When a country has a lower opportunity cost in producing a good than any other country quizlet?

Which of the following situations would lead to more starvation?

A) a world where everyone grows his or her own food and there is no trade
B) a world with trade and lots of specialization
C) a world with immense division of knowledge
D) a world where only some people specialize in food and everyone else produces something else


The main reason why specialization can raise productivity is that:

A) knowledge in human brains is limited.
B) some persons have more knowledge than others.
C) it is always good to know less than more.
D) it is impossible to learn anything well.


Knowledge increases ----- and specialization ----- total output.

A) education; decreases
B) productivity; increases
C) perception; increases
D) economies of scale; decreases


Economic growth in the modern era is primarily due to the:

A) increases in the number of people.
B) increases in money.
C) defining of nation borders.
D) creation of new knowledge


Specialization and trade can ----- the per-unit cost of production because -----.

A) decrease; it allows for more small-scale production.
B) decrease; it creates economies of scale associated with large-scale production
C) increase; it requires more expensive, specialized equipment
D) increase; more expensive labor is needed.


The United States and the European Union are groups of semi-independent states that have come together under an agreement whereby resources can travel freely across borders and a common currency is in use. Which of the following statements best explains how this allows for the achievement of economies of scale?

A) Each state or country can now target larger markets and can thus earn more export revenue.
B) States and countries no longer have to worry about borders impeding trade.
C) Each state or country can adopt large-scale production techniques that allow lower per-unit costs of production.
D) The removal of trade borders and a common currency enhances trade between member states.


One of the outcomes of specialization is that it leads to , which the average cost of production.

A) smaller-scale production; lowers B) smaller-scale production; raises
C) larger-scale production; raises
D) larger-scale production; lowers


If each of us had to grow all of our own food:

A) civilization would collapse and billions of people would starve.
B) we would have more time for other pursuits.
C) people would be richer since they would no longer have to spend money on groceries.
D) the total amount of knowledge in society would increase since everyone would have to learn about farming.


If instead of specialized doctors (neurologists, cardiologists, gastroenterologists, etc.) we had doctors who each knew the same things about all aspects of medicine, it would be:

A) better because then we could just go to one doctor with no loss of quality in medical care.
B) better because total medical knowledge in society would increase.
C) worse because the human brain is limited.
D) worse because total medical knowledge in society would decrease.


Roses grown in Kenya travel to Amsterdam and ultimately to your local flower shop because:

A) the World Rose Commission coordinates the different elements of the rose industry.
B) markets coordinate the specialization and trade necessary for the flower industry to function.
C) of the trade agreement between the governments of Kenya and Amsterdam.
D) customers are willing to pay more for roses that pass through Amsterdam.


Trade barriers like the Berlin Wall:

A) increased the number of scientists and engineers.
B) added billions of minds to the global division of knowledge.
C) decreased innovation and global cooperation.
D) prevented restrictive monopolistic practices.


A rock carving from ancient Norway depicts two identical people doing different jobs in the same boat: one uses a bow to hunt while the other paddles. How does this early example illustrate the benefits of trade?

A) One prefers to hunt while the other prefers to paddle the boat; this is an example of diverse preferences.
B) One learns to be very good at paddling and one learns to be very good at hunting; this is an example of specialization and division of knowledge.
C) The paddler is stronger than the hunter so the paddler sacrifices a lot by hunting; this is an example of comparative advantage.
D) There is no trade in this example since no goods are being exchanged.


Fourteenth-century potters in the Chinese city of Jingdezhen developed the technology to heat a kiln at 1,300 degrees Celsius and produce porcelain, or "china," which was particularly popular in Persia where the Koran forbade serving food on gold or silver and wealthy families were anxious for a legal way to impress their dinner guests. The potters also imported Persian cobalt to create the blue dye for the porcelain (local cobalt was not as bold in color). Which advantage(s) from trade is(are) illustrated in this passage?

A) differences in preferences
B) specialization
C) comparative advantage
D) The passage illustrates all of these advantages.


