When the patient is positioned properly for a lateral projection of the scapula the body of the scapula will be the plane of the IR?

For the lateral projection of the scapula, the body is placed in which position?

A Hill-Sachs defect is a:

fracture due to posterior dislocation of the humeral head

The SC articulation is formed by the sternal extremity of the clavicle and the: (1) manubrium (2) sternum (3) first rib cartilage

A Hill-Sachs defect may be demonstrated using which of the following projections: (1) inferosuperior axial (Lawrence) (2) inferosuperior axial (Rafert modification) (3) AP axial (Stryker notch)

The acromial extremity of the clavicle articulates with the:

acromion process of the scapula

For an AP projection of the shoulder with the arm in a neutral position, the epicondyles of the humerus should be

Which of the following bones makes up the shoulder girdle?
1.) humerus
2.) scapula
3.) clavicle

The scapula is classified as a

to obtain a more uniform image density, the respiration phase for the AP projection of the clavicle should be

For the PA oblique projection (scapular Y) of the shoulder, the body is rotated so that the midcoronal plane is how many degrees from the IR?

How many degrees is the body rotated for the AP oblique projection (Grashey method) of the shoulder joint?

35 to 45 towards affected side

98.The articulation between the glenoid cavity and head of the humerus is called the: 

How far should the head, shoulders, and elbow be elevated for the inferosuperior axial projection of the shoulder?

How many pounds of weight should be affixed to each wrist for the AP projection of the AC joint?

Which position of the hand will place the humerus in neutral position?

108.Which of the following will be directly superimposed over the junction of the Y on the PA oblique (scapular Y) projection?

In order to demonstrate the greater tubercle of the humerus on an AP projection of the shoulder, the epicondyles must be:

parallel with the plane of the IR

The rounded head of the humerus fits into an oval depression on the lateral aspect of the scapula called the:

The Pearson method is an AP projection of the:

Acromioclavicular articulation

114.The central-ray angle for an AP axial projection of the clavicle when performed on a patient in the supine position is:

115.How is the arm positioned for an AP scapula?

abducted 90 degres, forearm flexed

For an AP projection of the shoulder, the central ray should be directed:

How should the humerus be positioned for an inferosuperior axial projection of the shoulder joint? (1) internal rotation (2) external rotation (3) neutral rotation

Which of the following bones connects the upper limb to the trunk?
1.) clavicle
2.) scapula
3.) humerus

102.When the arm cannot be rotated or abducted due to injury, which of the following can be used to perform a lateral projection of the shoulder?

Transthoracic lateral projection, lawrence method

If the patient can be positioned properly, the central-ray angle for the transthoracic lateral projection of the shoulder is:

The use of compensating filters is particularly useful when using:

103.How far should the arm be abducted for an inferosuperior projection of the shoulder joint?

For delineation of the acromion and coracoid processes of the scapula in the lateral projection, the arm is positioned as follows:

extend the arm upward and rest the forearm on the head

The PA oblique projection of the shoulder joint (scapular Y) is performed in which of the following positions?

When the tangential projection of the intertubercular groove is performed with the patient supine, the position of the hand is:

If the patient cannot elevate the unaffected shoulder for a transthoracic lateral projection of the proximal humerus, the central ray should be angled

10 to 15 degrees cephalad

Which of the following projections are improved significantly with the use of a compensating filter? (1) AP shoulder (2) lateral scapula (3) PA oblique (scapular Y)

For an AP projection of the scapula, the IR size and its position should be:

24X30 inches (24X30 cm) lengthwise

97.The large, rounded, elevated process prominently located on the lateral surface of the proximal humerus is the"

Which of the following projections can be used to demonstrate the clavicle?

For an AP projection of the shoulder with the humerus in internal rotation, the epicondyles of the humerus should be

Which of the following are achieved when the transthoracic lateral projection of the shoulder is done on full inspiration?

Which of the following is prominently shown in profile on an AP projection of the shoulder with the humerus in internal rotation?

Which of the following projections clearly demonstrates the glenoid cavity?

When the Fisk modification is used for the tangential projection of the intertubercular groove, the patient is:

Which of the following methods best demonstrates the supraspinatus outlet (coracoacromial arch)?

The IR size commonly used for an AP projection of the shoulder is:

How should the central ray be angled for the AP projection (Pearson method) of the AC joints?

