Which behavior is most characteristic of a client diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder?

Which behavior is most characteristic of a client diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder?

Justifying taking another client's dessert by stating, "I deserve two desserts."

Throwing a book when asked to turn down the volume on the television.

Insisting that it is necessary to eat only green foods on Thursdays.

Repeatedly accusing the staff of favoring another client.

Justifying taking another client's dessert by stating, "I deserve two desserts."

How can the nurse manager on a mental health unit devoted to the care of clients diagnosed with personality disorders address the needs of the nursing staff?

Design schedules to provide staff with 3 consecutive days off each period

Schedule monthly in-services on the management of this client population

Require that nursing staff rotate to another nursing unit for 6 months every 24 months

Hold a daily meeting to focus on communication between nursing and supervisory staff

Hold a daily meeting to focus on communication between nursing and supervisory staff

Which stress management behavior is most reflective of those associated with personality disorders?

Binge drinking every weekend

Demonstrating ritualistic behaviors

Blaming spouse for the client's poor performance at work

Having difficulty making a decision concerning which movie to view

Blaming spouse for the client's poor performance at work

Which statement by a nurse providing care for clients diagnosed with personality disorders demonstrates therapeutic management of manipulative client behavior?
Select all that apply.

"Tell me what triggered your angry response to what I said."
"The staff is responsible for determining unit rules that are fair to all clients."
"Remember that all clients must follow the rules regarding the use of the telephone."
"Missing group today means that you will not be able to attend the pizza party later."
"Tell me what you are trying to accomplish by being so rude to the staff and other clients."


Which statement demonstrates a defense mechanism often implemented by clients diagnosed with a borderline personality disorder?

"I'm so ashamed when I lose my temper."

"There is nothing good I can say about my mother."

"I can't go to group unless you go with me."

"I've attempted suicide on three different occasions."

"There is nothing good I can say about my mother."

Which behavior is characteristic of a patient diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder?

Antisocial personality disorder is a particularly challenging type of personality disorder characterised by impulsive, irresponsible and often criminal behaviour. Someone with antisocial personality disorder will typically be manipulative, deceitful and reckless, and will not care for other people's feelings.

Which of the following is characteristic of antisocial personality disorder quizlet?

People with antisocial personality disorder may: Be physically aggressive. Behave recklessly. Blame others for their problems.

How is antisocial personality disorder diagnosed?

Diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder is typically based on: A psychological evaluation that explores thoughts, feelings, relationships, behavior patterns and family history. Personal and medical history.

Which type of behavior is expected from a client diagnosed with a paranoid personality disorder?

Cluster A personality disorders Paranoid personality disorder: The main feature of this condition is paranoia, which is a relentless mistrust and suspicion of others without adequate reason for suspicion. People with paranoid personality disorder often believe others are trying to demean, harm or threaten them.


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