As trade becomes more widespread, specialization -----, which in turn ----- productivity.

A) decreases; decreases
B) increases; increases
C) decreases; increases
D) increases; decreases


Which of the following statements is TRUE?
I. Compared with a modern economy, the division of knowledge is greater in a primitive economy because every family is self-sufficient: growing their own food, making their own clothes, and constructing their own shelter.
II. Nobody understands the entire process of producing even the simplest products, like a lead pencil, in a modern economy.
III. The collapse of communism and the opening of the Chinese economy to the rest of the world have increased the division of knowledge, leading to increased world output.

A) I only
B) III only
C) II and III only
D) I, II, and III


Why do people specialize?

A) Specialization increases productivity.
B) Specialization decreases people's dependence on one another.
C) People become self-sufficient when they specialize.
D) Most people only know how to do a few tasks.


Without trade, the knowledge used by an entire economy would be about the same as the knowledge had by:

A) all intelligent people combined.
B) a large number of people.
C) one person.
D) no one.


Which of the following is typically a result of the division of knowledge?

A) The society runs with the knowledge of a few persons.
B) Each person has the same knowledge as everyone else.
C) Labor productivity is higher.
D) No one specializes in any activity.


Economies can grow due to:

A) the extent to which all individuals are educated in all areas of production.
B) government policies.
C) the extent to which markets facilitate specialization through trade.
D) barriers to trade that promote the growth of domestic markets


The enormous variety of goods and services that we consume each day can be attributed mainly to:

A) government regulations.
B) home production.
C) specialization and trade.
D) early craftsmen handing down their knowledge.


If the goal of education were solely to support economic growth, the ideal graduate would be a:

A) jack-of-all-trades but master of none (where a "jack" is a serviceable tradesperson).
B) jack-of-one-trade and master of one.
C) jack-of-no-trades and master of none.
D) jack-of-some-trades but master of none


The relationship between trade and specialization is best characterized as follows:

A) Trade decreases specialization, which in turn increases the demand for trade.
B) Trade decreases specialization, which in turn decreases the demand for trade.
C) Trade increases specialization, which in turn increases the demand for trade.
D) Trade increases specialization, which in turn decreases the demand for trade


Absolute advantage derives from which of the following?

A) the lowest cost of production
B) the most suitable climate
C) the least expensive labor force
D) the best educated labor force


Utilizing comparative advantage can best be exemplified as:

A) your lawyer word-processing her own legal briefs.
B) the CEO of Microsoft programming his own computer.
C) the president of your university teaching a class again.
D) a world-renowned chef hiring someone to cook meals for his family.


Which of the following best describes the principle of comparative advantage?

A) Some people can produce the same good better than other producers can.
B) Someone has the ability to produce the same good using fewer inputs than another producer.
C) Someone has the ability to produce the same good for the lowest opportunity cost.
D) To produce more of one good, people have to produce less of another good.


Jesse is good at math and excellent at making friends and Addae is equally good at both. Mathematically and socially challenged Jordan wants to hire tutors to help in each area. Who should tutor Jordan in which area to maximize Jordan's college experience?

A) Jesse and Addae should tutor Jordan in both math and social skills.
B) Jesse should teach math and Addae should teach how to make friends.
C) Jesse and Addae should both teach how to make friends.
D) Jesse should teach how to make friends and Addae should teach math.


Which of the following best explains the term "specialization" with respect to trade?

A) Specialization occurs when a people concentrate their productive resources on the goods and services they can produce most efficiently.
B) Specialization occurs when one person can produce more of a particular good than another person.
C) Specialization refers to the absolute advantage that a person enjoys in the production of goods and services.
D) Specialization refers to the ability of a person to produce more of a good than his or her trading partners


Owen Wilson is an actor who has acted in many action comedy films. In contrast, Tom Cruise has acted in many serious action films. How might the theory of specialization be applied to them?

