What was a significant environmental effect of the globalization of the worlds economy in the period 1980 to present quizlet?

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"By the 1930s, many Europeans were ready to leave behind the liberal, democratic order created after 1918 by Britain, France, and the United States for a more authoritarian future. What they did not bargain for was the brutal reality of Nazi imperialism and the denial of all national aspirations apart from German ones. . . . No experience was more crucial to the development of Europe in the twentieth century. As both Hitler and Stalin were well aware, the Second World War involved something far more profound than a series of military engagements and diplomatic negotiations; it was a struggle for the social and political future of the continent itself. And such was the shock of being subjected to a regime of unprecedented and unremitting violence that in the space of eight years a sea-change took place in Europeans' political and social attitudes, and they rediscovered the virtues of democracy. . . .
Hitler's war aimed at the complete racial reconstitution of Europe. There were no historical parallels for such a project. In Europe, neither Napoleon nor the Habsburgs had aimed at gaining such exclusive domination. In its violence and racism, Nazi imperialism drew more from European precedents in Asia, Africa, and—especially—the Americas. 'When we eat wheat from Canada,' remarked Hitler one evening during the war, 'we don't think about the despoiled Indians.' On another occasion he described the Ukraine as [Germany's] 'new Indian Empire.' But if Europeans would have resented being ruled as the British ruled India, they were shocked at being submitted to an experience closer to that inflicted upon the native populations of the Americas."
Mark Mazower, British historian, Dark Continent: Europe's Twentieth Century, 2000
Which of the following post-1945 processes in Western Europe was most directly inspired by the "sea-change" in Europeans' political and social attitudes described by Mazower in the last sentence of the first paragraph?

"Our country needs a large population to utilize and exploit its land and natural resources. In general, the way to increase a country's population is to increase the number of births and to decrease the number of deaths. Some European states adopt a number of methods to increase their birth rates: (1) additional government services are provided to people who are married and have many children; (2) discounts and tax rebates on expenses related to the education of children are provided; (3) awards are given to families with many children.
In Iran, due to the special impact of our national morals and religious traditions, families have many children. Therefore, the best means to increase the Iranian population is to take measures to decrease the death rate. More governmental physicians and health officials are needed to prevent the wasting of the country's human capital.
Due to the lack of literature on child rearing available to Iranian mothers, and due to the absence of sufficient means for the treatment of ill children, more than 50% of all children born to Iranian families die before the age of seven. Through instructions and acquainting people with the literature on child rearing, as well as by providing families with free medical treatment, at least 90% of children could live to reach adolescence. In this context, patriotic women's organizations must carry out serious and efficient actions to help invigorate the management of the country's health."
Fereydun Keshavarz, Iranian pediatrician, article published in an Iranian newspaper, 1937
Keshavarz' analysis in the third paragraph of the difficulties of growing Iran's population best reflects which of the following demographic realities in the early twentieth century?

Other sets by this creator

• The world wars weakened Europe, while discrediting any sense of European moral superiority. Both the United States and the Soviet Union, the new global superpowers, generally opposed the older European colonial empires. The United Nations provided a prestigious platform from which to conduct anticolonial agitation.
• By the early twentieth century in Asia and the mid-twentieth century in Africa, a second or third

generation of Western-educated elites, largely male, had arisen throughout the colonial world. These young men were thoroughly familiar with European culture, were deeply aware of the gap between its values and its practices, no longer viewed colonial rule as a vehicle for their peoples' progress as their fathers had, and increasingly insisted on independence now. Growing numbers of ordinary people also were receptive to this message.

Which of the following was a significant environmental effect of the globalization?

Increased greenhouse gas emissions, ocean acidification, deforestation (and other forms of habitat loss or destruction), climate change, and the introduction of invasive species all work to reduce biodiversity around the globe.

What factors contributed to economic globalization during the 20th century quizlet?

Technology also contributed to economic globalization; containerized shipping, huge oil tankers, and air express services dramatically lowered transportation costs, while fiber optic cables and later the Internet provided the communication infrastructure for global interaction.

How does globalization impact the environment quizlet?

The environmental impact of globalisation is the change that it has brought to the environment due to the massive consumption of natural resources, and the pollution brought about by TNCs. The result of this is that the enviroment has degraded due to deforestation, due to the need for land.

What effect did the Bretton Woods system have on globalization after World War II quizlet?

What effect did the Bretton Woods system have on globalization after World War II? It established rules for commercial and financial dealings among major capitalist countries.


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