What were the reasons for the colonization of North America by the British quizlet?

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The French fur traders decided they could not stand by the English, while the English grabbed up all the furs in Ruperts Land.

In 1668 a french soldier Pierre de Troyes led a bold attack on the British forts along the bay.

French troops had many attempts to try and capture Ruperts House, Moose Factory and Albony Factory.
The battles over the fur-trading posts were part of a larger conflict between Britain and France for control over North America and fur trade. The war lasted over 50 years

The aboriginal liked the fur trade however they did not like their land and resources being taken away.

British get posts back because of Treaty of Utrecht.

Hostilities still remain between the British and French.

There were many reasons why people colonized North America. One of the main reasons is that the New World presented people with an opportunity to earn a decent living and perhaps even to become wealthy. During the time of colonization, profitable jobs were scarce in England, and land was very difficult to obtain because it was expensive. By moving to one of the colonies, an individual had a better chance to earn a living than if they remained in England. Once in the New World many settlers earned a living by becoming farmers, hunters, and businessmen. Some of these settlers became indentured servants as well.

Another reason that people traveled to the New World was to acquire land. Most settlers were given free land or land at low cost. Land also gave settlers feelings of independence.

Religion was another reason that people came to the New World. Some settlers wished to have the chance to worship freely while others came to America to escape religious persecutions.

In the bigger picture, kings and queens were interested in creating colonies because colonies contributed to the political, economic and military superiority of a country. As the English, Dutch, Spanish, and French strove for economic and political superiority, their quest took them into newly discovered lands. The equation Land = Power = Money was at play in this quest, and these lands became important staging areas for the military might of these European powers.

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