A) Owen Wilson has fully specialized in action comedy movies while Tom Cruise has fully specialized in serious action movies.
B) Due to filmography protectionism, Owen Wilson is unable to secure serious action roles, and Tom Cruise is unable to secure action comedy roles.
C) Casting directors see Owen Wilson as relatively better at action comedy roles and Tom Cruise as relatively better at serious action roles and cast them accordingly.
D) Owen Wilson does not have the talent necessary to act in more serious films.


The ability of one producer to produce one good or service using fewer inputs than another producer is:

A) comparative advantage.
B) absolute advantage.
C) opportunity cost.
D) competition.


Suppose a famous baseball player, Alex Rodriguez, hires a high school student to paint his house. Which of the following is most likely TRUE?

A) The opportunity cost of painting a house is higher for Alex Rodriguez than for the high school student.
B) The opportunity cost of painting a house is lower for Alex Rodriguez than for the high school student.
C) The opportunity cost of painting a house is the same for Alex Rodriguez as for the high school student.
D) The opportunity cost of painting a house is zero for Alex Rodriguez and is negative for the high school student.


A producer has a comparative advantage over other producers if his production of the good involves:

A) more inputs.
B) fewer inputs.
C) a higher opportunity cost.
D) a lower opportunity cost.


(Table: iPhone and iPod Production) According to the table on iPhone and iPod production, which of the following is TRUE?

A) Canada has an absolute advantage in producing both iPhones and iPods.
B) The United States has an absolute advantage in producing both iPhones and iPods.
C) Canada has an absolute advantage in producing iPhones, and the United States has an absolute advantage in producing iPods.
D) The United States has an absolute advantage in producing iPhones, and Canada has an absolute advantage in producing iPods.


(Table: iPhone and iPod Production) According to the table on iPhone and iPod production, the opportunity cost of producing one iPhone is:

A) 4/3 of one iPod for Canada, and two iPods for the United States.
B) two iPods for Canada, and four iPods for the United States.
C) 3/4 of one iPod for Canada, and one iPod for the United States.
D) one iPod for Canada, and 3/4 of one iPod for the United States.


(Table: iPhone and iPod Production) According to the table on iPhone and iPod production, which of the following is TRUE about Canadian and U.S. comparative advantages?

A) Canada has a comparative advantage in producing both iPhones and iPods.
B) The United States has a comparative advantage in producing both iPhones and iPods.
C) Canada has a comparative advantage in producing iPhones, and the United States has a comparative advantage in producing iPods.
D) Canada has a comparative advantage in producing iPods, and the United States has a comparative advantage in producing iPhones.


According to the theory of comparative advantage, a country should specialize in producing a good that involves:

A) more inputs than those in other countries.
B) fewer inputs than those in other countries.
C) a higher opportunity cost than that of other countries.
D) a lower opportunity cost than that of other countries.


Suppose France can produce four phones or three computers with one unit of labor, and Sweden can produce one phone or two computers with one unit of labor. If France can trade only with Sweden, then the theory of comparative advantage suggests that:

A) France should specialize in producing phones and import computers from Sweden.
B) France should specialize in producing computers and import phones from Sweden.
C) France should produce both phones and computers, and import nothing from Sweden.
D) France should import both phones and computers from Sweden


According to the theory of comparative advantage:

A) every country can produce some good with a lower opportunity cost.
B) every country should produce goods that involve high opportunity costs.
C) some countries have a comparative advantage in producing every good.
D) some countries should import every good from other countries.


Which of the following statements shows how absolute advantage can be distinguished from comparative advantage?

A) Absolute advantage refers to the ability to produce a good using fewer inputs, while comparative advantage is based on the monthly amount.
B) Absolute advantage is based on the yearly production amount that a country can produce, while comparative advantage is based on the monthly production amount.
C) Absolute advantage refers to the ability to produce a larger amount of goods with the same number of inputs, whereas comparative advantage refers to the ability to have the lowest opportunity cost of production.
D) Absolute advantage is based on the amount of land a country has to use, while comparative advantage is based on the cost of the labor.


