When compared to the average patient the expected resting pulse of a marathon runner would be?

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What should be considered a normal pulse for an average sized 37 year old patient in good health?

The normal resting heart rate for adults over the age of 10 years, including older adults, is between 60 and 100 beats per minute (bpm).

What is the ratio of respirations to pulse beats in a healthy adult at rest?

This magical number is really close to the information available on the Internet: the average adult's respiration rate to heart rate ratio is approximately 1:4, which means that for each breath, the heart beats 4 times.

Which of the following pulse rates are typically found on well conditioned athletes?

Resting heart rate.

How long should the pulse be counted for the most accurate results?

Counting the pulse for 30 seconds and then multiplying by 2 to get the pulse per minute is most accurate when assessing pulses in sinus rhythm (Hollerbach & Sneed, 1990). As the pulse rate increases, counting for 15 seconds and multiplying by 4 becomes more inaccurate.


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