When the House and the Senate pass different versions of a bill the differences are resolved by a quizlet?

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Terms in this set (102)

Conference Committee

When the House and Senate pass different versions of a bill, the differences are resolved by a

its jurisdiction over a particular policy area.

The major source of a committee's power is

blocking legislation rather than passing it.

The congressional lawmaking process is biased toward

Majority Leader

The most important party leadership position in the Senate is that of:

are defeated in committee.

Most bills that are introduced in Congress:

Seniority is no longer absolute in selection of committee chairs, but it is usually followed.

Which one of the following statements about the seniority principle is most accurate?

service in Congress was not seen as a lifetime career for most of its members.

In the nation's first century

the emphasis that members of Congress place on pork-barrel legislation.

In Congress, the role of representation of the nation through political parties is illustrated by all except which one of the following?

for challengers and non-incumbents rather than incumbents.

Campaign spending tends to be greatly more important

Congress rather than the president usually takes the lead in addressing broad national issues.

General characteristics of the U.S. Congress include all except which one of the following?


Which of the following factors usually plays the largest role in the reelection of members of Congress?

A strong challenger

Compared to House incumbents, Senate incumbents are more likely to face the problem of

most members are now career politicians who want to stay in Congress.

The modern Congress is different from the nineteenth century Congress in that;

a two-thirds majority

Constitutional Amendments must pass in both houses of Congress by


Which of the following ends debate in the Senate

House Rules Committee

After a House committee reviews a bill and writes its report, the bill goes to the

was fixed at 435 by the Reapportionment Act of 1929

The number of members in the House of Representatives

appoint federal judges

Article I grants Congress the power to do all of the following EXCEPT


A senator can effectively prevent the Senate from voting by


Which of the following would be an attractive committee for a member of Congress from Montana looking to serve his or her constituency?

was used in the 1950s and 1960s to stall civil rights legislation

The use of the filibuster, a tactic to block the passage of legislation

Rules Committee

The House Committee that acts as a "clearinghouse" for the thousands of bills introduced each term is called the

by the leaders of the majority party

The chairmen of the standing committees of Congress are chosen

their incumbency status

Which of the following is most likely to determine a candidate's chance of getting elected to Congress?

implied powers

The "elastic clause" grants Congress

The Speaker is chosen directly by the American people

All of the following are true about the office of the Speaker of the House EXCEPT

A hearing is held to investigate misuse of funds within a federal agency

Which of the following is the best example of legislative oversight


Bills may be introduced in either house of Congress with the exception of ______ bills, which must originate in the House of Representatives

they funnel federal money into targeted areas

Riders are frequently unpopular with the general public because

representing constituents by mirroring their personal, politically relevant characteristics

Descriptive representation refers to

standing committees

Permanent committees dealing with such matters as agriculture, finance, and foreign policy are known as

Party-line voting has increased in recent years.

Which of the following statements about voting in Congress is true?

often a favored tool of the president due to the lack of Congressional oversight

The Executive Office of the President (EOP) is

By the president and are confirmed by the Senate

How are Cabinet members chosen?

applies only when the Congress is not in session

A pocket veto differs from a regular presidential veto in that the pocket veto

the Senate majority leader.

The scheduling of bills in the Senate is left up to

is not the presiding officer of his/her chamber.

In contrast to the Speaker of the House, the Senate majority leader

by committees and their respective subcommittees

Most of the work on legislation in Congress is done

the sheer magnitude of the task.

The biggest obstacle to effective congressional oversight is

Advising the president and helping to coordinate American foreign policy

What is the National Security Council (NSC) in charge of

the main source of cohesion and division within Congress.

By and large, partisanship is

members of Congress only.

Bills are formally introduced in Congress by ________.

limited the Spoils System and created a system of civil service exams

The Pendleton Act

the president

On broad issues of national significance, Congress is ordinarily most responsive to the initiatives of

vice president of the United States

The official head of the Senate is the

a census and the various state legislatures

Congressional districts for the House are determined in the majority of states by

the power of the court to use judicial review

Marbury v. Madison (1803) established

concerned with national issues, but even more concerned with local ones

Most members of Congress are

the fragmented nature of Congress.

Congress' inability to consistently provide leadership on broad national issues is due to

the president is granted more authority by the Constitution in the area of lawmaking.

In initiating broad legislative proposals, the president enjoys all of the following advantages over Congress except

policies affecting special interests

In which area has Congress been more likely than the president to exert leadership?

ends a filibuster.

Through a vote for cloture, the Senate

Party-line voting has increased in recent years.

Which of the following statements about voting in Congress is true?


What is the strategy employed in the Senate to prevent a bill from coming to a vote?

it must receive the support of a simple majority of its members.

For a bill to pass in either chamber of Congress,

senators think of themselves as being equals and are only willing to be led by persuasion.