The real cost of producing a good is:

A) the dollar cost of inputs used to make the item.
B) the opportunity cost of producing the good.
C) the resources that were used to make the good.
D) the dollar amount it costs to sell the good.


Comparative advantage is determined by which of the following?

A) efficiency
B) bargaining power
C) opportunity cost
D) productivity


The theory of comparative advantage is:

A) rarely relevant for identifying whether gains from trade can be obtained.
B) always relevant for identifying whether gains from trade can be obtained.
C) not true for nations, though it may be true for individuals.
D) true for nations, but it is not true for business or individuals.


(Figure: PPF Goods X & Y) Refer to the figure. Which of the points representing various consumption possibilities for the country portrayed above is only attainable through foreign trade?

A) Point A
B) Point B
C) Point C
D) Both points C and B


(Figure: PPF Goods X & Y) Refer to the figure. Point A represents an allocation of resources that is:

A) efficient.
B) inefficient.
C) impossible.
D) the result of trade.


Suppose a country without any international trade opens its borders to international trade. After specialization how will its location on its production possibility frontier change?

A) The country moves from inside the PPF to on the PPF.
B) The country moves from on the PPF to beyond the PPF.
C) The country moves along the PPF toward its comparative advantage.
D) The country moves along the PPF away from its comparative advantage


(Figure: PPF Nickel& Textiles) Refer to the figure. What is the maximum amount of nickel China can produce?

A) 10 tons
B) 8 tons
C) 6 tons
D) 4 ton


(Figure: PPF Nickel& Textiles) Refer to the figure. What is the maximum amount of textiles China can produce?

A) 10 tons
B) 8 tons
C) 6 tons
D) 4 tons


(Figure: PPF Nickel & Textiles) Refer to the figure. How many tons of textiles does Australia give up to produce one ton of nickel?

A) 1/3
B) 1/2
C) 2
D) 3


On a production possibilities frontier a trade-off can be illustrated as:

A) an outward shift.
B) an inward shift.
C) a movement from a point inside the frontier to one on the frontier.
D) a movement along the frontier itself.


The production possibilities frontier shows:

A) the combinations of outputs a country can produce given its resources and productivity.
B) the combinations of inputs that a country has given its outputs and productivity.
C) the combinations of outputs and resources that a country possesses given its productivity.
D) the maximum level of a country's productivity given its resources and outputs.


Anita is a wonderful baker and can bake 10 cakes in a day, but then has no time left to make cookies. If she bakes only cookies, she can make 200 cookies in a day. John can make equally delicious cakes and cookies but can only make seven cakes or 100 cookies in a day. Based on this information, which of the following statements is true?

A) Anita has the comparative advantage in the production of cakes.
B) John has the comparative advantage in the production of cakes.
C) John has the absolute advantage in the production of cookies.
D) Anita has the comparative advantage in the production of both cakes and cookies.


Anita is a wonderful baker and can bake 10 cakes in a day, but then has no time left to make cookies. If she bakes only cookies, she can make 200 cookies in a day. John can make equally delicious cakes and cookies but can only make seven cakes or 100 cookies in a day. Based on this information, which of the following statements is true?

A) Anita should split her time between cakes and cookies. John should bake cakes.
B) Anita should bake cakes and John should bake cookies.
C) Anita and John should split their time equally between cakes and cookies.
D) Anita should bake cookies and John should bake cakes


(Figure: PPF Mexico & United States) Use the figure in which both Mexico and the United States each have 24 units of labor. The opportunity costs of producing one computer are:

A) six shirts for Mexico and one shirt for the United States.
B) 1/6 of a shirt for both Mexico and the United States.
C) one shirt for Mexico and 1/6 of a shirt for the United States.
D) six shirts for both Mexico and the United States.


