When a business professional writes an email to another business professional Which of the following qualities should be avoided to be respectful of time?

Being a professional in your chosen field means much more than wearing a coat and tie or possessing a college degree and a noted title. Professionalism also has to do with how you conduct yourself during your business affairs. True professionals possess a number of important characteristics that can apply to virtually any type of business.

Dress for Success

A professional is neat in appearance. Be sure to meet or even exceed the requirements of your company's dress code, and pay special attention to your appearance when meeting with prospects or clients. Even if your workplace tends towards the casual, strive for snappy casual rather than sloppy casual. Keep something a bit dressier handy in case the big boss or an important client happens by.

Confident, Not Cocky

Your demeanor should exude confidence but not cockiness. Be polite and well-spoken whether you're interacting with customers, superiors or co-workers. You need to keep your calm, even during tense situations. Your body language and facial expressions communicate volumes, so be sure they are conveying the message you want others to hear.

Do What You Say You Will Do

As a professional, you will be counted on to find a way to get the job done. Responding to people promptly and following through on promises in a timely manner is also important, as this demonstrates reliability. Be at work on time, start meetings on time and follow through on all your commitments.

Be an Expert in Your Field

Professionals strive to become experts in their field, which sets them apart from the rest of the pack. This can mean continuing your education by taking courses, attending seminars and attaining any related professional designations. A broad set of skills, from mastering software to clearing jams from the copying machine, adds to the sense that you're an indispensable member of the team.

Behave Morally and Ethically

Professionals such as doctors, lawyers and public accountants must adhere to a strict code of ethics. Even if your company or industry doesn't have a written code, you should display ethical behavior at all times. It's not just a matter of the #MeToo movement; extend professional, respectful, appropriate behavior to everyone you do business with and in every situation you find yourself in.

Maintain Your Poise

A professional must maintain his poise even when facing a difficult situation. For example, if a colleague or client treats you in a belligerent manner, you should not resort to the same type of behavior.

Have Good Phone Etiquette

Your phone etiquette is also an important component of professional behavior. This means identifying yourself by your full name, company and title when you place a call. Be sure not to dominate the conversation and listen intently to the other party. Return calls in a timely manner and follow-up on any actions you agree to during a conversation.

Strike the Right Tone

During written correspondence, keep your letters brief and to the point. Your tone should be polite and formal without being "stuffy." This also applies to email correspondence.

Be Structured and Organized

A professional can quickly and easily find what is needed. Your work area should be neat and organized, and your briefcase should contain only what is needed for your appointment or presentation. Few things say "unprofessional" as quickly as a hopelessly cluttered, messy work area.

Own Up to Mistakes

Professionals are accountable for their actions at all times. If you make a mistake, own up to it and try to fix it if possible. Don't try to place the blame on a colleague. If your company made the mistake, take responsibility and work to resolve the issue.

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  5. Seven C’s of Effective Communication

There are 7 C’s of effective communication which are applicable to both written as well as oral communication. These are as follows:

  1. Completeness - The communication must be complete. It should convey all facts required by the audience. The sender of the message must take into consideration the receiver’s mind set and convey the message accordingly. A complete communication has following features:
    • Complete communication develops and enhances reputation of an organization.
    • Moreover, they are cost saving as no crucial information is missing and no additional cost is incurred in conveying extra message if the communication is complete.
    • A complete communication always gives additional information wherever required. It leaves no questions in the mind of receiver.
    • Complete communication helps in better decision-making by the audience/readers/receivers of message as they get all desired and crucial information.
    • It persuades the audience.

  2. Conciseness - Conciseness means wordiness, i.e, communicating what you want to convey in least possible words without forgoing the other C’s of communication. Conciseness is a necessity for effective communication. Concise communication has following features:
    • It is both time-saving as well as cost-saving.
    • It underlines and highlights the main message as it avoids using excessive and needless words.
    • Concise communication provides short and essential message in limited words to the audience.
    • Concise message is more appealing and comprehensible to the audience.
    • Concise message is non-repetitive in nature.

  3. Consideration - Consideration implies “stepping into the shoes of others”. Effective communication must take the audience into consideration, i.e, the audience’s view points, background, mind-set, education level, etc. Make an attempt to envisage your audience, their requirements, emotions as well as problems. Ensure that the self-respect of the audience is maintained and their emotions are not at harm. Modify your words in message to suit the audience’s needs while making your message complete. Features of considerate communication are as follows:
    • Emphasize on “you” approach.
    • Empathize with the audience and exhibit interest in the audience. This will stimulate a positive reaction from the audience.
    • Show optimism towards your audience. Emphasize on “what is possible” rather than “what is impossible”. Lay stress on positive words such as jovial, committed, thanks, warm, healthy, help, etc.

  4. Clarity - Clarity implies emphasizing on a specific message or goal at a time, rather than trying to achieve too much at once. Clarity in communication has following features:
    • It makes understanding easier.
    • Complete clarity of thoughts and ideas enhances the meaning of message.
    • Clear message makes use of exact, appropriate and concrete words.

  5. Concreteness - Concrete communication implies being particular and clear rather than fuzzy and general. Concreteness strengthens the confidence. Concrete message has following features:
    • It is supported with specific facts and figures.
    • It makes use of words that are clear and that build the reputation.
    • Concrete messages are not misinterpreted.

  6. Courtesy - Courtesy in message implies the message should show the sender’s expression as well as should respect the receiver. The sender of the message should be sincerely polite, judicious, reflective and enthusiastic. Courteous message has following features:
    • Courtesy implies taking into consideration both viewpoints as well as feelings of the receiver of the message.
    • Courteous message is positive and focused at the audience.
    • It makes use of terms showing respect for the receiver of message.
    • It is not at all biased.

  7. Correctness - Correctness in communication implies that there are no grammatical errors in communication. Correct communication has following features:
    • The message is exact, correct and well-timed.
    • If the communication is correct, it boosts up the confidence level.
    • Correct message has greater impact on the audience/readers.
    • It checks for the precision and accurateness of facts and figures used in the message.
    • It makes use of appropriate and correct language in the message.

Awareness of these 7 C’s of communication makes you an effective communicator.

Authorship/Referencing - About the Author(s)

The article is Written By “Prachi Juneja” and Reviewed By Management Study Guide Content Team. MSG Content Team comprises experienced Faculty Member, Professionals and Subject Matter Experts. We are a ISO 2001:2015 Certified Education Provider. To Know more, click on About Us. The use of this material is free for learning and education purpose. Please reference authorship of content used, including link(s) to ManagementStudyGuide.com and the content page url.


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Which of the following are reasons email is not considered a rich channel for communication quizlet?

Which of the following are reasons email is not considered a rich channel and therefore best used only for certain types of business communication? Email is deficient in verbal cues. Email does not have nonverbal cues.

Which of the following is true regarding business professionals who frequently ask questions and offload their own tasks to others instant messages or email?

Which of the following is true regarding business professionals who frequently ask questions and offload their own tasks to others instant messages or email? They get a reputation as takers rather than givers. unreliable.

When using email in a business setting you should?

15 Email Etiquette Rules Every Professional Should Follow.
Include a clear, direct subject line. ... .
Use a professional email address. ... .
Think twice before hitting "Reply all." ... .
Include a signature block. ... .
Use professional salutations. ... .
Use exclamation points sparingly. ... .
Be cautious with humor..

What should you do when you Cannot respond to a request made in an email?

What should you do when you cannot respond to a request made in an email? Log off the system so the sender will assume that you are offline. Set up an automated response to say that you are out of town. Inform the sender that you are busy and cannot reply straightaway.


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