Senators are generally less likely to follow orders of their leaders than House members because


________ has the most seats in the U.S. House of Representatives


The trading of votes between members of Congress so that each gets the legislation he or she wants is

congressional or presidential authority should dominate on broad issues

Since the founding of the United States, the debate over the representative function of Congress has centered on whether

one campaign in Washington raising campaign funds and a second back home appealing for votes

The author states that successful candidates now run two campaigns


The dominant political institution during most of the nineteenth century was

Rules committee

Defining the conditions and scheduling a bill for floor debate in the House of Representatives is the responsibility of the

435; 100

There are currently ________ voting members of the U.S. House of Representatives and ________ voting members of the U.S. Senate

a conference committee

A bill has been approved in the House and Senate, albeit in slightly different versions. The bill now goes to

kill it in committee

The effect of pigeonholing a bill is to

the House of Representatives

The constitution requires that all expenditures of money must originate in

I, II, III, IV and V

The above quote gives Congress the right to:
I. create the Federal Reserve System

II. outlaw racial discrimination practiced by state law

III. raise the drinking age to 21

IV. create the cabinet

V. set the total number of seats in the House of Representatives at 435

keeping the public policy agenda of the majority party on track.

The majority floor leader of the House is responsible for

Ways and Means Committee.

All revenue bills must originate in the

defense contracts.

All of the following are examples of entitlement programs EXCEPT

growth in the national security state and growth in the social service state.

Two conditions associated with the dramatic government growth in the United States over the past half century are

aid to the elderly and the poor.

The biggest category of federal expenditures is spending for

Sixteenth Amendment

Congress' authority to levy an income tax comes from which of the following?

Office of Management and Budget.

The institution responsible for compiling the president's budget proposal is the

The Clinton administration closed the budget deficit to reach a balanced budget in 1998.

Which of the following conclusions may be drawn from the graph on p. 463 of your textbook?

Large budget deficits make the U.S. government more financially dependent on foreign investors.

Which of the following statements is true about U.S. budget deficits?

individual income taxes.

The largest contribution to federal revenue comes from

executive agreements

Senatorial consent is required for all of the following EXCEPT

residency in the state from where you are to be elected

Election to the Senate requires

the Congress can charge, try, sentence and jail the president in an impeachment

All of the following are true about impeachments EXCEPT;

amendments to the bill are allowed.

Whenever the House operates under "open rule"

pigeonholed in committee.

Most bills introduced in Congress end up being

a bill of attainder

If the Congress were to impeach a President, find him guilty of a crime, and then jail him, this would be

it was passed in both houses by more than 2/3rds vote

When a bill is veto proof it means

Ways and Means Committee

A freshman congressman who wants to influence tax policy would want to be appointed to which committee?

amendments to bills which would not ordinarily get passed on their own

Riders are

it is constitutional

All of the following are true about the line-item veto EXCEPT

House has become more conservative than the Senate.

The Framers considered the Senate to be the more ideologically conservative of the two houses. Recently the

disrupt the seniority system in committees and hurt the political power of certain states

Congressional term limitations would

legislative veto

The ability of Congress to delegate to the President legislative powers while retaining the right to prohibit the President's acts is a

the state legislature

Congressional district boundaries are drawn by

the President

The United States grants diplomatic recognition through

providing a check on the Office of Management and Budget's yearly estimate of revenues and expenditures.

The Congressional Budget Office has the responsibility for

congress can override the pocket veto by a two thirds vote in both houses

All of the following are true of pocket vetoes EXCEPT;

to control legislative power

The framers created a bicameral legislature

a loss of seats in Congress by members who are of the same party as the President.

Off year congressional elections usually result in

Executive agreements

Which of the following does not involve senatorial advise and consent?

means the other party doesn't challenge the incumbent

A "safe seat" in Congress

begin bills that raise or lower taxes

The Senate can do all of the following EXCEPT

two thirds vote in both houses of Congress

Overriding a presidential veto requires

the House can limit the time of debate and amendments to bills while the Senate has unlimited debate and amendment power.

A significant difference between House and Senate rules is

in committees

Most legislative work is done

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When the House and Senate pass different versions of a bill the differences are resolved by a committee?

After the conference committee resolves any differences between the House and Senate versions of the bill, each chamber must vote again to approve the final bill text.

What happens when the Senate and House of Representatives pass different versions of the same bill?

If the House and Senate pass different bills they are sent to Conference Committee. Most major legislation goes to a Conference Committee.

What happens if the House and Senate versions of a bill are different quizlet?

What happens if the House and Senate versions of a bill are different? The differences immediately cause the bill to die and it doesn't go any farther. The House and Senate try to work out differences in a conference committee.

When the House and the Senate passed different versions of the same bill quizlet?

When the House and the Senate pass different versions of the same bill what happens? When the two chambers pass different versions of the same bill, some committee members will be appointed to the conference committee.


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