(Figure: PPF Mexico & United States) Use the figure in which both Mexico and the United States each have 24 units of labor. The opportunity costs of producing one shirt are:

A) one computer for Mexico and 1/6 of a computer for the United States.
B) 1/6 of a computer for Mexico and one computer for United States.
C) one computer for both Mexico and the United States.
D) 1/6 of computer for both Mexico and the United States.


(Figure: PPF Mexico & United States) Use the above figure in which both Mexico and the United States each have 24 units of labor. Mexico has a comparative advantage in and the United States has a comparative advantage in .

A) computers; shirts
B) shirts; computers
C) computers; computers
D) shirts; shirts


(Table: Production Possibilities for the United States and Mexico) According to the table on production possibilities for the United States and Mexico, Mexico has an absolute advantage in ----- and a comparative advantage in ----- .

A) neither good; corn
B) corn; potatoes
C) potatoes; corn
D) neither good; potatoes


(Table: Production Possibilities for the United States and Mexico) According to the table on production possibilities for the United States and Mexico, the United States has an absolute advantage in ----- and a comparative advantage in ----- .

A) both goods; corn
B) both goods; potatoes
C) potatoes; corn
D) nothing; potatoes


(Table: Production Possibilities for the United States and Mexico) According to the table on production possibilities for the United States and Mexico, Mexico's opportunity cost of producing each ton of potatoes is ----- , while the United States' opportunity cost of producing each ton of potatoes is ----- .

A) 0.125 tons of potatoes; 0.2 tons of potatoes
B) eight tons of corn; 0.2 tons of potatoes
C) eight tons of corn; five tons of corn
D) five tons of corn; 0.2 tons of corn


(Table: Production Possibilities for the United States and Mexico) Using the table on production possibilities for the United States and Mexico, assume each country specializes in the good for which it has a comparative advantage. Which of the following answers identifies a trade price that both countries would find acceptable? (Units are in tons.)

A) 0.2 potato for one corn < Trade price < five corns for one potato
B) 0.125 potato for one corn,< Trade price < eight potatoes for one corn
C) five corns for one potato < Trade price < eight corns for one potato
D) 0.125 potato for one corn < Trade price < five potatoes for one corn


(Table: Production Possibilities for Kenya and Sri Lanka) According to the table on production possibilities for Kenya and Sri Lanka, Kenya's opportunity cost of producing beans is ----- , while Sri Lanka's opportunity cost of producing beans is ----- .

A) 0.5 teas; 0.33 teas
B) two teas; 0.33 teas
C) 200 teas; 450 teas
D) two teas; three teas


(Table: Production Possibilities for Kenya and Sri Lanka) According to the table on production possibilities for Kenya and Sri Lanka, Kenya should produce ----- and Sri Lanka should produce ----- .

A) beans; tea
B) tea; beans
C) both goods; neither good
D) neither good; both goods


(Table: Production Possibilities for Kenya and Sri Lanka) According to the table on production possibilities for Kenya and Sri Lanka, which of the following answers identifies a trade price that both countries would find acceptable? (Units are in tons.)

A) 0.5 bean for one tea < Trade price < two teas for one bean
B) 0.5 bean for one tea < Trade price < three beans for one tea
C) two teas for one bean < Trade price < three teas for one bean
D) 0.3 bean for one tea < Trade price < two beans for one tea


(Table: Production Possibilities for Italy and Belgium) According to the table on production possibilities for Italy and Belgium, the opportunity cost of 1 pound of linen for Italy is:

A) 10 pounds of pasta.
B) 1/4 pound of pasta
C) 4 pounds of pasta
D) 2 1/2 pounds of pasta


(Table: Production Possibilities for Italy and Belgium) According to the table on production possibilities for Italy and Belgium, the opportunity cost of 1 pound of linen for Belgium is:

A) 5 pounds of pasta.
B) 4 pounds of pasta.
C) 1/4 pound of pasta.
D) 20 pounds of pasta.


(Table: Production Possibilities for Italy and Belgium) According to the table on production possibilities for Italy and Belgium, the opportunity cost of 1 pound of pasta for Italy is:

A) 2/5 pound of linen.
B) 4 pounds of linen.
C) 1/4 pound of linen.
D) 2 hours of labor.