Which position of the hand will place the humerus in internal rotation?

back of the hand against the thigh

112.In an image of an AP axial projection of the clavicle, the clavicle should be demonstrated with:

most of the clavicle projected above the ribs, & only the medial end superimposing the fist or second ribs

When the patient is positioned properly for a lateral projection of the scapula, the body of the scapula will be:

perpendicular to the plane of the IR

The respiration phase for an AP projection of the shoulder should be:

Which of the following structures is projected in lateral profile on a PA oblique (scapular y) projection?

Which of the following positions of the humerus are commonly used when performing an AP projection of the shoulder?
1.) external rotation
2.) neutral rotation
3.) internal rotation

For delineation of the body of the scapula for the lateral projection, the arm is positioned as follows:

Extend the arm upward and rest the forearm on the head

If a breathing technique cannot be used for the transthoracic lateral projection of the shoulder, the exposure should be made using:

The central-ray angulation for a lateral scapula is:

The small, synovial fluid–filled sacs, which relieve pressure and reduce friction in joint tissues, are called:

Which of the following is prominently shown "in profile" on an AP projection of the shoulder with the humerus in external rotation. 

For a transthoracic lateral projection of the shoulder, lung detail may be blurred to better visualize the shoulder area. Which exposure time is recommended to blur the lung structures?

For an AP projection of the shoulder, the central ray should enter:

1 inch inferior to the coracoid process

The clavicle is classified as a(n):

The area of the proximal humerus located directly below the tubercles, which is the site of many fractures, is called the:

The AP projection of the AC joints places the joints at an increased OID. Which of the following is the recommended SID to compensate for this distance?

In order to elevate the clavicle above the ribs and scapula for the AP axial projection, the phase of respiration should be:

Suspend on full inspiration

The respiration phase for an AP projection of the scapula is: 

Which position of the hand will place the humerus in external rotation?

Which of the following are clearly demonstrated on the inferosuperior axial projection of the shoulder joint?

The scapulohumeral articulation is classified as a : 

synovial: ball and socket

How is the central ray directed for an inferosuperior axial projection of the shoulder joint?

15-30 degress horizontally

if the patient places the palm of the hand against the thigh, the humerus will be in what rotation?

107.PA oblique projection of the shoulder (scapular Y) is performed to evaluate:

Patients often arrive in the radiology department with trauma to the shoulder. Which of the following positions is recommended for x-ray examination of the shoulder on these patients?

What is the central-ray angulation for the AP oblique projection (Grashey method) of the shoulder joint?

A lateral projection of the shoulder and proximal humerus can be obtained with which of the following:

All of the joints of the shoulder girdle are:

synovial- freely moveable

the lesser tubercle is situated on which surface of the humerus?

Where should the center of the IR be positioned for a lateral projection of the shoulder?

If the patient places the back of the hand against the hip, the humerus will be in what rotation?

The greater tubercle will be partially superimposed over the humeral head on which of the following projections and positions?

How much is the body rotated for a PA oblique projection of the shoulder?

Two exposures are commonly made of the AC joints—one without weights and one with weights. How are the weights applied?

When the fisk modification is used for the tangential projection of the intertubercular groove, the vertical humerus is placed at an angle of:

How far above the humeral head should the upper margin of the IR be placed for a lateral projection of the humerus?

Positioning for a lateral projection of the humerus Place the top margin of the cassette approximately 1½ inches (3.8 cm) above the level of the head of the humerus. Unless contraindicated by possible fracture, internally rotate the arm, flex the elbow approximately 90°, and place the patient's hand on their hip.

For which projection of the shoulder girdle is the patient positioned with his her Midcoronal plane forming an angle at 45 to 60 degrees to IR?

Term Which classification of bone is the Scapula?
Definition Flat
Term Which projection of the shoulder joint requires the patient to be rotated until the midcoronal plane forms an angle of 45 to 60 degrees with the plane of the IR?
Definition PA oblique projection (Scapular Y)
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What process is the lateral tip of the shoulder?

The coracoid process (from Greek κόραξ, raven) is a small hook-like structure on the lateral edge of the superior anterior portion of the scapula (hence: coracoid, or "like a raven's beak"). Pointing laterally forward, it, together with the acromion, serves to stabilize the shoulder joint.

Where is the central ray for the scapular Y projection of the shoulder?

Central ray: The central ray should be perpendicular to the image receptor directed to the glenoid fossa or 2 inches medial and 2 inches inferior to the superolateral border of the shoulder.


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