Which birth control method reduces the risk of pregnancy and protects from sexually transmitted infections?

Best Birth Control for STI and Pregnancy Prevention

When it comes to preventing pregnancy, you have tons of great birth control options. The catch: Some of the most effective ones, like IUDs and implants, don’t do anything to protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Contraceptive pills, patches, rings, and shots won’t protect you from STIs, either.

That matters a lot because STIs are more common than you might think. More than half of all sexually active people will contract one at some point. STIs range from the human papillomavirus (HPV) -- which you can dodge with a vaccine -- to gonorrhea, chlamydia, herpes, and HIV, to name just a few.

If your goal is to prevent both pregnancy and STIs, there are only a few ways to make that happen.


Not having sex is the only surefire way to avoid getting pregnant or contracting an STI. Abstaining from sex means different things to different people. For avoiding pregnancy, it means skipping vaginal intercourse. To prevent STIs, it means avoiding oral and anal sex as well.


Outercourse refers to any kind of sexual activity that’s not intercourse. Kissing, touching each other, and dry humping are all forms of outercourse. If semen doesn’t get into the vagina, you won’t get pregnant. But keep in mind that it’s still possible to pick up an STI if you have skin-on-skin genital contact (even if you don’t actually have sex). That’s also true if any of your partner’s fluids get into your mouth or genitals.


The only way to be sexually active and prevent both pregnancy and STIs is with a latex or plastic (polyurethane, nitrile, or polyisoprene) condom. You have to use one every time you have sex. Condoms place a physical barrier between you and your partner, which prevents the spread of germs and semen.

Few people use condoms perfectly all the time, but they’re still highly effective. After figuring in breaks and user error, male condoms (worn over the penis) are about 85% effective in preventing pregnancy.

Note that condoms made of animal materials, such as lambskin, will reduce the risk of pregnancy but don’t stop the spread of STIs.

Female condoms, or internal condoms, are also effective at preventing pregnancy and keeping STIs at bay. They’re about 79% effective at preventing pregnancy after accounting for misuse. Just don’t use them at the same time as a male condom or they could break.

A condom is most likely to work properly if you:

  • Make sure it isn’t expired.
  • Keep it on the entire time you’re having sex.
  • Use it with a water-based lubricant, which reduces friction and decreases the chances of it breaking.

To further protect against pregnancy without leaving yourself vulnerable to STDs, you can combine condoms with another birth control method, such as the pill or an IUD.

Which birth control method reduces the risk of pregnancy and protects from sexually transmitted infection Brainly?

A condom is a thin, loose-fitting pouch or sheath that protects against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or infections (STIs). As a barrier method of birth control (contraception), condoms prevent pregnancy by keeping a male's sperm from reaching a female's eggs.

Which birth control methods protect against sexually transmitted infections?

Condoms are the only type of birth control that protects against STDs. When used correctly, condoms are also fairly effective at protecting against pregnancy — but they're not as successful as hormonal methods like the Pill, patch, ring, IUD, or birth control shot.

Which birth control method reduces the risk of pregnancy?

Some types of birth control work better than others. The kinds of birth control that work the best to prevent pregnancy are the implant and IUDs — they're also the most convenient to use, and the most foolproof.

Which method is most effective at preventing both pregnancy and STDs?

The best choice to prevent both pregnancy and diseases is to not have sex. Abstinence, or deciding not to have sex, is 100% effective at preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases and infections.


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