(Table: Production Possibilities for Italy and Belgium) According to the table on production possibilities for Italy and Belgium, the opportunity cost of 1 pound of pasta for Belgium is:

A) 5 pounds of linen.
B) 20 pounds of linen.
C) 1/4 pound of linen.
D) 4 pounds of linen.


(Table: Production Possibilities for Italy and Belgium) According to the table on production possibilities for Italy and Belgium, Italy has comparative advantage in:

A) both goods, while Belgium has comparative advantage in neither good.
B) linen, while Belgium has comparative advantage in pasta.
C) pasta, while Belgium has comparative advantage in linen.
D) neither good, while Belgium has comparative advantage in both goods


(Table: Production Possibilities for Italy and Belgium) According to the table on production possibilities for Italy and Belgium, Italy and Belgium both could benefit if Italy were to specialize in:

A) neither good, and Belgium were to specialize in both goods.
B) both goods, and Belgium were to specialize in neither good.
C) pasta, and Belgium were to specialize in linen.
D) linen, and Belgium were to specialize in pasta.


(Table: Production Possibilities for Italy and Belgium) According to the table on production possibilities for Italy and Belgium, Belgium should specialize in linen production because it:

A) has an absolute advantage in producing linen and pasta.
B) can do so at a greater opportunity cost.
C) has a comparative advantage in producing linen.
D) already can produce enough pasta to meet demand.


(Table: Production in the United States and Germany) According to the table, the opportunity cost of producing one sofa in the United States is ----- , and the opportunity cost of producing one sofa in Germany is ----- .

A) two clocks; three clocks
B) 10 clocks; 27 clocks
C) 0.4 clocks; 0.33 clocks
D) 2.5 clocks; three clocks


(Table: Production in the United States and Germany) According to the table, the opportunity cost of producing one clock in the United States is ----- opportunity cost of producing one clock in Germany is ----- .

A) five sofas; nine sofas
B) 0.4 sofas; 0.33 sofa
C) five clocks; nine clocks
D) 2.5 clocks; three clocks


(Table: Production in the United States and Germany) According to the table, which of the following statements is true?

A) The United States has a comparative advantage in clocks.
B) Germany has an absolute advantage in clocks and sofas.
C) The United States has a comparative advantage in sofas.
D) The United States has a comparative advantage in clocks and sofas.


(Table: Production in France and Italy) According to the table, France should specialize in producing ----- , and Italy should specialize in producing ----- .

A) truffles; wool socks
B) wool socks; truffles
C) truffles; truffles
D) wool socks; wool socks


In Colombia, it takes three workers to produce two pounds of coffee. In Mexico, it takes four workers to produce one pound of coffee. Therefore:

A) Colombia has a comparative advantage in the production of coffee.
B) Mexico has a comparative advantage in the production of coffee.
C) in Colombia, the opportunity cost of producing one pound of coffee is two-thirds.
D) Colombia has an absolute advantage in the production of coffee.


Which statement is TRUE?

A) It is virtually impossible for a country to be the low-cost producer of all goods and services.
B) The benefits of trade depend on absolute advantage, not comparative advantage.
C) A country could have a comparative advantage in producing everything.
D) A country that has the absolute advantage in production will also have the comparative advantage.


(Figure: Countries A and B) Refer to the figure. According to the diagram about countries A and B, which of the following statement(s) is correct?
I. Country A has a comparative advantage in Good Y.
II. Country B has an absolute advantage in both goods.
III. Country B has a comparative advantage in Good X.

A) I and II only
B) I and III only
C) II and III only
D) I, II, and III


(Figure: Countries A and B) Refer to the figure regarding countries A and B. The opportunity cost of producing Good X in Country A is ----- and in Country B it is ----- meaning that Country ----- should specialize in producing Good X and Country ----- in Good Y.

