Where is the IR centered for images of the small intestine that are taken within 30 minutes of drinking the barium?


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What is the patient prep for a small intestine exam NPO- 8 hours
The first small intestine exam should be taken how long after the patient drinks the barium 15 mins
What are the essential projections for a small intestine exam PA and AP
Where is the IR centered for a delayed radiograph of the small intestine Iliac crest
What exams require the use of time markers Small intestine
Where is the IR centered for a radiographs of the small intestine tha are taken within 30mins of drinking the barium 2inches above the iliac crest
"High Density" barium sulfate is use for what Double contrast intestine exams
Wha is the patient prep of intestinal tract for the colon exam Laxative, dietary restrictions, and cleansing enema
Methods of radiographically examining of the colon include Single and double contrast
What methods are used to administer barium for a radiographic exam of the small intestines Oral, reflux filling, and enterolysis
Who should inflate the retention balloon for a barium enema Radiologist should inflate with fluro
What position should the patient be placed in for the insertion of the enema tip for a barium enema Sims
How far above the anus is the enema bag laced during a barium enema 18-24 inches
The majority of AP,PA, and oblique radiographs taken during a BE are done on 35x43 IRs. Where is the IR centered for the majority of these projections Iliac crest
What is the respiration phase for all projections of the large intestine Suspended expiration
Which projections are taken during a BE will demonstrate the rectosigmoid area Lateral, PA, AP axial
What's the CR angulation for the PA Axial projection of the large intestine 30 to 40 degrees caudad
What is the degree of body rotation for the PA oblique projection(RAO or LAO) of the large intestine 35 to 45 degrees
At which plane is the CR positioned for the PA oblique projection (RAO or LAO) of the large intestine A longitudinal plane 1-2 inches lateral to the midline of the body on the elevated side
Which projection of the colon best demonstrates the right colic flexure PA oblique RAO and AP oblique LPO
What projection of the colon best demonstrates the ascending colon PA oblique RAO
A PA oblique projection of the colon in a LAO position clearly demonstrates what Descending colon and left colic flexure
What projection of the colon best demonstrates the left colic flexure PA oblique LAO
At what level is the center of the IR positioned for a lateral projection of the rectosigmoid area ASIS
Which plane is centered to the grid for a lateral projection of the large intestine Midcoronal plane
What's the CR angulation for an AP Axial projection of the large intestine 30-40 degrees cephalad
What is the degree of body rotation for an AP oblique projection of the large intestine 35-45 degrees
What projection will clearly demonstrate the descending colon PA oblique(LAO) and AP oblique(RPO)
Where is the IR centered for all decubitus projections of the large intestine Iliac crest
What projection demonstrates the rectum and rectosigmoid area Ina true axial projection Chassard- lapine projection
The large intestine is made up of a series of pouches called Haustra
The pouch like portion of the large intestine is situated below the junction of the ileum and colon is Cecum
The ascending portion of the colon joins the transverse colon at the Right colic flexure
For which type of body habitus is the large intestine bunched together and and positioned very low abdomen Asthenic
The general term used to describe the surgical procedure of forming an artificial opening to the intestine for the passageway of fecal matter Enterostomy
What projection are used for radiographs made during defecography Lateral
The vermiform appendix is a small, blind pouch which projects inferior from the Cecum
How far is the enema tip inserted into the rectum for colon exam 3.5-4 inches
The entire colon is best demonstrated in which projection PA or AP
Which projection of the colon will best demonstrate the medial aspect of the ascending colon and lateral aspect of the descending colon when it is inflated with air AP right lateral decubitus
Which projection of the colon best demonstrates the lateral aspect of the ascending colon and medial aspect of the descending colon when it is inflated by air AP left lateral decubitus
What's the length of the average small intestine 22 feet
What is the main function of the small bowel Digestion of food and absorption of food
How many layers is the colon composed of 4
What is the length of the large intestine 5 feet
The main function of the large intestine is Reabsorption of fluid and elimination of waste
The opening between the small intestine and larger intestine is called Ileocecal valve
The contraction waves by which the digestive tube moves its contents toward the return is called Peristalsis
What are the folds of the stomach called Rugae
Finger like projections are called Villi
Where does the duodenum and the jejunum join Duodenojejunum flexure
Largest gland in the body Liver
What are the two regions of the abdomen that are almost entirely occupied by the liver Right hypochondria and epigastric regions
Where is the spleen located l Left upper quadrant
During an ERCP an endoscope is passed into the duodenum under fluoroscopic control. A spot radiographs are usually taken of the Pancreatic duct and common bile duct
During an operative cholangiogram the surgeon ingests contrast medium directly in to the biliary system. Which projections are typically taken with this procedure AP and AP oblique RPO
What are the four parts to the large intestine? 1)Cecum 2)Colon 3)Rectum 4)Anal Canal
Where and what is the vermiform appendix attached to? Posteromedial Side of the Cecum
What methods are used for radiographic examinations of the colon? Single or Double Contrast
What Projection and position will best demonstrate the posterior portion of the colon Lateral projection in Left or Right Ventral Decubitus position
What are the methods of performing a double contrast barium enema? Single stage, & two stage by Welin

Where is the IR centered for all decubitus projection of the large intestine?

Positioning LGI.

At which level is the IR center for a PA projection of the stomach and duodenum?

Digestive System -- UGI.

Which part of the small intestine has a feathery appearance when filled with barium?

Which part of the small intestine has a feathery appearance when filled with barium? pg. 489: The jejunum contains numerous mucosal folds (plicae circulares), which increase the surface area to aid with absorption of nutrients. These numerous mucosal folds produce the "feathery appearance of the jejunum".

Which region of the large intestine may be visualized during an Evacuative Proctogram study?

Bontrager ch 13 self test questions.


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