unskilled, low-paying, temporary and seasonal jobs.Many are functionally illiterate, finding it difficult to read even the want ads. Believing that their situation won't change no matter what party is elected to office, they are less likely than other groups to vote. Nagging fear of ending up on the streets.Education-high school or some high school
Occupation-laborers, service workers, low-paid salespeople.Income- about $19,000% population- 15%

6. Underclass:a group of people for whom poverty persists year after year and across generations. Have no chance of moving up. Welfare, along with food stamps, and food pantries, is their main support.Others hope that this class would just disappear.Education- some high school
Occupation-unemployed and part-time, on welfare
Income- about $12,000% population- 5%

What is upward social mobility?

Upward mobility This is when a person moves from a lower position in society to a higher one. It can also include people occupying higher positions in the same societal group.

What is intergenerational social mobility?

Intergenerational social mobility refers to the relationship between the socio- economic status of parents and the status their children will attain as adults. Put differently, mobility reflects the extent to which individuals move up (or down) the social ladder compared with their parents.

What is an example of horizontal mobility?

If such mobility involves a change in position, especially in occupation, but no change in social class, it is called “horizontal mobility.” An example would be a person who moves from a managerial position in one company to a similar position in another.

Which term describes the ability to move from one social class to another?

Social mobility is the movement of individuals, families, households, or other categories of people within or between social strata in a society.


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