A) 2Y; 1Y; B; A
B) 1/2Y; 1Y; B; A
C) 1/2Y; 1Y; A; B
D) 2Y; 1Y; A; B


(Figure: Countries A and B) Refer to the figure regarding countries A and B. If both countries fully allocate all of their labor toward the good in which they have a comparative advantage, the combined production for the two countries would be ----- units of Good X, and ----- units of Good Y.

A) 100;80
B) 70; 90
C) 40; 100
D) 100; 100


(Figure: Countries A and B) Refer to the figure regarding countries A and B. Assume that each country begins by allocating half its labor force to the production of each good. Through trade with each other, each country could increase its consumption of both goods if Country A moved part of its labor force to the production of Good ----- and Country B moved part of its labor force to the production of Good ----- .

A) X; X
B) X; Y
C) Y;Y
D) Y; X


(Figure: Countries A and B) Refer to the figure regarding countries A and B. If each country allocated half of its labor force to the production of each good before trade and were to then each specialize in their comparative advantage and allocate 75 percent of its labor force to the production of that good, world production of Good X would change by ----- and the production of Good Y by ---- .

A) 40; 50
B) 25; -5
C) 15; -5
D) 50; 40


Which of the following best characterizes the relationship between the parties to a trade and the gains from trade?

A) Gains from trade are fueled by differences in preferences and differences in opportunity costs of production.
B) Gains from trade are fueled by differences in preferences only.
C) Gains from trade are fueled by differences in opportunity costs of production only.
D) Gains from trade are greatest when there are no differences between the two parties to trade.


Two countries that specialize where they have a comparative advantage and then trade with each other will experience increases in:
I. wages in both countries.
II. total output in both countries. III. living standards in both countries.

A) I and II only
B) II and III only
C) II only
D) I, II, and III


Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A) Trade makes workers in high productivity countries less productive.
B) Trade causes workers in low-wage countries to receive an even lower wage.
C) Specialization and trade raise wages in both countries that are party to the trade.
D) Specialization and trade raise productivity but not wages.


If labor in China is less productive than labor in the United States in all areas of production, then:

A) both the United States and China can benefit from trade.
B) neither nation can benefit from trade.
C) China can benefit from trade but not the United States.
D) the United States can benefit from trade but not China


According to the theory of comparative advantage, the reason wages are lower in China than in the United States is:

A) the higher cost of living in the United States.
B) lower productivity in China.
C) the lower opportunity cost to work in China.
D) more trade restrictions in the United States.


Angela and Ed are married. Angela can do $40 worth of household chores per hour, and Ed can do $15 worth of household chores per hour. In the labor market, Ed can earn $30/hour and Angela can earn $40/hour. The theory of comparative advantage suggests that:

A) Ed should specialize in household production and Angela should specialize in market work.
B) Angela should specialize in household production and Ed should specialize in market work.
C) Angela should specialize in both household production and market work.
D) Ed should specialize in both household production and market work.


Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A) Only a high-wage country can benefit by trading with a low-wage country.
B) A high-wage country cannot benefit by trading with a low-wage country.
C) Trade raises the wages of workers in low- and high-wage countries.
D) There is an inverse relationship between productivity and wages.


The principles of comparative advantage, specialization, and trade apply to:
I. individuals.
II. communities.
III. regions.
IV. nations.

A) I and II only
B) I, II, and III only
C) II, III, and IV only
D) I, II, III, and IV


Adam Smith advocated the benefits of:

A) protectionism.
B) trade tariffs over trade quotas.
C) international trade.
D) absolute advantage.


Absolute advantage is the ability to produce a:

A) good at a lower opportunity cost than others.
B) good with fewer inputs than others.
C) good when demand is high.
D) variety of goods.


A country has a comparative advantage in producing a good when it produces that good:

A) at a lower opportunity cost than another country.
B) at a higher opportunity cost than another country.
C) in greater quantity than another country.
D) with fewer inputs than another country


Two persons each produce two identical goods. Which of the following is true about their absolute and comparative advantages in the production of these two goods?

A) One person can have an absolute advantage in both goods but not a comparative advantage in both goods.
B) One person can have a comparative advantage in both goods but not an absolute advantage in both goods.
C) One person can have neither an absolute nor a comparative advantage in either good.
D) Both persons can always have both an absolute and comparative advantage in both goods.


To benefit the most from trade, a person should:

A) specialize in an activity for which she has an absolute advantage.
B) specialize in an activity for which she has a comparative advantage.
C) do everything she possibly can.
D) do as little as possible.


The concept of comparative advantage implies that:

A) there are winners and losers when people trade without specializing.
B) people have to be self-sufficient.
C) people benefit from specializing and trading with one another.
D) only those people who are productive benefit from trade.


The reason why Martha Stewart does not iron her own clothes is that:

A) she has never learned how to iron.
B) she has a comparative advantage in ironing.
C) she does not have an absolute advantage in ironing.
D) her opportunity cost of ironing exceeds the person's wages providing the ironing service.


Both Maria and Jorge bake cookies and bread, but Maria spends less time baking each batch of cookies and each loaf of bread than Jorge does. Which of the following is TRUE?

A) Maria has an absolute advantage in baking both cookies and bread.
B) Maria has a comparative advantage in baking both cookies and bread.
C) Jorge has an absolute advantage in baking both cookies and bread.
D) Jorge has a comparative advantage in baking both cookies and bread.


Both Maria and Jorge bake cookies and bread, but Maria spends less time baking each batch of cookies and each loaf of bread than Jorge does. Specialization and trade between them can benefit:

A) both Maria and Jorge.
B) Maria, but not Jorge.
C) Jorge, but not Maria.
D) neither Maria nor Jorge.


Which of the following explains why someone with an absolute advantage in painting houses may NOT spend their time painting houses?

A) They may have a comparative advantage in painting houses, as well.
B) Even though they have the absolute advantage in painting houses, they still may not be very good at it.
C) In an efficient market, someone with an absolute advantage in painting houses will always spend their time painting houses.
D) They may be relatively better at something else than painting houses.


In his prime, Michael Jordan played both professional basketball and professional baseball. Compared with most people, Jordan would have an absolute advantage in:

A) playing both basketball and baseball since he was better at both than the average person.
B) playing basketball only, because he was relatively better at basketball.
C) playing baseball only, since he ultimately gave up baseball to concentrate on basketball.
D) neither basketball or baseball since he cannot hold the relative advantage in both sports.


A country has an absolute advantage in production if:

A) it can produce the same good using fewer inputs than another country.
B) it can produce a good using fewer inputs than it takes another country to produce a different good.
C) other countries can produce the same good using fewer inputs.
D) it has the lowest opportunity cost of producing a good.


Martha Stewart does not do her own ironing because she:

A) is not very good at ironing.
B) has an absolute advantage in ironing.
C) has a comparative advantage in something else.
D) has a comparative advantage in ironing


When an entity can produce a good at a lower opportunity cost than another country this is referred to as?

Comparative advantage refers to the ability to produce goods and services at a lower opportunity cost, not necessarily at a greater volume or quality. Comparative advantage is a key insight that trade will still occur even if one country has an absolute advantage in all products.

When a country can produce a good or service at a lower opportunity cost than its competitors can it has quizlet?

Terms in this set (14) Explain the concept of absolute advantage. Absolute advantage is the ability of a country, individual, company or region to produce a good or service at a lower cost per unit than the cost at which any other entity that good or service.

Why is it important that the country or region with the lower opportunity cost produce the good?

It is important that the country produces the good in which it enjoys a lower opportunity cost. A lower opportunity cost reflects that the nation enjoys comparative advantage in the production of goods which is the basis of international trade.

When a country has a comparative advantage in the production of a good quizlet?

A country has comparative advantage in the production of a good if it can produce that good at a lower opportunity cost relative to another country.


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